Fairy Sword

Chapter 12 Beauty and Beauty Avoid Shuangshu Watching Demons Without Words

Looking at the man, the man stepped on the waves, but it seemed that his feet were empty. It was really back to the wind and snow, and his feet were full of vitality. Seeing that he was so handsome, he forgot the pain and hunger for a moment, and couldn't help shouting in his heart.

The man came closer, looked at him, and said faintly, "I thought it was the master who came back from sea, but it turned out to be a dirty boy!" After carefully looking at this person, he found that he was a woman, and his age was in a trance with his brother Zong Ping.

The girl's skin was extremely white and her phoenix eyes were slightly opened. At this time, the drizzle in the sky gradually became heavy again. The girl covered her dark hair with the umbrella and threw her hands and feet like a man, but her look was extremely cold. Although he is young and doesn't know the relationship between young men and women, he can't help but be stunned by such a touching opposite sex.

The girl didn't look at him and turned around and walked back to the shore. Only then did Wuyu wake up and shouted, "Big sister! Please stay!"

The girl slowly stopped her steps, turned her face slightly, and asked softly, "What else do you have? There has never been a man left in this turtle island. You'd better leave quickly. With that, he went to the island again.

Seeing that he was indifferent, he hurried down the wreck. Unexpectedly, he had not eaten for many days and had no strength at all. He suddenly fell into the tide and struggled to climb to the shore.

Wu climbed to the shore, but he had not seen the girl for a long time. After hesitating for a while, he shook his head and said to himself, "There is such a beautiful person in the world. I must be hungry and my eyes are dazzled."

After saying that, he walked to the flower forest in the island and saw that the seaside was full of coconut trees, which were full of ripe coconuts. He had never seen this thing without any reputation. However, when he had heard that Han Shanfu mentioned it to himself, he was happy and vomited on the beach. Suddenly, he felt full of energy, so he got up and jumped to the tree and stretched out his hand to hit it. After falling a few, I picked up some hard sea shellfish on the ground, cut the coconut skin, drank the coconut milk, and chewed the coconut meat with a big mouth. Suddenly, I felt fruity and fragrant.

After eating, Wujing came to his senses and thought that he had just seen the woman. It was clear that there was a person living in the sea. Thinking of this, he crossed the jungle and searched for the island. After sailing for many days, he was already dirty and suffered the disaster at sea. His clothes and clothes were also dilapidated, just like the wild man in the mountain.

Wu walked to a quiet place and found that the nearby trees were like the flower trees in the south of the Yangtze River. When he was surprised, he suddenly saw two spirit snakes on the tree, one blue and one black, wrapped around a bamboo branch. Looking up, there was a civet cat-like animal at the top of the bamboo, trembling on the tip of the tree, and he wanted to do it. The thing in the belly of the spirit snake.

Wu has grown up in the mountains since he was a child. He is kind-hearted and has saved countless animals. Can you watch the civet cat suffer this disaster? He picked up a sharp stone and gently threw it at the spirit snake.

Who knew that the stone was very sharp, and suddenly cut one of the green snakes in two. Another black snake lost its life after seeing the green snake fall to the ground and roll in pain. Suddenly, he flew into a stone wall next to him, and suddenly blood flowed and died.

It turned out that although the time of practice was short, he was talented and did not be lazy for a day. The strength of his hands and the agility of his body are also increasing, but he is also unaware of it.

Seeing that one was cut in half by himself, but the other one couldn't bear to be lonely. He saved one life, but lost two lives. He sat on the treetop and lamented that the world was unpredictable and unfathomed, and he was very annoyed.

The civet cat was frightened and refused to come down at the top of the bamboo branch. Wuyu was about to climb to the top * He saved him, and suddenly heard a silver bell-like voice saying, "Qing'er!? Moer! Where are you?"

He was stunned and knew that the owner of the snake had come to find his pet. He hurriedly calmed down and quietly observed on the bamboo end. I saw a girl on the ground, with a snow-white face like peach blossoms, which was quite adorable. But compared with the woman seen by the sea, it is dwarfed.

Suddenly, he heard the woman scream and found the bodies of two snakes on the ground. Her heart was full of apology. Suddenly, she wanted to put down the bamboo branches and apologize to the girl. But suddenly remembered Xie Xuanyuan's meeting with him, and the sinister idea came to his mind, so he still couldn't sit still.

I heard the woman shout again, "Sister! Come and see! For some reason, our baby looks like this!"

Another girl's voice came from the bamboo forest and said, "Xue'er, what are you talking about? Qing'er and the others are fine in the morning. There is no one else on this island. Who will hurt them!"

Wuqi held his breath and looked down. He saw a beautiful girl coming over as she spoke. The girl is also very beautiful, but her cheekbones are quite high, and she seems to be very mean.

