Fairy Sword

Chapter 156 The Three Demon Brothers Fight Together to Break through the Final Battle of the Royal Palace

The Xuanhuo Taoist threw the fire sword in his hand into the air, suddenly burst out a fiery fire waterfall, and then went up to the Purple Cloud Sword Waterfall! The sword spirit of both of them was extremely fierce. Seeing that the fire waterfall was no less than his own sword waterfall, they immediately carried up the elixir of their whole body and applied Danyuan to their sword waterfall!

After seeing this, the Xuanhuo Taoist also exploded his own fire sword waterfall to the greatest extent. Suddenly, the grass and trees around the Ming Palace were smashed into dust by the sword spirit of the two people. Wu Yusheng and Han Binger were shocked when they saw the strike. They hurriedly and Ren Li flashed far away, waiting for the outcome of their victory and defeat!

However, he saw Wuyi using the purple cloud sword while taking a deep breath, and then the Zhutian sword spirit around him immediately burst out. A kind of "Zhu Tianxingyu" rushed to the body of the Xuanhuo Taoist. Xuanhuo Taoist never thought that Wuyi could resist the sword waterfall while shooting out a fierce sword breath from around him. At that time, he was cut to the ground by the Zhutian sword spirit, and then the fire waterfall in the air also weakened with the strength. Wuyi took the opportunity to swallow the fire sword with Ziyun Sword Waterfall in one fell swoop, and then withdrew the flying sword for a moment, and then used the air sword against the neck of the Xuanhuo Taoist!

When the Xuanhuo Taoist saw it, he immediately laughed and said, "Okay! You won! Kill me!" He put away the purple cloud sword and said with a smile, "We have no grudges. Why do we kill people casually!" Xuanhuo Taoist was slightly stunned and confused. If the general duel in Xuanmen loses, he will be killed by the sword, but why can this young man say such benevolent words?

The Xuanhuo Taoist sneered and said, "You are not afraid to let me go, and I will do it with you, right!?" Wuyu shook his head and said, "The senior just works for the little Mingwang, not his lackey, so if you lose, you can naturally leave here without dying!" Xuanhuo Taoist shouted, "Okay! Just rely on your pride! I'll let you go!" With that, he waved his hand to Ren Li, and then the two walked out to the gate and never appeared in the Xuanmen Jianghu again.

Han Binger repelled two strong enemies in a blink of an eye, and clapped her hands and said, "Okay! It's really awesome, but you are too kind-hearted and will suffer losses in the world sooner or later!" Wuyu nodded and said, "That's right! I don't care! You'd better find Wu Yusheng quickly!" Han Binger quickly looked back and saw that there was no shadow of Wu Yusheng and Duan Tianhua!?

Wuqi sighed and said, "The two of them must be difficult to be our enemy, so they went to the main hall in front to find King Xiaoming!" Han Binger nodded and said, "You're right! However, the demons in front of us are several times more powerful than this Xuanhuo Taoist. It is impossible for us to win so easily!"

With that, the two walked forward and saw them crossing the corridors and squares, and then came to a gloomy hall. They looked at the hall. It seemed that three people of different shapes were sitting on the chair and pointed there vigilantly. Han Binger sneered and said, "Here are those The Sanqing Hall worshipped by Xuanmen Swordsman is not a real person, but three statues!"

Wuyu suddenly sighed and then said loudly, "So that's it. I thought someone was already waiting for us here!" Han Binger suddenly changed her expression and then whispered, "So you're right. Those three are no longer statues!" But I saw the three people suddenly stand up and come towards the two!

There is no remark that the square of the hall is extremely dark. These three figures walk in front of the two people like ghosts. Han Binger said coldly: "These three are the three famous demons in the world, the heads of the 'Heavenly Demon Gate' that has never been unknown, and the only disciples! " He said curiously, "Are all three people in charge? What's going on!?

