Fairy Journey

Chapter 69 Piano and Song Stone

In the valley under the sun, the silver snake sword buzzed, shook away the two birds and went with the Lord. The firebird hiss, circled in the air, seemed to feel something, and spread its wings and flew out. The snow sculpture didn't know why, so it echoed and fluttered its wings to keep up.

"Come back!" Bixia knew that she was in danger and quickly greeted her. But when he heard a sharp sound, he was quite stubborn and couldn't help slandering: "What kind of person raised what kind of bird... It's not a good bird..." Even the magic power was exhausted, so he simply walked to Rong Hui's side and sat down to adjust his breath.

At dusk, the firebird flew back with the snow sculpture, very depressed. Early the next morning, he flew out with snow sculptures. Three days in a row, go out early and come back late. Bixia was also quite moved to know that it was looking for a panda. On the morning of the fourth day, I heard the phoenix roaring into the morning again. Opening his eyes, he saw the sunrise in the east. The firebird circled around the top of the valley with snow sculptures and flew out to the west. He also stood up to the edge of the stream to fetch water to quench Rong Hui's thirst.

Water enters the abdomen, and the morning wind blows the face. Rong Hui was refreshed, opened his eyes and saw Bixia, and greeted her with a smile. Taking a deep breath, I felt that I had regained some strength, and tried to open my mouth: "The bear..." I felt the sound sent out, full of joy, and then said, "I heard... the bear call..."

"That's an illusion..." Bixia slandered and had to bravely respond: "Okay, okay... When you recover from your injury, we will go to find it..."

When Rong Hui saw that she didn't believe it, she became anxious and looked at her and reiterated: "I really heard..."

Bixia felt the same way, and she didn't want to argue with a patient. I had a headache, so I had to change the topic: "It's time to take medicine..." I took the medicine gourd, pulled the wooden plug, poured out a grain of "Peiyuan Dan" and bounced directly into Rong Hui's mouth.

Rong Hui's words were gagged and he still wanted to speak. The medicine had entered his abdomen. Thinking that there is still a chance to speak, it is important to heal at present, so I have to take a deep breath, concentrate and accept it, and luck to resolve the medicine. By the seventh day, the internal injury had healed and he was able to sit up. It's just that the qi and blood are weak and the whole body is weak, and you can't walk on the ground yet. This morning, I heard a soft sound. I opened my eyes and saw the firebird flying. I quickly greeted: "Bring me a game..."

"Go..." Bixia sat aside and heard it. She couldn't help frowning and annoying Rong Hui: "You are healing your wounds. What kind of game do you want!"

When Rong Hui heard the soft sound, he was relieved. He quickly took the "medicine gourd" and poured out a grain of "Peiyuan Dan". He couldn't help but be proud: "The storage device can't be opened in the mustard space. Fortunately, I took it out first." Take it with your head up, sit cross-legged, and explain with a smile: "The elixir nourishes qi but not blood. If you know the medicinal herbs, we will dig some old mountain ginseng later, and drink soup in the evening..."

Bixia had a headache, but she wanted to make sense, so she had to make a boundary and go to the mountain to find herbs. At dusk, when I saw that the snow sculpture really caught an elk, I couldn't help slandering: "When have I served people, and now I still have to cook for you..." I took the tungsten steel axe, chiseled a set of stone pots and stone bowls three or two times, first put deer blood to nourish Rong Hui, and then made a fire pot, shaved and boiled water, and boiled the venison together. When the hot water boils, the fragrance floats everywhere.

It is April, the days are long and the nights are short, and everything grows. Rong Hui has a good sleep and will keep it for half a month before he can stagger down to the ground. This morning, when I heard the sound and opened my eyes, I saw the firebird flying out with snow sculptures, and also sat up to move my muscles and bones.

The clothes have been washed and folded on the stone. He got up and saw it, surprised and happy, and at a loss. He hurriedly put it on and looked up to see the sunrise northeast, Yin Hong was like blood. The stream hits the stone and shines. Between the movement, take a deep breath, and a heart also calms down. He caught a glimpse of Bixia coming out from the stone on the other side and took the initiative to greet him: "Good morning!"

"Good!" Bixia squatted by the water to freshen up for a while, stepped on the pebbles and walked to Rong Hui's side. Seeing that his clothes were slightly wrinkled, she reached out to sort it out, and greeted him by the way, "How do you feel today?"

"It's okay..." Rong Hui was worried and quickly changed the topic: "Is there any way to go out?"

"Yes!" Bixia accompanied Rong Hui and said as she walked, "If you go out of this mustard space, you still have to go through the space node. However, this 'wolf dwelling in Xushanjie' has already been sealed, and even if the node is found, it may not be able to go out. It is different from the 'Liupan Mountain World'. It is more than 100,000 miles wide and naturally much weaker. It may not be difficult for you to recover and break through the space.

"One hundred days of muscle and bone injury, that is to say, we have to wait at least until June and a half to go out?" Rong Hui couldn't help laughing at himself: "I don't know if this wound is a blessing or a curse..."

Bixia heard what he said, and it's not easy to go on. She took the opportunity to change the topic: "What do you want to eat in the morning?" Warm whisper, tender style.

Rong Hui suddenly found that she was both understanding and caring. For a while, my heart was strange, but I couldn't say a word, let alone say it. Take a deep breath and casually respond: "Let's cut a bowl of deer blood." Thinking about the big event that she wanted to go through fire and water by herself, she was immediately calm.

