Fairy Sword

Chapter 163 Wudang Mountain Boy Set Divinations Zhenwu Hall Laughs and defeats the enemy

While leaning against his purple cloud sword, he concentrated on fighting with the old monk. Seeing that he was about to lean in front of the monk's clothes of his purple cloud sword, he saw that the big monk suddenly rushed to the front of his purple cloud sword and immediately blocked the way! Seeing that the big monk had seen through his scheming, he suddenly felt a shudder and then retreated by his palm!

The two fought for a long time. Wuwei saw that the old monk seemed to have insufficient energy and sweated profusely on his forehead, but he only lost the purple cloud sword, and the elixir did not consume much. Moreover, after fighting with him for a long time, he had already seen through his palm strength and the number of roads. Wu Wei immediately waved Da Shura's palm and suddenly took advantage of his weakness. Shake at the old monk's chest, and the palm of the Shura's palm immediately hit the tall monk!!!

Suddenly, a thin figure flashed in front of them and immediately took the palm of Wuyu. Wuyu was immediately forced to retreat by the palm of the man, and then his chest was suffocated. Miaoyin Zen master did not know when he had come here with Master Puyu. The little monk beside him hurried to greeted them, but he saw the wonderful reason. The Zen master said curiously, "What's going on!? Why did you fight here as soon as you left for a while!?

The big monk said in a low voice, "My heart and I suspect that this boy is an undercover agent sent by the national teacher!" He walked aside with a wry smile, and then lifted the monk's clothes on the ground and took back the purple cloud sword. Miaoyin Zen master suddenly laughed when he heard this, and the big monk said unhappily, "Why did you laugh at me so much!" Did I do something wrong..." Zen Master Miaoyin shook his head and said, "He is just my guest, and he is a disciple of Xuanyimen. You must have heard of it. How did he become the detailed work of the national master!"

The big monk was stunned after hearing this, and then patted his bright head with embarrassment and said, "It turned out to be a disciple of Sister Jiuyao. I'm really confused! It should be punished!" With that, he walked to Wuqi and arched his hand and said, "Little brother! It's my moon wheel that misunderstood you. Please don't be surprised!" Wuqi hurriedly said respectfully, "Senior, don't be so polite. We are all a family, but the predecessor's magic skills are really powerful, and even my sword has been taken away by you..."

The moon wheel monk said with a smile, "If you want to learn, I will teach you, but don't hate the old monk! Haha!" Wuqi also laughed. Everyone immediately entered the room of the moon wheel and saw that there were only other Buddhist classics except a Zen bed, and there was nothing else. Seeing that the great monk's life was so miserable, they couldn't help admiring it in their hearts!

Everyone sat on the chair in the room and asked puzzledly, "Why did the senior Yuelun look so excited when he saw the person I thought was a national teacher!" Master Miaoyin said with a smile, "You don't know anything about this. The national teacher once sent people to various famous mountain monasteries to let us learn Taoism, but as soon as we entered Buddhism, we were willing to retreat and never wanted to learn the old man!" Wu Wei nodded and said, "It must be that the national teacher wants the monks all over the world to convert to other religion in order to strengthen their own power!"

Zen master Miaoyin sighed and said, "There has been a dispute between Buddhism and Taoism since ancient times. The former Master Xuanzang argued with the imperial Taoist priest at that time. Taoism believes that Taoism is the state religion and wants the mage to translate it into Tianzhu in Buddhism into Tianzhu, but the mage believes that the scriptures of Buddhism and Taoism are two different things. , so refusing to translate, this is a public case of Buddhism and Taoism!" After listening, he nodded and said, "It turns out that there is still such a thing. I think it is the recent decline of Buddhism that has led the national teacher to be favored and want to eradicate Buddhism!"

Zen master Miaoyin nodded and said, "There have been many Buddhist difficulties in history, but they have all become clouds. I don't know if I can get through this time..." Wuqi got up and said, "If the masters are in trouble, although I am also a Taoist family, I will definitely help!" Zen master Miaoyin nodded and said, "Zhang Xiaoyou originally had a Bodhisattva heart, which I have heard of for a long time, but there are many Xuanmen in the world, and even the Wudang sect has been involved in this incident. It's really a pity. What I fear most is that some radicals of Buddhism conflict with those Taoist Xuanmen. It will provide more excuses for the national teacher to eradicate Buddhism and lobby the emperor!"

