Fairy Sword

Chapter 170 Shaoshiyama's disciples relearn their skills, and they are smart

Wuqi and the master of Zen walked out of the door. Wuqi had seen the mage disciples of the temple, large and small. Chen Zhong said loudly, "Brother Zhang! I took action, please don't worry about it!" Wu laughed and said, "They are all disciples of the same sect. Where are there so many accountants!" With that, everyone came to the hall!

Master Xinchan asked Wuyu to kneel on the fudan in the hall, and then patted Wujian's head and said, "I saw you, which was a good material for becoming a monk, but with this horse stake in your ears, I'm afraid you have lost the wisdom of Buddhism, so you can only temporarily convert to my family, are you willing!"

With no mercy, he put his palms together and said solemnly, "Disciples are willing!" Master Xinchan smiled and said, "I don't think your original nickname is this, but Su Zhenren in Qingxu Valley is a fairy. He actually gave you the name of a Buddhist disciple. You don't need to have any conversion code. You'd better use this original name without slander! In this way, there is no resistance to Taoism and Buddhism!"

asked curiously, "Why is my name the name of a Buddhist disciple?" While picking up the magic weapon, Xinchan said, "The Venerable Bodhi in the Diamond Sutra said, 'Buddha said that I have no samadhi, and the first among people is the first one is the first arhats of desire.' I think Su Zhen is kind in nature, and I don't want you to kill in this chaotic Xuanmen rivers and lakes. The killer is angrunted and unreasonable. He can destroy his abom and cut off all desires, so as to achieve the situation of forgetting both people and me!"

Then he read the eulogy in "The Theory of Jushe": "There is no worldly wisdom, and then you will not move. The fate of the three continents has not been born, and there is something in the world of desire." After picking up the magic weapon and carrying out a simple conversion ceremony, he patted the shoulder and said, "From now on, you are a disciple of Buddhism. Buddhism does not bind people's hearts. If you don't want to abandon Taoism, you can still choose!" Wuqi nodded and said, "My disciple knows!"

Speaking of getting up and doing the master-apprentice salute to the master of heart Zen, the master of heart Zen nodded and said to Wuyu, "After this disaster, you can also spend the rest of your life safely. You were originally a lonely star, but the kindness of the day after tomorrow changed your fate. Although it is difficult and dangerous, it is a long time ago now. Take care of yourself in the future! "

In the morning of the second day, I got up early and went to the forest of Shaoshi Mountain with Master Xin Zen to learn the method of Buddhism on the secret! When the two came to a quiet place, Master Xin Zen said to Wuqi, "The meditation of Buddhism originally existed in the classics. Although there are many similar cultivation methods of that Taoist, most of them are modeled after Buddhism! Now you have to throw away the previous methods in your mind so that you can enter the door without hindrance!"

Wuqi sat quietly under a tree and then took a deep breath, but with a little breath, Danyuan in his body unconsciously followed Zhou Tian. After seeing this, Master Xin Zen smiled and patted the sea of his mind! Wuqi immediately felt as if he had dispersed, and all the elixir and Danyuan in his body immediately disappeared! Suddenly shocked!

But when he saw the master of Zen, he shook his head and said, "Although your elixir is rich, it is chaotic, and if it goes on like this over the years, there is more danger of becoming a fire, so I will gather the elixir around you into one place. Now you follow the secret method to run the day, and you will be safe in the future. !"

asked puzzledly, "If you continue to practice like this, I don't know when you will achieve it!" Master Zen smiled and said, "If it's fast, there will be achievements in three days. If you don't pay attention and still can't break yourself, then your life may go on like this, and you will be like ordinary people from now on!"

After listening to it, he immediately condensed his breath and quietly sat down according to the secret way of transportation, but the meditation of Buddhism and the Taoist's acceptance are thousands of different, which is simply a gap between heaven and earth! Wuqi was anxious, and soon there was blue smoke from the top of his head, and then the smoke gradually filled the whole forest!

Master Xin Zen saw it and did not stop it, but said softly, "The situation is born from the heart! If you are calm, you will be at peace!" After listening to it, he immediately became enlightened. He immediately readjusted his mood, and then gradually stopped, and dived into the realm of meditation...

After a long time, he heard a crisp bell ringing in his ear, and then the Zen master shook Wuqi out of the yuan spirit with the qi in his hand. Wuqi suddenly took a deep breath, and then felt that his body seemed to be an unprecedented and pure elixir in his body! Master Xinchan nodded and said, "I didn't expect you to get started so quickly, but the critical moment hasn't come yet. I can only study here for the time being today. Let's go back!"

At night, it was difficult to calm down. Thinking that Han Binger would bring people to seize the Shaolin Temple after more than ten days, she was very anxious. Then she got up and sat up in Zen**. In a short time, she entered the realm of the morning until the sky was bright, but she heard the sound of the chickens in the mountains and woke up without any trouble. When I came over, I immediately felt that my spirit was not decadent, but also full of spirit!

