Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 30 Surpassing Strength

White leaves. Involved in new stones.

The former March cabinet owner and the former November cabinet owner. Two mysterious and powerful men stood in white and in the cloudy sky, looking at the ground with fearless eyes.

"Traitor White Leaf! From the day you defected to the moon world, you have no future!" The voice of an old man came from behind everyone, and the night disappeared with the old man's appearance. In a blink of an eye, it turned into a cloudy day, but the thick dark clouds still did not dissipate.

is an oath. The third generation of the general cabinet of the lunar world, the legendary figure who ended the dispute in the lunar world 65 years ago. He is also the most powerful moon warrior in the lunar world.

60 years ago, Wangu, Jin Minzhong and Xiao Nanhuo defected. Sixty years later, Baiye, Shixinshi, Tianlianer and the giant dragon defected. The owner of the moon world has changed, but he can never change the situation of becoming an enemy after all.

"Lord..." Li Ruoyu's mood when looking at the sky inevitably fluctuated, and Wu Ying also looked at the sky nervously, but... there was no Tianlian.

Wu Ying did not know that Tianlian was seriously injured by a dead man. At this time, Yu Tiejun also looked at Bai Ye with great indignation, that was he... Because he trusted this man very much, he almost became a traitor and had been wandering on the escape.

"I swear to the Lord." Bai Ye said, "Your temper is still as hot as usual. It seems that... we are still going to war."

"There are only two of you, will you still win!" I swear to heaven.

"Oh?" Bai Ye smiled gently, "Maybe. At least... I don't face more than 100,000 moon soldiers now. The two face 24 people, which is better than before. What's more, there are many injured here.

Jin Minjun, Chuba and Lu Ye's injuries have naturally not recovered, and the injuries suffered by Ke Jinghang and Wu Jing in the fierce battle with Sanmo have not been fully treated. It can be said that the five of them will not live their lives.

But the seven cabinet masters fought against Baiye and Shibe Xinshi, and the winning rate was still very high. I really don't know what Bai Ye is doing.

"But... I still think there are more people." Bai Ye laughed and suddenly burst out an extremely strong source of courage, and everyone on the ground felt that there was an unbearable pressure.

Only after this moment, eleven deputy cabinet owners except Xie Yu fell to the ground.

"Xie Yu!" I swear to heaven.

Xie Yu's body immediately disappeared, and the eleven deputy cabinet owners also disappeared. This should be Xie Yuyuejian's ability. Anyway, those deputy cabinet owners have been rescued.

However, every cabinet owner present widened his eyes in consterred.

Just the outbreak of the soul... all the deputy cabinet owners can't move. How powerful and horrible is this? If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can't expect that Baiye's strength will reach this point.

And everyone can clearly see that the white leaf's chest is shining, and a white bead seems to be embedded in it. It seems that the white leaf has indeed combined with the soul knot.

Sacrificing the ages and the Italian world, this round of large-scale sacrifices is only to make the knot absorb more souls and sources to achieve unprecedented strength. However, it is hard to believe that Bai Ye actually conquered such a powerful knot.

The soul has its own thoughts, and it will only obey a more powerful existence than it. And white leaves are undoubtedly like this.

"Master Baiye Pavilion. Alas. You don't need to do that." Shi Xinshi smiled leisurely and said in his voice full of regret, "I finally saw my lovely deputy cabinet owner, and I haven't had time to say hello. I will be very distressed if I let her fall down like this.

"New Stone." Bai Ye suddenly called the name of the new stone.

Shi Xinshi narrowed his eyes and smiled like a snake. Thanks to Zhang Jun's beautiful face, otherwise it would be terrible. Shi Xinshi smiled and said quietly, "What's the matter, Lord Baiye Pavilion?"

"There is no one you miss here." Bai Ye said softly in an extremely slow voice, "If you miss it, it will be extremely unfavorable in the battle."

she xin shi still hasn't changed his face and his smile is extremely clear. He also said softly, "People who miss... There are really some here. Two old friends are looking at me with eyes that want to fight with me. Unfortunately, there is one that can't fight for the time being.

Sure enough, Jin Minjun was sitting on the ground, clenching his fist and staring at the new stone. And there is another person... magic star.

The Magic Star is staring at Shi Xinshi with vicious eyes. I'm afraid he remembered Fox's unintentional lie. Whether it is true or not, the ambiguous relationship between Xinshi and Shan Ling when they were in the lunar world is well known to everyone. Only 116 years ago, after Shan Ling, who had not become the deputy cabinet owner, was injured by Qiu Xinjin in the soul area, with Shan Ling's amnesia, the relationship between the two seemed to slowly recede.

"Alas, this is really creepy." Shi Xinshi looked at Bai Ye and said with a sarcastic smile, "What should I do? At the beginning, I lost a lot to them.

