Fairy Journey

Chapter 4 Go Home for the New Year

The end of the year is approaching, and the capital is extremely prosperous. At dusk, it snowed again. Rong Hui saw the poor old man selling sugar-coated haws, so he simply bought one and resisted it on his shoulder. Xiaoxuan stretched out casually, picked it off at will, and chewed it casually. She only felt that it was fast and beautiful, just like going to a fairyland. Rong Hui saw the golden circle shaking around her neck, and her face was childish and felt even more cute. The two talked and laughed and went straight into the "Lingshan Palace".

The main door of the royal palace is opened on the West Street, and more than a dozen shops under the wall are under the government. The door is three wide, and the three doors are open. In front of the door stands a pair of white stone lions, male lions playing with the ball, and female lions playing cubs, lifelike. There is a white stone shadow wall behind the door, with golden claws, red dragonflies and majestic.

Rong Hui carried the sugar gourd and saw four cross-knife armor men standing under the door. He smiled and gave New Year's greetings to everyone: "Happy New Year, guys!" Lift your legs to enter the door. Suddenly, a silver light flashed, "Swish", four knives came out of the sheath and stopped the door.

Rong Wa and Xiaoxuan looked at each other and smiled, showed their bodies together, and rushed into the house. How could the four Jiashi stop it? They had to chase and shout. Someone shouted, "Don't be presumptuous!" Someone commanded the pursuit and interception, and others shouted, "Catch the assassin!"

On the central axis of the royal palace, there are five seven rooms in the front hall and five wing rooms in the east and west, living in a Rongguang family. The backyard also has five main rooms and ten wing rooms. Dusha lives in the east wing, and Rong Xue, Rong Shuang, Rong and Glory live in the west wing. Add kitchen, warehouse, rice warehouse and stable. There are 46 rooms in total, and a large family lives there. Then there is a garden with twelve kinds of flowers, which are fragrant all year round. If you add east and west across the courtyard, it is only 20 feet square.

Li Chu and the two walked through the front yard and saw the servants shuttled in the backyard. They were all familiar faces and greeted them with a smile. I rushed into the garden and saw ice crystals and silver branches crisscrossed. The jade trees are flourishing, and the lake is white. Mountain wax grease, red plums and snow are so beautiful. On the other side of the small pool, there is a girl in a green shirt sitting in the middle of the octagonal pavilion. The clothes are fluttering and heroic, which is Rong Xue.

The two looked at each other and smiled and walked away in the snow. As soon as she fell into the pavilion, Rong Xue suddenly turned around, her eyes were shining and her whole body was ready to go. She saw the two of them clearly and spit out two white vapors in a row. She said happily, "Second brother, second sister-in-law, why did you come here? I don't know if it will scare me first!" While talking, he patted his heart and had a lingering heartbeat.

When Rong Hui saw his sister's naiveness, he couldn't help laughing: "Do you think we're here early or late!" He leaned the sugar-coated haws pole on the stone table, took off another string and handed it to Rong Xue: "You have also built a foundation. Congratulations!" But I always feel that this courtyard is too small and uncomfortable.

Rong Xue looked up and down at the two and frowned and doubted, "You came here with sugar gourd. You haven't seen your parents!"

Xiao Xuan was stunned: "I'm a daughter-in-law. Why did I come here crazy with this guy!" With a shy smile, he went straight to the back hall with Rong Xue along the goose path and kowtow to his parents together.

The house is burning with ridges, and the heat is steaming and warm as spring. Li's mother saw the two wearing fine coats and couldn't help frowning: "Why are you still wearing single clothes on a snowy day!"

Rong Hui also wants to wear more, but one more dress will have one more weight, afraid that he can't stick to Chen Du. At present, I have to accept: "Mom, we are not cold!"

"Frozen three feet, how can it not be cold!" When Li Yuning saw him perfunctorily, he also asked, "Are you the person who opened the house and built the festival? That's how you came back?" Hearing that the two flew back, they were stunned for a long time and had to nod.

