Fairy Sword

Chapter 16 Linggui Island Jiuyao Sword Whisper Spirit Extreme Unprint

On this day, everything on Linggui Island stopped. Jiuyao called several apprentices to his side and called the three people to chase the clouds, play with snow and rain. Wuyu stood aside. Jiuyao looked at his disciples and said, "From today on, this child is your younger brother. From now on, you should get along well with each other. I already know what happened that day. If anyone does that harms the same family in the future, don't blame the old family law!"

Although Zhu Yun and Xi Xue were bored and rainless, even if the master said so, he had to agree.

Jiuyao continued: "Zhuyun, when you two play with the seven Xuan fighting swords, you broke your flying sword and found a century-old forest sea ginseng in the overseas mountains. Now you can't refine the turning day. You just need to fry this ginseng in my Danding for seven days. After taking it, you can cultivate it. After March, Sword spirit can be formed by itself. Zhuyun and Xixue went to Wanghaixuan without mentioning the medicine.

Jiuyao looked at Wuyu and said, "Although all kinds of methods are not quick to achieve, they do not attach as much importance to the cultivation of Dandao as you do as the white-haired Taoist. Now I teach you how to cultivate the flying sword. Are you willing to learn it!?

Wuqi promised loudly, "Disciples are willing!"

Jiuyao nodded, reached out and took out a thing from his sleeve and looked at it. He saw that it was a short white sword, just like that toy. He asked puzzledly, "Dare to ask uncle, what is this thing?"

Jiuyao held the thing in his palm and secretly transported it. The short sword suddenly melted and formed a mercury-like shape. Wuyu was curious, and suddenly Jiuyao pinched his mouth with one hand and held the mercury-like ** and sent it to his abdomen.

First, I felt a burst of coolness, and then my abdominal pain was difficult. I covered my stomach and squatted on the ground and asked, "What did my uncle feed me? Why is it so painful in my abdomen!"

The Jiuyao God said coldly, "Your qualifications are normal. If I don't use this method of coercion, I think you can't leave here for a hundred years!" Just put up with it for a while!"

Luoyu couldn't bear to look aside and said, "Master, what if he can't stand the divine gold in the sea?"

With a cold face, Jiuyao stared at Luo Yu and said, "If he can't stand it, he will die here for a moment, and he doesn't deserve to learn the way of flying sword!" After saying that, he turned around and waved his sleeves and left.

I only heard Wulai lying on the ground and rolling. I couldn't stand it, so I blurted out and scolded my mother. Luoyu looked aside, worried and funny, and didn't want to listen to his insulting words, so he closed the door of the work room and left by himself.

I felt more and more pain in my stomach, and finally I had the idea of suicide. But suddenly remembered that Su Nian, a white-haired Taoist, usually warned him about luck. He endured the severe pain and sat on the ground cross-legged, condensed his mind, and walked around the sky. After a while, the pain in his abdomen gradually eased.

After a while, I intuitively felt that Dantian was extremely cool, which was different from the scorching heat of Dantian on Sunday.

Wuyu ran the cool feeling in the big acupuncture points of the limbs and bones one after another, and instantly felt that his ears and eyes were clear and refreshing! Then I enjoyed it happily.

Luoyu heard that he no longer cursed indoors. He thought that he could not stand the quenching of Dan Mercury, so he anxiously opened the door and checked it. Seeing that Wuyu had passed this barrier, he was happy and shouted, "Master! Master! Come and have a look!"

Jiuyao Shenni was drinking tea in the room. After listening to it, she came over and said, "What's wrong? Can't the kid hold on and die?"

When I came over and saw it, I was secretly surprised! Her practice has always been very strict, and the professor's methods are also outrageous. I thought that Zhuyun and Xixue struggled for a whole month to make the elixir in their bodies obedient in order to quench this sword of mercury. Why is this child so old that he has been baptized for a moment!

