Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 44 The Strongest Battle

The central area has been completely surrounded by a sea of fire, and more than ten meters on the ground is full of endless fire. The reason why the fire did not completely flood the central area is that there are several cabinet masters and deputy cabinet owners lying on the ground.

But white leaves standing in the sea of fire did not seem to have suffered much damage.

"Just a second life has such a strong damage..." Bai Ye stood in the sea of fire and said quietly in a contemptuous but vigilant tone, "It's really worthy of being the master of the cabinet. If...if it weren't for the soul knot, I'm afraid I would have died... If I had known this, the 100 magic traps I brought here would have been put in the soul area."

As soon as the white leaf words came out, the two hearts on the ground found that there seemed to be a sense of soul when trapped around the central area of the lunar boundary. Just a second move can directly capture the lives of 100 magic traps. Such damage from the head of the cabinet is overriding all the cabinet owners in the moon world.

But my heart began to feel uneasy.

When did the hundred magic traps come in by the white leaves? Why didn't you notice it? Bai Ye clearly knew that it could not do anything in the face of the cabinet-level ordinary magic traps. Why did he put them in? Looking at the sky, the tears on his face were not dry, and Tianding had completely turned into a source of soul in front of him and Tian Zhilan and disappeared in the moon world.

It's definitely not that simple! Two hearts tried to stand up, but as soon as they got up, they spit out a mouthful of blood and knelt on the ground.

"Double-hearted Lord!" Tian Zhilan shouted with a crying voice, and she obviously couldn't get out of her brother's pain. The two hearts supported the ground with their hands, obviously they could no longer hold on.

The low physique of the two hearts is also poor, and it is fortunate that Bai Ye's sword just failed to kill both hearts. Bai Ye originally intended to kill Shuangxin directly, but just after fighting with Shuangxin, the magic star rushed up, and then there was no chance.

The two hearts gasped, and a few drops of bean-like sweat fell down. Obviously, they could not hold on under such a powerful source pressure. Both the white leaf and the oath have raised the source of the soul to the highest level. For the two hearts, it is already the limit. And Shuang Junjie obviously has no way to continue treatment. Now even self-preservation has become a problem, but at this time, he feels that someone has begun to treat him.

Is it Meng Meng who did not participate in the war? The two hearts looked at the other side. No, the spirit of Meng Meng's deputy cabinet has long been unable to move under such strong pressure. Who is that? Close your eyes and meditate, looking for the mysterious person who treated him remotely.

"To be honest... In the whole moon world, only your combat strength is above me, and with the strength of my own moon warrior, it has already surpassed the eighth day of the first lunar month." Bai Ye began to sweat profusely and spoke a little hard. "The only thing I'm afraid of is to compete with you, the Lord of the Heavenly Pavilion. Even if I complete the first stage of evolution... I'm afraid I'm not your opponent."

Swearing to strengthen the source of the soul, the clothes of the white leaves began to melt, but the sea of fire still could not hurt the white leaves. It can be felt that a powerful source is also breaking out on the white leaf's body, forming a film that cannot be seen with the naked eye to protect the white leaf's body.

"But... Lord, I'm not a fool." Bai Ye smiled and looked at the oath, "Since you are here... How can you kill me?"

"Don't argue with traitors! I will kill you with flames and avenge thousands of moon warriors!" Shitian was obviously angry. After all, he was naturally angry when he saw the cabinet owner Tianding, whom he chose, die tragically in the hands of Bai Ye.

However, although Bai Ye's words were fierce, he obviously showed a tired look.

After all, it has just been a wheel battle with so many cabinet owners, and it has consumed a lot of soul resources to kill both attack and defense, which is superior in the moon world, and Baiye's physical strength has also been greatly consumed.

"Let's die! Traitor!" I swear that the sky is furious, and the white beard flutters in the sea of fire, but it will not be burned.

The white leaf finally hummed, because his arm began to appear scorched. The sky waved its long stick again, and a flame went away like a tsunami.

But at this time, the sea of fire disappeared!

That's true! Two hearts raised their heads and looked around. The black smoke of the original hundred magic traps began to permeate and was extinguishing the flames. This is an illusion trap transformed by white leaves! The soul knot can absorb all the sources of soul, but Bai Ye knows that in the moon world, even in March, no one can swear to the sky. It is absolutely unrealistic to absorb the flame of the oath with the soul knot alone.

And Yueshi's battle can also be said to be the battle of the source of the soul. The reason why when the white leaf uses his derivative ability, the second life of the oath can also transform the weapon and can use the derivative ability is that the source of the oath is above the white leaf.

