Xianxing City

Chapter 6 Lost

The person who came is none other than Brother Quan. It was common for new workers to enter the mine. He didn't have to be there again and again. Today, he didn't want to come over, but he happened to meet Gou Huaide, who had just come down from the No. 4 well. I heard that there is another child among the workers recruited this time, so you have to come and have a look. After all, the child is still a child laborer, so there can't make a mistake.

Seeing Brother Quan coming, Wang Siba and Wang Tiechuan quickly ran forward and greeted him attentively, "Brother Quan, are you here?" But Brother Quan seemed not to see them. He went straight to the eight workers in the field, looked at them alone, and finally walked to He Xiaozhuo and circled around He Xiaozhuo three times before stopping. Come on.

He Xiaozhuo found that a big cake face with a big black mole on the corners of his mouth was close to him,

"Children, we seem to have seen each other?"

He Xiaozhuo stubbornly turned his face aside and avoided the big cake face.

"Aren't you looking for someone? Why did you change to work again? Brother Quan asked slowly, showing good patience.

He Xiaozhuo turned his face to one side again.

"What about Brother Quan's question? Are you mute?" Wang Siba rushed forward and raised his hand to call He Xiaozhuo, but he was stopped by Brother Quan.

Brother Quan smiled and said, "Children, are you here to work or find someone?"

"Working is also hard, and people are also looking for." He Xiaozhuo finally blurted out.

"Oh?" Brother Quan was stunned, "Working, I will have your job here. Are you looking for someone? I don't have the person you're looking for here?"

"You are so big here. Which ravine did he fall into? Why do you know?"

"Of course, I have someone. They will all report to me." Brother Quan pointed to the security guards around him.

"What if they didn't find it?" He Xiaozhuo asked.

"Then I will skin them." Brother Quan said coldly.

He Xiaozhuo turned his face aside again, showing a disdainful look, which made Brother Quan smile, "However, since you are here to apply for the job, we still welcome it. Wang Tiechuan!" Brother Quan shouted.

"Yes!" Wang Tiechuan quickly ran forward, "Brother Quan, what instructions do you have?"

"Send this child to the sixth well!"


He Xiaozhuo was stunned. The sixth well is not the fourth well. It seems that Brother Quan intended to do this, so he is more sure that the fool must be in the fourth well. But at this moment, it's not the time to have an attack. If you can't see a fool, you can only continue to play the labor drama and think about a comprehensive rescue plan. Moreover, it is not only the fool who wants to be saved, but also the escapee who was captured by them. If he himself promised to save him, he must do it. Now that I see that these people who came with me have become workers here, I can't bear to find a way to get these people out, and never let these people become slaves. And this hateful group of Brother Quan wants to kill them all and no longer let them do whatever they want. To do this, you must calculate every step and make no more mistakes.

I put up with it! He Xiaoduo gritted his teeth in his heart. Let's take a look at your next step? Here, He Xiaozhuo finally understood Zhang Tieyi's interpretation of the sentence that a man can bend and stretch.

Brother Quan whispered a few words in Wang Tiechuan's ear. Wang Tiechuan waved his hand at the two security guards, and the two big and round-waisted security guards immediately rushed up, and one side walked out with He Xiaozhuo's arm. He Xiaozhuo struggled instinctively, but it didn't work. At this moment, he can't use the sword of the three emperors, even if he can't release his true anger. For the fool, for the escapee, and for so many suffering laborers, he can only go to the sixth well first.

Seeing that He Xiaozhuo was taken away, Wang Tiechuan couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Brother Quan, you said this child is suspicious. Why don't you just do (kill) him?"

"You know nothing. What we want is labor. Who will work for us? As long as he stays in the well, what kind of big wave can he make? Why don't you work obediently? If you don't want to do it, you can do it at any time.

"Yes, or is Brother Quan thoughtful?" Wang Tie couldn't help nodding and flattered Brother Quan.

Although he lost his hand with fools, He Xiaozhuo still knew the inside stories of many mines and was familiar with these, which would be of great help to rescue fools. Therefore, it is the first thing you should do to continue to familiarize yourself with the situation here and then take targeted measures.

Sitting on the coal truck, He Xiaozhuo went down into the mine for the first time.

First, a shaft, straight up and down, and then reach the ground. As soon as he landed, He Xiaozhuo saw a large open space, and the coal dug up was concentrated in the central open space and then transported from the shaft to the ground. The source of coal comes from the deep roadway, like a huge hole, and you can't see its depths at a glance.

