Fairy Sword

Chapter 175 Couple buys food in the mountains and is in danger when encountering a strong enemy

When everyone heard what Master Zen said, they were immediately shocked and said doubtlessly, "It's impossible!" The national master has always been a master of Xuanmen. How can he easily be replaced by people!? Master Xin Zen looked at the bloody venue and then sighed and said, "Please come and rest with me. I will tell you in detail."

Although the Zen master went to the main hall in the temple, the other disciples immediately closed the mountain gate and sat down separately with everyone, but listened to the Zen master leisurely saying, "Alas! This matter happened many years ago. At that time, the national teacher traveled around and not only visited the Xuanmen in the world, but also had a lot of contacts with the people in Buddhism. The old man once talked with him for a long time, and the national teacher seemed to be deeply shocked by the Dharma of our Buddhism, so at that time, he thought that the Dharma could not only resolve the hatred of people's hearts and Desire, and it is also very suitable for the rule of the court!"

"So we are very happy with each other, and he has also boasted that the Xuanmen and Buddhism in the world will be able to live in peace. Our Buddhism has never participated in some disputes in the court, so we can be safe and sound in the chaotic world."

However, in recent years, the people of the government have been looking for troubles in the major mountain temples from time to time. They once used the banner of the national teacher to expel some small Buddhist temples, which led to what happened now, so I thought to myself that if the national teacher was not operated by people, he would be secretly killed. Otherwise, with this person's wisdom and talent, he will never be able to do such a stupid thing to destroy Buddha and platoon Buddha!"

After listening to this, everyone was silent and nodded without hesitation and said, "What the master said is extremely reasonable, and the three people who came to the Shaolin Temple to provoke a few days ago were killed by some extremely powerful masters on the way back. I was even more confused, and I once heard the Li Tianzong Yan Cang mentioned by the moon mirror fairy. I'm even more worried about the sea!"

With that, he told everyone one of the things that the moon mirror fairy once told. After listening to it, Zen master Miaoyin nodded and said, "Everything seems to have a clue, but I don't know if we can survive this this time!" Wuqi bowed his hand and said, "Masters, please rest assured! Even if we all die in front of this Shaolin Temple, we will definitely not let those demons enter the Shaolin Temple!"

After eating in a hurry, everyone went to the meditation room to rest. It was difficult to calm down. Bu Yingxuan walked to Wujian's side and sighed, "You have been with those demons for a long time, and it's time to go to rest. Don't worry, we are waiting here, and we will be safe!"

said gratefully, "If I can make friends like you, I will be satisfied even if I die!" Bu Yingxuan shook his head and smiled, "It seems that you are still so sentimental, okay! Let you owe us this time, and it's not too late to wait until later!" Wuyu arched his hand to Bu Yingxuan and then went to the room to rest.

Days of hard work, Wu Wei has already been mentally exhausted. As soon as he returned to the room, he fell asleep until the sound of the chicken outside the mountain. Only then did he feel that this sleep was so heavy! Master Zen and Zen Master Miaoyin walked to the room without saying anything. Master Xin Zen hurriedly wanted to get up and meet him. Master Xin Zen quickly waved his hand and let Wu Jian sit down, and then said to Wu Jian, "Now there are more people in the temple. Although it is a good thing, it is also related to the problem of eating in the temple. Behind the mountain not far from Shaolin Temple, there is still a collection. Town, and the market town is not smaller than the bottom of the mountain, and I have to ask you to come back to transport some food!"

Wu nodded hurriedly and said, "My disciple must bring the car back safely," Master Xin Zen pointed to Master Miaoyin and said, "This time you and Miaoyin went down the mountain together. If there is an enemy on the road, there will be a response!" Knowing this wonderful reason, the Zen master's skill was extremely high, so he agreed happily. Then he got up and washed up and went down the mountain after breakfast!

