Fairy Sword

Chapter 71 Go to the ghost gate and get involved in the dangerous capital. Unprepared Wuyun Cave is captured

Wuyi and Lu Xingyu left Fuxi Palace late at night. The sky was bright and had already left the market town at the foot of the mountain. Wuqi opened his mouth and said to Lu Xingyu, "Brother Lu, do you think if Brother Murong knew that we were going to sneak forward, would he come to chase us?"

Lu Xingyu smiled and said, "Your brother Bai is not such a reckless person. He will never leave Master Fuxi Palace and his brothers and leave a flaw for the enemy." Then he sighed and said, "Although I deceived everyone, I would be somewhat afraid to be aware of the people who attacked Xuanyimen that I was still in the palace. Unexpectedly, I was on my way to the Ghost King Gate now!"

Wuyi thought for a moment and said, "Brother, are you worried that there are still enemy spies in Fuxi Palace?" Lu Xingyu nodded and said, "Yes, but Brother Murong will definitely not publicize the details of my exit from the palace. He is as clever as me. If he take care of everything in the palace, he will be at peace.

Wu nodded, suddenly remembered Xie Xie Xuanyuan, and talked about him with Lu Xingyu. Lu Xingyu said, "Uncle Xie is really a hero of the world, but he has become a demon of Xuanyimen, which can't be sighing." Wuqi said, "I have also heard my master talk about the unsolved case, and I also believe that Uncle Xie is not such a swordsman." Lu Xingyu shook his head and said, "A central explanation, only one will find out in the future, and then solve the uncle's explanation..."

The two took a big boat and came to the area of Fudu in Shuzhong after a few days of sailing. I can't help but look at this world-famous "ghost city" with beautiful scenery, gurgling streams, mountain flowers, birds singing and springs. I couldn't help but look at it curiously. Seeing him like this, Lu Xingyu knew his curiosity and smiled, "You are surprised that the 'ghost city' in the world is not ghost at all, right?"

He nodded shyly and said, "I thought it was as ghostly as Xihua Mountain, but I didn't expect it to be so beautiful." Lu Xingyu said, "It is not surprising that the mountains and rivers in Shu are often fascinating. But this ghost domain is said to be the underworld by the world after various legends and many wild history novels.

The two came to a restaurant with a mask, but saw the words "Xianjia Tofu" written on it. I can't help laughing and saying, "I think the fairy bean curd in the ghost city has a different flavor." Lu Xingyu and Wuyu sat down. Lu Xingyu asked the boss for some famous snacks. After tasting the signature tofu, he couldn't help praising loudly!

Lu Xingyu said with a smile, "I passed by here many years ago. This food shop is a famous product in Shu that has been passed down in several dynasties. If you don't believe it, ask the shopkeeper!" But he heard the shopkeeper say, "What the guest said was not wrong at all. My ancestor is Wang Xiao, who was forgotten by the immortals. Except for me, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the world to find such a craft!"

Seeing his free and easy life, he remembered Cui Kubo's ambition and couldn't help but be fascinated. If he could be the owner of this tofu shop, it would be in vain. Seeing that he seemed to be thinking, Lu Xingyu shook his head and smiled. Suddenly, a woman passed in front of him, but saw that Lu Xingyu's expression changed slightly. After seeing this, he hurriedly asked in a low voice. Lu Xingyu waved his hand and motioned him not to make a sound.

But I saw the woman wearing a food box on her body, put it on the boss's case, and then waited in an expressionless seat without saying a word. After seeing this, the boss quickly prepared the fragrant Xianjia tofu, put it into the food box, and then asked respectfully, "Your mother remembered my craft again. Do you think you are sick again?"

The woman glanced at the shopkeeper and then picked up the food box and went far away. Looking at the woman's distant back, he couldn't help asking the owner of the tofu shop curiously, "Why doesn't this woman talk, but you know she came to buy your craft?"

Seeing his curiosity, the boss shook his head and said, "This is not far from the Sanxian Tower. There is an unfathomable place nearby, called 'Wuyun Cave'. It has been said that there has been a ghost living there for many years. The Wuyun Cave is originally a strange place. Whenever a savor goes to worship and burn paper, those incense paper will be rolled into the cave, so it is called the entrance of the underworld. This woman is the slave there. There is a Yunlan lady in his house. She likes my craft the most. Every time she is sick, she will come to the bunk to fight back.

After hearing this, Lu Xingyu motioned to leave immediately. Wuyu hurriedly paid the money and hurriedly went with Lu Xingyu. Lu Xingyu was looking for the woman's footprints and kept chasing her quickly. He asked puzzledly, "Brother, why are you so anxious?" Lu Xingyu hurriedly said to Wuyu, "This woman is not like the breath of a mortal. She is really bold to think that the mountain spirit and wild monster dares to run rampant in the well in broad daylight! We will follow her and maybe find the trace of the Ghost King Gate.

The two followed the woman from afar, but saw her come to a crowded attic. It was the "Three Immortals Tower" who looked around without any remoration, but they saw the people who came here to burn incense and kowtow. Some beat their chests and stopped, and some kept wailing, obviously for the sadness of their deceased relatives and friends. Wuqi looked at them in a daze, but saw that Lu Xingyu had already gone away with the woman and hurried up.

In a blink of an eye, he ran to Lu Xingyu's side, but saw Lu Xingyu stop and motioned to look at the woman. Looking from afar, he saw the woman looking around for a while, and then suddenly jumped down to a hole in front of her! Wuqi was shocked and hurriedly looked at the cave with Lu Xingyu, but saw that the mouth of the cave was cloudy and marsh, which did not seem to be the place where mortals lived. Wu asked, "Brother, what should we do now?" Lu Xingyu pondered for a moment and suddenly jumped to the bottom of the cave. Seeing this, he also jumped in with him.