Rong Yao and Rong came to ask for red envelopes when they heard the news. Rong Shuang followed with a smile and shouted "second brother and second sister-in-law". The end is stable, neither close nor estranged. Li Rongguang came with Zhou and Sister Xin. The little girl could speak and stretched out her hand and shouted, "Second brother..." made the whole family laugh.

Zhou couldn't help laughing: "This is your 'second uncle'. You should call him 'second uncle'." The words are round and generous. She is not only the eldest daughter-in-law, but also young and powerful, and officially took over the family gift. When you meet Xiaoxuan again, you will naturally have some confidence.

The little girl can only say "two" and the word "uncle" can't be said. After learning it several times, she saw her grandmother coming and reaching out for Li's mother to hug. The old man hugged his granddaughter with a smile and hurriedly greeted the maid to serve the meal.

The banquet was held in the middle hall, and the family was intertwined, which was really lively. Rong Hui drank two cups of hot wine and complained, "Why is there only such a small house in our family!"

Rong Xue had been angry for a long time and echoed: "That is, you are the 'two-character king', that is, the prince, so I arranged a prince's mansion. It's still out-of-law kindness to add two cross-hospitals!"

Rong Hui laughed angrily: "Kaien? It seems that we have to talk to Chen Lingyun to see who is grateful to whom!" Chen Lingyun is Chen Lingxiao's brother and the current lord of the State of Chen. Everyone was shocked, and Li Yuning hummed softly, "Xiao Xuan, he is drunk. Help him go down to rest!"

Xiaoxuan had a headache. There were people living in the front and back halls, and there was no place to rest. Suddenly, I heard Li's mother relieve the siege: "You will rest on the big kang between the western shoots tonight and the wing room tomorrow!" At that moment, he answered and saw that Rong Hui was in a trance. He knew that he had been flying for too long and lost his vitality, so he helped him to the west.

Rong Hui lay down and touched his pillow, and Xiaoxuan was also very tired. Simply let people put the floor-to-ceiling, folded the bed in person, and slept beside Rong Hui.

Xiaoxuan chose a bed and tossed and turned, making Rong Hui not sleepy. Later, I woke up from the heat and saw that it was snowing outside the window, and I was no longer sleepy. Between the exquisite carvings, the two got up and dressed lightly. I saw a room sleeping soundly, so I simply went to the garden to enjoy the snow.

The snow is continuous and cold. Hatop crystal eaves, jade tree Qiongying. Soft, white and clean, the light makes people regret stepping on it. The two were bathed in the wind and snow. Seeing that the family was sleeping soundly, their hearts also calmed down. Suddenly, we looked at each other and went to the back garden together.

With a bell ringing, the sky is getting brighter, and it is already a "little year". Rong Xue wore a loose green Kesi jacket and personally sent breakfast to the two. She took the opportunity to ask Rong Hui, "Second brother, can you enter the palace in the first dynasty!" Saying that, put on the morning. A bowl of millet porridge, two white steamed buns, and a plate of osmanthus cake.

Rong Hui flew in a single dress and had another headache: "Brother, why did you forget this! You can go high, and your family has to follow the customs. I had to ask Rong Xue: "It's too late to do the court uniform. Go to Ling Xiao to ask for a set." The words turned around and talked about the big thing: "We are going to go to Jinzhou after the 15th. One is to see the way out, the other is to cover the gold mine, and then go with those outside. Do you want to go?"

Rong Xue was happily fascinated and sat down and asked, "Will you fly over?" You teach me how to fly.

"Go riding a horse!" Rong Hui saw that his sister's skills were still shallow, so he had to encourage him: "With your current skills, you can fly one or two hundred miles at most. After another year of training, it is estimated that you can fly to the 'Infinite Pavilion'."

