Fairy Stone

Chapter 218 The Little Girl

Han Rui took advantage of Situ Xin's body floating in the air and just released Wu Shan Haoran's righteousness and shot out a light. Unexpectedly, he was scattered by Situ Xin's simple wave. Then Han Rui suddenly sent out a message of righteousness again, but the sneak attack was successful. He not only stabbed Situ Xin, but also resolved all the spiritual power in his body and let him fall to the ground.

The Situ Xin is very puzzled. He clearly has a thunder-like method. How could he attack any spiritual power, magic formula or other physical object that enters the range of the dark purple spiritual power? So Situ Xin ignored his own injury, but Qiang stood up and looked up at Han Rui and asked.

Han Rui did not answer Situ's new question, and did not immediately set out to kill him. On the contrary, his tone suddenly became a little calm, but his eyes were full of alertness.

"I want to know who is the one you called the leader Lv who just killed me? If you say it, I can tell you the secret of the success of your sneak attack just now, and you can also consider whether to forgive your life. Han Rui stared at Situ Xin and asked. Although Han Rui's tone was ordinary, it was an inexplicable pressure on Situ Xin.

"Well, who do you think I am? People who are afraid of death? And... Your sneak attack just now... Yes, it must be!" Suddenly, a light flashed in Situxin's mind and remembered when he was attacked by Han Rui. Now that he thought of the answer, his heart was extremely happy. Kill me. Even if I am not killed by you at this time, if I return to the Demon Alliance, I will be killed by Lv Qingcheng. Situ Xin looked at Han Rui calmly. Since he couldn't survive anyway, why did he have to talk so much nonsense with Han Rui? However, there is still a trace of regret in my heart. I have never corrected my careless bad habits since I was a child. This defeat in the hands of my opponent and my death is also a punishment for my careless life, but this punishment is a little too heavy.

"If there is an afterlife, I think I should be a careful person!" Since it's all dead, you don't have to care too much. On the contrary, your mind is more open.

"Well, I didn't expect that there were such a tireless people in the Demon Alliance, but they dared to break into my Wenbifeng Wuji Pavilion, but I can't keep you. When I ask other disciples in the cabinet, I will know which sect you are a disciple of. At that time, I will rush into your sect and destroy your sect first!" Han Rui said fiercely that there were still countless hatreds and hatreds in Han Rui's heart for such a bloody attack by the Demon Alliance.

Situ Xin did not look at Han Rui, allowing Han Rui to say a few more words. Han Rui also ignored Situ Xin's behavior. The real martial arts staff in his hand suddenly moved and landed a large real fire meteorite in the air and hit Situ Xin, who had been seriously injured for a short time. He only heard a "poof", and Situ Xin suddenly died.

"I always feel that the pavilion is different from the past. I'm afraid there is something abnormal. Moreover, the two demon allied disciples must have a purpose to prevent themselves from entering the cabinet, and the master will not easily arrange a counter-killing array. Han Rui had a lot of doubts about what Lu Zhicai and Situ Xin said just now. In addition, he had fought with the two for a long time, and there was still no disciple in the cabinet to help or check. The more Han Rui thought about it, the more wrong it became. After walking to Xia Shuangxue, who had been banned from his degree, picked it up again and walked to the depths of Wuji Pavilion.

Han Rui did not see any disciples of Wuji Pavilion along the way. He walked for a long time until he walked to the hall of Wuji Pavilion, but he still did not see any disciples of Wuji Pavilion. The master will not lead all the disciples of Wuji Pavilion to participate in the war, and he will definitely leave people to garrison Wen Bifeng again. It's strange that they all went where. Since there were no disciples of Wuji Pavilion along the way, and there was no one on the hall, Han Rui placed Xia Shuangxue on one of the seats in the hall. He was about to turn around and walk out of the hall to look for it, but suddenly saw several drops of blood in the door of the hall. Han Rui hurried over and inquired about the surroundings carefully. Sure enough, as he thought, there was more blood near those drops of blood, and it was pieces of blood.

"I'm afraid the disciples in the pavilion have been persecuted by these two people." Thinking of this, Han Rui couldn't help shivering and hurried to the disciples' houses on Wen Bifeng outside. After looking for a long time, he still didn't see any disciples. Just as Han Rui was about to give up and return to answer the hall to look for Xia Shuangxue, he suddenly heard a few cries from a small room next to him. Hearing this, Han Rui hurried into the small room, but saw a very small girl sitting at the table, saw a woman lying beside him full of blood, and couldn't help crying.

In the blink of an eye, the little girl looked only eight or nine years old, with two small braids and a small red jacket with small flowers, one of which was stained with the blood of the woman on the ground.

"Little girl, don't cry. Uncle said that the bad guy ran away." As soon as Han Rui moved forward, the little girl immediately cried louder than the "woo" sound just now. Han Rui was afraid of scaring the other party and hurriedly opened her mouth to explain.

The little girl ignored Han Rui and climbed back a few steps. At this time, Han Rui found that one of the little girl's legs was stained with blood. I don't know whether it was from the woman lying on the ground or the little girl's own leg.

"Uncle is a disciple in this Wuji Pavilion. Don't be afraid. You have a leg injury. Uncle will help you stop the bleeding. After comforting the little girl a few words, Han Rui ignored the little girl's fear, took a few steps forward and picked up the little girl, and then reached out and nodded a few times on the little girl's blood-stained legs. After the little girl's leg was blocked by Han Rui, the blood stains slowly stopped. It seemed that the pain was relatively relieved, but the little girl no longer continued to cry. Instead, she tilted her head and looked at Han Rui carefully, feeling that the uncle in front of her was really different from the two people just now.

"Uncle, do you mean that you are a disciple of Wuji Pavilion? Then you won't kill Yun'er, will you? Can you save Sister Caidie by the way? She was injured and fainted by those two bad guys. The little girl did not know that the woman who fell to the ground had died. She only said that she was injured and fainted and begged Han Rui.