Fairy Stone

Chapter 70 Wonderful Fairy

"This..." I thought Song Shishi would put up something difficult or difficult to achieve, but I didn't expect it to be so simple, and Han Rui suddenly didn't know what to do.

"Why, you don't agree to such a simple thing?" Song Shishi also asked with a puzzled face.

"The younger generation promised, but the younger generation has always had something unclear. Why did the four of you kill the demon together? The demon of the law now has to put forward so many conditions to kill Huikong?

Thinking of the three people Shi Wuzun was looking for, each of them put forward some conditions to help themselves, and all three of them knew that it was Shi Wuzun who asked him to come. Aren't the four good friends back then?

"Some things are not as simple as you think. One day, you will understand." Song Shishi did not answer Han Rui's question.

Since Song Shishi didn't want to say anything, Han Rui didn't ask any more. As long as he quietly cultivated in the cave, Song Shishi's injury was much better. While the demons did not attack, he would repair the prohibition of the hole and strengthen it.

After cultivating in Song Shishi's cave for a few days, Han Rui left Anshui Lake and returned to Anyang Shiwu.

After seeing Shi Wuzun, Han Rui told Shi Wuzun that the three agreed to go out of the mountain to help, and also said the conditions of the three, but did not tell Song Shishi what he told him to save him.

"I don't know if there is anything wrong with the senior?"

After hearing the news that the three were willing to come out of the mountain to help, Shi Wuzun did not look happy at all. Han Rui guessed that there was something in Shi Wuzun's heart and hurriedly asked.

"A good friend of mine lives in a special place in the Anshui Lake area and lives by hunting fish and shrimps in Anshui Lake. Unexpectedly, a few days ago, I suddenly fell seriously ill and urgently needed several medicinal herbs. For a while, I had nowhere to find them, and I was worried about this time. Shi Wuzun sighed with some regret.

"Oh? As far as the younger generation knows, Derentang Pharmacy has all kinds of medicinal materials. Why don't you go there to buy it? Han Rui thought of Derentang's introduction and thought that as long as he needed medicinal materials, he could buy them there.

"That's right, but I can't get out for a while, but recently I have to make some preparations to get rid of that Huikong, which can't be delayed." Shi Wuzun casually said that he didn't have time to buy it. After all, the nearest Derentang to Anyang is in Tianyou County, and it takes a day to go back and forth.

"In this case, the younger generation is willing to go there, so that the seniors can also concentrate on preparing to get rid of Huikong." Han Rui hurriedly said.

"Well, it's not too late. You can go to Derentang in Tianyou County to buy the necessary medicinal materials." Seeing that Han Rui took the initiative to ask for it, Shi Wuzun hurriedly made a list of several medicinal herbs needed and handed them to Han Rui.

"The younger generation is going to go." After saying that, Han Rui turned around and left Shi Wuzun's place, quickly left Anyang City, walked with the sword, and ran to Tianyou County.

Shi Wuzun, who stood at the door and saw Han Rui leave, showed a cunning smile on the corners of his mouth.

The next day, Han Rui returned to Anci Temple. Just as Shi Wuzun was about to go out, he was even more surprised to see Han Rui buying the medicinal herbs back. He quickly asked Han Rui to rush to Anshui Lake together.

Although most of the whole area of Anshui Lake is occupied by demons, there are still some relatively safe places where some fishermen survive by catching fish and shrimp in Anshui Lake.

Soon the two arrived at the injured friend's house mentioned by Shi Wuzun. I saw a dark middle-aged man lying in **, constantly moaning, and seemed to be biting mosquitoes and flies around him. Shi Wuzun hurried to drive away mosquitoes and flies and put the medicinal materials bought by Han Rui into a tile pot not far away.

"Poor, there were still people with wives and children before, but later they got this disease, and their wives and children also left him. If I hadn't taken time to come to see him this time, I'm afraid I would have died now." As he spoke, he used his skills to ignite the firewood under the crock and boil the medicine.

"The younger generation doesn't seem to be a patient, but he seems to have been harmed." Seeing the continuous nausea of the injured person, it is not like a sick person at all.

"Yes, I also saw it for him. It's not a disease." Shi Wuzun kept urging the internal force to make fire and decoct the medicine, and said inadvertently.

"Oh? Since the senior found out, why didn't you help him out of the disaster? How can this herb work? Han Rui was surprised to hear that Shi Wuzun also said so.

"There is a way to remove this demon. I don't have that ability yet. I need to invite a master to come. It's just..." Shi Wuzun said halfway and stopped.

"Just what?" Han Rui wants to solve this person's problem as soon as possible, and Shi Wuzun can also help remove Huikong as soon as possible.

"We had a holiday many years ago, and I'm afraid he won't help." Shi Wuzun said it helplessly.

"Oh? Even so, the younger generation is willing to go there again. I believe that if he can think about the pain of the world, he will definitely help. Han Rui believed that monks had a desire to save people, so he agreed without hesitation.

"Okay, but don't be too reluctant. After all, we have misunderstood." Hearing that Han Rui was going, Shi Wuzun reminded him.

"Well, then I'll go now. I don't know what the tall man is called and where is it?" Han Rui hurriedly asked Shi Wuzun about the information of the master who could help.

"She is called Miaosi Fairy and lives at the foot of a mountain called Honghuang Mountain in the south of Tianyou County." Shi Wuzun told Han Rui where the master just said.

"Honghuangshan? The younger generation heard that it was near the wild city. Why did the fairy live near there? Han Rui was shocked when he heard the three words of Honghuang Mountain.

Honghuang Mountain is located at the intersection of the Central Plains and the barbarian city. The Central Plains area is naturally located in Anyang and Tianyou County, and the Honghuang City is the location of several major sects of the current Demon Sect. Located near Honghuang Mountain, which means that she will be invaded by demons from time to time. A fairy, even if she is well-cultivated, lives In such a place, it is inevitably surprising.

"I can't explain it to you at this time. When you see her, you will naturally understand." Shi Wuzun brought the decoction medicine to his friend to take while talking to Han Rui.

"Well, the younger generation will go." Although he didn't understand why the Miaosi Fairy lived there, and Shi Wuzun didn't explain it to himself, he must have really understand after seeing the Miaosi Fairy. Han Rui had to turn around and leave Anshui Lake and go to Honghuang Mountain.

walked all the way with the sword, but the flight speed was dissatisfied, and soon arrived at the place called Honghuang Mountain mentioned by Shi Wuzun. Han Rui, who had just flown over Honghuang Mountain, felt that there was someone fighting at the foot of the mountain, and from the perspective of the fluctuation of spiritual power around him, the cultivation of both sides of fighting was not low.

"Is it the wonderful fairy who is fighting with people?" Thinking of this, Han Rui hurriedly landed.