Fairy Sword

Chapter 190 I was in danger in Ruan Dilin's exorcism

When Nie Qingyuan heard what Zhou Chong said, he immediately turned to the big man. He saw that the big man had already died, but he still held the wooden stick tightly in his hand, and the wine in the gourd had been spilled all over the ground. Nie Qingyuan asked puzzledly, "What's wrong!?" Zhou Chong frowned and said, "Look at the marks on his arm!"

Nie Qingyuan immediately looked at the mark and saw a snake-like graphic that was printed on the right arm of the Chinese character. Zhou Chong pointed to the figure and said, "This person is the Xuanlong meeting that has risen in the world in recent years. I heard that the means of help are not only extremely high, but also very cruel. I didn't expect that this boy is actually this Disciple of Xuanlong Club!"

Nie Qingyuan said disdainfully, "How powerful his Xuanlong will be, can he be bigger than my Wudang faction!? Leave him alone! Let's get out of here immediately." With that, he walked to the wine table and pulled Ruan Di up and walked far away. I didn't even see a figure in this town. Obviously, I was scared and fled by the fight of the crowd.

Nie Qingyuan walked forward and said to Ruan Di, "If you still refuse to tell the truth, we have to take you to Wudang Mountain to ask!" Ruan Di smiled and said, "I have always been stubborn. Even if you kill me, I can't tell you the truth!" Before long, everyone came to a mountain.

Nie Qingyuan hurriedly asked everyone to sit down and rest, but Wu Wenhan looked at the mountain and said to Nie Qingyuan, "Brother! I think this mountain is very dangerous. Let's get out of here as soon as possible! It's not too late to rest in the state capital and county in front of you!" Nie Qingyuan said angrily, "I think you are scared by the Xuanlong Club!"

Suddenly, a burst of birds passed by, and then the birds pricked down to the ground one after another, and fell all over the forest in a blink of an eye. Lv Jianfeng saw that these birds seemed to have been eroded by some poison, and immediately whispered to everyone, "We are careful. It seems that an enemy has arrived!"

Everyone hurriedly waved their swords and stared around. They saw the empty mountain birds singing, which were unusually quiet, and no one appeared in the forest. Nie Qingyuan was hesitating in his heart. Suddenly, he saw a figure that seemed to flash in the forest in front of him, and the man flashed a few times and came to the crowd in an instant.

Nie Qing saw that he was a serious old man, so he sneered and said, "Huh! Why, are you here to avenge us!?" The old man said coldly, "Was Zhong Lihan in my door killed by you!" Nie Qingyuan said curiously, "What Zhong Lihan, we only know that a garbage person is rude to us. He has just been killed in the town by us. You are his fellow family!"

The old man said coldly, "Zhong Lihan is the kindest person in my Xuanlong Gate. Now he is besieged by you three people. He must be very painful before he died..." With that, he arched his hand to Nie Qingyuan and said, "My name is Changkang! You are about to die in my hands. If you want to leave evidence for the Wudang faction, you can write my name and sect on the tree before you die!"

With that, he clapped his hands around, and Nie Qingyuan said coldly, "It's really arrogant. It seems that you don't know how powerful my Wudang faction is!" With that, he waved his gossip spirit into the bushes, and saw that the spirit immediately covered the whole forest in the middle, surrounded by Nie Qingyuan's air walls. I'm afraid the old man must not be able to leave!

The old man nodded and said, "In this way, you can't escape!" With that, he suddenly flashed and disappeared into the forest in a blink of an eye. Lv Jianfeng waved his sword at the old man, but it was empty, and then only heard the rustling sound of the forest coming from a distance! Nie Qingyuan and others thought that a large number of Xuanlong disciples were coming, and immediately asked everyone to be on guard!

Xi Xue was staring around and suddenly felt that something was climbing up on her body. Xi Xue hurriedly looked down and saw groups of termites crawling from their feet everywhere, and immediately screaming loudly! Nie Qingyuan hurried to her side and then removed the skirt of the snow. He saw a dense white ant colony in the forest crawling towards this side quickly!