"It doesn't matter." Bai Ye said slowly, with a confident smile on his face, "Because the real future will always be in our hands."

Shi Xinshi stopped talking, took a step back and watched the white leaves slowly fall to the ground.

The pavilion owner, who has no dreams, is intelligent and beautiful, has the most powerful intelligence system and investigation power. Shuang Junjie, who was received in March, made excellent improvements to the treatment system of the lunar boundary. Lu Yesheng, the father of Lu Yuanhan, the teenager I am concerned about, can be perfectly mastered throughout his life. White leaves looked at these long-lost cabinet owners.

"Jin Minjun, the only aristocratic cabinet owner in the moon world, is the fastest, and his father is the second-generation general cabinet owner of the moon world. Shuangxin, you are one of the three people I fear the most. You have caused me a great loss. Bai Ye said this without any emotional fluctuations. "Linghun, the former commander of the elite army, has the fighting skills at the top of the moon sword. You are much stronger than the dragon."

No one spoke and stared at Bai Ye for fear that he would suddenly take action. And what everyone is more afraid of is the strange moon sword of Bai Ye.

"In the eighth day of the first lunar month, I am a maniac, with the strongest swordsmanship and unsolved combat effectiveness. To be honest, even I don't want to fight directly with you. Wu Jing, the former commander of the assassination legion, has excellent combat skills and speed. You and Tianlian can be said to be comparable. Bai Ye said that these people are countless treasures, and they are all companions who have worked together for many years. "Tian Ding, his boxing skills are the strongest, with a saint-like heart, but their combat effectiveness is also very amazing."

"Ke Jinghang, former head of the Guardian Legion. He has a life of change and meticulousness. The magic star is the strongest in spell, and it is also the most likely to enter the heart trap in March. Bai Ye said a lot in one breath, and finally looked at the oath, "Of course, there is also the master of the pavilion I respect the most, the master of the oath. You are also one of the three people I fear the most. Fortunately, there is also a guy named Qingtian, who has been trapped in the trap by me.

"Is that over!" He looked at Bai Ye angrily. At this time, he was the closest to Bai Ye.

"It seems..." Before Bai Ye finished speaking, he felt that the world in front of him had changed, and it turned out that his heart had not been relieved for the rest of his life. Two hearts stabbed the heart of the white leaf.

Unexpectedly... pierced!?

No one can believe that it will end like this, and the white leaf actually spit blood. But the two hearts are extremely confident that they can manipulate people's senses throughout their lives, and now Bai Ye has definitely fallen into the horrible memories of the past! The two hearts increased the strength of the sword, and it seemed that it was necessary to smash this perfect conspiratorial man with strength.

No, it's not! It seems that... my eyes widened and I felt something was wrong.

White leaves suddenly appeared behind their hearts, with a sword drawn to the back of their hearts, and their hearts sprayed blood on the back and fell to the ground on the spot. This is... the ability of the white leaf moon sword, illusion! The horrible ability that once made white leaves fake death and come back to life!

"Two hearts!" The demon star was also shocked. At the same time, he learned that Shanling was also restless with the dead people trapped in the trap world. He rushed forward and roared, "For life, curse the demon realm!"

The soul knot on the white leaf's chest was directly absorbed by the magic star's lifetime. It seems that the magic star's lifelong ability is extremely strong. The magic star can absorb any high-spiriting device of the opponent, even including the featherer's whip, the moon sword of the moon, the black knife of the trap and the trap arrow.

This is the most proud ability of the Magic Star. He has defeated many enemies far stronger than him in his life, all of whom are on the verge of life and turn the situation around in an instant.

"White leaves! That's it!" The magic star put on a posture and shouted, "Attack Spell 142 - mystery fire!"

The infinite fire surrounded the white leaf. Such a high-level spell is still used by the magic star. It seems that the white leaf is injured as soon as he dies. Just as the magic star thought everything was over, his heart suddenly raised his head and shouted, "Stupid! Run away!"

The magic star was stunned, then spitting blood, frowned and dilated his pupils, and looked down at the bleeding abdomen... Unexpectedly, he was pierced through his abdomen by white leaves. He found that the knot had merged with the white leaf again. When did this happen?

Damn! The magic star raised his hand and seemed to want to use a powerful spell to make Bai Ye avoid it, but at this time, the sword inserted into his abdomen actually disappeared, and the white leaf in front of him suddenly disappeared. Magic Star suddenly felt that his wrist seemed to be held by someone.

It's a white leaf! But...when did he come to his back! The magic star widened his eyes in astonishment.

Bai Ye showed a beautiful smile and said coldly and gently in the ear of the magic star, "It's all flaws. Lord of the Magic Star Pavilion.

The white light lit up, the blood was everywhere, and his heart turned over with difficulty. He saw such a scene: the magic star's back was hit by another sword, and the blood stained his body red, and he fell to the ground.