Han Binger smiled and said, "Because these three demons have always been unconvinced with each other, they have been fighting all day long, even when they have come to the Ming Palace for many years. It seems that they are surprisingly united today!"

One of the men with a piercing ring on his nose tilted his head and looked at the two of them, and then shouted, "Your Highness's order! Come and kill you!" Han Binger whispered to Wuyu, "This is the heavenly demon. The one next to him with bare arms is the heavenly wrath demon, and the shortest one is the scorpion demon. All three of them are murderous demons without blinking. If you still show mercy, you can only wait to die!"

Wuyu nodded and said, "I naturally know in my heart, and I can tell which one deserves to die and which one doesn't deserve to die!" Han Binger nodded and said, "These three usually let Xiaoming Wang catch some girls from the good family, often ** to death. Do you have a reason to kill them this time!??" He said without surprise, "You don't have to provoke me with words. I won't leave a face!"

Seeing that day, the angry demon's body was full of scars killed by the three people. He was secretly surprised by the ferocity of these three demons, and then arched his hand and said, "If you don't get out of the way! Don't blame us for being ruthless!" That day, the angry demon looked at Wuyi in a daze and suddenly jumped in front of him angrily. Wuyi immediately waved his palm and slapped him on the body!

The Angry Demon was immediately shocked by the unclaimed Great Shura's palm to spit blood. Wu Wei thought that this palm would definitely break his viscera, but he saw that the Angry Demon not only did not have any fear, but then spit out blood, did not retreat a step, and suddenly hugged Wu Rui to death! Wu Wei was shocked when he saw the pause and was about to struggle to break away from the devil, but he saw the angry devil suddenly laugh, and then exuded a smell of corpses around him!

Han Binger immediately shouted, "That's his 'three corpses'!" Get away from him!" Before Han Binger finished speaking, she saw the short Scorpion demon immediately fall down and quickly kick Han Binger with her feet. Han Binger immediately felt that the Scorpion demon in front of her seemed to have become a huge scorpion and rushed up at her with the red needle on her tail! Busy and dodging aside, no longer in the mood to care about nothing...

Seeing that Wuyi was hit by the smell of the corpse, he suddenly felt a dizziness in his mind, and then all the Zhutian sword spirit on his body burst out strongly. That day, the angry demon was hit by the unreserved sword spirit, and his body was cut completely, but he did not even make a scream, and still laughed and tightened Wu Wrap it up!

Seeing that the devil really lived up to his reputation, he didn't even pity himself at all, which immediately aroused the anger in his heart, and then said coldly, "Your body is very powerful, but it won't kill me!" With that, a fierce murderous atmosphere suddenly appeared in his eyes! That day, the angry demon suddenly became angry and was stunned by his momentum. Then the strong sword waterfall suddenly appeared on Wuyi's body. On that day, the angry demon was immediately penetrated by the sword of the purple cloud sword. Then he burst into the blood column on his body and immediately jumped to Wuyi's side, and his arms were still holding Wuyi...

Wuqi broke away the demon's arm, and then suddenly waved a palm to the ground. The body was immediately shaken into countless pieces. That day, the demon saw that his fellow family was killed without any sadness and anger, but laughed and clapped his hands. Wu knew that he was happy. He removed a person who robbed the position of leader for him and said coldly, "It's your turn this time!"

However, Han Binger dodged the attack of the scorpion demon that day and said loudly, "Good job! Now there are only two left!" That day, the scorpion demon's eyes suddenly turned red and then turned into a corpse and scattered on the ground! Han Binger was shocked when she saw the stop. It turned out that there were countless poisonous scorpions scattered on the ground, and those poisonous scorpions immediately rushed to Han Binger's side!

Han Binger sneered and said, "What kind of evil law am I saying! It turned out to be such a boring thing!" Speaking of killing the spirit of the soul-eating scorpion, he immediately cut off the poisonous scorpions on the ground. As soon as the poisonous scorpions touched the soul-eating knife, they were immediately crushed into dust. Then more and more poisonous scorpions appeared in place, and Han Binger kept slashing.