In the streamside forest, Bixia smiled and promised, "Then you can go by yourself!" Help him stand by the tree and cut the deer to get blood.

In the middle of the day, a light cry came back from the valley. On the stone beside the stream, Rong Hui followed the sound and saw the firebird spreading its wings and grabbing down. He couldn't help but wonder: "Why did you come back to the ground so early today..." Seeing it fall in front of him, the wings and shouting, as if he had something to say, he immediately agreed and asked tentatively, "Have you found the little ashe?" Hearing its response, he happily asked, "It can't come back... Is it trapped?" Seeing that the firebird agreed, he quickly said, "Then take me there!"

"Where are you going?" Bixia sat on the stone on the other side and frowned and scolded, "What can you do if you go there without the power to tie a chicken?" Stay honest for me..."

"I..." Rong Hui and Rong Hui thought so and urged Bixia: "Then you go..."

"With their escape speed, they just flew back now. That stupid bear, at least 10,000 miles away. Bixia interrupted in a low voice, "I'm going. Who will protect you?" He stood up and stepped across the stream and questioned the firebird: "There's nothing you can do. Do you still want to put him in?"

The firebird was furious and stared at Bixia, spreading its wings and singing fiercely. The snow sculpture stood aside, echoing with the sound, full of hostility. Bixia had a headache and looked at Rong Hui. Rong Hui shook his head and smiled, "Then let's go together..." He didn't think that he was anemia, and his strength was still there, let alone weakness. He got up and took the medicine gourd, tied it to his waist, threw the tungsten steel into his belt, and greeted Bixia: "Let's go!" If you don't move, don't lift your hands, and your luck will rise.

The snow sculpture sings gently, flapping its wings and supporting it with its back. Seeing that he was stubborn, Bixia shook her head and smiled bitterly, so she had to jump to the back of the eagle with him. Looking back, she saw several elk still tied to the tree, raised her hand and cut it and went north by the wind. Everywhere, the grass rope was suddenly broken. The elk was frightened and kicked away.

The sea is boundless, and the mountains are like waves. The silence makes people panic. Rong Hui sat on the back of the snow sculpture and couldn't help muttering, "In such a large place, there is not even a bird. Fortunately, they can find the antelope elk... Do you think the barbarian will come in?"

"Recordingly, such a large spiritual vein has been sealed for thousands of years, and more than a thousand years of spiritual grass should be everywhere... But when I picked the medicine, I found a lot of spiritual grass, but I didn't find a thousand-year-old elixir." Bixia said about it: "Obviously, someone comes in regularly to collect medicine."

Rong Hui was refreshed and said, "That is to say, grassland monks can both come in and go out..." After a slight weighing, he had already thought about it. At dusk, I suddenly heard the sound of the snow sculpture and suddenly stirred up its wings. Even if you try hard to maintain it, it still flies slower and slower. In the end, with only one breath left, I could only fly three feet away, and I couldn't help but wonder: "What's the matter?"

The afterglow of the sunset is golden. Bixia sat in danger of the wind, staring over it, and said with her face, "When it comes to the 'overweight field', in the 100,000-mile mustard space, I think this ring of aura is no more than 5,000 miles wide. You are injured now, and I can't use my power. Looking at the two birds under him, he couldn't help smiling bitterly: "Plus these two..." He sighed and laughed at himself.

The firebird sings lightly and is quite disdainful. Rong Hui sighed and had to comfort himself: "Then it would be safer for us to hide in these two thousand miles of mountains..." While talking, he stared into the distance and suddenly saw the remaining sun shining in the snow and the monument standing. He couldn't help exclaiming: "Look!"

The firebird sings softly and flaps its wings. The snow sculpture echoed and then followed closely. Rong Hui grasped the back of the sculpture and looked carefully. He saw a golden character engraved on the tablet, which was powerful and powerful. Looking up, I couldn't help thinking, "Town...town... just a word town?"

The square monument is nine feet high and black, with a word "town" embedded on each side. He fell in front of the monument with the snow sculpture, and only felt that he was carrying a huge stone and sank straight. His face turned pale, spitting out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were black, the sky turned around, and his body staggered, and he felt a little comfortable.

Bixia quickly followed, reached out to hold it, and scolded: "Don't look around!" The firebird circled around the stone tablet, fluttering its wings and hissing, very anxious.

Rong Hui's whole body was weak and he took the opportunity to sit down. After leaning on the stone tablet, he took a breath. Opening his eyes, Ji Ji explained: "The cat and the bear... The cat and the bear are sealed in the stone tablet..." He took out a "Peiyuan Dan" from the gourd at his waist and spit it deeply, and his face improved.

On the top of the snowy mountain before sunset, Bixia will be suspicious and observe the stone tablet. I'm dazzled and can't see through it. He exhaled and said with a sinking face, "Sure enough, it contains a very profound Taoism! Presumably, this is the boundary stone tablet left by the Han army in those years. It can prevent the 'step on the sky' monk from breaking in, but how can we break it with brute force? Thinking that there was nothing he could do, he sighed and comforted Rong Hui: "Now that you know where the bear is, you can always find a way to heal your wounds at ease."

Rong Hui was as kind as a stream, sitting cross-legged, practicing skills and refining his energy, quietly poked out his mind and felt a trembling heart. He secretly said "not good" and kept his mind to resolve his luck. I only feel that the pressure is like a wave, and the wave is higher than the other. He thought that he was fine for the time being, and a fierce force came to his heart: "A broken stone tablet, come against me?" Snorting, it's urgent to resist the magic power.