Wuqi hurriedly got up and ran to the forest, but saw that Master Xin Zen had already been waiting there and said guiltlessly, "Disciples come late, please punish me!" Master Zen stared at Wuyu, and suddenly a strange light appeared in his eyes. Then he asked, "Have you been mediting last night?"

Wuyu nodded and said with a smile, "It's me who is greedy and eager to make progress and want to achieve success as soon as possible, so I also practiced it at night. I didn't expect it to be such a night!" Master Xinchan looked at Wu in a daze and sighed for a long time, "Such a good root device is recognized by Mr. Su!" It's really a creation!!!"

Saying that the two began to meditate again. They have made rapid progress in the past few days, and the elixir in the body was also revealed day by day, and the elixir that was slapped by the heart Zen master reappeared in his body, which was just extremely strong and pure. After finishing his study on this day, he curiously wanted to try to cut down the nearby trees with his flying sword, but he waved as a sword. A nearby willow fell down, but the sword spirit was no longer the purple of the purple cloud sword, but a pure white breath!

Wuqi is curious. Why is his Zhutian sword spirit and Ziyun sword different? Why is it no different from when he just learned sword spirit!? But the spirit seems to exceed that of two different magic swords! Wuyu was hesitating alone, but he saw that Master Xin Zen shook his head and sighed in front of Wuyu and slapped him!

touched the painful head and asked puzzledly, "Why did Master hit me!?" Master Xinchan pointed to the willow tree that fell to the ground and said, "You are now a disciple of Buddhism, and how can you cut these trees at will in Shaoshi Mountain!" He said puzzledly, "This tree has no life. I just want to try my strength!"

The Zen master shook his head and said, "Buddha disciples pay attention to the practice of the Bodhisattva. Even when they cross the grass, they can't bear to trample on the grass at will. How can you cut down this hard-won tree immediately!?" After listening, I meditated for a long time and didn't understand this strange truth, but I heard the Zen master say, "Forget it! Remember not to destroy the trees in the forest in the future, or you will be punished to face the wall next time!"

Ten days have passed in a blink of an eye. Wugui has already mastered the spirit of Buddhism, and his flying sword has turned into a white air sword as it was when it was first refined, but the momentum is much stronger than the Ziyun Sword and Zhutian Sword, and the Zen Master has taught the King Kong of Shaolin. This god When tens of millions of flying swords come, they will not be hurt by those flying swords at all. Although Wuyu is clumsy, he gradually moves forward little by little.

On this day, Wuyi sat in the hall to worship the Buddha. Master Xinchan walked to Wuyi and sat down, and then said lightly, "Xuanyimen is now divided. If you have achieved your magical skills in the future, will you want to avenge those enemies!" When Wuqi heard that the old monk suddenly asked him about such a thing, he pondered for a while and said, "My disciples once thought that sometimes they would hate at night and couldn't sleep for a long time, but now there are many things in my heart that I haven't figured out, and I don't know who is the murderer who finally hurt those seniors in my division. !"

After listening to the words, the Zen master nodded and said, "If you always have a strong hatred in your heart, it will affect your life, and even if you find those you think are the murderers and kill them one by one, the hatred in your heart will never be relieved in the future!" Wu nodded and said, "I understand what the master said, but can I be like a flower to resolve the hatred in my heart? I was originally a child of an ordinary farmer. The disciples of Xuanyimen have never known and had anything to do with me, but I don't know whether it is God's will or to play tricks on people. It is really difficult for me to distinguish the cause of these things in my heart! I have been regretting that if I had never had those fairy dreams, and lived with my parents, married and had children in the future, and spent my life in Xianxia Mountain like that, I don't think it would be so sad..."

Master Xin Zen said lightly after listening to this, "The world is like a dream! All kinds of kindness and resentment are due to persistence! If you can put down everything in your heart, all your worries will naturally dissipate! But only those who have experienced such a dream can really experience it!" After listening to it, I thought for a while and stared at the distant departure of the Zen master. It seemed that I saw the light of the road of life in my heart...

On this day, Wuyu studied alone in the mountain forest. Then he felt that he had stayed in this young room mountain for too long, so he did not tell anyone in the temple to walk to the market town at the foot of the mountain alone. There was a lively scene. Wuyu leisurely played on the streets of the town, but he saw a group of people There is a loud noise around a gossip stall.

He walked over curiously and watched, but saw that Dong Chengping was arguing with a group of people. He stood silently and looked at the crowd and looked at him. A scholar in white pointed to Dong Chengping's gossip stall and said, "You liar! How dare you call yourself the first teacher in the world!? Is this too much bragging? Why did your divination several times have no effect!?

I saw Dong Chengping's face full of big men. I have never seen this person so nervous. Dong Chengping said in a panic, "No! Is it that my hexagram has lost its spirit!?" Other people also shouted. It was funny and interesting, but the scholar in white in front of Dong Chengping said loudly, "If your gossip doesn't work, take out my money quickly!" I'm going to a nearby restaurant for a drink."

