Fairy Journey

Chapter 66 Settling down

Under the scorching sun, in the mountain wind, Rong Hui sent away "Zhenyuan" and his face gradually sank. Xiao Xuan walked to the edge of the platform and whispered, "This leader is a figure!" He asked Rong Hui again, "What's your plan?"

"The future is uncertain!" Rong Hui sighed and turned around and told Rong Xue, "Open the boundary, let's go into the room and talk!" The dragon walked straight into the attic.

The four of them sat in front of the small round table in the west. Rong Xue brought four hot teas again and sat down and asked, "The Yang family won't pester us anymore!"

"No for the time being!" In front of the south window, Rong Hui picked up a sip of tea and asked, "Do you have any contact in the world? How is the situation at home?"

Rong Xue and Ling Xiao looked at each other, and their faces were dark. Let me say it!" Ling Xiao squeezed his lips and said with a sinking face, "The boundary is becoming more and more unstable. Now as long as you are a foundation monk, you can freely go in and out. The shallow 'early Taiji' monks can also barely get in and out. Those low-level repairers regard it as a 'treasure basin', burning, killing and looting, and doing all kinds of evil. Several nearby families also sent brigades of children to encircle the land to grow spiritual rice and medicinal herbs. It also occupied all the veins and forced mortals to mine day and night.

Rong Hui's face was as heavy as iron. He took a deep breath and exhaled in a trembling voice, "What about our family?"

"Everything is fine!" Ling Xiao reluctantly squeezed out a smiling face and then said, "Rong Xue and I have found a group of informers and communicate with them every half a month." He was refreshed and said carefully: "We often pass on some cultivation experience to them, and also help buyers to buy some elixirs and magic weapons. In the past two years, there have been many more people building foundations, and some people have entered the 'early stage of Taiji', so the resistance is also very fierce. Lingshan is the strongest, and our four families are still standing together. However, those who came from outside also supported a lot of small gangs and stared at us. The Yang family also secretly set up a war department in it, which took turns to provoke our four families and practice with us.

"Xiaojuan, Xiaoyue, General Lu and General Manager Yan have indeed reached the 'early stage of Taiji'." Rong Xue nodded and then said, "Rong Shuang was married in the twelfth month of the thirteenth year of Hongxiao. Now, like our brother-in-law, he has reached the 'early stage of Taiji'. The third sister married the State of Zhao in March this year. When her mother was preparing for the Dragon Boat Festival, she first married the little princess of the State of Song to the mountain and then married her.

"These bastards!" Rong Hui has been used to seeing the practitioners' profit-seeking and bullying faces. It is not difficult to imagine the scene in the world. He is so angry that he twitched and breathed deeply: "Let's see if he wears a pair of iron trousers and rushes to ride on his brother's head!"

"At present, with a few of us, we are not opponents!" Xiaoxuan pondered slightly and suggested with a serious look: "We have to put up with this tone. It's better to protect yourself first, stand firm, and don't act rashly.

"Tomorrow is the fifteenth, the day of the joint!" Ling Xiao discussed the two: "Do you want to see them!"

"Hmm!" Rong Hui nodded and agreed, "I have to ask carefully and send a few more words to my family! I also have to find the spiritual vein quickly, meet the big and small leaders nearby early, beat the side drums, let them restrain a little, and don't let them do anything that makes the other party can't come to the stage. He asked Ling Xiao again, "Where should I choose Lingtian?"

"Choose the northeast side!" Ling Xiao said firmly: "It's the closest to the boundary."

Rong Hui secretly remembered and asked the two women, "Do you have any magic weapons to take advantage of?" Seeing that the two were slightly stunned, they smiled, turned up their left hand, pulled their fingers and flashed, and their hearts waved over, showing two ruby rings set with "King Kong" and smiled indifferently: "You have made great progress, and take it as my congratulatory gift!" Pass it to two people separately.

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and Rong Xue shouted, "A storage ring of one thousand taels of gold?" He caught it, looked at it for a time, and exclaimed, "It's better than a thousand taels!"

