Xianxing City

Chapter 12 Ma Tianbao 1

Dongliao City is not big, but it is very lively. Not far from the station where He Xiaozhuo got off, there is a lively small square, which is a good focus for people to relax and cool down. When He Xiaozhuo arrived, there was a circle of people here, and everyone was watching the performance with great interest.

In the middle, a man in his forties was naked, revealing dark skin, black sportswear, trousers and white sneakers. At this moment, he was squatting on the ground with his head down, holding the upper edge of a glass in one hand, casually grabbing a piece from a pile of pebbles on the ground with the other, and smashing it with the bottom edge of the glass. It sounded like hitting a stone with a hammer. Three or two times, the pebbles were smashed open, but the glass was intact. .

People are very curious, and there are more and more onlookers. Gradually, the circle of people turned into two circles of people watching. Seeing this, the man did not answer, but took out a piece of red cloth from a bag beside him and spread it on the ground. Then he squatted down and continued to hit the pebbles with the glass, but when he hit it, he obviously felt that the glass was not enough. Unexpectedly, he split the stones with one palm. His hands rose and fell, and he did not know how hard. It's incredible that the pebbles have broken apart. It was not until he almost smashed the pile of pebbles that he stood up, walked to the center of the circle, and punched around: "Dear uncles, aunts and cousins, brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters and all the friends present, I have a gift here. Everyone just saw it and may ask, who are you? What are you doing? Hey! You asked, and I'm telling you now that I said I was a trick. The one asked: Trick? Then why did you smash this pile of stones? Hey! You asked, and I told you, I'm going to use this pile of stones to do tricks. The man asked, how to change with stones? Hey, you asked, did you see these stones I smashed? The man said he saw it. Well, now I cover it with this red cloth," he covered the pile of broken stones with red cloth.

"Wh! This pile of stones has been covered, and everyone has seen it. Now everyone has watched it together, and a miracle is about to happen. The man pressed around the red cloth with a few big stones. You have to take good care of it for me, otherwise it won't work. Hey! That person said, what exactly are you going to change? Well, let me tell you, I'm going to restore this pile of smashed stones to their original state. Hey! That person said, are you blowing? I said, whether it blows or not, it's believing. As long as you continue to watch patiently and see if I am bragging, we will know later. Hey! The man said, do you want money to make a trick? After a while, I took a plate and gave it to everyone. I called uncle, aunt, aunt, aunt, sister, brother and brother. Everyone has money, and if you don't have money... Hey! Let me tell you, you don't have to worry. I don't take a pennibal. Not only do I don't take a pennibal, but in the end, I also have to give you a gift so that none of you can read it for nothing. Hey! The man said, what gift did you give? Each person has a watch. Hey, that person said that he even gave watches for nothing. Isn't it a lie? Hey, then I advise you to stay a while to see if I have sent the watch. The man said, where is the watch? Can you send so many people here? Hey! You don't have to worry about this. It depends on whether I am sincere or not. I've brought all the watches, and I'll show them to you now," after saying that, I really grabbed a watch from the underground pocket. At the same time, Zhang Tieyi whispered a few words to He Xiaozhuo. He Xiaozhuo smiled, but Zhang Tieyi turned around and squeezed out the crowd.

"Eh! Everyone saw it. Let's see if I'm prepared or I'm here. That person said, watching your performance and asking for your gift, isn't it a big loss? Hey! Well said, I not only give you a gift, but also teach you something. Did you see that I smashed stones with a glass just now? Strangely, in fact, that's not much effort. Those who know it are not difficult, and those who are difficult are not. As long as you master the strength, anyone can do it, and you can do it. If you are interested, I will teach you later. Hey! That person said, this is not real kung fu, so what is real kung fu? Hey, you asked again, one finger Zen, two fingers Zen, that's kung fu, and it's not a hole. That's the real kung fu. Hey! The one said, will you? I want to say, I won't. Why? That's a lifetime of practice. I haven't been able to get the heat yet, but I've loved martial arts since I was a child. I can't poke a hole, but I can also drill a hole with slow work. Hey, the one said, don't just talk and practice, but have the ability to perform one for us. OK, what people say is reasonable, so we have to listen. This is called reasonable travel all over the world, and it is difficult to walk unreasonable. Everyone, please see if there are any bricks around me to find a piece for me. Everyone is optimistic. If I succeed, please give me some applause and support me. If you think I'm doing something ordinary, you laugh it off. I know that there are many teachers and young masters, whether it is good or bad. Everyone supports it. I would like to thank all parties first.

At this time, two red bricks were thrown into the field.

