Fairy Journey

Chapter 59 Huji Inn

There are small holes in the big hole, and smaller holes in the small hole are connected. Rong Hui didn't know the road and went straight to the deepest part before stopping for a long time. In the loess pit, the three stopped one after another, observed for a moment, and found that the enemy was getting farther and farther away from them, and then they were relieved. Bixia walked to the empty place and urged both of them: "Come on, change them." He raised his hand and waved gently, and the light in front of him flashed by, showing three wooden boxes.

"Is this?" Rong Hui was curious for a moment and opened the lid of the box. It turned out to be a black suit. He looked back in a daze and saw that Bixia had begun to undress. Suddenly, he was moved and quickly turned around to change the clothes in the box.

Tungsten mesh scarf, tights, soft-soled boots. Rong Hui put on gold armor again, while Bixia and Xiaoxuan each put on a bamboo silk armor and a bamboo silk skirt. After the three dressed up, Xiaoxuan took out the soft sword belt and asked in a low voice, "Where else to go?" With that, he took out the purple gold belt and broke the dagger around his waist.

"Go up." Bixia saw that the two had finished checking and urged in a low voice, "Follow me." With that, he jumped up and rushed straight to the ground. Rong Hui let Xiaoxuan follow in the middle and pressed himself. Each show of the body, followed closely by.

Bixia led the way first and flew out for a moment. Suddenly, she saw the treasure light shining in the corner. She didn't look at it. She raised her hand and slapped the "golden waves". The fire wave rolled out, and a person flashed out in front of the wave, "bang-", with a muffled sound, right in the chest. Xiaoxuan's soft sword shook out, the silver light flashed, and the head fell to the ground.

The three people's law did not stop. As soon as they walked away, the bodies spontaneously ignited, the heat wave stirred, and the soil layer trembled. After a moment, they collapsed. Rong Hui held himself as a man, unfolded his body, and surpassed it in front of Bixia. He understood it first and went straight up.

He ran luckyly and suddenly heard someone in front of him discuss: "Brother Zhang, how much have you lost in their hands?"

"One thousand taels of gold go in, and five hundred taels of gold come out."

"That's not much. What are you chasing after?"

"Our owner couldn't swallow this breath and said: these three heads, one of them is 10,000 taels. What about you? Look at your bitter hatred, how much have you been trapped by them?

"My worth is not worth mentioning in the eyes of your Chamber of Commerce. However, everyone in the world wants to kill these three people quickly. If I take the lead, who doesn't accept it and who doesn't know? Maybe it's also an opportunity to be valued by some old monster who "steps the sky" and takes it under his command.

"Really, I heard that several 'stepping on the sky' predecessors have released the wind, indicating that these three heads should be 'thank you'."


Rong Hui heard it from afar and smiled angrily: "I didn't know today that my life is worth 10,000 taels of gold!" He jumped out and raised his hand to slap the "Golden Wave". The flames are rolling like thunder. The two young men shouted "bad" and cheered their spiritual power together and raised their swords to block.

Rong Hui practiced the Shinto Sutra and practiced his palm on the Yellow River in his spare time. This palm does not show power at the beginning. As long as the other party is encouraged to block it, it can avoid the real attack, hold the spear of the other party, and attack the other's shield.

The flame front was everywhere, and the spiritual curtain of the two people's body swelled and shrank rapidly, and collapsed in a flash. The fire stirred and then exploded. Rong Hui did not retreat and rushed out. His body passed by, and there were red knives and green swords and two magic weapons in his hand. Xiaoxuan then followed, and the silver light flashed, and there were two more heads on the ground.

Rong Hui rushed to the front. If he met someone who could avoid it, he would avoid it. If he could not avoid it, he would suddenly attack and never be soft. When it breaks out of the earth and flies into the sky, the moon has risen to the eastern sky. Looking back, Xiaoxuan and Bixia followed, and the inspiration flashed in the pit, and he did not hesitate. He waved out the long gun and saved the thorns casually. The front is as bright as a star. Everywhere, the soil layer shook and collapsed.

"Go!" Bixia recognized the position, shouted, and rushed out first. Rong Hui took the long gun, took Xiaoxuan's hand and joined forces to keep up. After a long time of collapse, a big man came out, with a gray face and cursed, "He still dares to kick his son. His teeth are good!" Yu Ren then came out and cursed, "Little bastard, are you?" Don't let me touch you next time. If you let me eat ashes, I will want you to suffer!" Is there anyone else? Why are there only a few of us left!" ......

"There is a Cai Wangzhuang in front." Bixia flew and said, "Go there first." Without further ado, go straight south.

Rong Hui leaped in the air and saw that there was a vacant place on the ground, full of spiritual acres. Qianmo is connected, a piece of land. In the distance, the lights were shining like a galaxy, and I couldn't help but wonder: "Why, I'm in Xi'an again?" Flying close, it was just what Bixia said about "Cai Wangzhuang".

The mountains and rivers in the south of the Yangtze River are dense, and the villages are often in the river bay, but only about a dozen families. The northern plain is wide and fertile. Hundreds of households often gather in a village, and one village can reach tens of thousands of households. The Guanzhong Plain has been rich since ancient times, and the village is so large that it is no longer a southern town.

The three flew closer and suddenly saw a few spiritual lights in the village. When the wind came, they immediately stopped their bodies. The Changhong on the opposite side converaged, showing a group of young Jiashi. First, one person arched his hand and asked, "What kind of Taoist friend, how do you get here at night?"

"We have an appointment to go to the mountain to collect medicine tomorrow!" Rong Hui said as agreed, "I was delayed by some trivial matters, so I came late. Please accommodate my Taoist friends!" With that, he turned his hand and took out an ingot of gold, a red jade card, a page of iron scroll, and sent it out together.