However, the people in Xuanmen need to go to the land of mountains and seas to find the natural treasure to practice this sword of mercury. The white-haired Taoist goes overseas to find this thing. Then let his teacher refine and shape it with the Danyuan mixed with Nagong water in his body. After being infected by the hundred-day spiritual charm, he can serve his disciples in his family.

And the person who drinks this thing must be the little accomplished person of Danyuan. After passing through the circulation of the qi vein, he can wave his hand to shoot out the fairy sword and sword spirit from the wrist. Xie Jingyun, Piheng lacks elixir and refuses to practice. He can only shoot sword spirit from the wrist, which is very different from the sword spirit formed by immortalsman!

Jiuyao only said that this child is talented. How can he know that the white-haired Taoist's Tuna's kung fu has already reached the peak and has already surpassed the basic cultivation skills in Xuanyimen. Even the basic methods of Fuxi Palace cannot be compared. If it hadn't been for studying with Su for many months, he would have died here today.

Jiuyao looked at it, nodded and said, "Okay! You have completed the first step of this quenching sword. Tomorrow I will teach you the way of the sword. Today, you will adapt the mercury for the time being. Then he turned around and left.

I saw Luoyu standing in front of the door with joy, and I was happy in my heart. Just as he was about to open his mouth to talk to Luo Yu, suddenly Xie Xuanyuan came from the side of the corridor with his bare arms, looking dark, as if he was angry.

He asked without any questions, "Master, why are you bare arms?"

I only heard Xie Xuanyuan scold with a dark face: "A handsome man, if he has a little achievement, he will be complacent. What will he have in the future!" What other progress has been made in Taoism!? Wuyi was about to explain when he suddenly saw him reaching out and punching him. Uncerned, he hurriedly dodged aside. He said that this room was narrow. If he was forced into the room, he would definitely be beaten and broken, and he jumped out.

Xie Xuanyuan took the Sanyuan elixir, and his skills have not been restored for the time being. After discussing with Jiuyao in private, Jiuyao said, "I teach him the Xuanmen Taoism, and you exercise his spirit. We are not afraid that this boy is not promising!" If you break the things on the island, don't ask anything, just do the brute force fight, so there is the scene just now.

The body is light, and Xie Xuanyuan's figure is huge and has lost his spiritual power, as if he is like a wild man. The two of them suddenly chased to the gate of Wang Haixuan's main hall, but saw Nie Qingyuan passing by.

Nie Qingyuan's opinion was that Xuanyuan chased crazily, and his heart was also secretly puzzled, but it was not convenient to interfere, so he had to wait and watch curiously.

He rushed to a cluster of flowers with stone pillars, thinking that with the help of stone pillars, he could dodge his overwhelming brute attack. Unexpectedly, as soon as Xie Xuanyuan chased into the court, he waved the hairy big hand and roared and hit him.

He was born with extraordinary magical power, and those stone pillars were knocked down one after another by his fist.

He dodged without any retication, and several of the collapsed stone pillars almost buried him here, which were easily avoided by him. The two chased until dinner, and Xie Xuanyuan stopped. The pain was so painful that I couldn't help shivering all over, and I couldn't even grasp the bamboo chopsticks when eating.

Seeing that he was so unbearable, Jiuyao did not feel pity, and motioned that the rain would pour out the unretied food. Luoyu couldn't bear it, but he couldn't disobey his teacher's order, so he could only do it cruelly.

When he went to bed that night, he was chased by Xie Xuanyuan for a day, and he was hungry, so he secretly got up and walked behind the sea cliff. Thinking of Cui Kubo, the fragrant white porridge he cooked appeared in his mind.

He knocked on the door at the mouth of the cave and said, "Kubo, it's me. Cook some rice for me. I'm starving..."

Unexpectedly, Cui Kubo shouted inside, "The teacher has an order. If I help you, I will drive me out of the island. You'd better go and have a rest quickly!" Hearing what he said, he was angry and smashed the stone door desperately. No matter how much he scolded, Kubo pretended not to know, but snored in the hole.