The girl couldn't help screaming when she saw the two spirit snakes on the ground. Then he said, "Xueer, this spirit snake is an extremely sensitive thing. Ordinary mortals can't get close to them at all. It must be a practitioner on the island. We should pay attention to look around to avoid being poisoned by those demons!"

The girl named Cher said coquettishly, "Let's look for it separately. I must avenge these two treasures!" As he was about to get up and leave, the civet cat on the bamboo branch howled on it, and its voice was very sad.

Wuqi said angrily, "This thing is shouting at this time! Alas, it doesn't matter. I killed other people's spiritual snakes and apologized honestly to avoid misunderstandings.

Thinking of this about to jump to the bamboo branch, I suddenly heard the snow shouting, "Sister! The demon is on the bamboo tree!" The tall girl raised her hand with a white light and shot at the bamboo branch where she was.

Wuyi tilted his head and flashed aside, climbed the bamboo branch with his hand a few times, hugged the civet cat and jumped down the bamboo slightly. The tall girl on the ground couldn't help but get angry. The girl named Xue'er's eyes were wide open, her pink eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she waved a "five thunder heart" to bombard Wuyi.

Wu Yi was angry and said to himself that although he was dirty and dirty, but after all, he was a mortal fetus. Why did this girl do so viciously! He hurriedly dodged to the bamboo forest.

Two girls were about to catch up when they heard a boy's hoarse voice shouting, "It's amazing! The two little beasts of the old nun are going to kill again!!" After listening to it, he felt funny, so he stopped and listened carefully.

I only heard the Cher say loudly, "You naughty! Why did you come to this neighborhood again? What are we doing? Do you still want to be in charge of you, the savage? With that, he pouted his red lips.

When the boy saw that she was so beautiful, he teased and said, "Oh, the little beauty is much more beautiful than the big beauty next to her! He laughed as he said.

The beautiful girl said, "If it hadn't been for the master's mercy, you would have been the target of our sisters on this ghost turtle island!" You can still be so arrogant and domineering! I'll tear your stinky mouth sooner or later!"

The boy laughed and said, "The viciousness of your sisters is known to the world. It's the same whether I say it or not!"

Xue'er said to the Gao Xiu girl, "Sister Zhuyun, let's ignore this disgusting thing and continue to find the demon to avenge our baby!"

Zheyun suddenly looked down and said to the boy, "If you don't leave, I will kill you here with my flying sword!" Then he replied to the master that it was what the demon did! What do you think? Humph!"

Hearing this, the boy had to spit out his tongue and said, "Okay, well, I, Cui Kubo, can't afford to provoke you. It's better to avoid it for the time being. He will kill you two little ladies first when I practice the sword!" After saying that, he fled as if flying.

I only heard Zhuyun say loudly, "Xue! Let's use that pair of swords to kill the demon!" Xi Xue nodded and agreed. Wuqi heard clearly in the bamboo forest, and his heart couldn't help jumping up.

When the skin killed the python, he used five thunder hearts, but he was also exhausted. Why are these two young and powerful, using flying swords and Taoism like children's tricks? Suddenly, the wind above his head was loud, and the civet cat in his arms also squeaked in shock. He hurriedly put it in his arms and pressed it tightly to the ground.

In an instant, two flying swords flashed over his head with light, and Fei also cut off half of his bun, which shocked him with cold sweat! The two sword lights did not leave the bamboo forest, one black and one blue, hovering on the top of the bamboo forest.

He listened to the rustling sound of the bamboo forest and glanced at the bamboo shoots slightly. He saw that a row of bamboo had been cut in half, only more than one meter high from the ground. If he hadn't leaned to the ground, he would have been dismembered on the spot!

I calmed down. Although I was afraid, I also had a great interest in the Taoist sword in the world. The two girls saw that they had cut off a large bamboo forest and withdrew their flying swords, but they did not see blood stains on the sword, and their hearts were terrped. I only heard a soft voice say, "Why are you two cutting that bamboo forest!"

Zhu Yun looked back and saw the beautiful girl Cui Kubo and Wuyu met at the seaside standing coldly behind them, and said arrogantly, "It's raining! Our sisters are doing things. Do you want you, a lowly bastard, to dictate!?"

Xi Xue saw that it was the girl, and also raised her head and said in a delicate voice, "If you intervene in this matter, my sister and I will kill you together, except for the trouble in your door!"

The girl said coldly in the rain, "The master immediately returned to the island. I don't care what you do, but it's not yet the turn of the two masters on the turtle island. Take your flying sword for the time being."

Zhu Yunliu raised his eyebrows and shouted loudly, "It seems that the master is not here. Do you want to be the owner of this island? Joke!"