Those poisonous scorpions on the ground surged more and more, and then under the scorpions. That day, the scorpion demon suddenly rushed to Han Binger's side, and immediately gave birth to a bright red poison needle on his ten fingers and suddenly stabbed Han Binger's skin! Han Binger saw that the knife that stopped the horse * soul-eating Xiao withdrew to her side, and the red poison needles on Ma *'s fingertips were cut off, but the poison needle of the scorpion demon that day immediately grew out, and then the poisonous scorpions on the ground also gathered to Han Binger's side...

I couldn't help worrying about Han Binger, but I saw Han Binger smile, and then suddenly waved to the scorpion demon's arm that day. The arms fell down, and blood immediately gushed out! But the scorpion demon was the same as the angry demon that day, and there was no sign of pain. Then he suddenly came to Han Binger's side, and the poisonous scorpions on the ground immediately gathered around him!

Han Binger frowned when she saw it and immediately shouted, "You devil! It seems that if I don't crush you into powder, you won't give up!" Suddenly, the light of his eyes soared, and then a blue ghost suddenly appeared above Han Binger's head. When he saw it, his heart was a chill. Unexpectedly, he actually refined into the "Yuanying Qi Sword" in Xuanmen with the help of soul-eating Xiao!

This Yuanyingqi sword is a certain stage of elixir refining before it can escape from the body to resist the enemy. Han Binger's heart has always been fierce in hatred, and guided by the soul-eating Xiao, she escaped from Danyuan early. Han Binger's own yuan god gathered in it. If she can't control it properly, she will immediately go crazy and go crazy!

The Scorpion demon was pressing Han Binger to the ground, and those poisonous scorpions were also about to gnaw Han Binger, but they saw the fluttering baby corpse roaring, and then the poisonous scorpions and Scorpion demons on the ground immediately turned into a pile of rugged white bones! Then Han Binger got up and scolded, "Huh! It's really difficult not to give you some color!"

Wuyu cheered loudly, and then there was only one demon refining on the field. Han Binger laughed proudly that day and said, "Be careful, only this demonlian demon is the most powerful among the three people." Wuyu nodded and said, "I'll test him first. If you are invincible, you Then go and help me again!" Han Binger shook her head and said faintly, "If you are defeated, you will be killed by him. It has nothing to do with me!"

looked at Han Binger without contempt, and then waved the purple cloud sword loudly and said, "You devil, I'm going to kill you!" With that, he went to the side of Tianlian Demon and stabbed with a sword. In an instant, the purple cloud sword passed through the chest of Tianlian Demon. Tianlian Demon immediately fell to the ground and said without surprise, "What's going on!? Why did I stab him with a sword and he didn't flash!?"

Han Binger was also secretly surprised. She didn't expect that Tianlian Demon would be killed under the sword so easily, and then waved her hand and said, "We will leave here immediately. I suspect that the little Ming king has escaped from the Ming Palace!" Wuqi nodded. The two were about to turn around and leave, but they heard the creepy laughter of the demon, and then slowly stood up on the ground...

Wuyi and Han Binger were immediately shocked and then hurriedly looked back. They saw the ferocious demons coming towards the two on this day. How could Wuyi and Han Binger expect that his body suddenly became like a ghost, and they were immediately choked by one by his hands, and both of them were suffocating! Han Binger said weakly, "What's going on!? Has he become immortal..."

He also said with a red face: "Fuck it! This demon may really become a devil!" However, when he saw the demon refining with a ferocious smile, the blue veins were immediately exposed on his arms. It turned out that the demon and the two people were born of the same family. However, when the three were born, they were conjoined brothers. Later, they were found by an alien and gave them magic medicine, which made them decomposed, but the elixir on the three people was also from This turned into three strands, so they wanted to kill each other all day long. Now that the two died, the elixir of these two naturally returned to the demon refining!

