Fairy Journey

Chapter 15 Feng Xiaoxi

Seeing that the family was still waiting in the front room, Rong Hui gave the forbidden military charm to Xiaojuan and Xiaoyue, and prepared to give the military charm to his father. Xiaoyue remembered a rumor and whispered twice in Rong Hui's ear. A group of people were shocked and their eyes swept over like a blade. Seeing that Rong Hui's face was slightly dark, he turned his hand and handed over the military charm to Rong Guang and told him, "Hang the military charm on the study beam, and the private taker will die." I breathed a sigh of relief.

Rong Guang was flattered and nodded repeatedly. Zhou's eyes lit up when she saw three bright gold bars. Li's mother saw it and gave her a glorious glance, with a smile on the corners of her mouth. Rong Hui explained everything and said, "Yes, the Zhao family and the Song family want to marry us, and I promised them. The little princess of the State of Song has just turned four years old and happens to be the third brother. The little prince of Zhao is eight years old and happens to marry his third sister. These two things are also controlled by my parents.

"Why don't you have our Cher!" Li's mother was annoyed and promised, "Don't worry, I've been measured from big to young." With that, he helped Li Yuning get up and took his sons and daughters back to the "Ziwei Pavilion".

When Glory heard that she was going to marry a daughter-in-law, she smiled and followed happily. When he heard that he was going to get married, he knew that it was not a good thing when he saw his brother's expression.

Although Rong Shuang is waiting to get married, she is more obedient than before. She and Rong Xue attends her mother, without frowning, interrupting a word, no more hands, and no one step. I just hope that the auspicious period will arrive early and start a new life. Following the rules, she is more like a young lady of the family than Rong Xue's innocence.

The family had dinner at Ziwei Pavilion. In the brilliant lights, although the dishes were rich, they were not willing to eat. After dinner, Rong Hui told Rong Xue, "You only need to prepare dry food, gold bars, bamboo tubes with water, sleeping net beds, and a box of commonly used medicinal herbs." I went back to the main house first.

On the eighth day of March, the moon is like a silver hook. Rong Hui's style steps forward, his heart is gradually relaxed, and his sourness goes straight up. Walking to the back room, I suddenly felt that although the room was bright, it was more cold: "Within you, is this still my main room?" Turning into the waterfront in front of the house, leaning against the beauty chair, he exhaled for a long time: "You guys rest!"

Mei and others looked at each other, saluted together, and turned around and retreated. Rong Hui looked at the curved moon and recalled one day's experience. Ling Xiao's shrewdness, Yang Menglin's arrogance, Yang Mengzhou's caution, Yang Mengjun's brutality, the mysterious girl's cunning, Yang's sister's insidiousness... "No simple people, they all bully my brother's kindness!" Thinking of the helplessness at that time, the whole body and mind trembled: "Brother, I don't believe what you said about 'tiger poison does not eat children'. You must be chronic poison. Xiaoxuan, you are not the appointed person. Stop it... I can't afford to provoke you. Wait!"

He felt self-pity and suddenly heard a baby crying. Although his voice was low, it stabbed his heart: "Why did you attract this little ancestor!" Looking back, I saw the lanterns surrounded by. Mother Jiao came with Sister Yun in her arms and couldn't help laughing at herself: "I don't have the ability. I can't protect you!" Thinking that a mountain people still have to live on their own, they can't wait to hit the ground and die: "I didn't recruit you. You came to provoke me first... Damn it... Damn it all..."

In the dim light, Mother Jiao was shocked to see Rong Hui laughing and explained, "Go back to the prince, it was the imperial concubine who asked me to bring the second lady to show you!" After saying that, I stepped forward.

Since ancient times, Rong Hui has been holding his grandson and did not hold his son. Rong Hui was strange and carefully wiped his "little" head. The fetus is as shiny as beads. The little girl just closed her eyes after eating milk, and she was uncomfortable. With a "wow--" sound, she burst into tears.

Rong Hui had a headache. He only hated that this girl was not born by Xiaoxuan, so he didn't get close to himself: "Brother is bullied outside, and he still wants to be bullied by you at home?" He stepped forward and reached out to hold the baby, just to hold it in front of him and see it clearly.

The little girl was more uncomfortable and cried louder. Jiao's mother suddenly explained quickly, "Your Majesty, the second lady's head hasn't stood up yet. You have to hold her horizontally!"

"I know, I know!" Rong Hui found it interesting and put the child on his chest. To the contrary, the little girl cried louder.

"Your Majesty!" Jiao's mother was so anxious: "Miss Er is a concubine. If she loses favor as soon as she is born, she will be sad in her life!" Ji Ji explained, "The second lady is used to resting her head on the left. When she hears people's heartbeat, she doesn't cry!"

Rong Hui was upset: "I can sleep anywhere!" Feeling that these people spoiled the child, they still let their mother take good care of them and said casually, "Go and call Yan Ling!" While talking, let the baby rest on his left arm and take the opportunity to reach the beauty's couch.

