Fairy Journey

Chapter 18 Heaven rewards diligence

Rong Hui felt her kindness and smiled and responded: "It's a great progress... Break through the bottleneck, my chance is still a little..." He raised his head and looked at the sea outside the window and told the truth: "I felt the Taoist situation this time, although it led to the sky. Taking "two steps" with the grace of "God" has only saved decades of hard work. But what I didn't expect was that the power was doubled, and now it has been stuck by a 'cultivation barrier'. Others can do their work, and it's the same for me. Throughout my life, maybe I stopped at this 'seventh step'..." Thinking of Xiaoxuan, I couldn't help shaking my head and sighing.

"If you want to prove the Tao, you can't do anything if you have the understanding, qualification and means. Even if they are talented and gorgeous, most of them can only take two or three steps in their lives. Those with greater opportunities can take four or five steps. Even if he is the proud son of heaven, he can take up at most seven steps..." Ling Xiao remembered that he stepped on the sky, also because he saw a typhoon in the Nanyang and clearly understood the rules of water: "If it hadn't been for this, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to 'step on the sky' in my life..." At present, he also felt the same way when he heard Rong Hui said. While tidying up his clothes, he asked, "What is your barrier?"

"It's not an old problem..." Rong Hui was angry when he remembered. He stood up and walked around with his hands behind his back and said slowly, "I have seven space nodes, and the 'angry' loss can be imagined. And after I drew 'anger' from the 'node', it was like dredging the funnel. As long as I didn't practice for a month, my skills would leak out six-sevenths... And I only had a slight understanding of the 'way of fire'. Although the body is better than before, the Taoist state is not perfect. Even if you keep practicing, you can only maintain your strength. Not to mention further, there is no sense of breakthrough at all, and I don't know where to work hard..."

"Two or three times of 'Taisujing' can be forcibly broken through. The fourth and fifth weight is just separated by a layer of interface. The sixth and seventh, separated by the two-fold interface. The eighth and ninth is separated by a triple interface. If you want to touch it, you have to have a great opportunity and great wisdom..." Ling Xiao also also knew that Xuanzhi's affairs could not be forced. He smiled and comforted him: "Brother has been practicing for less than ten years, and you should be satisfied with today's achievements... Maybe he has progressed too fast. When this level stabilizes, there will always be a way..."

Rong Hui also knew that she was comforting herself. Seeing that she was about to get up, she simply said, "It's okay to get up. I'll accompany you to see this huge ship later. It's really interesting. I invited Lu Hai to get on the boat. He brought someone there the day before yesterday, and even your maid brought it with him..." He turned his head and greeted out of the door: "Red Sleeve, madam is awake. Come in!" In response, he walked into a girl in red.

Ling Xiao was slightly stunned. Seeing that green clothes and blue silk were also holding trays, clothes, jewelry, food... were all what he wanted most. He couldn't help but be refreshed and asked happily, "How are you?"

"Madam..." The three of them saw Ling Xiao wake up and spoke with one voice. Ling Xiao also smiled happily and let the red sleeves pull down the bead curtain and wear it carefully. Rong Hui didn't mind, just waiting outside the bead curtain, and by the way, talking about the major events in recent days.

After Rong Xue hit the "big martial artist" heavily on that day, he wanted to beat the "falling dog" and then quickly. Although a set of "Tiangong Royal Swordsmanship" made the flower ball frown, it was a pity that there was too little experience in fighting, and his whole body's strength was vented. For a while, his strength was insufficient. Later, under the influence of Lingxiao's Taoism, he was still seriously injured by the "great martial artist" and escaped.

When she rushed back to the Xuanwu, it was already raining. Rong Hui was helping Ling Xiao to detoxify the ship and hurried up to help. One used "fire spirit" to live blood, and the other used "wood spirit" to regulate qi. He was busy until noon before picking up Ling Xiao's life.

Ling Xiao's body is very poisonous, and his body is full of good and evil, which has consumed " vitality". After suffering the mana fluctuations of the two masters, he was unconscious all the time. After a full blow, Rong Xue also lost her " vitality", so she named another "sky-class" warship "Xuanwei" as her own ship.

Rong Hui contacted the people on the mountain with a summons array on the ship to explain the situation. Xiaoyue, Rong Xue and others discussed. The "transmission array" of "Yipintang" was called overnight to transport their own sources of people to Guangzhou, and then transferred to the ship.

Lu Dahai has also been in the top position for a long time. He not only went to Xuanfu to defend the city, but also received training in the "Ghost Valley". He was also awarded the title of "Capit of Light Car" for his merit. He brought up troops and had his own means. When he took people to board the ship, the warriors had been entangled by Rong Xue's "green vine" for half a month. Seeing that everyone was refreshed and clean, his body was clean, but his skills were not left at all, and he only felt tricky. After discussing with Rong Hui, he simply dispersed the personnel and reassigned them to each ship for practice according to half of the personnel.

The warriors lived on the lower deck, and there were still crew, stewers and array mages on the bridge, but they dispersed after surrendering that night and were killed by Rong Xue. Fortunately, there were also "mamen" under the "Lingshan Junfu". Everyone came later. After some research, they finally made the warship move. So they lined up and sailed north along the coast.

For several days in a row, the flying rainbow shuttled through, and all the passengers under the "Lingshan King's Mansion" got on the warship. Everyone saw that Rong Xue had taken "nine steps" and Rong Hui had taken "seven steps". Although Ling Xiao was ill, he also had "five steps" cultivation. Naturally, he was impressed by his heart: "This situation is no less than the immortal sect. Lingshan is booming..." Only one ship in each town can form a fleet.

Everyone saw a strange sight, but they didn't understand naval warfare. Several array mages thought about it and simply set up a "sea-pierce array" with two "sky-class" ships as the array and other warships as the base. More than 30 warships were in a row, seeking self-preservation and working together to search for leather turtles.

In February, the afternoon is in the sky, and the spring breeze is warm. Ling Xiao knotted a "Lingyun bun" with red gold jewelry, wore a deep blue silk coat, and was accompanied by Rong Hui for a walk on the deck. Seeing that between the sea and the sky, huge sails have been raised on the masts of each ship, and the flag of "Lingshan Jun" has been hung, which is also awe.

Rong Hui was also very excited to see that the ships were separated, staggered, and advanced side by side with a row of white waves. As he walked, he said, "Don't worry, the monitoring array on this warship is very strong. After being connected by several masters, it will be stronger. Within ten thousand miles, not to mention a big old turtle, even a small shrimp can be felt. Spring is the season for sea turtles to travel to the north. We scraped back and forth at the seaside a few times and can always find one or two... The 'Qiankun Network' has been sent back, and Xiaojuan has noted the famous doctor in the south of the Yangtze River. There are live jellyfish, so many people, but I don't believe that so many people can't match the antidote.

Ling Xiao looked at this situation and didn't worry about finding a turtle. He smiled and said, "Actually, I'm not busy detoxifying. As long as I can suppress the toxin and use it to refine 'heaven and earth', I will get twice the result with half the effort..." While talking, I saw a white shadow flashed. Rong Xue stood in front of her and asked with a smile, "Your skills have recovered?"

"I'll ask you this sentence. How do you feel..." Rong Xueyan smiled, stepped forward and took Ling Xiao's hand, and then asked Rong Hui, "Brother, what is it that makes Dongying people want to grab it..."