Tired of scolding, he sat in front of the cave and rested. Suddenly, I thought that I was already a practitioner of Taoism, but how could I be so untrived? Thinking of this, I said loudly to Cui Kubo, "Brother Cui, I disturbed you late at night and scolded you for a long time. I apologized you!" After saying that, he bowed deeply to the stone gate and turned down the cliff to rest.

The next morning, Wuyu was still sleeping, but suddenly felt a tingling pain in his body. He opened his eyes and saw Jiuyao standing in front of his bed, stabbing him with a bamboo stick and scolded loudly: "You are so lazy! But you still have to learn the art of swordsmanship! Aren't you ashamed!?"

He hurriedly put on his coat and shouted to Jiuyao, "It's my disciple's laziness!" Uncle, please punish me!"

Jiuyao said with a cold face, "Only this time, if you commit it again, I will not forgive you!"

Wuyi followed her out of the dormitory and came to a bush outside the house. Jiuyao said to Wuyu, "Today, I will teach you the art of swords. You can try to run the elixir in your body to the Taiyuan acupuncture point of the wrist, and then break it out with internal breath!"

Wuyu had already recognized the meridians of the human body in the Qingxu Valley born in that Su, so he ran Zhoutian, walked around the Danyuan in his abdomen, and tried to control the Danqi from his wrist.

A white light flashed on his wrist, but nothing broke out of the acupuncture point, but the strength of the internal reversal bounced his body with a somersault and fell to the ground.

Jiuyao shouted, "You rubbish! Can't you concentrate on your luck and rush out in an instant? But he still does the ghost work of Danyuan!"

I listened to it, and I was also worried. I tried several times in a row, but I failed one by one. Jiuyao suddenly had a ferocious expression and suddenly waved his hand with a sword, and dodged. Jiuyao still did not stop, and a sword flew to him like a sword.

No one was shocked, but the old nun went crazy. Thinking of this moment, the flying sword came to the sword. In a hurry, Zhou Tian ran rapidly and waved to the sword light grid. He only listened to the "boom". Jiuyao withdrew the sword spirit, but a big tree beside him was split into two sections.

Without any repressing, he was happy and surprised. Seeing Jiuyao nodding and smiling, he knew that Jiuyao's sword forced him, and finally the skill of swordsmanship also broke out. He hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed and said, "Thank you for your teaching!"

Jiuyao said, "I have practiced here today. You are familiar with the art of sword for the time being, but don't cut off all the trees on my island!" Saying that, he turned around and left.

With no rejoicing joy, he was about to practice, but Xuanyuan roared out beside the trees and waved his fists to hit him!

When he saw it, he sighed helplessly and fled in a hurry again.

This has been the case for several months in a row. Sometimes as soon as the professor Jiuyao finished, Xie Xuanyuan chased everywhere without any retication. When several people on the island saw it, they couldn't stop laughing. The Zhuyun sisters also slowly recovered their vitality and asked them for advice from time to time. At the beginning, he continued to mock Wuyu, but seeing that he sincerely begged for teaching, it was very different from the depressed and annoying appearance that had just arrived on the island, so he slowly got along well with each other.

On this day, Wuqi sat in the hall with Jiuyao Xiexuanyuan and asked Wuqi, "Two seniors, now I have become a flying sword, but many Taoist spiritual charms have not seen the way. Can you teach some disciples?"

Jiuyao shook his head and said, "Now you just need to practice that swordsmanship properly. I'll pass on to you when you are a little bigger."

He said curiously, "When I was in Xianxia Mountain, I saw the ghost sword Shura fighting with my brother Piheng. He was carrying a gray umbrella beside him, but what happened?"

