Fairy Stone

Chapter 96 Enter the Trial Fantasy

In the Feiyun Pavilion of Wuji Pavilion, the man in blood quickly helped Han Rui open up some destroyed meridians. When Han Rui woke up, the magic formula was full of strength, no longer as if he had just come out of the Qiankun Gate of Qingfeng Mountain, and his whole body was weak.

Han Rui, who had just woken up, was thinking of thanking the man in blood, and the door was opened. Then the man in blood and another disciple came in. Both of them were wearing obvious clothes and Confucian clothes.

"How do you feel when you wake up?" The man in blood saw that Han Rui woke up. As soon as he entered the house, he asked the other party with a smile. He was not as ruthless as Han Rui saw at the beginning, and he did not eat the fireworks of the world.

"Han Rui thanked his predecessors for helping to repair the destroyed meridians. There is nothing serious about it. As soon as it is running, the spiritual power can be recondensing in the body. I just wanted to thank the senior, but I didn't want the senior to come over. Han Rui, who was just about to go out, saw the man in blood come in and asked questions about his injury. He quickly got out of bed and stood up and thanked him.

"Brother Han is polite. Now you are also a disciple of Wuji Pavilion. It is also appropriate to take care of each other and help each other." The man in blood was not in a hurry to speak, but the disciple standing next to the man in blood said.

"Who is this?" As soon as he arrived at Wuji Pavilion, he was taken to Feiyun Pavilion by the man in blood to repair the damaged meridians in his body. He had time to know other Wuji Pavilion disciples in the future. Naturally, he did not know the disciple in front of him.

"Oh, let me introduce it to you." The man in blood walked to Han Rui, looked at the people around him, and pointed with his finger,

"This is also a personal disciple under the Xifeng seat of our Wuji Pavilion, called Wutian. You can call him Heavenly Brother in the future. This is Han Rui. I believe you don't need my introduction. You know Wu Tian very well. After looking at Han Rui, the man in blood pointed to Wu Tian and then to Han Rui, introducing each other to the two.

"Brother Han Rui, I want to see Brother Wutian, and I hope that Brother Wutian can take more care of him in the future." Han Rui knew that he and Wutian were both personal disciples of Xifeng, the owner of Wuji Pavilion. They were of the same generation. The other party stayed in Wuji Pavilion for a long time and would definitely get a lot of benefits in the future if he was taken care of by the other party, so he took the opportunity to speak politely to Wutian.

"Brother Han is polite. He is also a disciple of Wuji Pavilion. It's natural to take care of each other and help each other." Wu Tian said politely again.

"Well, since you know each other, let's get down to business." When the man in blood saw that Han Rui and Wu Tian seemed to be very close to each other and might be closer to each other in the future, he went back to the story and said to the two.

"Since Tianxin Temple was usurped by Wen Cong and won the position of abbot, it has constantly hit the surrounding forces, and the disciples of Wuji Pavilion outside learned that Tianxin Temple is preparing to join hands with the Qiankun Gate to encircle and suppress our Wuji Pavilion together. We need to be prepared as soon as possible. Brother Xifeng, the master of the cabinet, has been closed for decades. Regardless of the affairs in the cabinet, we must resolve this matter and not trouble him to get out of such trifles. The man in blood said to Han Rui and Wu Tian with a serious face.

"It's me that Tianxin Temple and Qiankunmen joined hands to attack Wuji Pavilion, right?" Han Rui heard that the man in blood said that Tianxin Temple and Qiankunmen wanted to work together to deal with Wuji Pavilion, so he guessed that the two sects must be for their own business.

"It's not all. Wen Cong's boy is so ambitious that all the sects around Tianxin Temple have been swallowed up and disintegrated. His next goal is the whole Central Plains. But Qiankunmen is not a fool. He knows what Wen Cong is thinking. Maybe he has his own helplessness by promising to help Tianxin Temple attack Wuji Pavilion this time. However, Tianxin Temple and Qiankunmen will not send all their disciples out, so we are still sure to win. What worries me most is that once Tianxin Temple and Qiankun Gate send masters into Wuji Pavilion, their target must be you. Since you have become my disciple of Wuji Pavilion, we can't let you make a little mistake. The man in blood briefly introduced his opinion and looked at Han Rui and said.

The blood-clothed man learned from the disciples of Wuji Pavilion outside that the reason why Tianxin Temple and Qiankunmen came to attack Wenbifeng Wuji Pavilion this time was Han Rui, so he was worried that the other party would send a master. At that time, the number of people would be large, and the melee was extremely chaotic. There was no guarantee that those masters would secretly enter the interior of Wuji Pavilion and kill Han Rui, so The man in blood hurriedly told Han Rui about this matter and discussed countermeasures.

Han Rui didn't know what to do for a while and was temporarily silent. The powerless beside him was extremely angry, and his fists were even tight. As soon as he wanted to say something to the man in blood, he was stopped by the man in blood.

"I know what you want to say. Let me say what I think first." After the man in blood stopped the avenly words, he continued to speak.

"In fact, the cabinet master has long learned from a master that Han Rui can't solve a catastrophe in the future, so he has ordered me to protect Han Rui's safety no matter what the cost after Han Rui enters the Wuji Pavilion. However, although Han Rui can continue to practice at this time, he will not have any mental methods in his body and can't resist being chased, so I decided to let you take Han Rui through the secrets of Wuji Pavilion to the trial fantasy. There are many dangers in the trial fantasy, but with your protection, I believe that Han Rui will soon be able to break through the original cultivation and learn the high-level mental method of our cabinet as soon as possible, so as to prepare for the next catastrophe. As for the things in the door, neither of you have to worry. With me and all the elders, no matter who the other party is, it can't hurt our roots. You can rest assured that you are practicing in the fantasy territory.

After the man in blood told his plan to Wu Tian, he looked at Han Rui and comforted Han Rui and Wu Tian. Although he was besieged by Tianxin Temple and Qiankun Gate this time, Wuji Pavilion did not necessarily lose.

"Enter the trial fantasy?" After Wutian heard that the man in blood said that he was going to enter the trial fantasy with Han Rui, he was a little unconfident. After thinking about it, he still showed an unbelievable expression on his face.

"It is natural to protect Han Rui after entering the trial fantasy, and I will do my best to protect him. However, since Tianxin Temple and Qiankun Gate are ready to attack Wuji Pavilion, they must be well prepared. I believe they will also send many masters. Although I, the elders and others of Wuji Pavilion, have a good cultivation, I can not only continue to protect Han Rui's younger brother, but also do something I should do for Wuji Pavilion. Wutian thought of joining Tianxin Temple and Qiankun Gate to attack Wuji Pavilion together. It was much better for him to stay than to take Han Rui into the trial fantasy.

"You have to understand that their attack on Wuji Pavilion this time is nothing, it's just a small matter, as long as we treat it carefully. Let you take Han Rui into the trial fantasy. On the one hand, it is to avoid the sneak attack of the masters of the two sects to ensure Han Rui's safety. On the other hand, it is also to let Han Rui quickly improve his cultivation. As long as Han Rui's cultivation improves, our strength will be greatly improved at once. The man in blood explained to Wu You, who was completely different from what he thought, hoping that Wu You could understand his intention.