"Try it on!" Rong Hui was shocked when he saw his sister and couldn't help laughing: "There are still some small things on your face!"

Ling Xiao smiled like words, and also took a closer look in his hand, and then put on his right index finger. Slightly feeling, he finally exclaimed: "The magic weapon?" Turning his hand and taking out a cold ice, the fluorescence was slightly, and the cold in the hall suddenly dropped.

"You feel the way of water. The water owner sinks, and I think you can use it!" Rong Hui smiled and asked, "How's it going?"

Ling Xiao couldn't put it down and smiled happily: "I finally have a magic weapon!"

Rong Xue turned her hand and took out two three-foot branches and couldn't help questioning: "How can I give me two dead branches?"

"At that time, I also thought it was a dead branch!" Rong Hui couldn't help laughing and explained carefully: "This is the dead branch of 'seeking wood' among the three sacred trees. If you understand the 'way of wood', the owner of wood may be able to save it and turn waste into treasure. Even now, it is also a magic weapon that is hard to hurt.

Xiaoxuan saw that Rong Xue didn't believe it and smiled: "Who lied to you? This is my gift!" With that, he turned over his hand and held out two carved stone boxes, one for each.

Rong Xue opened it and saw the treasure light flashing. She was even more surprised: "A whole set of jewelry magic weapons?" Ling Xiao slowly opened the stone box and smiled. Xiaoxuan saw it and greeted happily: "Let's go, let's dress up and then find a Lingtian together. Where will we live tonight!" The two women were kind and happily took Xiaoxuan upstairs.

Rong Hui looked at the three people walking away with a smile and greeted them with a smile: "Xiaohui, are you embarrassed to come out?" As soon as the words fell, the bear came out. The bear sniffed and snarrated in the room.

Ling Xiao tied a flying fairy bun, and each tied a ruby carved pomegranate flower. The golden stamens were ringed to the forehead, and a cluster of golden wins were formed, hanging down to the eyebrows. She came downstairs and saw that there was a bear in the room. She saw that the bear was black and white and naive. She couldn't help liking it. She smiled and asked happily, "What a lovely bear, where did it come from?"

Rong Hui was fine for a moment and fed the bear with the cake. She looked up and saw that she was surrounded by a "polar" jade bead gold chain around her neck and wore a pomegranate gold silk half arm. A fiery skirt appeared between his chest, and two jumps of Danxia gauze sleeves were blocked outside his arms. Colorful bracelet, auspicious cloud belt. Pleated skirt, golden soft shoes. The starry eyes are bright, looking forward to flying. The heroic style, bright and touching, his eyes couldn't help but brighten, and he smiled happily: "It's my spirit beast that is subdued on the road!"

"Ah, bear!" Rong Xue combed a double bun and wore a wisteria wreath. Then he followed with an exclamation, happily ran forward to touch the bear's head, and then gently angred: "It licks/me..." with a look, shy and shy.

Rong Hui saw that she was wearing a green half arm and a pleated skirt, like smoke and clouds, which was pleasing to the eyes. Taking a deep breath and smelling the fragrance of vegetation, I couldn't help laughing: "You make it so fragrant that it still thinks you are bamboo. It's strange not to lick you!"

Xiaoxuan combed a long ponytail and wore a complete set of crystal head. When he came down and heard Rong Hui's words, he couldn't help laughing. She wore a cloud-patterned overshirt with a snow silk skirt inside. Jade feet are fragrant, pleated immortals.

Rong Hui saw that she was like an ice palace fairy, and she was also refreshed. He happily said, "Let's go, let's find a place to live!" Stand up and lead the way.

Danxia Mountain is 2,000 miles away, including countless spiritual fields. Under the bright sun, four people flew to the northeast of the blessed land and saw green bamboo and waves rolling. The stream hits the stone and trickle. The wind blows the bamboo forest, and the sound makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Yong Hui looked around and pointed to several bamboo houses by the stream in the distance: "That's right there!" Fly out first.

