Fairy Stone

Chapter 178 Unbeatable

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There is no demon disciple under the command of Longfei, and it is even more chaotic at this time. The gossip array that was about to unfold was also completely scattered by the disciples of Qiankunmen who collided left and right. Some disciples of the Demon Sect, who were well-cultivable, began to take the battle and constantly cast various magic tricks to beat the enemies who hindered their escape. And those disciples who are very low or have never practiced have to be slaughtered by the other party.

After killing Ren Longfei, Linglong once again joined the ranks of killing the disciples of the Demon Sect. At this time, the surroundings are already dark, but for the disciples of Qiankunmen who have been practicing for a long time, they can still distinguish the surrounding situation. With the magic and sword formula of various colors, the injured disciples kept crying and even roaring in despair, and their voices were full of despair and unwillingness.

After killing the disciples of Qiankun sect led by Xiang Changtang and Li Rifei, they were stationed on the edge according to the exquisite arrangement. When they saw the disciples of the demon sect who escaped from the chaos, they rudely sent the long-awaited number to the sword formula.

A huge demon pioneer team has few left in less than an hour. The disciples of Qiankunmen, who won completely, did not evacuate immediately, but settled down to repair the injury and restore the spiritual power just consumed in the body. Xiang Changtang and Li Rifei reported the results of the First World War to Linglong.

"Very good, in today's World War, no matter how powerful the Mozong coalition is, there will be some scruples. Try to delay the invasion of Tianyou County as much as possible, so that we can achieve a little goal. However, just in case, we still need to be vigilant. It is estimated that the Mozong coalition will soon send another horse here. When everyone was about to rest, Linglong gathered them together and said her opinion.

"Auntie, are we going to be stationed again?" Seeing that the fortifications around had been destroyed by his side, Li Rifei showed a trace of worry on his face and asked Linglong.

"Naturally stationed here, you can't give up the territory to them again." Linglong said for granted that although she also knew the destroyed fortifications around her, she couldn't bear to leave when she thought of the results of the war.

"It's just that there is no defense around us at all. If the Demon Alliance attacks again, I'm afraid we can't deal with it. After all, we have too few people." Hearing Linglong say that he would continue to stay here, Xiang Changtang carefully looked at the surrounding situation and arched his hand to Linglong.

"Okay, I've made up my mind." Linglong didn't listen to the two at all, but was more sure of her thoughts.

"Changtang, you still take those disciples and stay in the outermost place. Put all the gossip arrays in the door and leave the raw door in the second-line defense position. After saying that, Linglong pointed to the specific location of the "second-line defense position" mentioned in her mouth.

"Since my aunt is so laid out, she must have her own ideas." Xiang Changtang secretly thought in his heart. Looking at the "second-line defense position" in the distance, he was calculating how to arrange the gossip array.

"Sun Fei, you take your people and arrange the anti- gossip array within the second-line defense position to confront the killing gate and the raw gate of Changtang. When the Mozong coalition broke through the gossip array arranged by Changtang and escaped from the living door, you killed it with all your strength. Linglong ordered Li Rifei again.

Xiang Li, who were originally worried about the fortifications here, suddenly opened their hearts and looked at each other, with a positive expression on their faces.

"Yes, the disciple took the order, and then it will be executed." The two answered with one voice, and then each led their own disciples and quickly rushed to the position they were responsible for and arranged their own magic array.

"So there is still something missing..." After seeing the two of them leave, Linglong looked at the position in the distance, as if there was anything missing, but she didn't think about it for a long time. Then he entered the camp where Ren Longfei was and meditated. The consumption of this war was indeed not small. I only looked around for layout, but there was no time to restore the spiritual power in my body. At this time, it was some time to recover in a hurry.

What Linglong didn't expect was that just when she came here with many disciples of Qiankunmen, Ren Longfei had sent someone back to the Wuyou Taoist of the coalition headquarters and conveyed the news that the deputy head of Qiankunmen personally led the team to support. The Wuyou Taoist then sent a new team and quickly came from the headquarters of Honghuang City in the direction of Tianyou County.

After two consecutive arrays were arranged, everyone was also tired for a long time. Before dawn, taking advantage of the barrier of the gossip array, everyone began to take turns to take a nap.

The east is slightly bright, but the surroundings are still dark. No matter what the cultivation of those disciples of the Qiankun sect are, this is the moment when people fall asleep extremely deeply.

However, Xiang Changtang did not sleep all night, for fear that the demon coalition would attack at this time. Just as I was about to get up to check, I suddenly felt a fluctuation from the outermost gossip array. I was shocked and hurriedly ordered to wake up all the disciples. I have already flown to the front of the battle.

Although he knew that the demon allied forces would appear before the battle, Xiang Changtang did not expect it to be so fast, even a little unexpected.

"Qiankun gossip array, start!"

Seeing the disciples around him waking up, Xiang Changtang did not dare to slack off, and hurriedly urged the Qiankun gossip array, and suddenly formed a large array around him that could not see the outline clearly. At this time, the array is different from the previous array hastily laid by Ren Longfei. First, it didn't last long for Ren Long to fly into the gate of Qiankun, and the eight trigrams he had learned was incomplete. Second, Ren Longfei arranged it, which is just the basic array of the gossip array. At this time, Xiang Changtang arranged the most profound and the core gossip array, which cannot be underestimated.

The commander of the Demon Alliance sent this time thought that Ren Longfei would lead his disciples to guard for a while. Unexpectedly, he saw traces of messy fighting everywhere as soon as he arrived here. Seeing that the territory that should have been the Demon Alliance was full of unknown people not far away, I guessed that this place had been occupied by the other party, so I sent someone to explore the reality of the other party first. Unexpectedly, the seemingly idle people of the other party actually had an invisible array on the periphery. As soon as the demon disciple who explored the reality stepped into the array, he was found by the other party.

"I didn't expect that Ren Longfei was too fragile to be taken away by others in such a good place." The coalition commander looked around coldly and then made a few gestures.

Several captains knew the meaning of the commander's gesture, so they turned their heads to greet the disciples behind them, and then prepared to attack from all angles according to their instructions.

"Today, I want the Honghuang Sect to know that my Tianmomen is the first sect of the Demon Sect, and this position can't be snatched by you at will." The commander-in-chief of the coalition looked at the teams that had already put a good situation and said to himself, with contempt for Hong Huangzong in his tone.

At this time, the commander of the Demon King was actually the chief disciple of the Tianmomen generation, Guo Haiming. Then Guo Haiming stretched out his arm and waved it forward.

Several captains have been staring carefully at Guo Haiming's movements. Suddenly, they saw Guo Haiming giving instructions, and then the captains took their men and surrounded Linglong's camp.

Although he saw the disciples of the Demon Sect surrounded from all sides, Xiang Changtang was not nervous at all. At this time, the universe gossip array around everyone is not broken by anyone. So he told his disciples not to act rashly, and everything should be done according to the pre-arranged plan.

Just as Xiang Changtang ordered other disciples, the disciples of the demon sect who were approaching suddenly took out a black stick from their arms and lay in front of him, and then continued to surround Xiang Changtang and others.

What puzzles the peripheral Qiankun disciples is that the enemy is so close, why is the Qiankun gossip array still not activated? Is it possible that the formation is fake? So they looked at Xiang Changtang standing in the center of the formation.

"Bad!" Also seeing those disciples of the Demon Sect approaching Xiang Changtang, he suddenly remembered something and immediately jumped up. The sword in his hand had already played several sword tips.

"The peripheral disciples obey the order and quickly retreat to the second-line defense position!"