Dong Chengping waved to the crowd and said, "Stop arguing! Give me one more chance!" With that, he picked up the copper coins on the gossip table and throwing them at the gossip stall, but the copper coins actually stood up on the table and refused to fall! Dong Chengping was shocked as soon as he saw it and muttered, "No! No way!"

The people around immediately shouted, "Take the money!" Take the money!" Dong Chengping had no choice but to take out the silver in his arms and put it on the table. The white Xiushi rudely picked up the silver and walked towards the restaurant not far away. Looking intently at the scholar in white, he looked very proud, and the restaurant was on the wine table in front of the door, and several people of different shapes were looking at this side with a smile.

But when he saw the Xiushi walk to the table of those people and proudly showed off the money in his hand, he immediately knew that it was this person who was playing tricks! Then he left Dong Chengping's gossip stall and walked to the door of the restaurant.

Among the four people, except for the showman in white, two men looked extremely fierce, and they could see that they had a very strong murderous spirit at a glance! An old man next to him was drinking quietly. When the three saw the Xiushi showing off their booty, they shook their heads disdainfully.

But he heard the Xiushi say, "This Dong used to be very good with Xuanyimen! I won't kill him today, just teasing him, which is a benefit to him!" A man with a mole between his eyebrows smiled and said, "Huh! Don't make trouble here, or we can't afford to expose your whereabouts!"

The bearded man next to him was picking up a piece of chicken leg and eating it. After listening to the man's words, he nodded and said, "That's right! If we are blamed by our superiors, our plan will be abandoned!" Hearing this, the old man coughed gently, and immediately the three of them drank quietly and stopped talking about it.

After listening to this, he knew that these four people were very good. It was probably the person sent by the National Normal University to take the lead, so he asked Xiao Er in the store for a pot of good wine and dishes and drank them by himself. Suddenly, the old man on the table turned around and walked to the uncomplicated table and sat down. He felt a gloomy heart, but he saw the old man's gloomy smile and said, "What's your name, this brother!?"

After listening to it, he made up a name. The old man nodded and said, "It turned out to be Brother Li!" Excuse me, are you familiar with the Shaolin Temple on the mountain? Wuqi shook his head and said, "I often go there, but I haven't been there for a long time recently. There is nothing interesting in the mountain. They are all monks who read scriptures all day long. It's very boring!"

The old man smiled again and said, "Oh! So, it seems that the prince doesn't believe in Buddha? Wuqi picked up a chicken leg and gnawed it, shaking his head and said, "You're right!" The old man asked word by word, "In this case, why does the prince have the fragrance of the temple!??"

After listening, he said curiously, "So your nose is so sensitive!" With that, he asked Xiao Er to take a wine bottle and fill the old man with a glass of wine, and then raised the wine bottle and said, "To be honest! My parents are both Buddhists, and they are extremely pious! I have to burn incense and worship Buddha all day long, so that I can marry a good daughter-in-law! I see this old man is so awesome. I would like to give you a toast!" With that, he looked up and drank all the wine in the glass!

When the old man saw it, he clapped his hands and said, "It's great! "I'm happy!" Then he also returned a cup of reverence. The old man asked in a low voice, "Do you know if there has been any movement in this town recently!" Wuyi pretended to think for a while and said, "There doesn't seem to be any movement, but it seems that there are some demonic people coming and drinking here all day long!" I seem to have seen them too!"

The old man was immediately shocked when he heard this, and then whispered to Wuyi, "How many people are there!?" Wuqi shook his head and said, "At least there are more than a hundred people!" However, they are very scattered, but they seem to be implicated with each other. They look like they are waiting for someone to come!"

The old man nodded and smiled, "Thank you very much, this little brother! Shopkeeper! This guy's wine money is on me!" Wuyu hurriedly put down the wine bottle raised to his mouth and said, "How can that work! No merit, no reward! This is what my father taught me!" The old man smiled and said, "Let's talk to you!" It has exceeded the price of wine at this table!" With that, he took out the money to pay for it.

Stand at the table in a daze, and then arched his hand to the old man and said, "Thank you, uncle!" With that, he continued to sit still and eat and drink. But seeing that the old man immediately returned to his table and muttered something to those people in a low voice, the Xiushi in white seemed to be shocked and then looked at him with hesitant eyes.

I didn't know anything. I ate the things on the table cleanly, as if I were a not-rich child. Then I got up and burped, walked to the table of those people, bowed deeply and said, "Thank you for your broadband!" The old man nodded politely and then turned his head to discuss with the people.

Wuyi smiled secretly, so he covered his mouth to prevent himself from laughing, and walked to the street in front of him. Suddenly, a man beside him grabbed his arm and shouted, "Brother Zhang! So you are also here!?" Wuyi was immediately shocked, and then saw Dong Chengping's happy face looking at himself!

Seeing that the restaurant was right in front of him, he quickly pushed Dong Chengping away and said in surprise, "What are you talking about!? Did you recognize the wrong person!? Saying pretending to drink more cups, he stumbled towards the road back to the mountain...