Wuyi and Han Binger immediately burst out the sword spirit of the soul-eating Xiao and Ziyun sword from their bodies, and killed them to the body of the demon, but the knife and sword spirit seemed to have no effect on the demon. The two had been tightly choked by him, and they were out of breath. That day, they stood still with a ferocious smile and were about to be The two were pinched to death in the palm of their hands...

Wuqi suddenly thought that the dragon soul incense in his body could drive away all kinds of corpses. Just that day, the scorpion demon and the heavenly wrath demon used the attributes of the corpse evil spirits respectively. They immediately forced out the elixir of the dragon soul incense in his body. The heavenly refining demon immediately smelled the fragrance of the demented soul into the air, and then said loudly: "Take advantage of the present I'm giving him a fatal blow!!!"

Then the two came out of their swords at the same time. On that day, the demon refining had been attacked by the dragon soul incense, and the state of corpse on their bodies was immediately broken. Then the two spirits of the purple cloud sword and the soul-eating spirit immediately rolled him into invisible, leaving no bones and blood stains. The two immediately fell to the ground and then kept lying there. Vigorous breathing...

Wuyu looked at Han Binger and then smiled and said, "Shan Fu, I thought you were also trapped in the devil's way like these three people, but it turned out that it was not what I thought." Han Binger said coldly: "You are always so naive," Wuyu suddenly thought of Han Shanfu's sister and asked curiously, "Ling'er is now Where is it?"

Han Binger sighed and said, "In those years, I put him at my aunt's house by the lake under Xianxia Mountain because I came out to learn art. I haven't seen her for a long time. I haven't dared to take her with me. I'm afraid that after being discovered by others, I will blackmail me!" Wuyu nodded and said, "When we take revenge, we will go to Xianxia Mountain to see her!"

Han Binger said coldly, "Your parents are not dead, so naturally there is no need to revenge, but I'm different. I killed Xiaoming Wang and Wu Yusheng, and there are more important things to do!" Wu thought that if he asked, he would not tell the truth, so he stood up from the ground and said, "Let's go!" It's too late, and the enemies have fled!"

The two walked forward again and pushed open the door of the apse, but saw that the lights here were shining like daylight! Wuyi looked around and saw Xiaoming Wang proudly sitting in a car in front of the hall with the young wind music. Han Binger saw that it was surrounded by soldiers and Xuanmen swordsmen, and immediately smiled and shouted to Xiaoming Wang, "Your Highness, are you all right!? I'm here to pick up your head today!!!"

Xiao Mingwang laughed and said, "I know! However, you have to kill thousands of armored soldiers and Xuanmen swordsmen here before you can kill me, but I may have left here at that time. You'd better enjoy here first! Hahaha!" Han Binger smiled and said, "No! Not even one will run out here today! The passage behind has been blocked by me. You'd better die with that leisurely heart! Hahaha!"

King Xiaoming was immediately shocked after hearing this, and then said angrily to the crowd, "Kill these two demons!" Reward a lot of money! Waiting for great achievements in the future! Ten thousand marquis!!!" Those Jiashi immediately rushed to Wuyu and Han Binger! He sighed and said, "It seems that the matter of Tianlongmen will reappear here again!"

Han Binger said lightly, "What's the matter? You still won't kill them easily!? Well, I'll get rid of them. You keep your vitality first, and there will be more important people waiting for us to kill!" With that, he rushed to the armored men. As soon as Han Binger rushed to the field, she immediately shot out the soul-eating knives around her body. Immediately, the armored men fell to the ground one after another, and their faces were black, showing a look of being eroded by the knives!

After seeing it, I didn't expect that Han Binger had deviated from the track of cultivation. I don't know why she could extract such a strong spirit from the knife of the soul-eating evil! He hurriedly guarded in front of the gate for fear that someone would come to attack the exit of the passage he opened for King Xiaoming...