What a horrible old man. It's just a white leaf in the form of the moon warrior. The combat effectiveness is almost the same as that of the eighth lunar month. It is fused with the soul knot, and completely dissolves the soul knot into its own body. It enters the first stage of evolution. The soul source is already powerful that the moon warriors can't understand. But I swear that the sky is still far above the white leaves at this time.

But the terrible thing about Bai Ye is not only his outstanding strength, but also his strange derivative ability of the moon sword, but more importantly, he has an outstanding mind, which is why Bai Ye tried his best to isolate the dead and severely damaged two hearts. In the moon world, there are only two people whose minds can be above the white leaves. The magic trap transformed by the white leaf with the soul knot, and the black fog after death are absorbing the flame created by the oath. In the lunar world, any attack form is actually a source of soul.

"It's really awesome, I swear to the Lord." Bai Ye waved his burned hands and sighed, "This can still burn me, but... I'm better."

I swear to grit my teeth.

Everything that the dead people worried about finally happened. The moon warriors rely too much on their own moon swords, but if all the abilities created by the moon sword for the moon warriors are invalid, and they can't release spells or create attack skills with the same attributes, and even the derivative abilities that the moon warriors are proud of are completely invalid, can the moon warriors still fight?

Only by your own combat effectiveness? I'm afraid that only the eighth day of the lunar world dares to do so, Tianding, Linghun and the master of the pavilion.

What's more surprising is that Bai Ye's arms are still recovering.

"Thank you very much." Bai Ye smiled and said, "You are the first person to hurt me to this extent, which is worthy of admiration. However, if you can't kill me with one blow, then... I'm immortal."

"Immortal body? Traitor, you are too arrogant. He vowed to continue to hold his imperial staff high, looked at the white leaves with cold eyes, and said quietly, "One blow will kill? Do you really think I can't do it?"

His heart trembled and knew what would definitely happen, but now he can't stop swearing. He knows that he must let swear for life, otherwise no one can stop the white leaves.

"For the rest of your life, you will be a flame!"

At the moment of life, all the buildings in the central area of the lunar boundary were completely destroyed, and both the general conference hall, the director's prison or the political council hall were all shattered. To his heart's disbelief, he thought that the vice-goverlords on the ground and himself would be sacrificed because their vows would be smashed, but a transparent and powerful defense spell also appeared ten meters in the air, which saved everyone.

Who!? Who is protecting everyone, his heart trembles, knowing that this is the work of the mysterious person who has just treated himself. But two hearts can't find who is doing this.

is coming, just waiting for this moment. When Bai Ye saw the moment of the oath for the rest of his life, he showed an arrogant and happy smile. At the moment when the white leaf was about to be destroyed by the oath, the life of the oath... unexpectedly... disappeared.

What's going on!

"Hahahaha! The only way to kill me has also disappeared!" Bai Ye actually was different from his usual calmness and began to laugh arrogantly, "The whole moon world, only swear that you can kill me for the rest of your life! Finally, let me wait until this moment! From now on, I will be invincible! You... all will be buried with the moon world when I open the road to the spiritual world! I want you to watch me step into the spiritual world before I die, and then blood wash the spiritual world and the demon world!"

A terrible man... But how on earth did he do it? Both hearts suddenly remembered the previous war between them and Winter and Sanmo. Could it be...

"In order to seal your life... I paid a great price." Bai Ye smiled and said, "To be honest... Your plan has really exceeded my expectations, and you have completely destroyed the Summer Palace and the Winter Palace. In my scheme, they should have done more harm to you and would not make such a sacrifice, but... I didn't expect to fall in your trap instead.

He was not in the mood to listen to these praises. He just wanted to know what had happened.

"The function of the heart trap... is to seal your life and swear to heaven." Bai Ye sneered, "Carter, Sanmo and Winter, as long as they come to the moon world, they are a source of soul that restricts your moon sword... Do you understand? The so-called heart trap is not a fighting machine at all for me, but... for you for the rest of your life!"

The two hearts suddenly realized that the uneasiness was really like this, and the Winter Palace and the Summer Palace were not so simple.

"Master of the Cabinet. I dare not save your life." Bai Ye raised the moon sword, aimed at the oath, and said quietly, "My life... This ability can only be used twice in a day. Once for you, once for Lu Yuanhan. Sorry, it's blank for the rest of my life!"

Sworn that Tian seemed to be restricted by Bai Ye's spell and could not move at all. He let Bai Ye's moon sword aim at his head, and a white light came to him but could not dodge.

"Master of the Cabinet!" Shui Wumeng cried, but he couldn't get up.

But at this time, a man suddenly stood in front of the oath, and the man died on the spot without leaving a word.

"Thank you, Xie Yu...you...?" The oath widened his turbid eyes, and his old tears trembled with wrinkles on his face. He looked at Xie Yu, who had rolled his eyes and had no breath in front of him, and trembled.