The two jumped into the pit for a moment and reached the bottom of the cave. Lu Xingyu asked in a low voice, "Are you all right..." Wu laughed and said, "The endless pit of Xihua Mountain is much deeper than this cave. Didn't I survive?" With that, he went to the cave. I only saw the stalactite marrow here, which is strange, but there is a unique hole in the sky. The two hid the elixir on their bodies and came to a deep boudoir-like cave. Suddenly, they heard a woman sobbing and say, "Madam, don't you miss this snack? Why are you so sad now? At least eat a little, or you will ruin your body and let me do..."

The Empress stopped crying and then said to the female slave, "What do you know! Your holy king has not heard from me for a month, and his brothers actually avoid me. I'm afraid that he has been poisoned by others outside..." With that, he sobbed again in a low voice. The maidservant is also a good persuasion.

After listening to it, I was puzzled and suddenly felt that a cloudy wind blew behind me! Just as he was about to turn around, he saw that the oil lamps on the four walls suddenly went out, and then there was darkness in front of him. He said to Lu Xingyu in a low voice, "Brother, brother..." After a few calls, Lu Xingyu didn't answer! Suddenly, I was so scared that I suddenly shouted loudly!

Hearing this shout, the Empress got up and shouted harshly to the place where there was no punishment: "Who is so bold! Unexpectedly, he broke into Wuyun Cave!!!" Only then did he know that this place was the place mentioned by the tofu shopkeeper. He was about to answer, but he saw that the oil lamps suddenly became clear. The surroundings shine like daylight, but Lu Xingyu's figure disappeared.

Wuqi arched his hand and said to the Empress, "My disciple is a wanderer in the world. Please forgive me for accidentally breaking into your house!" The Empress said angrily, "You are clearly carrying two swords on your back, and you are the swordsman of Taoism!" Who do you want to deceive with that nonsense!? The maidservant next to her immediately recognized Wuyi and hurriedly told the lady that she had just seen Wuyi and Lu Xingyu in the tofu shop. After hearing this, the mother's face darkened and asked sharply, "Where on earth are you from?" Why did you come to my cave!!!"

When Wuyi saw that his lie was exposed, he wanted to explain his intention. Suddenly, the wind behind him roared again. Wuyi suddenly felt dizzy, and then leaned to the ground and was stunned...

For a long time, he slowly woke up without any remark, but saw that he had been tied to a dark stone pillar in the cave, and his top hair was glued with a mysterious charm. He must be afraid that he would use magic to escape. I was worried about Lu Xingyu's safety, but I heard the Empress quarreling loudly with others. I only heard the Empress say, "I have asked you many times, why didn't you tell me his whereabouts!" Don't you treat me as his family?!" I only heard a man's voice persuade him, "It's not that we refuse to tell it, but that those holy kings have orders. Don't tell you the situation of the holy king for the time being. How dare our disciples say more?"

The Empress said, "So, why did you come to my house..." The man said respectfully, "I came to visit the mother's body by the order of the Holy King. My mother doesn't drink or eat for many days, but what should I do... And as soon as I entered the mansion, I saw two sneaky people listening there. Then he applied spiritual skills and put one of them into prison, and the other was overturned by me.

After hearing this, the Empress knew that the man would not go against his master's wishes, so she had to sigh and said, "That's right. Take the captured demon and put it in my house. It's always a disaster." The man quickly obeyed after hearing this. Then he walked to the bound body and asked coldly, "Where did you come from?! Why stay in this Holy Queen's mansion!? If you don't say it, I will smash you into ten thousand pieces!"

He rolled his eyelids and held his head high. When the man saw that he despised himself, he was furious and wanted to kill him! But the maid stopped the man and said, "If you kill him!" Take him outside and kill him! Don't polluted my house! If it is known by the mother, you will suffer!" The man immediately stopped, looked at Wu, and said coldly, "For the time being, write down your life first. After leaving this five cloud hole, I will leave you to the prison to find your companion!!!"

Suddenly got up and cut off the bound stalactite with his right palm. The long milk bell suddenly broke down. The man lightly resisted the blameless on his body, said goodbye to the Holy Queen, and then turned out of the five cloud cave.

Only then was stopped by the maidservant. Hearing that the man brought himself outside and then killed him, his heart suddenly moved, waiting for the man to release the lock and kill him with a sword. Unexpectedly, this man was so cunning that he actually resisted with people and pillars in case he took the opportunity to escape. He was immediately disappointed and cursed!

The man jumped out of the hole and walked to a wasteland far away. Seeing the continuous scolding, he was furious and immediately cast the stone pillar to the ground. He read the magic formula in his mouth. Suddenly, he felt a cloudy wind, and then he was involved in an unknown situation...

After a long time, he looked up and saw the ghosts around him, as if the prosperous moment in the capital city had just turned into a ghostland in the underworld. He looked around warily. The sky was gloomy, as if it had just dawn, but it was dark. He walked alone to a town and saw cars and horses on the street. Suddenly, I saw a man pushing a big car towards him! Just as he was about to dodge, he saw the man pass through his body and hurried away!!!

When he was not surprised, he looked at the people beside him. Those people either broke their hands and feet, or their appearance was blurred, and they all rushed forward in a hurry. Wuyu was curious and followed these people, but he saw the gate in front of him, and there was a deep cold abyss in front of him! Extending forward is a towering iron lock bridge!

Wu was about to rush up, but he saw a person suddenly flashing out of the bridge, driving those "people" who rushed up to the bridge to the abyss! Seeing that this man's methods were so obscene, he actually attacked those innocent people. Suddenly, he was furious and rushed to the man...