Nie Qingyuan was shocked when he stopped and hurriedly shouted to the crowd, "We are surrounded!" Hurry up!" With that, he went forward and casually wanted to take back his gossip spirit. Suddenly, he felt that the air wall of his gossip spirit was still in the air, but he didn't know where he was going! Nie Qingyuan immediately stood still and was at a loss!

Ruan Di saw it and said with a sneer, "Huh! Who on earth doesn't know that the world is dangerous, and now it is revealed!" Nie Qingyuan shouted, "Shut up!" With that, he hurriedly attacked the termites with Lv Jianfeng and others. Those termites were stimulated by everyone's sword spirit and immediately turned into invisible, but there were still countless termites crawling under everyone's feet!

Wu Wenhan shouted, "Oh, my God! I'm everywhere, oh! They began to bite my meat! Not good! Ouch!" With that, despite the presence of Xue Ming and Xi Xue Zhuyun, he quickly took himself naked and began to slap the ant colony in place. In a short time, the situation of others is exactly the same as that of Wu Wenhan...

Nie Qing was shocked when he stopped seeing and quickly shouted to everyone, "Take off your clothes!" Lv Jianfeng, Zhou Chong and others immediately removed their clothes, and only Xue Mio and Zhu Yun were still struggling with red faces. When Nie Qingyuan stopped, he shouted to the three people, "Take off your clothes! When is it? You still take care of those!"

After all, Xi Xue and the two were wives. They immediately removed their skirts, leaving only underwear and belly pockets, but Xue Mao still blushed and killed those ants. Lv Jianfeng knew that this little sister had always been shy and had not married yet, so he hurried to her side and said, "Sister! Get rid of your clothes!" Xue Mio took off his clothes helplessly with tears.

Ruan Di held his breath, and the ant colonies also climbed all over him. Ruan Di immediately climbed to a tree and temporarily avoided the disaster. Then he looked at the naked disciples of the Wudang faction on the ground and immediately sneered and said, "What a magnificent Wudang faction! It's really shameful!"

Everyone had no time to go to Ruan Di. They saw Nie Qingyuan kill termites while looking around. For a moment, Chang Kang appeared in the distance and then said to everyone, "It seems that your elixir has almost been consumed!" Then he suddenly flashed forward and immediately waved his palm to Wu Wenhan's side!

Wu Wenhan immediately slapped Chang Kang and went to listen to a Thunderbolt in the forest. Wu Wenhan was shocked to spit blood, and then fell to the ground and struggled in pain. Seeing this, Lv Jianfeng immediately went to protect Wu Wenhan in front of him, and saw Chang Kang coldly say to Lv Jianfeng, "This is my Thunderbolt! You Wudang sent me to have a try!"

As soon as the voice fell, he saw Ruan Di sitting next to the tree pole and was broken by the Thunderbolt just now. Ruan Di immediately fell from the tree and then shook his head and said, "Alas! It seems that I'm also in a disaster!" Chang Kang nodded and said, "That's good! Everyone here is going to die!" Nie Qing immediately waved his palm to shake the old man, which was his "Taiji sword spirit"!

Chang Kang saw that Nie Qingyuan waved his palm to attack, and immediately attacked him with his backhand. He saw the two palms collided in one place and immediately shook Nie Qingyuan's palms! Nie Qingyuan immediately shouted to the crowd, "Let's go together!" With that, Zhou Chong, Lv Jianfeng and others immediately rushed to Changkang, and everyone besieged the old man like Zhong Lihan!

Chang Kang's expression remained unchanged. He waved his palms and shook the attacking Xi Xue Zhuyun one after another. The two immediately fell to the ground. The termites on the ground immediately crawled over to the two. The two tightly protected themselves and had no chance to besiege Chang Kang. Chang Kang took the opportunity to use his own " At the same time, Lu Jianfeng and Zhou Chong around him were shocked back, and the two also fell to the ground and could no longer stand up to fight.