Wuyu pondered for a moment and said, "I will go to Beijing on a day. Today's princess and I used to be good friends, and I think she can make more suggestions for us in the ears of the emperor." Zen master Yuelun shook his head and said, "It's useless! No one in the world knows that the emperor is just a puppet emperor, and the power is in the hands of the imperial master and the national master. Everyone chatted for a long time before they dispersed.

Wuyi said to Zen Master Miaoyin, "Please keep the secrets of my family for the time being. I have a close relationship with the Wudang faction. Go and lobby them to see what they mean, and then make a final determination!" Zen Master Miaoyin smiled and said, "You can safely hand over the crucial secrets in the door to me. It's really broad-minded!" Wuyu shook his head and smiled, "I just see that you old monks are good people! I didn't think so much. Please ask the master to focus on finding the person who translates the scriptures for me. I went to give some strength to Buddhism, which also reciated the kindness of the masters!"

Zen master Miaoyin nodded and said, "Okay! However, if you can convince those Xuanmen to support Buddhism and live in peace with us, it will be a great merit!" Wuyi thanked the Zen master Miaoyin, and then went to say goodbye to Xuanyuan. Xie Xuanyuan pondered for a long time before saying, "You must be careful this time. I'm waiting for the news of the translation of the scriptures. Once translated, I will immediately go back to Qingxu Valley. Let's meet in Qingxu Valley then!"

Wuyi immediately left Xuefeng Temple and walked in the direction of Wudang Mountain. Along the way, he went to the inn at the foot of Wudang Mountain to rest. The town at the foot of the mountain was extremely lively, almost no state capital or county. I looked at the top of Wudang Mountain without any disrespect. I saw that the purple clouds were covered here. It was really a fairy treasure. I was drinking alone and looking at the top of the mountain. Suddenly, I heard a voice saying, "I know life and death, I know the noble and lowly!"

Wuqi hurriedly looked back and saw a middle-aged man coming from afar, holding a gossip flag in his hand. It was Dong Chengping, the world's first prime minister who had been separated for a long time! Wuqi hurriedly got up and greeted Dong Chengping. When Dong Chengping saw Wuqi, he immediately walked to the table with great joy. Wu Wei arched his hand and said, "I don't know if Elder Dong is all good!" Dong Chengping nodded and said, "Alas, last time you rescued me from the little Mingwang, I have been walking in the world in a low profile and dare not be too public!"

With a smile, Mr. Dong also learned to be so crafty!" Dong Chengping sighed and said, "I know a lot of things have happened in Xuanyimen, but this has long been doomed. Xuanyimen will definitely carry forward in your hands in the future. Please live a good life!" Then he asked why Wuyi came down from the Wudang faction. Wuyi hurriedly told Dong Chengping what had happened. Dong Chengping pinched and then shook his head and said, "This Wudang faction is a mysterious place in the world, and I see that this mountain seems to be murderous, so please don't go up the mountain!"

smiled and filled Dong Chengping with wine, and then said, "What else can I fear in the world!? My Xuanyimen has fallen to this point now, and you must also know that if I let the world's Xuanmen do wrong, I'm afraid that the people will suffer that day! Moreover, there has always been a fight in Xuanmen. If the checks and balances of Buddhism are lost, I can't imagine what direction it will go in the future.

Dong Chengping nodded and said, "I know I can't dissuade you, but you must be more careful!" Wuqi nodded and said, "Thank you for your teaching, but let's just get drunk today and don't ask anything else!" The two drank in front of the inn and then rested in the inn for one night.

On the second day, I said goodbye to Dong Chengping early and walked to Wudang Mountain. I saw the lush green mountains, but there was no one on the mountaineering road. I was hesitant about why the ancient temple in the world was so lonely. Soon, I came to a mountain open space and saw a child in front of me. Tong Zheng squatted on the ground and played with some sticks, and then walked over and asked softly, "Excuse me, this little brother! Why is this Wudang Mountain so deserted!? Whose child are you? Why do you play alone here!?