The wasteland is full of tender bamboo, surrounded by a tall bamboo house like stars. When the four people flew closer, Xiaoxuan felt that the forest was quiet and suitable for living in seclusion. She couldn't help smiling: "I think it's good here. Let's stay here."

Rong Hui took out the array he had just received, injected a spiritual force, and raised his hand to shoot under the bamboo house. The array lights up a layer of white light and is embedded in the soil. The bamboo pole within ten feet shook lightly, and a spiritual force rose from the root and turned around for a moment. The spiritual light enters the ground, and the boundary emerges out of thin air.

Rong Hui waved a spiritual force, opened a gap, and invited everyone to enter. The bear landed as if returning to the paradise, roaring and rushing into the bamboo forest, which was quite happy. Xiaoxuan invited everyone into the house, opened the door, and saw that the tables, chairs and benches were all there, but the dust was like fat. He raised his hand and shook, and the strong wind suddenly rose, and the dust roared out.

Ling Xiao turned his hand and took out Ruyi and waved it gently. The cold air swept out and condensed into steam, filling the whole house for a moment. She breathed a little, and the water vapor condensed into drops and rolled down. For a while, the bamboo house was washed and spotless.

Xiaoxuan nodded and praised: "Good Taoism!" Reach out and invite everyone into the house. Seeing that the room was empty, Rong Hui raised his hand and waved it gently. The wind was like waves, "ping-pong" and dropped a group of daily utensils.

The three women discussed with each other and set up utensils. Rong Hui went out to take the air to see the situation. When the inspection was finished and gathered at the bamboo table for lunch, it was already afternoon. Ling Xiao suddenly asked, "What's your plan next?"

"Choose the spiritual vein!" Rong Hui was resolute: "I don't expect Gao Feng Dashan. I want to choose the spiritual vein outside Jinzhou, so that I can take care of it!"

Yong Xue thought so and asked Rong Hui, "What about us?"

"You?" Rong Hui said tentatively, "If you don't want to practice on the mountain, come and live with me." Anyway, Danxia Mountain can't pass on your real ability. I walked around the north and gained something. Helping each other is not necessarily worse than in the mountains!"

This word came to Ling Xiao's heart, and she agreed: "I've had enough of looking at other people's faces! Brother is now a person with a title. Naturally, it is best to open his own house. We don't practice internal elixir, and we don't have high requirements for aura. It's true to choose a good position. Anyone who enters the boundary again in the future will have to restrain it. As long as it is not a life-and-death feud, we can also compete with other families.

The four of them fit together, eating while discussing the division of labor. Xiaoxuan is responsible for arranging the mountain protection array, Rong Xue is responsible for opening up medicinal fields and spiritual fields, and Ling Xiao is responsible for contacting the world and recruiting people until dusk.

In the afternoon, the bear built a nest in the forest by the stream. After nightfall, it lay in the nest and no longer wanted to move. Under Xinghui, in the cottage, Zhu**, Xiaoxuan discussed Rong Hui: "Do you want me to contact Ganzhou's 'Yipintang'?"

"I asked you to be responsible for protecting the mountain array, but I just want you to ask her for help!" Rong Hui put his head in his hands and slept in ** with a smile: "But I'm afraid that someone will monitor 'Yiyitang' like last time. It's hard to get rid of those grandchildren, but don't attract another group of tigers and wolves. Look, when we went to the dormitory to pick up the spiritual field, the disciples looked at our faces and almost said, 'One person gets the way, chickens and dogs ascend to the sky'. If we get into trouble, the mountain gate will either pretend not to know or stand by. And now the Yang family is already calculating us. Is it strange not to fall into the well?

Xiaoxuan also thought of this layer and couldn't help but doubt: "What should I do!" Thinking about it, the light flashed in my mind and blurted out: "Zhu family!"

"Zhu family?" Rong Hui readily agreed and nodded in agreement: "Yes, with our friendship with Zhu Xin, it's not a big deal to let her help with a mountain protection array! She won't fail to sell such a smooth favor!" The two of them got together and breathed a sigh of relief together. As soon as the spirit dissipates, the tiredness surges straight up.