Jiuyao said, "The magic of Xuanmen in the world is not all the same. For example, my school, and your Xuanyimen, are formed with qi to control the sword and qi; there are other sword sects, but they use weapons to control the sword, that is, to cultivate their inner elixir to a certain extent, and then go to some magic weapons. One of the words "sword" mentioned in Xuanmen does not only refer to the name of the sword, but also the achievements of Taoist people, who can kill people with qi, which is collectively referred to as the sword! That's what your master is like. Everyone in Xuanyimen refines swords, but he is unique, carrying the magic blade "swor-eating" rampant in the world, so he is regarded as a heresy of the same sect, which is not ashamed of your head of Xuanyimen.

Xie Xuanyuan sighed and said, "Now in Xuanyimen, the only person I admire is Lu Xingyu, the eldest disciple of Xiahou. We once met in the Central Plains. I thought he was a fool. After drinking and acting several times, I looked at him differently. This person is really a hero among swordsmen. I'm afraid that his future achievements will not be below someone and Xiahou's son.

Hearing him mention Lu Xingyu, he told him what happened in Fuxi Palace that day. Xie Xuanyuan was furious when he heard this and repeatedly scolded Xiahou Shangli for making him dizzy and unintelligible.

In a blink of an eye, a few months passed, and after this day of practice, I wanted to go to Cui Kubo, so I went to the sea cliff to visit. Kubo fished and hunted shrimp in his spare time on the island, surfed and rolled in the sea, but lived a very comfortable life. After talking with him for half a day, he left and went down the cliff.

After several months of study, my skills have made great progress. Looking under the cliff, I was full of interest, jumped and landed lightly on the beach. Suddenly thinking of what Kubo said about the demon in a cave under the cliff that day, he was curious and wanted to find out again. Unexpectedly, when he heard someone talking behind the cliff, he closed his breath and slowly leaned over.

I only heard a girl's voice saying, "I've been with you for so many months, don't you see anything strange between us..."

A man next to him whispered, "Actually, I have already seen my feelings for you two, but on the one being saved by your master, I have no face to mention this matter, and on the other, I am also very afraid of her. Although I'm a decent person, I'm afraid I can't get into your master's eyes..."

The girl said softly, "Master, I will ask my sister, as long as you have this in your heart... The idea is good..."

It's strange to hear that Xi Xue and Nie Qingyuan are talking here. How did he know that Nie Qingyuan's young man was beautiful. He had been with this sister on the island for a long time and secretly fell in love with him, but the two sisters were not jealous of each other. Both of them fell in love with his appearance and talent. In addition, he was a famous family in Wudang, and he had loved him for a long time.

Zhuyun may be afraid of shame, so he only sent Xi Xue to call Nie Qingyuan to the back cliff to talk. This back cliff was originally a taboo place on the island, where we can talk to each other and avoid being heard and seen by outsiders. But I didn't expect that Wuyi jumped to the bottom of the cliff and happened to hear it.

After listening, he shook his head and wanted to turn back. Unexpectedly, it touched the sea shell on the ground. As soon as the shell was touched, it quickly tightened the soft body back.

Who is Nie Qingyuan? Wudang spoke most about the art of arguing and hearing the sound. His ear was extremely sharp, and it was extremely quiet here, so even the sound of the sea shell was harsh! Shocked, he hurriedly stopped Xi Xue behind him and shouted, "Who is there?"

After listening, he knew that he couldn't hide, so he came out behind the stone cliff and said to them, "I just went to Kubo's place to sit idle. On a whim, I jumped down the cliff. I didn't expect to disturb Brother Nie and my sister. I'm really sorry!" With that, he turned around and left.

Xi Xue's face turned red, and then said angrily, "It's clear that you came to eavesdrop! Don't you know that this is the forbidden place of this door? Now I want to complain to the master, but it's not so easy to leave!"

The difference is very different. I said that behind this cliff is the forbidden place of your own door. How can you two come, and I can't come?

Nie Qingyuan's face was also pale, and then he said, "If it's unintentional, then we don't pursue it."

He said strangely, "I came to visit Kubo and accidentally saw you talking here. What's the pursuit?"

The Xi Xue knew that he had heard his words with Nie Qingyuan just now, and he was even more angry. Suddenly, he shot a flying sword to teach him a lesson.