However, seeing that the boy did not seem to hear it, he asked repeatedly, but still did not answer. Wu thought that the child was a deaf and mute person, so he turned around and walked to the top of the mountain. He saw that the surroundings were extremely quiet, and there was still no Taoist priest passing by the roadside. Wu Yu walked forward for a while, and then he burst into his heart. When he moved, he saw a child squatting on the far ground in front of him, as if he were the same as the boy just now!

Wuyu immediately knew that he was just spinning here, and it was the child on the ground who made a ghost, and then walked to the child with a gloomy smile and shouted, "Whose child are you! How dare you play such a boring game with me here!" The boy slowly raised his head and was immediately shocked by his face, but saw that there were two pupils in the boy's right eyeball! Legend has it that the saints who appeared in ancient times had such double pupils. I didn't expect to see such a strange person here!

The boy was shocked by his appearance and immediately sat on the ground and cried. He saw that the bamboo chopsticks placed on the ground were actually pieced together according to the hexagram shape and grid! Immediately kicked away the bamboo chopsticks, and then said fiercely, "It turns out that you are playing tricks in this mountain. Humph, take me to the top of the mountain, or I will throw you into the mountain to feed the wolf!" The boy cried even more fiercely when he heard this. He was about to pick him up and climb to the top of the mountain. Suddenly, a voice behind him said coldly, "Who are you!? How dare you take my fellow door at will!!!"

Wuqi hurriedly looked back and saw a man in a Taoist robe staring at himself coldly. Wuqi quickly put down the boy and arched his hand and said, "I'm here to pay respect to the head of Wudang Mountain! Please ask this brother to lead the way for me!" The man said disdainfully, "Now that the leader is receiving distinguished guests in the mountains, he will never see a demon like you!" He said helplessly, "In that case, I can go by myself!" Don't worry about this big brother!" With that, he turned around and walked away...

The man suddenly stopped Wuyu and shouted, "Where is the Wudang faction!? Did you come as you said!? And this little two is my master's beloved son, and he has always been regarded as the apple of his eye, but you actually bullied him and cried!" He said curiously, "This child is playing with ghosts and walls on this ground, and I don't know that he is the beloved son of a master in the mountains. Oh, it turned out that you have been looking at this child and were afraid that he would go to the mountain to make trouble, so you took him to the mountainside to play. The child cried because you did not have a good responsibility to take care of him, but retreated. What a shame!"

The man was immediately angry and said loudly, "Let you know the consequences of coming to Wudang!" With that, he came over with a "Five Thunder Heart"! Wuyi saw that although the Chinese character looked strong, the magic power of Xuanmen was plain and seemed to be comparable to the skin, so he smiled and rolled a roll of thunder. Then he led the energy to the pine tree beside him, but he heard a loud noise, and the pine tree was immediately split in half!

The man looked at him in a daze, and then suddenly went to the child's side and shouted, "I'm not your opponent. If you dare to come to Wudang Mountain, I will definitely let you know our strength!" With that, he picked up the crying child and ran away. Wuyi shook his head with a smile, and then followed the man to the top of the mountain. Soon, he came to the Zhenwu Hall on Wudang Mountain. Wuyi looked at the surrounding square, but saw Taoist people practicing the sword array everywhere. He immediately remembered the scene when he had just entered the Fuxi Palace, and then shook his head with a sigh. ......

I saw a man in white commanding and practicing there. Suddenly, he saw Wuyi standing in the center of the hall and shouted, "Who are you!" Why didn't you come here!?" However, the Chinese character I met on the mountainside said to the man in white, "He is the demon I just met in the mountain. This man's sword spirit is so good that he almost split me in half. Please make the decision for me!"

After listening, he was surprised to think that it was you who made the first hand, why did I want to split you in half!? But when he saw the man arch his hand, he said lightly, "Lv Jianfeng, a disciple of Mu Xizi of the Wudang Sword School, what is the name of this fellow?" Wuyu also said respectfully, "Zhang Wuyu, a disciple of Xuanyimen, visited Brother Lu!" With that, he walked to the center of the square!

