Fairy Sword

Chapter 161 Xie Xuanyuan's palm shock master met Fu Ji on the way to a big ship

Xuanyuan suddenly launched a surprise, and then stopped him from saying loudly: "Don't do it! This Zen master is a foreigner! How can I have a grudge against you? You must have made a mistake!" Xie Xuanyuan immediately pushed Wuyi aside and then shouted, "The scar on my face is thanks to him!"

When he listened to it, he suddenly hesitated, but when he saw that the Zen master looked at home, he waved his hand and said, "Today's matter is the kindness and resentment between us. No one can interfere and solve the Xuanyuan. The room is small and has broken the collection of things. It's not easy for me to talk to the owner of the courtyard. Let's go out and settle it!"

Saying that, he flashed and floated out. Xie Xuanyuan immediately jumped out of the canteen, but saw that the Zen master Miaoyin had already stood calmly. Xie Xuanyuan said coldly, "Do you know how powerful I am in Xuanmen!" Zen master Miaoyin nodded and said, "That's right! But I won't fight back today. You can slap me three times. If you can't do anything after three palms, our old debts will be written off!"

After seeing it, he immediately waved his hand to stop him and said, "No! Although the master has magical skills, I see that the master is weak. How can he withstand my uncle's full attack! And we came here to ask for the master. If it goes on like this, won't we have a grudge against this Fayu Temple!? Xie Xuanyuan shouted, "Sht up! The bald donkey has agreed in person, and it's too late to repent!"

As he spoke, he suddenly went to the side of the Zen master Miaoyin and waved his hand and hit him. This palm condensed the elixir of Xuanyuan's life. His hairy hand hit the lower abdomen of the Zen master Miaoyin immediately exploded a weak air circle around him! In an instant, Xie Xuanyuan's palm was turned away!

Xie Xuanyuan was stunned when he saw it. He didn't expect that the old monk had refined the authentic King Kong of Buddhism! Wuyu saw it and felt a little relieved, but he saw that the Zen master squeezed his eyes at Wuyu, nodded, and knew that the Zen master was confident. Zen Master Miaoyin shouted, "After this palm, you have to plan to attack again!"

Seeing that the Zen master was so conceited, Xie Xuanyuan suddenly felt anger in his heart, and then displayed his "Great Shura palm" and suddenly hit the Zen master Miaoyin's chest! Suddenly, a golden spirit exuded around the Zen master. The great Shura's palm knocked down on his body, but it seemed that the palm was immediately absorbed by the strength. Xie Xuanyuan was almost shocked to the ground by his strength!!!

Seeing that the second palm didn't work, Xie Xuanyuan nodded and said, "Okay! So you are so awesome! I Xie Xuanyuan is not your opponent, but I will still fight this third palm!" Then he stimulated the palm, gathered all the elixir on his palms, suddenly swept to the front of Zen Master Miaoyin, and pressed it down on his chest!!!

Xie Xuanyuan's palms came out together, and obviously he had already hit four palms. When he stopped, he suddenly felt that Uncle Xie's hand was really sinister, but he saw that the old monk really couldn't stand it, and suddenly flew far behind like a broken kite. After seeing this, his heart suddenly cooled down. He thought that he had formed a knot with Liang Zi of Fayu Temple, and this wonderful reason was that once the Zen master died, he would definitely be entangled by those monks!

Xie Xuanyuan nodded and said, "Sure enough, it is a generation of monks, even if he dies, he won't frown!" The monk Yizhen immediately ran to the side of Zen Master Miaoyin, and then cried loudly. Wuyu was also unbearable, and then said loudly to Xie Xuanyuan, "Master! What's wrong with this old monk? Why do you have to put him to death!??"

Xie Xuanyuan sneered and said, "I just asked him to pay off the previous debt. What do you know!?" Wuqi shook his head with a sigh and was about to walk over to check the dead Zen master, but suddenly Miaoyin Zen master smiled slowly and said, "Haha! Xie Jushi really knows me. It's a pity that he doesn't go home!"

Then he got up from the ground, patted the dirt on his body, and came to Wuyu and others. When he stopped, he looked at the Zen master curiously. The Zen master also smiled and said to Wuyu, "What!? Do you think I'm dead?! Haha!" Wuyu nodded and said, "I saw my uncle's palms coming out. I think you can't stand this blow and have been shocked to death!"

Zen Master Miaoyin shook his head and said, "I wanted to play with you for a while, but when I saw that I was really worried about me, I was afraid of alarming other brothers, so I couldn't continue to play!" With that, he invited everyone to sit down in the Zen hall.

Sitting on the sitting futon and asked puzzledly, "Master, what kind of old grudge do you and I have!" Master Miaoyin said with a smile and said, "In the early years, I was successful in my studies. At that time, I wandered around the world. At that time, I saw that Xie Daxia had an argument with some Xuanmen people, and then took action. I wanted to stop him from killing. At that time, I saw that he was furious and thought he was a murderous demon king, so I had the intention to punish him. After abstaining him, he took away the soul-eating in his hand, and then left such a scar on his face..."