His heartbeat is calm and powerful, which makes the baby very unaccustomed to listening. He opened his mouth and cried, shaking the roof tiles. Rong Hui's scalp was numb: "Brother, I can't coax you!" He also looked like a wet nurse, patting and shaking, but the child was not appreciate it and cried out of breath.

Jiao's mother was confused: "My little ancestor, can you rely on him for your future glory and wealth, can't you show your spirit?" What did he want to say? He squeezed his lips and ran away to find Yan Ling.

In the middle of spring night, Yan Ling wore a snow-covered coat, put on a green cloak, and rushed to the main room. As soon as I entered the back door, I heard a burst of crying. It was heartbreaking, and it made her heart cold. At his feet, he trotted to the front of the water pavilion and saw Rong Hui circle around the table under the pavilion. As he turned around, he hummed and hurried forward to salute: "Your Majesty, let me come!"

As if Rong Hui was granted an amnesty, he quickly handed out the bedding and sat down to breathe out: "You go down!" I felt much more comfortable when I was made by that little guy. Seeing Yan Ling humming a few times like a spell, the baby stopped crying and felt that she would not only do things with sex. When everyone retreated, they squeezed their lips and asked, "How is your body recovered?"

"Thank you for your care!" Yan Ling stood in the pavilion with the child in her arms and replied, "My concubine is much better." No more.

Rong Hui was strangely silent for a long time and said, "Sit down!" He curled his head aside. When Yan Ling sat down with the child in her arms, it was even more strange. So he moved his body and quietly moved out a little to feel more comfortable.

He knows that Yan Ling is a good girl and good at knitting. It's too easy to get. If you fall in love again, even you will feel pretentious. Except for the ecstasy, I don't want to see her. But "which pot doesn't open and which pot" makes people's stomach bigger. Usually, Xiaoxuan is there, and she can take care of the face of the main room and hide from her openly. When I have to face it now, I only hate my "shiver".

"Since we have a baby, we are a family." Rong Hui wanted to say a few words, but there was nothing special. I feel sorry for her, and I'm even more embarrassed to let her share her worries. After thinking for a long time, I still squeezed out a sentence: "If you want to host the gift, you'd better take care of the children."

"Yes!" Yan Ling raised her eyebrows with joy and looked at the little guy in her arms and said, "My concubine will take good care of the second lady!"

"Then you go!" Rong Hui borrowed the slope and went down the donkey and waved his hand. In the dim light, when Yan Ling saluted the child and took the wet nurse away, she breathed for a long time. Finding a layer of sweat on his face, he couldn't help laughing at himself: "You can't live!" Turn back to the bedroom and take a bath.

Li's poor daughter wants to hurry and ask Rong Xue to go back to rest first. In the light, Li Yuning came up with advice, and Li's mother led someone to pack up for the brothers and sisters. When it comes to the end, I feel that I also need to bring this and that. From a small wooden box to a large cage, there is a large kang.

Before dawn the next day, Rong Hui took two swords in the front room and went to the "Ziwei Pavilion" to say goodbye. He was stunned when he saw two half-person-high cages in the hall. I was a little moved, so I had to comfort my parents: "Dad and mother, I can't use so many things." Opening the box and cage for inspection, I saw a leather belt sewn with a small leather bag. My eyes lit up and surrounded my waist on the spot. Twelve gold bars three inches long and half an inch square were inserted into it.

When Rong Xue came in and saw it, she couldn't help laughing: "You are not afraid of diaphragm!" She wore a pair of phoenix-tailed trousers and a green half-arm. With a double screw bun on his head and pearl earrings, he came forward to say goodbye to his parents. Rong Shuang then entered the room and secretly envied: "Only she dares to talk to her second brother like this!" He stepped forward and shouted "Second Brother" and then saluted his parents.

"It's better to have a meal than to eat at that time!" Rong Hui also felt that the gold bar was too heavy and hurt his waist, so he put on two shoulder straps and hung a bamboo sword on his waist. Finally, he put on a half-arm cloak outside, which looked calm and capable.

Rong Xue picked up a gable and hung it gently around her waist. He leaned a large bamboo tube with Lingmi behind him, took the sword and was about to go out. The glorious family, Xiaoyue, Xiaojuan, Rong and Glory came to see them off. After a greeting, Li Yuning solemnly told him, "When you go outside, be more obedient and speak less!"

Rong Hui was deeply convinced and slowly bowed: "Yes!"

Li's mother watched the two of them soar in the sky, and tears surged out. Rong Guang saw it and repeatedly comforted: "Mother, don't worry, this is a blessing that others can't think of!" You said a word and I said a word and hugged the two old man into the main room.

Rong Hui and Rong Xue have a significant increase and can only fly for a while. It's not easy to come to Chendu, and it's just the day. Looking out of the sky, I saw the banners outside the Meridian Gate, and the carriages and horses were covered with chess, which was the posture of travel.