"Wh, just talking or not practicing is the mouth style, just practicing and not talking is the real kung fu. Let's practice."

After saying that, he picked up a brick on the ground, looked at it, held it with his left hand, pointed at a part with his right index finger, and squatted down. With luck, with a long cry, his index finger drilled towards the brick. I saw the powder falling one after another, and in a moment, half of my fingers had penetrated in. There was a lot of applause in the crowd, OK! The man was more energetic and roared again, and his fingers came out through the bricks. OK, OK! There was a burst of applause and applause in the crowd.

The man picked up another red brick, held it with his left hand, and his right index finger clicked a few times on the brick. He tried to drill a few points with his hand and couldn't help frowning. Just as people expected him to drill down for the second time, he waved a palm, cut off the brick and threw it on the ground.

"Wh! Did you see it? This is called one-finger Zen. If anyone wants to learn, I will give it to you later. Hey, the man said, you are performing, don't charge money, give watches, and teach kung fu. Who the hell are you? What do you do? Hey! You're right. As the saying goes, people leave their names, and geese leave their voices. People don't leave a name, I don't know Zhang Wang and Li Zhao, Yan don't leave a sound, I don't know spring, summer, autumn and winter. In Ma Tianbao, he has loved martial arts since childhood and studied under Shaolin. This time, I came out of the mountain by the order of the teacher. What is the order of the teacher? That is, through the alliance with pharmaceutical enterprises and using our Shaolin's Qigong theory, we jointly developed a medical watch, which specializes in treating rheumatic bone pain. Now it is in the experimental stage. The master sent our disciples out all over the country to give away this kind of watch. First, it is to send good news to the majority of rheumatic patients, and the other is to check the efficacy of this watch by this means. So I want to send a watch. But I also have conditions to send it. One is to give it to the patient, the other is to the people with this disease at home, and the other is that the disease is cured, and you have to make a name for me. Please remember when you get off Tianbao. Hey! The man said, why didn't you take your watch to the hospital for medical treatment? Hey, you asked, because we are disciples of Buddhism and pay attention to merit. If this watch is sent to the hospital, the price will be doubled several times, then many of our real patients will spend a lot of money, not to mention, and we can't even afford the high price. For this reason, we face the patients directly, that is, minus this link in the middle. I'm going to cross those who are tortured by the disease, so when I send the watch later, I hope that people who are not in these two situations will not want it, because the watches I bring are also limited, so can we leave more opportunities to those who really need it?

"Ok!" The crowd shouted unanimously.

"Okay, now people with rheumatism and bone pain raise their hands. Let me see how many can be?"

Brush! One-third of the people in the audience raised their hands.

"So many people? No, it's too much. My watch is not enough. I have to test to see if you really have this disease. Ma Tianbao said solemnly. Now which of you comes up and asks me to test it and tell you that if you don't have this disease, I won't give you a watch. Look, how old is that child? Do you also have this disease? Stop talking."

"I have it, I'll do it." An old man squeezed out the crowd.

"Okay, I'll test it for you. I'll use my Qigong to send you a test. Don't be nervous."

The old man nodded one after another.

"Please stand here now," the man asked the old man to stand on the side of the empty field, then rolled up the old man's trousers, put a watch under the old man's knee, and let the old man lift the other foot. "Let me tell you, this watch can usually wear on his wrist to play a therapeutic role. But this time, I wear it here in order to feel the effect of the watch as soon as possible. If the old man feels it, it means that he has rheumatic bone pain, and the watch is also curative. Now I begin to work hard. As long as he has this disease, the wind in his body will be forced out.

After saying that, he walked to the other side of the empty field and began to squat down, working hard with his hands in the direction of the old man's exposed knees.

After a long time, he asked, "How's it going, uncle, do you feel?"

"Yes!" The old man replied.

"How do you feel?"

"Cool, numb." The old man replied.

Ma Tianbao just finished his work and walked to the old man, "Sir, I think your rheumatism is very serious!"

The old man nodded, "It's been more than 30 years, and it's hard to rain on a cloudy day." The old man sighed.

"Don't worry, this watch will be given to you. Do you feel uncomfortable when it's cloudy and rainy this time?

"Uh-huh, thank you!" The old man withdrew from the circle gratefully.

There was a sigh in the crowd.

Ma Tianbao pointed to a middle-aged man about his age and shouted, "Are you also rheumatism? Don't I think you look so strong?"

"Oh, I can't get out of bed with serious rheumatism." The man selected by Ma Tianbao was really strong, with a big waist and a 200-pound man.

"Do you dare to come down and let me check it?"