Fairy Sword

Chapter 112 Farewell to Xianxia's family reunion Snow sealed the mountain and hunted the snow wolf

Wuyu, Su Sheng and others sent farewell to know Xuanyuan, and lived in the Qingxu Valley for some time. They saw the autumn atmosphere coming, the hundred grass was exhausted, and there was a lonely scene in the mountains. Wu is sentimental. Seeing this scene of Xiao's killing, I can't help but feel depressed.

On this day, I went down the mountain with Ruan Di to buy goods. On the way back, I suddenly saw a farmer's house on Xianxia Mountain. The man in the house walked into the fence in front of the house with his six or seven-year-old son with firewood on his back. When the hostess saw her husband coming back with her son, she quickly took out the prepared towels and the three of them went back to the hut for dinner happily.

When Wuyu saw this scene, he immediately stood still and thought about it. Ruan Di saw that Wuyu began to be stupid again and asked curiously, "Wuqi!? Are you all right?!" Hearing Ruan Di's shout, he quickly recovered, and then the two of them went back to the Qingxu Valley.

At dinner, Su Sheng saw that he was unhappy and seemed to have something on his mind, so he quietly called Ruan Di aside after dinner. Ruan Di said, "We didn't see anything sad when we went down the mountain this time. Oh, we just saw a happy scene of a farmer's family." Su Sheng immediately got it and came to the room and knocked gently on the door.

Wuqi opened the door and saw that it was the master, and quickly welcomed the birth of Su in. Su Sheng said, "Why, I see that the weather has turned cold in recent days, but you don't practice Dandao very often. Why is that?" Wuqi shook his head and said, "I just feel that my Danyuan is not as deep as my master and uncle. I can only spit in the room every day and want to further refine the elixir!"

Su Sheng sighed and said, "As a teacher, I know what you think. Among the disciples under me, only your cultivation surprised me the most, and only you worried me the most." He asked puzzledly, "Master, what are you worried about?" Su Nian replied, "You may become a generation of masters in Xuanmen in the future, but what worries you as a teacher is that you are too benevolent and evil. If you can always study in the mountains with me, you will be happy to be a teacher, but even your brother Ruan Di will eventually leave the mountain to create your own world alone.

"People who are evil and benevolent will definitely experience many twists and turns, and the mysterious door you are in is in danger of collapse. In the future, the door will definitely rely on you to support a world, but at that time, you will experience more things." After saying that, he stared at it and asked slowly, "You have been missing your parents, is that right???"

After listening, he hurriedly said to Su Sheng, "Master is really a heavenly man, and nothing can be hidden from your eyes. Recently, I have been thinking about this and visiting them, but I don't know where they are now!" Su Sheng nodded and said, "That's right, I'll take you to visit them tomorrow, and now you are fine for the time being. You can stay with them for a while!"

After listening to it, he was overjoyed and hurriedly thanked his master. After Su Sheng told him something, he left. It was difficult to sleep this night. Thinking that I was about to see my parents who had been separated for many years, I was so excited that the sky had dawned unconsciously.

Wu Yu hurriedly got up and packed up. Su Sheng walked to the courtyard and said to Mo Xiang, who got up early, "I'll go down the mountain with you to do something. When Ruan Di gets up, you tell him not to leave the mountain and guard here well." Mo Xiang replied respectfully, "My disciple knows!"

With that, he took a small burden and went down the mountain. At this time, the river under Xianxia Mountain has been undulating, but it is just a trace of coldness. The two called the local boatman and drove towards the river.

Su Sheng looked at Wuyu and said, "After you have visited your parents, you want to go to the tortoise Island when you have time to meet your teacher uncle Jiuyao! I don't know what's going on with her recently..." Wuyu said to Su Sheng, "The child has been thinking about her in his heart. After visiting his parents, I will go to Linggui Island." Su Sheng nodded as a compliment, and the two drove in the direction of Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

After a few days in a row, the two came to a big mountain in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Su Sheng looked at the road in front of him and said to Wuyu, "You walk this road to the deep mountains. In a short time, you can see a village living in seclusion in the mountains and forests, which is their residence!" He asked curiously, "Didn't Master go with me?"

Su Sheng shook his head and said, "You stay here for a few more days, and everything will be decided after a few years. Remember, everything can be pushed back. It's this matter of filial piety, and it's never too late!" With that, he turned around and went in the direction he came.

He walked away from the thorns in the mountain forest and watched the scenery around him. When he first came out of the empty valley, he was very happy, but he was not so excited at this time. Halfway, he saw that there were many farmers who were saving firewood for winter, so he came forward and asked, "Uncle! Do you know that there is a hunter surnamed Zhang here!?