Wuqi and some Xuanmen disciples walked back to the mountain. Wuqi looked at the thin old monk beside him and said with a smile, "Now I am your nephew. In the future, you have to teach me some of your magical skills!? Haha!" Zen master Miaoyin said with a straight face, "How can I teach you this little skill now! Let's learn from Brother Zen step by step!"

As the two talked, they walked down the mountain. They saw a mountain road in front of them, as Master Xin Zen said. They hummed a small song and walked on the road in front of the mountain. They saw a lively town faintly not far ahead. They heard the noise of the town at a long distance and looked at the air slowly. The rising smoke was immediately moved by this scene, and then there was a sigh in his heart...

Seeing that the Zen master seemed to feel a little, he patted his shoulder and said, "What!? Do you feel that the people in this town live a peaceful life? Wuyu said with a smile, "I just want to live in such a place in the future, and my heart may be much quieter!" With that, he walked along the mountain road to the town.

Zen master Miaoyin went to the town, gave the money in his bag to those disciples, took food from the town, and then sat in front of the teahouse and chatted with Wuqi. He sighed, "When I was a child, I used to yearn for the world outside the mountain, but now it seems that this is not the case, and many relatives My teachers and friends are gradually moving away from me, and I feel very lonely in my heart!"

Zen master Miaoyin looked curiously and said, "Why don't you follow me to Putuo Mountain to be a monk?" After listening, he shook his head and said, "I also recited Buddhist scriptures at Shaolin Temple, but Master Xin Zen said that I was a man of the world, and I don't think I have the opportunity to become a monk for the time being. Let's talk about it in the future!"

The Zen master nodded and said, "That's all right! It seems that the cause of your monkship has not yet come. Now Xuanmen is full of wind and clouds, and you also need people like you to come out. Wuqi shook his head and said, "Actually, I'm very confused. I don't know whether I should retire from the world or rely on this ability to maintain the peace of the world. If I want to choose, I would rather go back to my parents to die for their retirement than do those so-called righteous things in the world!"

While drinking tea, the two sat at the tea table and talking about their minds. Suddenly, there was a noise in front of the town. A group of people broke into the town and immediately occupied a large inn nearby. Wuqi looked at the sergeants and horses and said lightly to Zen Master Miaoyin, "It seems that they already know that we will come to this town to buy food. Our enemies are coming!"

Zen master Miaoyin asked curiously, "It's just some sergeants. Why didn't I find any big enemies?" As soon as the words fell, he saw Fu Ji riding a tall horse and coming from behind arrogantly. Behind him was the Yuanling ancestor and the mountain ape of Li Tianzong! After seeing this, his face changed, and then whispered to the Zen master Miaoyin about the story of this person.

Zen master Miaoyin smiled and said, "It turned out to be Lord Baicao Xianji! It seems that I'm old and dizzy, and I don't know heroes!" Fu Ji got off his horse in front of the inn in the distance, and then entered the inn with Yuanling Zuo Mountain Ape. He looked at the disciples around him who went to buy food, and his uneasy heart hung up.

Not long, those disciples pushed the car back from other directions. After seeing it, they were overjoyed and hurriedly asked everyone to set out immediately. They and Master Miaoyin waited for the last grain cart here.

After a while, the last driver also hurried back and was about to greet him, but he saw that the sergeants in front of him immediately stopped the vehicle, and then shouted to the Xuanmen disciples who escorted him, "Where did you get this food!? Where do you want to transport this car? Now no one in this town is allowed to resell it at will except the people!"

When the disciple saw that he could not pass, he secretly revealed a murderous opportunity. Wuqi glanced at Zen Master Miaoyin, and then got up and said to Master Miaoyin, "Please wait for me here, and I'll come!" With that, he walked towards the inn. The disciple was defending with the sergeants. He hurried to the front and winced at the disciple, and then let the disciple go back to the mountain immediately.