When those disciples heard the name of Wuqi, they immediately changed their faces and immediately retreated one after another. The big man who had been repaired without slander was also shocked when he heard this, and then boldly shouted to Wuqi: "Wu Wenhan, a disciple of Mu Xizi of the Wudang School, put down the weapon in your hand quickly. Don't you know that I should come to Wudang. Can't people carry weapons..." With that, he hid behind Lv Jianfeng.

Seeing that this person was so timid, he smiled and said, "I came to visit the head of Mukongzi!" I hope the two brothers will introduce me!" Lv Jianfeng said in a low voice, "The leader is not in the mountain now. Everything in the mountain is up to my master Mu Xizi!" Now he is talking to the distinguished guests in my door. It's inconvenient to meet. You'd better go down the mountain quickly!"

After listening, he said curiously, "Why did you drive me down the mountain? I don't have anything to do with the Wudang faction!?" Suddenly, a man flashed out from the back of the hall and shouted with great joy immediately after seeing it, "Brother Nie! I'm here!!!" That man was Nie Qingyuan, whom he hadn't seen for many years. Nie Qingyuan seemed stunned when he saw Wu Wei, and then smiled in surprise and said, "Oh, it's you. I have something to do now. You wait here for a moment."

Then he walked to the hall on the other side and looked at Nie Qingyuan, who was far away, and said to himself why this person was so ungrateful? While hesitating, Wu Wenhan sneered and said, "If you demon still don't go down the mountain, don't blame me for being ruthless!" Without waiting for an answer, he shouted to the disciples, "Sword array!" After hearing this, those disciples immediately surrounded Wuqi and then unfolded the Taiji sword in their hands!

Seeing that these people were unreasonable, they obviously wanted to go down the mountain by themselves, but they didn't even leave a way out for themselves, so they were secretly annoyed. They wanted to show some color to these ignorant Wudang disciples. Then they stared at the movements of the disciples around them and said with a smile, "It turned out that you Wudang wanted to try me. The kung fu of Yimen is coming!" Lu Jianfeng said coldly, "I dare not! However, in recent years, Xuanyimen has been in the limelight. You have long been a rookie in the famous Jianghu Xuanmen. You have broken through the 18 Passes of Tianlongmen, and we have to guard against it!"

No one nodded and said, "Okay! Today, I will come to learn the magic power of the Xuanmen Wudang Sword School!" With that, those disciples stabbed Wuzhi with swords one after another and rotated their bodies quickly. Those wrapped Wudang disciples immediately threw the swords in their hands to the ground! Seeing that there was no attack, they shot down their weapons one after another, and immediately dispersed around, and then other disciples made up for it!

But I saw Lv Jianfeng shouting, " Change!" Those disciples immediately changed their formation, then shouted and stabbed Chao Wuqi. Wuqi suddenly felt that this Wudang was really not an ordinary Xuanmen. Those swordsmanships attacked him, and they immediately felt great momentum! Wuqi immediately protected Zhutian's sword spirit around him, and then swept his palms at the attacking swords, but heard a jingling sound. Immediately, more than a dozen swords were broken by Wujian, but immediately other disciples rushed up!

If Wujian saw that he didn't need some elixir, he was afraid that it would be difficult to escape. Even if the purple cloud sword came, there was a lot of purple air in the field, and then he shuttled to the field and cut off the hands of those disciples. He only saw Wuqi unfold the shadow flame door. Lv Jianfeng and Wu Wenhan immediately lost their sight, and then Those disciples' weapons were cut off to the ground and turned into half of the blades! Those disciples stared at the remnant sword in their hands and then attacked Wu with empty hands!

When he stopped, he laughed and said, "Hmm! Don't you give up!? Then try my palm again!" Then he put away the purple cloud sword and poked at the disciples with his palm. Suddenly, those disciples' acupuncture points were quickly clicked, and immediately stood in the field in a daze. In a blink of an eye, more than a hundred disciples were living in the same place and could not move!

Lv Jianfeng and Wu Wenhan were shocked by the magic power of Wu Wei. Wu Wei put away their arms and then looked at them with a smile and said, "What!? Do the two brothers also want to try!?" With that, he came over to the two of them, trying to scare the two brothers! Suddenly, an old and thick voice shouted, "Sht it!!!" Wuyi hurriedly turned around and looked at the hall and saw a gray-haired old Taoist and a white-haired old man standing on the hall and looking at himself coldly...