Nie Qingyuan saw that everyone was coming to the end. It was precisely because the medicinal properties of those people who had been trained a few days ago had not been completely relieved. Suddenly, he was very annoyed and Chang Kang said coldly, "What!? Which one of you died in my hands first!? Nie Qingyuan saw that everyone was shocked, and he was not the opponent of the old man. Suddenly, he remembered Ruan Di beside him and immediately pointed to Ruan Di and said, "If you want to kill this boy first!"

Chang Kang slowly looked at Ruan Di. Ruan Di was sitting easily on the cut-off tree, picked up a branch and swept away the termites on his body. Suddenly, he looked up and saw Chang Kang staring at him coldly. Suddenly, his heart was cold, and then said to Chang Kang, "Senior! I'm with you!" Chang Kang sneered and said, "Look at you don't do it. I've already thought of it, but it's all the same. Sooner or later, Xuanmen will be killed by our Xuanlong Club!"

As he was about to swing his sword spirit and fly towards Ruan Di, he saw that the forest was suddenly filled with white air, but he heard the scream of a fellow door of the Xuanlong Association in the treetops in the distance, and then something was thrown in front of Nie Qingyuan from afar. Nie Qingyuan stared at the things on the ground and saw that it was his gossip. !

Chang Kang saw that his younger brother was killed quietly, and his heart suddenly felt a little, and the "trap" set by Nie Qingyuan for himself was also broken. Chang Kang looked at the white fog around and asked, "Which Xuanxia passed by here!? I, Xuanlong, will capture and kill the enemy here to avenge his disciples! Please don't interfere, or I will definitely kill you!"

Wu Wenhan scolded loudly when he listened to it, "You are so stubborn. I think you are impatient to live!" Chang Kang looked at Wu Wenhan coldly, casually played a sword spirit, and immediately shocked Wu Wenhan to faint. But I saw that the white gas in the forest gathered more and more, and in the blink of an eye, it had covered the whole forest!

Chang Kang knew in his heart that these white qi were the realm of practitioners to a certain extent, and such a "sword fog" would appear to cover his figure, so he looked around. Suddenly, those white qi gathered around Chang Kang's side, and Chang Kang was shocked! All of a sudden, these swords turned into a sharp sword spirit and quickly cut fiercely around Changkang's body!

Chang Kang shouted miserably, which scared Nie Qingyuan and others to the ground nervously for fear that he would get up and be hit exactly like Chang Kang by the sword fog. Not long, Chang Kang stood still, covered with blood on Thursday, and was about to slowly fall to the ground. Suddenly, a gray figure appeared in front of Chang Kang!

Chang Kang, who was about to fall, was immediately blocked by the man's sword fog. Then the man whispered something in Chang Kang's ear. Chang Kang laughed and cried a few times. Suddenly, there was a explosion. Chang Kang's body burst in front of everyone, and immediately splashed flesh and blood on the ground. Ruan Di quickly hid aside not far away. Then he stared at the dead body of Changkang on the ground.

The sword fog around slowly dissipated, and Nie Qingyuan and others also climbed up from the ground nervously. Those countless termites had already been killed by the sword fog in an instant. Nie Qingyuan looked around in horror and did not see a single figure. Then he looked in front of Ruan Di. Suddenly, his face was like dead ashes. After sighing, Ruan Di said, "You go!"

After seeing this, Ruan Di looked at Nie Qingyuan in surprise, then hugged everyone and walked to the mountain road in the distance. Xi Xue hurried to Nie Qingyuan and asked puzzledly, "Why did you let this boy surnamed Ruan go!? It was not easy for us to meet the disciples of Xuanyimen!" Nie Qingyuan pointed to the ground in front of Ruan Di just now. Everyone looked at it and saw that they were diagonally arranged in three big words with the corpses of those termites, "let him go!"