With the not bright light, He Xiaozhuo finally found that there were nine people here, led by a 50-year-old monitor, who was digging coal on the mining surface. Seeing He Xiaozhuo's arrival, these people had no response. They were mechanically busy with the work in their hands, dug out the coal, loaded it into the mining truck, and then sent it to the open space through the long roadway. And the black mining surface in front of us is the coal seam. Obviously, it has just been blown up with cannon, and the coal seams have been loosened. Large pieces of bright coal are round and smooth, flexible and warm under the light. It is an indescribable warmth of a woman.

"New?" Monitor Zhao, who led the class, finally broke the dull atmosphere and gasped and asked He Xiaozhuo.


"Was it caught or did you throw it in?"

"I threw it in myself." He Xiaozhuo told the truth.

Monitor Zhao rolled his eyes, inserted the crowbar in his hand into the coal, and waved to everyone, "It's rest, rest." He shouted twice and then sat down on a piece of bright coal.

"At a young age, where is it not good to drill? How to drill here?" Monitor Zhao continued to curse, as if he was talking to himself.

"Then how did you get in?" He Xiaozhuo asked deliberately.

"If you don't catch it, you can cheat." Monitor Zhao blurted out and could hear that his heart was full of resentment.

"Are you still caught?" He Xiaozhuo asked strangely.

"He was originally going to petition," Monitor Zhao pointed to a middle-aged man beside him. "As a result, he was sent back and thrown halfway. Just in time for Gou Huaide's bastard came back from recruiting workers. Seeing that he was alone in the wilderness, he was directly arrested. And him," monitor Zhao pointed to another young man, "he was also caught on the road."

Only then did He Xiaozhuo notice that these people lowered their heads dullly, without a word, and their expression was extremely depressed.

"What the hell is this place?"

Where? Black-hearted little people's kiln!" Monitor Zhao said angrily, "In the guise of private enterprises, deceive or rob people to dig coal for them. Slaves, we are just their slaves now!" Monitor Zhao angrily smashed a piece of coal into the coal pile.

"Has anyone run out to report it?"

"Run, in this well, tell me how to run? Is it stricter than prison? Outside, fierce security guards are everywhere. Can you tell me how to run? We ran one the day before yesterday, but we were caught by others in a few steps. Monitor Zhao sighed again. For this reason, we still have to sit together. Originally, 50 tons of coal a day, but this time we have become 80 tons a day. Don't want to go out.

Only then did He Xiaozhuo understand that everyone was depressed and speechless. Maybe it was also because of this. What's more, the fugitive escaped from here. It seemed that he also supported the lack of that person.

"What will happen to the person who was arrested?" He Xiaozhuo is very concerned about that person. He doesn't understand what those people need to do to check that person's body in such detail.

"Abandoned." Monitor Zhao said without raising his head, obviously he didn't want to mention this issue.

"Abandoned? Kill it?" Do you need to have a physical examination before killing?

ban chang Zhao looked up and looked at He Xiaozhuo, thinking that it was quite strange that the child could maintain such curiosity in such a situation.

"Selling his body organs. Whether you can live again depends on which organ the guests want.

"Ah?" He Xiaozhuo's eyes widened. He didn't expect that there were such people in the world. It was really disgusting and sensational. There are already real clouds and blood boiling in the body. This group of people are simply more heinous demons than Song Jun and Dean Li. I must get rid of this group of bad guys. No, I promised the fugitive to save him. It took ten days for Brother Quan to talk with those people. Now one day has passed, that is to say, in the remaining nine days, I must rescue the man.

" monitor, when can we get out of this well?" He Xiaozhuo began to care about time.

We can't go out until we dig 80 tons of coal every day. Then I can rest for 12 hours and continue to work.

He Xiaozhuo nodded. Time is running out.

"Do you know where the No. 4 well is?"

"Do you still know the fourth well?" Monitor Zhao looked at He Xiaozhuo in surprise.

"I'm looking for someone. He was also caught and locked in the fourth well.

"Oh." Monitor Zhao nodded, "The No. 4 well is far away from us. It's on the other side of the mountain."

Ah? He Xiaozhuo was annoyed for a while. This brother Quan was really insidious. He actually arranged himself here. It seemed that he intended to keep himself away from the fool.

"Is your friend as old as you?" Monitor Zhao asked casually.

"Yes, he is still a fool." He Xiaozhuo said very sadly.

"What?" Monitor Zhao suddenly stood up from the ground, and the people behind him also stood up nervously, with panic on their faces.

"What did you say? Your friend is a fool."

"Yes." He Xiaozhuo looked at the crowd in surprise and didn't understand why these people were so** when they heard the word fool.