Wuqi arched his hands to the sergeants and said, "Please raise your hands, and I will transport my own food!" With that, he secretly gave the sergeant a bank ingot of silver, and the sergeant said politely, "It's easy to say! However, we adults want us to be strictly guarded. We can't disobey the order!? That's it! Go and meet us. Maybe he will let you go because he doesn't think you are a demon!"

After listening, I felt a sense of mind. If I met any of the three people of Li Tianzong, I would never be able to get out of here easily, so I begged several sergeants to let me go. Those sergeants were talking to Wuyu when suddenly a man came out of the inn and shouted, "What's going on!" I saw the mountain apes standing in front of the door aggressively.

When Wuyu stopped, he felt that he had exposed his identity, so he secretly prepared to fight, but he saw the mountain ape pointing curiously and said, "Hey? You... Why are you so familiar?" After listening to this, there was also a burst of doubt in his heart, and he stood still. The sergeants also looked at the two at a loss.

It turned out that although this mountain ape was full of elixir, he was upright and very forgetful. Although he saw it, he could not call his name. Fearless of the sudden appearance of Fu Ji or Yuan Lingzu, he hurriedly smiled and arched his hand and said, "This military master, I am a big man in the mountains. I came to buy some food for the hired servants. Please let me go!"

The sergeant beside him also whispered to the mountain ape, "Since you don't know this boy, I think it's better to let him go!" With that, he secretly winked at Wuyu. Wuyu immediately pushed the car and walked back, and the ape was speechless. Wuyu was secretly happy. Suddenly, he heard a voice behind him saying faintly, "Wait a minute!"

Wuqi stood still and did not dare to look back, but saw Yuan Lingzu slowly coming to Wuqi, and then shouted, "What's the matter!" Shuoshan ape pointed to Wuyu and muttered, "This boy looks very familiar, but I don't expect to see him anywhere!" Hearing this, Yuan Lingzu shouted, "Turn around!"

Wuyi is already ready to fight. As long as he drags here for a while, those food-moving vehicles can return to the mountains, and he and the Zen master will also take the opportunity to escape. He turned his head with a smile and said to Yuan Lingzu, "Yuan Pluto! Are you all right!?" Yuan Lingzu was shocked when he saw the pause, and then waved to the sergeants and said, "Take down this boy of Xuanyimen!!!"

Hearing this, the sergeants immediately surrounded Wuyi, and then took up weapons to attack Wuyi. They waved their palms and immediately shook those people to both sides. Then they smiled and said to Yuanlingzu, "I didn't expect you to know that this town is the back mountain of Shaolin Temple!" Yuan Lingzu sneered and said, "Huh! It seems that what Han Binger said is so true that she didn't expect you to really appear here!"

After listening, he smiled and said, "Even if you station your troops here, we will still come!" With that, he walked to Yuan Lingzu. Yuan Lingzu knew that the young man was extremely tricky, so he quickly condensed his spirit and slowly walked out his refined golden sword! After seeing it, he shook his head and said, "Alas! It seems that it is still difficult for you to change these routines!"

Suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared beside Yuan Lingzu. When Yuan Lingzu saw that the body method was so fast, Yuan Lingzu was suddenly shocked and hurriedly waved his golden sword to cut Wu Wei's side. He gently pressed him on his shoulder and immediately withdrew behind Yuan Lingzu and said lightly: "Yuan Lingzu! Even if you are alive, you must not be my opponent. Do you want to take risks!?

Yuan Lingzu was originally strong and middle-in. When he heard Wuyi's words, his heart suddenly felt awe-inspiring. Then when the great mountain ape heard Wubi talking about Long Qingshuang, he was immediately angry. He was originally brought up by Long Qingshuang in one hand, but he didn't expect that he was killed by Lu Xingyu and Wuyi in the battle of Xuanyimen! Regardless of the safety of Yuanlingzu, the Shuoshan ape immediately waved his palm and patted Wuwei's side!