Nie Qingyuan sighed and said, "Recently, this kind of sword fog often appears in the world. It must be some master who has come out of the mountain!" Xue Wei quickly put on his clothes and said to Nie Qingyuan, "Brother! The white gas we once saw in the mountains and forests of Fulingmen is exactly the same as just before!" Nie Qingyuan pondered for a long time, suddenly thought of a person, and then said in a voice, "Is it him!!!???"

Everyone looked at Nie Qingyuan in a hurry. Nie Qingyuan slowly shook his head and said, "Forget it, let's leave this dangerous place for the time being!" Let's go back to the mountain and report the matter to the leader first, and then make a final determination!" With that, he took his brothers to the road ahead.

However, he said that Ruan Di left Nie Qingyuan and others and walked alone in the mountains. He deliberately avoided the road and climbed towards the top of the mountain. He wanted to look through the mountain and then go on his way. As soon as he reached the top of the mountain, he saw a purple cloud floating over. When Ruan Di saw it, he suddenly thought that Xie Xuanyuan often used this kind of cloud in those years. After crossing the mountains, he immediately laughed and shouted, "Who are you? Why don't you show up!"

Seeing his words echoing in the valley, no one agreed for a long time. Ruan Di knew that he could escape from the hands of Nie Qingyuan and others. It must have been done by the man in the forest. It seemed that this person was not an enemy, so he arched his hand and said, "That's it! Ruan Di is welcome!" With that, he ascended the purple cloud and then slowly floated forward...

After a long time, the cloud fell lower and lower, and then steadily landed Ruan Di on the ground. Ruan Di looked back at the top of the mountain just now, which was as far away from him as a star, and shouted to the void: "Thank you, this friend! If it's an opportunity, I'll see you later!" With that, he hurried in the direction of his way...

Nie Qingyuan and everyone walked to the state capital in front of them. They saw that it was bustling and bustling. The danger just now seemed to be a matter of another world. Everyone hurried to a pub and sat down to rest, but they saw an old man sitting at the wine table beside him drinking, with one beside him. A hexagram, with the words "the first prime minister in the world" written on it!

Wu Wenhan was already angry. Seeing such an exaggerated gossip flag, he immediately said angrily, "So swaggering, let me deal with him!" With that, he was about to get up and walk towards the prime minister. Nie Qingyuan quickly stopped Wu Wenhan and then shook his head and said, "Don't cause any more trouble. Our current elixir has not fully recovered for the time being. We have suffered a great loss just now. Don't act recklessly now!"

With that, he came to the minister and then bowed respectfully and said, "Sir, I see that your hexagram is very eye-catching. Is it really as effective as what you said!" The old man smiled and said, "I dare not! This little man is so blessed that he was born with two beauces, which is really enviable!"

When everyone heard the old man's words, they pierced Nie Qingyuan's family. They were immediately shocked and immediately breathed secretly, thinking that there was an enemy waiting here, but they saw Nie Qingyuan respectfully saying, "What you said, sir, can you come and talk about it!" The fortune teller proudly walked to everyone's table and nodded and smiled at everyone.

Wu Wenhan said coldly, "Really!? If you don't show our identity, I will smash your gossip flag immediately so that you don't have to cheat in the future!" The old man arched his hand and said, "Where! Dong Chengping! It's just a leisurely man in the world. It's really lucky to meet the swordsmen of the Wudang School today!"

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other in con sight, and then nodded to Dong Chengping. Nie Qingyuan nodded and said, "What you said is very true, but one thing I want to ask has something to do with what we have just experienced!" Dong Chengping hurriedly asked, "Oh!? What did you just go through? Nie Qingyuan told Dong Chengping about the forest.

Dong Chengping laughed loudly after listening to it, and then said to everyone, "So it is! But the secrets cannot be revealed, and you will know who that person is in the future, but I have a word to advise you to walk in the world, never be arrogant, and not to offend those unfathomable people easily. Your experience has taught you a good lesson! Excuse me!"

With that, he picked up his gossip flag, paid for the wine and walked to the street. In a blink of an eye, he disappeared into the crowd, leaving Nie Qingyuan and others sitting at the table and looking at the street where people came and went...