"I haven't asked about the world for many years, and I've always been worried about this matter. I'm not happy to pay attention to karma in Buddhism. I'm worried that I can't achieve positive results in my lifetime, so I'm willing to accept his three palms!"

Xie Xuanyuan laughed and said, "You old man knows that I won't kill you, and you still have such body protection skills. I can't do anything about you!" Zen master Miaoyin shook his head and smiled, "When you came out of the third palm, I had taken away the magic power on your body. I didn't expect that the monk was such a benevolent man, so I said that you had the wisdom of the Buddha!"

Xie Xuanyuan shook his head and said, "Forget it! I'm just a demon that everyone fears in the world, but now the soul-eating demon is no longer on me, and the title of this demon naturally loses its role. He said with a smile, "You two are all worried about the good play!" Then everyone laughed.

Seeing that it was not early, the Zen master told Yizhen about arranging accommodation, and then said to Wuyu, "Come with me. I have something to say to you!" Wuyi hurriedly went to the Zen room with him. The Zen master asked Wuyi to sit on the chair and then asked puzzledly, "Your uncle Jiuyao used to be a good friend, and Su Jian of Xuanyimen was also a famous Qing scholar in the world. Unfortunately, he didn't have a chance to go to see his face! What on earth did you come to Putuo Mountain thousands of miles away?!"

Wuyi hurriedly took out the secret in his arms and handed it to the Zen master Miaoyin. Zen master Miaoyin read it carefully and then nodded and said, "It turned out that he wanted me to solve the mystery for you!" Wuyi nodded and said, "Because this Sanskrit has always been owned by Buddhism, our Taoist sect has never known this kind of language, and it bothers the master to give me some advice!"

But when I saw Zen Master Miaoyin, he smiled and said, "I just read some of the words inside. It seems to be the heirloom of Xuanyimen. Are you afraid that I will let me peep at the secrets of your door!" Wuqi smiled and said, "The master is a Taoist monk. I don't think he will do such a thing, and our Taoism is different from Buddhism. Even if you look at it, it is useless without the foundation of Taoism!"

Zen master Miaoyin nodded and said, "Since you trust me so much, let me tell you the truth, even I can't understand the meaning of it. Since the Eastern translation of Buddhist scriptures, countless great virtues have interpreted the scriptures, but now few people can understand this text, and this is not Sanskrit, but it is the oldest. Tianzhu spit fire Luowen!"

He said curiously, "Fire Luowen!?" Zen master nodded and said, "This fire-striking Luowen is the same as Sanskrit, but now it is extremely rare for me to understand Sanskrit in China, and this fire-striking is even more difficult to find. I only know that there is a translation field in the south, but I don't know if anyone can recognize the meaning!"

After listening, he arched his hand and said, "Please give me the direction there, and the younger generation will visit!" Zen Master Miaoyin shook his head and said, "If you go, they will never do anything for you, and they will kick you out, because those monks are pedantic and deeply rooted in their sects, and it is difficult to become good friends with Taoist sects like you. Or I will go there with you, which may have some effect."

Wuyi hurriedly thanked Master Miaoyin. The two chatted for a while, and then went to rest separately. The next morning, Miaoyin told the monks to guard the temple, and then went to Cui Kubo's restaurant in a boat with Wuyi and others. Kubo came back and happily asked the restaurant to prepare a banquet.

He said shyly, "Kubo, you don't have to be so polite to me, and your big ship was destroyed when I went there. We are about to leave for the Fuzhou generation. You'd better run the restaurant here!" Kubo shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter! Even if ten ships are destroyed, I won't feel sad!"

Then he went to the harbor and said to Wuyi, "I knew you still have to travel, so I specially prepared another big ship for you." Wuyi thanked Cui Kubo gratefully, and then the two idiots and apprentices also successfully completed the purpose of the trip. They said goodbye to everyone and took a boat back to their temple.

Miaoyin Zen master and Xuanyuan Wuqi took Cui Kubo's big boat and drove to the sea. Wuyi suddenly remembered something and asked the Zen master puzzledly, "Why did the real brother intercept us so viciously when we came!" Zen Master Miaoyin sighed and said, "That Yizhen once offended some children of Xuanmen when he was studying in the world. Later, those people knew that they were my disciples, so they deliberately came to the door. I repeatedly punished them, but those people did not know how to thank me for mercy, but they have been entangling me. I am also a person who holds the precepts. Naturally, I can't open it. Killing, let them fool around. I really thought I heard some noise yesterday, so I went to the sea to intercept you!"

Wu nodded and said, "So that's it. I have basically been with those people in Xuanmen. I don't know who dares to be so arrogant!" Suddenly, a huge sailboat appeared on the sea and immediately rushed straight to the three-person big ship! Master Miaoyin pointed to the flagpole on the ship with a smile and said, "It's those who don't know good or bad!"

But when he saw a big deer battle embroidered on the sail, he asked puzzledly, "Which Peugeot is this?" Xie Xuanyuan said coldly, "This is not the flag of Xuanmen, but a disciple of the powerful national division in the world today!" After hearing this, he nodded and said, "So it is. How dare they be so arrogant!"