I said that now that I have become a sword, I am not afraid if you do such a means. The young and competitive idea suddenly came up, and I also wanted to try the difference between my flying sword and the Zhuyun sisters, so I returned my sword.

I only saw a blue light and a white light entangled and fought in an instant. Xi Xue has been studying under Jiuyao Gate since she was a child, and she didn't pay attention to this boy who had just entered the door. But the sword light flew for a while, and the green light of the snow gradually weakened, and the white light prevailed.

Seeing that Xi Xueyan couldn't resist, he shouted at Nie Qingyuan, "Don't you help!"

Nie Qingyuan had this intention for a long time, but he hesitated for a moment. At this time, when he heard the call of Xi Xue, he immediately thought about it, so he attacked Wuyu with his own "gossip spirit".

Although Nie Qingyuan is only about 20 years old, he is also much older than Wu Wei. In addition, after many years of study, Wu Wei is not his opponent.

The gossip spirit pole rotated and flew to Wuqi's side, and suddenly shot bursts of cold light from the yin and yang charm. Wuqi had no intention to fight with the snow play again, and hurriedly dodged in the direction of the cliff cave. The spiritual pole flipped the gossip graphic and chased after it. The gossip painting flashed a few times, bursting out the thunder charm with a sudden explosion, blowing up the stone door of the cliff cave, and fell into the hole without being shocked by the impact, and disappeared for a moment.

Nie Qingyuan saw that he was too heavy, so he suddenly repented and blamed himself for the innocent injury and people for the matter of the man and woman.

Xi Xue saw that he was annoyed, and when she saw that the forbidden place was blown away by Nie Qingyuan's magic charm, she was also afraid, so she said to Nie Qingyuan, "Let's go back and report this matter to the master immediately. The seal at the mouth of the hole is broken. We can't stay here anymore!" With that, he pulled Nie Qingyuan, who was as dull as a wooden chicken, and quickly looked back at Haixuan.

Wu was hit by the divination, and immediately broke the seal of the stone gate and fell into the cave. When he was born, he saw the darkness everywhere and was not afraid. He looked at the mouth of the cave, but saw that it was high, and the stone wall was very slippery. He wanted to climb but could no longer. So he followed the passage of the cave, broke the fire and walked forward.

Who knows that the more the hole goes, the more it extends downward, because the wall is very wet because of the underground of the island. When I walked for a long time, even my feet were stained with mud, and I was about to turn around.

Suddenly, I heard a gentle roar from the distance of the cave. The sound was like a man and a beast, which aroused curiosity and quickly walked forward.

There was a steel threshold in the depths of the hole, which blocked the things in the hole. Wu hit the fire fold and shone into the threshold. He couldn't help but be afraid. His hand trembling, and the fire fold was extinguished on the wet ground.

The hole was suddenly dark, and the heart pounded. It turned out that he had just shined into the threshold, but saw an inhuman-like thing. The "man" had a gray face, but had a horn on his head, curled obscenely in the corner of the wall.

In fear, he suddenly heard the thing say, "It turns out that I still have time to see the sun again!"

There is a big gap between what he said and ordinary people, just like the voice of the ventral speaker from his abdomen, which was neither vague nor like a human voice, so he boldly asked, "What are you? Why are you here?"

The man was silent. Suddenly, the lights around him were bright, and his eyes suddenly lit up, but he saw the man shaking his arms, and the wet wall actually burned from the starting point.

I looked at the man without any rebuke, but I saw him standing in the threshold, with a tall body and a gray skin.

The man looked at Wu Yu and said, "Cut down all the charms around this bar. I know you are the monk. If you help me escape from here, I will repay you." Wu looked at the stone walls around him, but he saw that it was full of Sanskrit-like charms. I have never seen it in that Fuxi Palace. He reached out and touched the Sanskrit, but felt that it was concave and convex, as if it had been carved by the knife and axe.