Wuyu walked out in the bamboo forest and put the civet cat on the ground. When the civet cat saw the rain, it jumped into her arms. The rain touched it, looked at Wuyu and said, "Why are you? Didn't I let you leave the island quickly?"

Wuyi didn't want to implicate Cui Kubo and Luo Yu. He turned around and bowed to Zhu Yun Xixue and said to Luo Yu, "Don't blame these two sisters. I killed one of their green snakes by mistake, and the other also died for it. What do you want to do with me? It's up to you!"

Xi Xue mocked at this time and said, "It seems that Sister Yu knows this demon. While the master is away, she must want to collude with the demon to seize the demon's blade!"

The rain did not answer and said to Wuyu, "Those two poisons have been coveting me for a long time. Today, in addition to them, you are also a merit. Come with me!" Turn around and leave.

Seeing that the falling rain was so arrogant and disdainful, he suddenly became angry, and there was a sword behind the falling rain!

Cui Kubo saw it and shouted, "Sister Yu, be careful! That mother-in-law is going to kill!"

The rain did not look back. He held the civet cat, turned back and took the jade flute to dance to the flying sword. The black light flashed, and the flying sword fell into the flute and there was no longer alive. When I saw the snow, I was even more enmuched, so I wanted to fly my sword to stab the falling rain. Zhuyun stopped her and whispered, "Don't take the flying sword away from her, so that we won't have a chance of winning." Wuqi looked at the sister, nodded with a smile to greet Cui Kubo, and then followed Luoyu.

With loose hair, he followed the falling rain and walked to the island with Cui Kubo. Along the way, he looked at the graceful posture of the falling rain and was silently distracted. Cui Kubo covered his mouth and laughed.

said without any embarrassment, "My name is Zhang Wuyu. I'm from outside the island. Excuse me, brother, is there any village on this island so that I can borrow it for a night, and I will leave here tomorrow. I'm really sorry for causing you a lot of trouble!"

Cui Kubo said, "If you don't come, it's just a mess here. The goblin sisters are trying their best to bully Sister Luo Yu. There is no resident residence on this island. My name is Cui Kubo. I am an orphan. I used to be a handyman of a fisherman. Once I went to sea, a big ship encountered a shipwreck. Fortunately, I was rescued by the turtle on this island, so that I can be sound until now.

Wuqi nodded and said, "It turns out that my brother, like me, came here in distress in the sea." With that, he told Cui Kubo what happened in the sea.

Falling rain walked not far ahead. Hearing that Wuyi could survive such a shipwreck, he stopped curiously and turned around and asked, "You mean that Xie Xuanyuan is also on the big ship you are on?"

Wuqi nodded and replied, "I don't know where Elder Xie is now." Luo Yu thought for a moment and said lightly, "I hope the spirit won't wade into the water to save people this time. Let's go."

It was strange to see what he said, but it was inconvenient to ask, so I had to continue to follow her. After walking for a long time, I saw a pavilion in front of me. The building was no less than the wind in the south of the Yangtze River. There was a black plaque hanging on the main hall with three red letters "Wang Haixuan". The falling rain walked under a standing wooden pillar and raised his hand to the sky. A big snow-white bird flew down from the pillar.

Wu Wei was curious and looked at Cui Kubo. Cui Kubo knew that he didn't know this thing, so he said, "This big bird is called Xuetou Yuan, which is raised by the god Ni master on this island. This bird was almost eaten by me with a slingshot. Later, I learned that it could travel thousands of miles a day and bring back to the world for the island. It's really a masterpiece. Evil, haha!" Luoyu smiled and listened to Cui Kubo's story, but did not say anything. He just reached out and untied the white paper tied to the snow-headed kite's legs. After looking at it for a long time, he put the paper in his sleeve and waved his hand to release the snow kite back.

Luoyu turned around and said to Cui Kubo, "Go back to the back cliff of the island. If you stay here for a long time, you will be found by the two sisters, but you will suffer."

Cui Kubo said, "The grain in my cave was used up yesterday. Today, I want to get some rice, that is, Sister Yu ordered me to do it." With that, he went to the house to get some rice and food and walked far away.

Luo Yu looked at Wu and whispered, "Come to the house with me." Wuyi has never been alone in the same room with a girl in her life. Hearing what she said, her face turned red and the deer in her heart jumped up. Seeing his reservedness, Luoyu reached out and pulled him into the house and closed the door tightly.

Wu Yu's already blushed face and stood awkwardly in the hall at a loss. Luoyu asked about the origin of Wuyu and told the truth one by one. Luoyu nodded and said, "It turns out that you are from the Xuanyi Gate. Do you know why Xie Xuanyuan came here this time?