A man with a full of temples turned his head and looked at him in a daze. Seeing that the man seemed to be extremely familiar, he suddenly shouted, then knelt on the ground and said loudly, "Dad! I'm your baby!!!" Hearing this, the man's eyes immediately flashed with excitement, and then said in a trembling voice, "What... What are you talking about..."

When the farmers next to them saw Zhang's son coming back, they were all happy for him: "Hurry up, don't be stunned, prepare all the rabbit mountain vegetables at home and welcome this handsome little brother! Haha!" Zhang Orion still didn't recover. Seeing his beautiful face, he could still see the childishness of his childhood. He immediately shed tears in his eyes and then forced his crying and said, "Okay! Just come back! Hurry up and go back to see your mother..."

The father and son said goodbye to those farmers, walked to their homes in the mountains and forests, and asked their father all the way: "How's my mother these years?" Zhang Orion sighed and said, "We are no less than the days of Xianxia Mountain in this mountain, but we lack you around us. Although your master has been here, and we also know that you are unusual now, your mother still misses you very much, but she doesn't see you coming back to visit.

After listening, he shed tears and said to his father, "The child is unfilial! Father, please forgive me!" Zhang Orion also wiped the tears of excitement in his eyes and said, "Just come back!" And you are around us, and you won't have any good after all!" After a while, the two came to the front of the houses in a village. Zhang Orion opened a courtyard door and walked in with Wuyi.

When he thought of seeing his mother, he was so excited that he straightened his clothes and was about to push the door in, but he saw Zhang Orion busy stopping Wuyi, and then quietly pushed the door open and walked to the hut with Wujian.

Through the window lattice wall, I saw my mother Qin sewing clothes there. I haven't seen him for several years. Because of hard work and missing, a lot of white hair was added to my head, and tears poured down. Zhang Hunter pushed the door into the inner room and said to Qin, "Look who is back!"

Qin was about to ask Zhang Orion why he came back so early today when he suddenly saw a handsome young man flashing behind her husband, so he fell the needle and thread in his hand on the ground and muttered, "Is it..." Wuqi couldn't help but feel excited. He jumped on Qin's body and shouted, "Mother!!! I'm Tianbao!!! I'm back today!!!"

After listening to this, Qin immediately hugged his longing son tightly and cried loudly with excitement! Zhang Orion also burst into tears with joy. After many years, the family finally got together!!!

The family of three had been talking for a long time, and Zhang Orion remembered that it was time for dinner and said to the two people quickly, "You two chat first. I'll prepare dinner!" With that, I went to the kitchen.

Seeing that Wuyu was becoming more and more handsome and much taller than in the past, Qin said with relief, "I thought I would never see you in my life. Your father and I were swept here by that magic charm back then. It was really heartbroken! I don't know how the blind dates in Xianxia Mountain are now..."

After listening, he quickly changed the topic, picked up his burden and said to his mother, "Mom! I bought a lot of supplies and clothes for my family along the way. You can try it with your father later!" Qin shook his head and said, "Last time your master came to visit us, I think he is a poor old man. How can there be any extra silver? Don't let him spend money like this in the future! Moreover, although it is remote, there is little farmland. Each family relies on hunting and selling firewood for a living. It is far away from state officials, and the tax is not so heavy. So I've had a good time with your father.

Wu nodded, and Qin suddenly asked, "In a few months this year, you will be eighteen years old, and you should be old enough to marry!" After listening, he hurriedly said in horror, "Why did you marry such an early daughter-in-law when the child is so young!" Qin said reproachfully, "What do you know? If you marry a daughter-in-law, your father and I will also be sick, and you also have someone to take care of you, so we won't miss you!"

said with a smile, "If you don't need anyone to take care of you, you can take good care of yourself!" My master and many brothers are very old and have not married and had children. Qin shook his head, as if he didn't approve of the unrelented words. Zhang Orion was very sharp. After a while, he made a few kinds of wild vegetables and wild animals, and took out the yellow wine that he had stored for many years. The family members had a dinner.

At night, he lay on the bed in the room and thought about what his mother said. Yes, it was time for him to talk about marriage, but he was restrained by nature, and his favorite Luoyu fell in love with Zong Ping. Now what he was thinking about was not Lingwa, let alone his happy daughter Li Xiaoqian, who actually thought of himself. Gui Aoxue, who has not been with each other for a long time! Then he laughed at himself. How can he, a poor boy in the mountains, deserve the daughter of Xianzhuanmen, and now he doesn't know where Aoxue has gone.

The next day, he got up early and made a breakfast for his parents. Seeing that his craftsmanship was so skillful, he couldn't help praising it. Wuyu's heart is sad. This is still the cooking skill he learned from Luoyu when he was on Linggui Island, but now it is different from person. After breakfast, I went to the mountains to practice.