Ling Xiao wore a pair of big red silk boots and a short lotus skirt. Kesi vest, snow sleeves fluttering. Ling Yun's bun is high and glory. The spring breeze passes, and the posture is valiant. She stood on the gate and saw the Ronghui brothers and sisters, and hurriedly waved. When the two came over, they invited the Yang brothers and sisters to count the accompanying materials for everyone. There were not only "food, clothing and housing", but also guards and maids, and finally discussed with everyone: "We can take a carriage three thousand miles south, and further south is the mountains. It's up to us!"

At noon, before Ling Xiao waited for his brother, he simply greeted everyone: "The auspicious time has come. Let's go!" While talking, he turned down the tower and fell lightly into the first Huagai incense car. Rong Hui didn't want to give his back to others. He smiled and reached out to ask. Seeing that the Yang brothers and sisters couldn't get up, they got into the three carriages in the back and got on the car with Rong Xue.

The horn rang long, and the convoy set out. Under the watch of passers-by, the guard of honor sent everyone out for ten miles and was escorted by a team of light horses. The gongs on the post road opened the way, which was vast and went straight to the south.

After Rong Hui left, Rongguang, Yan Liang and Shi Wanxin breathed with the Three Kingdoms and jointly issued orders to transfer the border troops to various places. Some people think that when the power is handed over, the mountain will still be chaotic for a while. Even if you can't get a piece of the pie, you can still get a high position. It can be seen that the army has been launched in an orderly manner. The affairs in the mountains are as usual, and there is no turbulence, which is inevitably a little disappointing.

After Xiaojuan helped Li's mother preside over the inner court and equipped the "six bureaus" personnel, she was set to enter 20 maids every year, who were selected by the "good family son" under the mountain. The three glorious people are equipped with six offices under the "Changshi Division" and stipulate that 30 handymen will be entered every year.

On the sixth day of June, "Lingshan Academy" opened. Xiaoyue presided over the "cademy" and issued a tuition fee of 200 taels of gold, and sent disciples who could fly and jump to various spiritual veins to lecture in the center of the mountain. Two hundred taels of gold is worth three thousand taels of silver, which is no longer affordable.

Only 50 boys and women are admitted in the mountains every year, but more than 500 people want to send their children up the mountain. Rich families in the three countries are struggling to find a way out. After listening to the news, they are overjoyed and scramble to send their children out of the "cademies" to practice. Among them, half of the proceeds will be taken from the mountain and half from the local court. Rain and dew are stained, and everyone is happy.

Chen Lingyun sent an envoy to go up the mountain to discuss the wedding date. Li's mother thought about it and set it on "Lab Ba", which was called "rich or not, marrying a daughter-in-law for the New Year". After that, Rong Shuang began to learn etiquette with the Mother sent by Chen Gong.

When Zhou saw that her parents-in-law had been at a loss for months, and heard that Chen Lingyun was coming to welcome their marriage, she persuaded the two elders to hold a big wedding. Li's mother thought of "marrying her daughter with a head up and marrying her daughter-in-law with her head down". She really can't lose face and leave the full power to Xiaojuan to handle it.

Shi Wanxin opened the silver library and spent money and water. Fortunately, the "Lingshan Gold" opened, and the domestic Qianzhuang was forced by the power of the imperial court to deposit silver into the gold number one after another, and at one time, they made more money than they spent.

Xiao Qianzhuang adapted and found that the advantages of the "Lingshan Gold" outweighed the disadvantages. He gradually let go of his hands and made a bold loan, only worried that he could not find the borrower. The market is in full swing. In just one month, the price of gold has risen by 30%.

Shi Wanxin moved the rice line to the southeast town while the iron was hot, and opened eight independent tooth banks around Lingshan. Merchants from all over the world saw that it was profitable and scrambled to open branches, just waiting for the autumn harvest.

Yan Liang saw that the market at the foot of the mountain was getting better and better, for fear that the market would catch those old houses. So skilled craftsmen were invited to plan the new city. When the craftsmen saw the rich man, they only thought that he was too short-sighted. They have made suggestions according to local conditions and vowed to build a number of century-old cities.

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. When the disciples in the mountains see that the leaders are busy making money, they have no intention to practice as soon as they encounter a bottleneck. Among them, who didn't find a good job, began to package down the mountain and make his own living. Some combined spiritual power and craftsmanship to become craftsmen. Some are employed by three families to accompany Wang. Some get married into rich and noble families and become son-in-law. ......

Lin Feng watched the transformation of the world wind and couldn't help laughing: "Those big shots can't do things without effort here." Only she knows how extraterdinary practitioners treat mortals like ants: "Marriage with mortals is insulting your bloodline!" Even the best people who come out of mortals are not treated by those children, let alone bear fruit with mortals.

She took her father and cultivated herbs on her hill. The autumn harvest was good and sold at a good price. Other stewels came to ask for advice while they were still holding the first half of the year. In the open tide, Lingshan has another specialty, the elixir.