But when he saw a man in front of him, he immediately appeared, and then the man shouted loudly, "Listen to the bald donkey on the ship!" Stop and surrender to us, or we will sink your boat to the bottom of the sea!!!" I didn't see that the big ship was originally restructured by the warship. If they fired at themselves, the three people would definitely die in this sea, and then they discussed with the two masters of Miaoyin.

After the discussion, Xie Xuanyuan slowly raised the white flag and leaned against the big ship, but saw that it was a young man who shouted. Seeing the three of them surrender, they immediately laughed proudly. Then the innocent ship was tied to the warship and walked towards the sea. The young man saw that the ship was in addition to the wonderful Zen master. In addition, Xie Xuanyuan and Wuyu asked loudly, "Who are you?" How can you be with this bald donkey!?

He said tremblingly, "The little man is a sailing ship. When he was about to cross the sea, he was stopped by you..." The man thought that Xuanyuan was a burly old man. He thought he was a crew member, but he didn't pay attention to it. Then he said to Zen Master Miaoyin, "Why didn't your disciple bring it out!? You bald donkey has caused us to be captured and humiliated by you several times, and today we want you to taste the bastards in this sea!"

But when he saw the Zen master Miaoyin, he smiled and said, "The donor is so angry, don't hurt your spleen!?" The young man scolded, "Huh! Don't pretend to be a ghost with me! Come on, throw those two boat houses into the water first, and then slowly clean up the old bald donkey later!" After listening to this, he looked at the others in surprise and said, "We didn't break the law. Why did we throw us into the sea!? Who are you!? How dare you be so rude!?"

The young man shouted, "I am the king's law!" What!? Killing you as a parman is like pinching an ant to death!" With that, he motioned others to do it. Those people and horses were tied up and reconciled Xuanyuan. They were secretly worried about the safety of these men, and they were afraid that Xuanyuan would suddenly rise up and shock these people to death one by one!

Wuyu hurriedly whispered to Xie Xuanyuan, "Uncle! Don't be angry!" Xie Xuanyuan did not answer coldly, but saw that everyone pushed and rushed to the corner of the boat. A sailor smiled and said, "You two explore the way for the monk first, and he will come to find you in a while! Hahaha!"

With that, he stretched out his hand to push Xie Xuanyuan into the sea. Suddenly, Xie Xuanyuan's eyes showed murderousness, and suddenly burst out a stream of gas around his body. Then the man who walked to them was immediately shaken into seven holes and bleed. He fell into the sea and was swallowed up by the waves in a blink of an eye. Others suddenly got angry when they saw this burly old man and shouted, "Be careful! This man can do evil!!!"

Saying that, everyone immediately surrounded Xie Xuanyuan, shook their heads helplessly, and then broke away from the rope that bound them. While stopping Xie Xuanyuan, he shouted to everyone, "Don't go any further, or the one beside me will throw you all away. Feed the fish in the sea!!!"

The sailors were stunned and dared not rush forward. The ferocious old man in his life really killed himself, but saw the young man say loudly, "What! How dare you come to this boat to be wild!" As he raised his hand, a sword spirit flew in. Xie Xuanyuan's expression was motionless. Suddenly, he faced the sword spirit towards the young man. The sword spirit cut to Xie Xuanyuan's body, but it had no effect at all. Then Xie Xuanyuan waved his palm and shook away. The young man immediately sprayed blood and then fell on the deck and died.

The sailors around immediately ran into the cabin and shouted as they ran, "It's not good! Your Excellency! Xuanmen masters came to this ship to commit murder!!!" But when he saw a man dressed in the appearance of the government slowly coming out of the cabin, he asked faintly, "Who is so bold that he dares to make trouble in this national teacher's ship!"

Seeing that the man was holding a pocket teapot and drinking slowly into his mouth, he immediately shouted in shock, "How can it be you!!!?" The man was also shocked to see Wuxiao, and then smiled coldly and said, "There is no place to break the iron shoes. It doesn't take much time!" I'm looking around for you, but I didn't expect to be caught in the trap!"

This man was the family member of Li Tianzong. Fu Ji, the master in the court, did not know why he stayed in the ship of the national master and asked puzzledly, "Aren't you from the Ming Palace? Why are you entangled with this national master, and why didn't you show up when Long Qingshuang attacked Xuanyi Gate!"

Fu Ji said proudly, "How can the reckless man surnamed Long be compared with my dignified court member!? I was originally an undercover agent sent by the National Normal University to the Ming Palace, and even my disciple Han Binger is the same. Why, don't you know!?

After listening to this, he thought coldly and walked to Xie Xuanyuan's side and whispered, "Uncle, this demon can control the vegetation, and even on this boat board, we must be careful..." Xie Xuanyuan said impatiently, "Even if he can be thorough, I am not afraid of this skinny court eagle dog!"

Fu Ji looked at the two coldly and suddenly saw that the Zen master Miaoyin in the bow was sitting there leisurely. He seemed to be looking at the excitement of the crowd, so he snorted coldly, "Why is there still a monk? It seems that I met my sworn admiral of Xuanyimen today. It is inevitable that there will be a big war!"