Yuan Lingzu suddenly felt a wind coming towards him, and quickly flashed aside in shock. Then he shouted angrily to the mountain ape, "What are you doing!!?" The mountain ape didn't know it, so it fiercely launched an attack on Wuyu! Seeing that the two were so interesting, he deliberately took advantage of his figure to hide beside Yuan Lingzu. The huge mountain ape did not know what it was, so he waved his palm and patted Yuan Lingzu!

Suddenly, the three of them chased and fought in front of the inn. Yuan Lingzu dodged the palm of the mountain ape and was alsoware of the attack on him without any reason, so he scolded angrily: "You idiot! How can you be so used! Kill this boy later, and I'll settle this account with you!" The mountain ape just shouted and attacked Wuyi, and it was difficult to jump to Wuyi's side for a moment.

Seeing Fu Ji hear the noise outside, he walked out of the inn with a teapot. Seeing the three people chasing here, he asked curiously, " Stop! What are you doing!? When the Shuoshan ape heard Fu Ji's shout, he stopped and then pointed to Wuyu and said loudly, "He is the demon of Xuanyimen!" Yuan Lingzu said angrily, "You don't have to say that we all know!!!"

Wu looked at the three people with a smile, and then arched his hand and said, "Lord Fu! Are you all right!?" Fu Ji looked around and saw that the monk he had met at sea also quietly sat in front of the teahouse in the distance and drank tea. There were no accomplices elsewhere, so he said proudly, "What!? You have been on the mountain for a long time. Do you think you are impatient to live?

Wu nodded and said, "Since the last time I said goodbye, I miss Lord Fu very much. Now we meet again near Shaoshi Mountain. It's really predestined!" Fu Ji said coldly, "Don't do this! It seems that you are short of food in the mountains, so you went down the mountain to buy it in this town. That monk is not good! If Binger hadn't advised me to station troops here, I would have let you succeed!"

said with a smile, "I'm sorry! All our grain trucks have been transferred back to the mountains when you stationed, and now there is only one car left, and I will transport them back immediately!" The implication is that Fu Ji and others are not taken seriously! Fu Ji was furious after hearing this, but said coldly, "Okay! It depends on whether you have that ability!"

With that, he waved his hand to Yuan Lingzu and Shuoshan ape, and saw Yuan Lingzu immediately throw the golden sword in his hand to the ground. Suddenly, there was a roar on the ground! He thought that he was going to attract countless skeleton soldiers again. He immediately prepared those skeleton soldiers to appear, and immediately erased all the skeleton soldiers with sword spirit!

But the golden sword entered the ground, but it was not as unimaginable, but immediately rushed out countless golden sword spirit. It came to Wuyi and saw that the sword spirit of the Yuanlingzu also seemed to have made great progress. He was too busy and dared not wait any longer, and stared to dodge to the side! The mountain ape roared and rushed to Wuyu. Wuyu suddenly found that the mountain ape seemed to be covered with a layer of armor, and the sword spirit of those golden swords touched his armor, but they all flew around!

It turned out that in order to enable the two Yuanlingzu to train a set of skills to resist the enemy, Xie Tingyan, who is now the head of the Tianzong, designed a set of methods for the two. The Yuanling ancestor attacked with the sword spirit of the golden sword, and the Shuoshan ape used armor to protect the sword spirit of the Yuan Lingzu. If the two join hands, they will definitely The enemy is difficult to defend!

When Wujing saw that the mountain ape rushed at him, he immediately realized that he could not let his powerful arm imprison himself. As he dodged the sword spirit and waited for the flaw of the mountain ape, he saw the mountain ape shouting loudly, and then he immediately put his arm around and hugged Wuqi tightly in his arm. In the middle, he immediately moved, and Wuyu immediately felt suffocated. Then Yuan Lingzu took the opportunity to urge the golden sword flying out from the ground and wanted to kill Wuqi to the ground immediately!