"It turned out to be the brother of 'Danxia Mountain', and he also made great achievements in the north!" The young man checked one by one and happily invited: "Three people, please come with me!" With that, he threw back the jade card and iron scroll, took the ingot, and swept down.

Rong Hui was like a "street mouse" just now, and now he has been treated with courtesy. He was angry and funny. He followed him and slowly fell down.

A simple fray has been set up on the village, and there are patrols day and night. There are four main streets in the village, "cross" connected. The street is two feet wide and there are a lot of shops. When the three arrived, there was already a curfew and the street was deserted. The leading young man asked the three again, "Do you have a place to live? I'll show them the way."

"Oh!" Rong Hui blurted out: "Huji Inn!"

"Come with me!" The young man nodded and accepted, and he was more confident. He ordered the rest of the armored men: "You continue to patrol!" Lead the way in person.

The inn is located on South Street, with seven rooms and nine two floors. Rong Hui waited for the young man to knock on the door and walked in first. He saw a patio out of the candlelight. There were tables and chairs downstairs and guest rooms upstairs. He was immediately as if he had returned to his hometown and was very kind. Looking back at Xiaoxuan and smiling at each other.

There was a 30-year-old woman standing in the door, dressed in a medium coat, with long hair spread out, tied in front of her left shoulder, looking lazy and shy. She saw the three and asked the young captain, "This is..."

"This is the boss's wife!" The young man introduced to both sides: "Three people have made an appointment to go to the mountain to collect medicine, and then leave after a night's rest!"

"That's right!" The woman looked at Rong Hui and Xiaoxuan and nodded and smiled, "There are still two rooms upstairs, and most of the other guests are going to go to the mountain to collect medicine. Maybe you can still get along!" He thanked the young man again.

The young man turned around and continued to patrol. Since the three people have come, they will be at ease. Rong Hui was really tired and asked the boss's wife for cooked dishes. He sat at the table and was comfortable all over. Thinking of the cat and the bear, he smiled and said, "Xiaohui, get up and have dinner!" As soon as the words fell, the ripples passed, and the cat and the bear came out. The bear sniffed and was very excited.

The boss's wife came out and saw the bear and was shocked. Rong Hui quickly explained, "It's okay, it's okay. It doesn't have anything to eat, fruits and vegetables."

"There is a lot of tofu left!" The boss's wife breathed a sigh of relief and continued, "There are still some peanuts and fried meat with sour bamboo shoots." I put down three bowls of cold noodles and went back to the kitchen to bring a basin for the bear to enjoy. The bear has a short beak, arched copper basin, and the sound of eating at the table.

Rong Hui tried a chopstick cold noodles, which was thin and soft. Chewing in his mouth, sour and full of strength, he couldn't help praising: "Hmm! Delicious, delicious..."

Xiaoxuan also tried a chopstick and happily agreed: "It's really good!"

Bixia saw that there were bean sprouts and green vegetables in the bowl. In the friction sound of the copper basin, I really can't move my mouth. It can be seen that Xiaoxuan did not dislike it. If she didn't eat it, she couldn't help but be pretentious. She reluctantly picked up one, put it in her mouth, and chewed it slowly.

Rong Hui sighed and did not force it. He took the initiative to ask her, "What about the guide you mentioned?"

Bixia put down her chopsticks, glanced at the guest room on the second floor, and whispered, "He's here. It's in that room. We'll talk as we walk tomorrow."

"What?" Rong Hui was stunned and quickly asked, "Does he also want to go to the mountain with us?"

"There are many rules in the mountains, and there are many rules in their family. Only he knows them!" Bixia explained carefully: "He only helps us find a rough place, and I will send her out with a 'transmission'."

Rong Hui felt unreliable and asked Bixia, "How many benefits did you promise him? What if he meant a blind road?"

Bixia squeezed her lips and smiled: "I have my own way!" He also discussed the small items to be used on the road until he finished eating cold noodles.

There are 18 rooms upstairs, with simple decoration and bright windows. Xiaoxuan remembered what happened last time and felt very guilty, so she asked Rong Hui to live in a room with the bear and share a room with Bixia. Rong Hui was physically and mentally exhausted and did not object. Take the bear back to the house, close the door, open the boundary, and fall asleep.

He was exhausted and slept, dreamless all night, and woke up three times a day. Hearing a burst of snoring, he opened his eyes and saw that the bear was sleeping soundly and couldn't help stroking his forehead: "This master, sleeps to death!" Gently exerted his spiritual power and ingested it's armor. After combing a little, he pushed the door out of the room and saw Xiaoxuan and Bixia sitting at the table of the Eight Immortals. He couldn't help but feel sad: "Who is so bold!" He hurried down and was about to relieve his siege. Seeing a white-bearded old man wearing a cashmere shoulder and a scarf, he quickly said, "This old gentleman is..." and sat at the table.

When Xiaoxuan saw Rong Hui coming down, she went to greet the boss's wife: "Four bowls of mutton steamed buns!" Come back and introduce him: "This old gentleman knows ancient magic, and we can call him 'Mr. Luo'."

Eunuch Luo nodded and turned his head to greet the boss's wife: "Add two more meat burgers!"

Rong Hui was stunned. He didn't look like a person who knew ancient magic. He couldn't help muttering in his heart: "How can this be like a charlatan, or the kind who only dares to cheat! I have been in the world for more than ten years, and the wind and waves have come. If it falls into his hands, my brother's fame will be ruined!" I can't help smiling and asking him, "Do you know the ancient magic?" Can you show us a hand and open our eyes!"