Wu nodded and said, "It seems that I heard those people and predecessors mention that they are going to come to this island to get back some kind of swords and swords."

Luo Yu said to Wuyu, "I'll take you to see something, but no matter what you see for a while, you can't think about it." Nod his head.

The falling rain turned around and touched a wall in the hall. Hearing the creak of the wall, the mechanism behind the wall turned over. It turned out to be a rather secret underground corridor. The falling rain slapped a lamp and led Wuyi down the corridor.

Although it was dark inside, there was no moisture. After turning a few corners, I finally came to a stone gate. Seeing the incantation in the mouth of the falling rain, the stone door slowly opened. Follow her in and look at the surrounding walls.

There is no table, chair and furniture in it. It's just two dim yellow oil lamps burning on the wall. There seems to be something hanging in the middle. I couldn't help but be shocked when I fixed my eyes on that thing!

The original thing hanging on it is like a dead bone in a person's arm. Luo Yu said softly, "This is the magic knife to solve Xuanyuan. This knife is called 'Hengyou'. Legend has it that the person who made this knife made the handle with his wife's arm, made his son's calf bone into a scabbard, and finally made a blade with his thigh bone. When this knife was completed, he suddenly went crazy and killed all his wives and beloved children, and he also killed himself.

With that, he took the "soul-eating dragonfly" down from the wall and brought it to Wu Wei.

The handle of the knife is indeed a dry arm, with five fingers open, showing a strange momentum. The knife body was in the dark room, and a green light appeared faintly. Looking at the soul, it is refreshing!

Luoyu looked at Wuyu, and there was a strange look in his eyes. After a long time, he said to Wuyu, "As long as many people see this thing, they are either crazy or mentally disordered, but you don't react at all?"

With the light, Wuyi saw that she was gentle and euphemistic and beautiful. He couldn't help but feel dizzy and said with a smile, "My sister is so beautiful, much more soul-eating than this soul-eating dragonfly."

Hearing what he said, Luo Yu suddenly frowned and said angrily, "Why are you men so thin? If you say that again, I will ignore you! Send you to the sisters and let them avenge the spirit snakes!"

Seeing that she was angry, he suddenly felt guilty and had to say, "My sister doesn't like to say this, that's what she listens to."

Facing rain put the magic knife back into the distance and led Wuyu back to the hall. The two had just come out of the dark door on the wall, but they saw that the two sisters were already in the hall.

Zhuyun saw the two enter the secret room and said sarcastically, "Sister Yu is leading this little brother to play somewhere?"

Xi Xue also sneered and said, "In broad daylight, but hide under the stone wall, it must be to do that shady business!"

When Luo Yu heard their rude words, he was immediately angry and was about to argue a few words. He saw Wu stopped in front of Luo Yu and said loudly, "I know that I have offended the two sisters. If you want to avenge your spirit snake baby, please do as you are willing, but if you want to humiliate Sister Luoyu, I will be entangled with you even if I die. !"

The flying sword was taken away by the rain and has been angry all the time. Suddenly, it grabbed the front, grabbed the throat with one hand, stored the breath with the other, covered the head with the five thunder hearts, and shouted, "Return my flying sword to me!" Otherwise, I will strangle this little savage!"

When the rain fell, I had to say, "I hope you won't go up with your promise." Then he handed over the jade flute. Wuyu shouted, "Don't listen to them!" Zhu Yun held it tightly and said, "If you shout again, I will kill you with five thunder hearts!"

Xi Xue grabbed the jade flute and said insidiously, "Facing rain, now that you don't have this jade flute, what else do you have to compete with our sisters!" Let you be buried here today!" With that, he stabbed the falling rain with a sword of light.

The rain hurriedly dodged aside. Seeing her crisis, he was restrained by the clouds, so he shouted, "Sister, don't worry about me. I'm a mountain man, and it's not worth fighting with the two of them!" You go away by yourself!"

Zuyun was about to attack Wuyu. Suddenly, something was thrown outside the door and was hitting Zhuyun's head. Zhuyun couldn't avoid it. The thing was right above his head. The nest suddenly smelled, and it turned out that someone threw a pile of rotten fish, turtles, shrimp and crabs. Zhuyun sisters were originally very clean girls. They were stained by the stolen goods that came in from outside the house and suddenly screamed. Wu Wei ran outside the house in the rain.

As soon as he got out of the house, he saw Cui Kubo looking at them with a smile outside. He thanked him without saying, "Thank you, Brother Cui!" Luoyu said, "This is not the place to talk. The two of them have suffered such humiliation now. We can't give up this matter. Let's take shelter to the back mountain of the sea cliff." The three of them ran quickly to the sea cliff.