Rong Xue also knew herself and lowered her eyes and sighed: "Then ride another horse"

Xiao Xuan smiled and changed the topic: "If we are strong, outsiders are friends. If we are weak, outsiders are enemies. I'll pass on a set of palms first, so that you can support the scene!" Seeing her nod happily and explained carefully: "You have been familiar with the 'palm' and 'capture', and now you can practice the unique skills of this mountain... All palms have the five-character tips of percus, push, shock, block and capture. The smarter palm method also includes leg method, light kung fu, capture, move disassembly and hidden weapon throwing. Your major 'wood spiritual power' combined with 'shock' and 'xun' two hexagrams, both strong and soft, just to learn this strong and soft palm method.

Rong Hui also felt that it was not good for the girl to dance knives and guns, and now it was not the time to hide privacy. He quickly nodded and agreed: "Learn from her, that's right!"

Yong Xue didn't take it seriously. Seeing that the two of them were awe-inspiring, she immediately cheered up. Xiaoxuan nodded secretly and then said, "Since this road palm method needs to be used to use the two formulas of 'shock' and 'Xun', I will use hexagrams as several tricks... The two moves of 'wind and lightning' and 'people follow the wind' are light-body skills... The palm method is called 'wind follows the palm', and the fingering method is called 'purple electricity through the clouds'... The leg method has 'winding on the ground', and thunder out of the ground. Two moves... The internal power has 'thunder and lightning', 'shock a hundred miles'... There are three moves to break the method: 'the wind comes out of fire', 'there is thunder in the Ze', and 'thunder is in the ground'. There are 11 tricks in the whole road, among which the palm, leg and fingering are complicated. I will teach you external skills first, and you will take 'spiritual power' as the basis and 'true qi' as the harmony. At present, I read the formula and demonstrated the moves and various changes.

"Everything bears the yin and embraces the yang, and the momentum is peaceful." Taoism takes 'Taoism' as harmony, and 'divine power' takes 'divine thought' as harmony. Rong Hui was shocked, and what Xiaoxuan said was actually a "Taoism" in the Tibetan scripture. She just glanced at it, but she memorized the whole book.

Although the skill is not the original engraving, it is also restored by the four brothers, which is very precious. The original method must be based on spiritual power and "Taoism" as the 'harmony', but the four people changed to 'divine thought' as 'harmony'. If you perform "people come with the wind", you have to "receiving against the wind, bowing to yourself", but it has been changed to "go straight up to the wind and stand up to the sky". For example, when performing "shocking a hundred miles", it was necessary to "forget me and heaven and earth as one, gather the sun in the sky, condense the yin in the earth, and take my Tao as the guide", but it has been changed to "concentrate and unite body and mind, take my heart as the yang, take everything as the yin, and take my God as the guide". And so on, everywhere.

Because of this, those monks who survived went up the mountain and got excellent skills, but they could not practice with Taoism. Over time, it is difficult to build a foundation.

Rong Xue listened attentively, became familiar with it three times, and began to practice by herself. Xiaoxuan saw that she hit like alike. Although she was invisible, it was rare, and warned: "This way to hold the hand is wonderfully. You can practice 'wood spiritual power', and if you learn better spells in the future, you can also integrate into this way. In this way, it is not necessary to penetrate the yin and yang and reach the realm of 'yangming' and 'Yiyin'.

Rong Xue has always believed in Xiaoxuan. Hearing that the future is boundless, she asked, "It's time to give this road a good name!"

When Rong Hui heard the sound, he immediately echoed: "This is not simple. It's called 'wind and thunder palm', which is appropriate and easy to remember."

Rong Xue said softly, "Go, it sounds like a third-rate martial arts in the world!"

Xiaoxuan squeezed her lips and smiled: "That's not true!" With that, he pulled Rong Xue, put his arms around her shoulders and said to Rong Hui, "Look at this young lady, she turns around and has a smooth and beautiful face. Han Ci didn't spit out, and he was as angry as an orchid. Born to be gorgeous and graceful, it really makes me forget my meal. Is it appropriate to call this palm method 'retaining benefits and returning to snow'?