Although the grass and trees were withered everywhere in the mountain, the maple leaves were bright red and the forest leaves were yellow, which made them have a different scenery. He couldn't help running wildly. Soon, he came to a mountain stream and looked down and saw that the pool was clear, and there were some fallen leaves floating on the water waves, so he jumped down. Wuyi looked carefully at the leaves floating on the pool. An ant was looking around and was about to fall into the water. He quickly reached out to save the little life.

After wandering alone in the mountains for a long time, he turned back home and began to talk to his mother. Zhang Orion picked up the tools and went to the mountain forest to harvest. Without any criticism, he hurriedly picked up his father's tools and walked into the mountains with his father. When the people in the mountain forest saw that Zhang Hunter's son was also busy with him, they all welcomed him loudly, smiled without embarrassment, and then began to work with those people.

In a blink of an eye, there was a lot of snow in the mountains, and the whole family was full of lights and colorful. On this day, Wuyi went up early in the mountains to watch the snow scenery. Suddenly, he saw the snow-white wild wolf, and suddenly became childlike and then followed the wolf's walk. The snow wolf seemed to know that someone was following him, so he rushed to the deep mountains, which aroused his unrepend curiosity.

Because wild wolves generally see strangers, and when they are alone, they will definitely attack human beings, but what they didn't expect is that the snow wolf seems to be very afraid of it. It took half an hour before it came to a valley. However, seeing that the snow wolf dodged into a cave, Wuyi immediately followed in and saw that it was unusually open! He listened carefully to the sound in the cave, but the snow wolf seemed to disappear in the cave. Wuqi was curious and suddenly saw a blood-stained person lying on a stone platform, trembling!

He hurried over and observed carefully. He saw a young man, holding a pocket in his arms, curled up his limbs, and seemed to be very cold. Wu knew that the temperature was very low on the snowy day, and the man had shed a lot of blood, so he hurriedly covered his cotton-padded jacket on the man. Then he clenched his arm, and the young man only felt a warm current slowly hitting him, and for a moment, he slowly turned around.

The young man saw a young man in front of him, looking at himself with concern and said weakly, "Thank you for saving this brother! If it weren't for you, I would have frozen to death here..." He asked curiously, "Where are you from? Why are you hiding in this deep mountain? And what's wrong with the injury on your body?" Then he reached out to take the burden in his arms and asked puzzledly, "What is this?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as his arm touched the package, the young man suddenly looked frightened, quickly protected the bag tightly, and said nervously, "Nothing... It's just the constraints of some shops, because my family has been in business for generations and was hunted down by nearby bandits and strongmen on the way, so I hid here!" Wuqi knew that the young man would not tell himself the truth, but he did not want to force others, so he smiled faintly and said, "My home is near here. Why don't you go back with me? When the snow stops, I will find a way to send you back?" Hearing this, the young man thought for a moment and said, "That's troublesome!" He picked up the man and walked to his home.

The two came to the village's home and hurriedly asked their mother to make a bowl of ginger soup and gave it to the young man to drink. After drinking the hot soup, the young man suddenly felt that his body temperature slowly turned over and asked without concern, "Is it okay with your injury?"

The young man said respectfully, "Brother, please rest assured that there is nothing serious now, but I have been chased and killed by those evil people for a few days. I have been hungry and cold. When I ran to this mountain, I couldn't support it..."

After listening, he asked puzzledly, "You said you were a businessman, but why didn't you see your companions!" After hearing this, the young man changed his look and then said to Wu Yu, "They have all been killed by the bandits. I'm the only one who ran out, alas!"

When Zhang Orion came back from the neighbor's house next door and saw a strange man in the room, he hurriedly explained to his father. Zhang Orion is also a warm-hearted person, busy cooking to prepare wine and dishes. Suddenly, I heard a noisy sound outside the door, but I heard a man shouting, "Search me door to door! I don't believe this boy can fly to the sky!"

When the young man heard this, his face was as pale as earth, and he hurriedly said to Wuyi, "What should I do!? They came to arrest me! Brother, please help me!" Wuyu said to the young man, "Don't worry. I'll go out to deal with them. No matter what happens, you have to stay in the house and don't come out!" The young man listened and nodded vigorously.

However, I saw Wuxing out of the house, and it was snowing outside. There were more than a hundred people in front of the village, looking around for the young man's tracks. Judging from their appearance, these people are not bandits. Judging from their appearance, they look like some official eunuchs! A man in a mink coat and a warm hat came to Wuyu and shouted, "Kid! Have you seen a young man of your age?

He pretended to be curious and said, "Is it about the same age as me? It's strange that there are many young people similar to me in this village! Excuse me, where is this master from!?

The big man said proudly, "We came from the capital to arrest the criminals!" As he looked at the messy footprints in front of Wuyu's house, his heart suddenly raised doubts and immediately shouted to his men behind him, "Go to this house to search!!!"