Rong Xue knows that "wind and thunder are beneficial", and now she has brought the word "snow", which is exactly what she wishes. Xiaoxuan also said, "Don't like it first. I have used the word 'retention and return to snow'. Once I leave it, it's not nonsense!"

Rong Xue was puzzled and just looked forward to her. Xiaoxuan only had a slight epiphany and couldn't say it for a moment. I only told her to remember the word "retention" and "back" and urged her to practice diligently.

Seeing that his sister was concentrate on practicing, Rong Hui went to the main room with Xiaoxuan and whispered on the way: "Since you are here, you should also discuss the marriage of the two girls with your parents!"

Xiaoxuan calculated the age of the two girls and should indeed talk about marriage: "But when it comes to marriage, you have to prepare a dowry. The sister of the 'Lingshan King' will marry. There are not many. One will spend one million taels. Now that there is a lot of construction on the mountain, how can you draw money!" A flash of light flashed in his heart, thinking that Xiong Yingtian was secretly plotting about his own affairs and smiled coldly.

Yongguang's family, Rong Shuang, Rong's atmosphere and glory first and then to the main house. Rong Hui drank a bowl of porridge with everyone and discussed the New Year.

At the end of the New Year, Li Fangning began to think about the couplet in the study, and Li's mother wanted to lead her daughter to make dumplings. Rong Guang wants to entertain guests in the front hall, Zhou wants to lead the servants to 'sacrifice to the god of the kitchen', and Xiaoxuan wants to lead the maid to paste the window flowers.

Seeing that Rong Hui had nothing to do, he took the initiative to ask: "I'll take my third brother out to buy firecrackers!" He changed into Kesi's deep coat, broke a purse in his waist, and took Rong Yao out for a walk. Chen Du is arranged according to the five elements, and there is a tree forest in the east of the city, called "God Wood Ridge". He and Xiaoxuan had already met when they came.

There is a purple gold mine 20 miles west of the city, about 300 feet high. Climbing high and looking far, you can have a panoramic view of the situation in the capital.

There is a fire 30 miles south of the city, and there is a "fire pool" in the field. It is said that the pool fire is connected with the "ground lung", and the heat is extremely high and will not be extinguished all year round.

Forty miles north of the city, there is a ten-mile flat lake, known as "Clear Water Lake", which was originally used for flood discharge. The lake embankment is already surrounded by a singing platform. At night, they sing and dance brightly, and the lights are red and green everywhere. It is said that many families set up real estate fields by the "Clear Water Lake", and Xia Xun only blew up the embankment in Lingzhou to divide the flood.

Rong Hui walked around and walked around on New Year's Eve. After the New Year's dinner, Li's mother took her daughter-in-law to the west to have tea and talk. In the brilliant lights, in front of the cup and plate, Li Bining was slightly drunk and a little excited, pulling his two sons to drink slowly.

He took a cup of "three money" and couldn't help sighing: "It's really the blessing of the ancestors. I didn't expect that I could return to Chendu to be the prince 20 years later!" Creation, God's will!" You don't know. That night, the chamberlain announced that your grandfather went to the palace, and your grandfather borrowed 'dressing' to tell your grandmother to clean up the medical books and pharmacopoeia. He said that he hadn't come back in the middle of the night, so he asked our brothers to bring some of their books, hide first, and leave the city separately at dawn and never come back." I hid in a courtyard in the north city, and I felt that the sky was about to collapse!" Now that I'm back, I don't know how many old brothers are doing." Generally speaking, if they know that I have become a prince, they should come to recognize my relatives!" ......

Twenty years ago, one of the two brothers was in his stomach, and the other was still there. Now when I hear it, I can only sigh. On New Year's Eve, Sister Xin, Rong and Glory couldn't hold on and went back to the house to sleep one after another.