Xianxing City

Chapter 2 Fog Barrier 2

He Xiaozhuo was shocked and quickly concentrated his true air all over his body. At the same time, he transported the sword of the three emperors again and cut it to the black steam flow. An arc flashed, and the black steam was immediately cut off into two, but it instantly melted together and the speed did not decrease. He continued to rush to He Xiaozhuo. It was really cut off the water and the water flow more. He Xiaozhuo was stunned, and the black steam had come flying. He Xiaozhuo couldn't scream well. At this time, He Xiaozhuo's whole body began from the top of his head and was suddenly covered by a red light mask. The bottom of the body was completely covered in the red light mask. The light mask was transparent. He Xiaozhuo could clearly see the black steam hitting the light mask, like water hitting the glass cover, splashing out in an instant, stirring up black. The waves were shaken open, and then rolled up, forming a larger row of waves, suddenly hitting the light mask outside his body, but it was silent, repeatedly suffocating space. Only the black vapor flow eyes had been soaked with red light masks, such as a black face without nose and eyes, squeezed against the window. On the glass, it twisted ferociously and horrible**, and the red mask also looked thin and fragile, but it still stood stubbornly. Seeing that it could not break in, the black steam immediately exploded, and suddenly darkened in all directions. The black and choking smoke rolled in, like an angry and hateful fierce god, trapped the red light in the core, and couldn't wait to squeeze it flat at once.

He Xiaozhuo can no longer see everything outside. At the beginning, the fog barrier was still thinner, looking a little gray, and he could still see some light and shadow. Now it's dark outside, and the black hole is out of sight. Moreover, the pressure is still increasing, because the red mask covering himself has obviously begun to contract. With the squeeze and deformation of the outer layer, the space where He Xiaozhuo is located is getting smaller and smaller. He Xiaozhuo obviously feels that the suffocation is slowly squeezing up. Invisibly, two giant hands are holding his throat and have to carry it with all their strength. True air protects the body. He dares not disturb Mei Xinyan now. He knows that this red mask must have been done by Mei Xinyan, but now Mei Xinyan is trying his best to resist the dark pressure, which seems to be very difficult, so he must not disturb her at this time. Any distraction may bring disaster to her under heavy pressure, but there is nothing he can do. At this time, He Xiaozhuo can only secretly pray in his heart to help Mei Xinyan survive this.

With a shout, the periphery of the red light mask suddenly ignited a purple flame, and Mei Xinyan finally changed his move. At this time, I saw the flame flashing on the transparent red light mask, like a huge torch burning in the black smoke. In the bright place in the center of the torch, it is He Xiaozhuo. The black fog barrier saw the flame rise and immediately subsided a little, and the red light mask returned as before. He Xiaozhuo felt a little relaxed.

"Xiaozhuo, hurry up and practice your skills. I will release a gap for you later. From there, you can absorb the poison of the fog barrier outside and integrate with the gallbladder in your body, which will greatly improve your cultivation."

"What?" He Xiaozhuo doesn't believe his ears. Is this a fight? At this critical moment, it is really strange that Mei Xinyan can still take care of these for herself at this time.

"What else? Why don't you do it? Let me tell you that I can only hold on for half an hour. Mei Xinyan was stunned when she saw He Xiaozhuo and hurriedly urged.

Before He Xiaozhuo had time to think about it, he immediately sat cross-legged and entered the underworld. As soon as I entered the silence, I immediately felt that a dark breath had rushed in, drilled directly into my nostrils, and then **. He Xiaozhuo couldn't help but be shocked. Just now, he was eager to meditated and had not be guarded. Isn't this the kind of poisonous spirit? As soon as his heart tightened, he was about to come forward to stop it. At this time, another cold air had already moved ahead of the true air and rushed away against the gloomy poisonous barrier. In an instant, they immediately entangled together, entangled like a twist, and circled and twisted. He Xiaozhuo immediately felt that his body twitched violently.

And outside, He Xiaozhuo had no time to see that after the black fog barrier was slightly pushed back by the purple flame, he had taken the initiative to withdraw from the distance two meters away, but still firmly locked the encirclement. At this time, I saw a huge torch from the periphery, burning blazing flames and rising thick smoke. In the middle of the torch, a child sat still with a solemn face. Such a spectacular picture, who would have thought that this moment was murderous and anxious, let alone that the fireworks in daily life were a pair of enemies at this moment.

The fog barrier quietly turned into four sections, and four channels appeared in an instant. Then the gray-white cloudy ** has rushed in, like four huge water guns on all sides, spewing them in together, and in an instant it formed a huge abyss. The waves are turbulent, the rapids are surging, rising higher and higher, from Four sides rushed to the flame mask in the middle. Under its impact, the flame mask immediately shook up, and the flame began to flicker. Although it was not support, it obviously felt difficult. It seemed that it did not expect that the fog barrier would have such a sharp blow. Although it finally managed to hold the position, it was also a great pain. Just like the originally bright glass cover, it has now been thrown on several big mud spots. Although the glass is still intact, the surface is already very embarrassed. Fortunately, there seems to be an invisible layer of true qi outside the flame, which desperately protects the flame and makes the flame burn tenaciously.

At this time, He Xiaozhuo in the mask is also in the support of bitterness. The two forces are still fighting desperately, a vicious, a cold and domineering atmosphere, which does not give in to each other, and the entanglement is also difficult to solve. He Xiaozhuo once tried to melt these two forces with his true spirit, but found that he could not get close to them at all. Unexpectedly, these two forces were so fierce that they seemed to be really eye-catching. At this moment, both sides tried their best to enter the other's body, which would successfully disintegrate the other party. However, although the two sides were only two airflows, they were extremely strong. No one could penetrate the other's body. In the end, they could only be entangled together, like two people stuck in each other's throats, and no one would let go.

As time passed, Mei Xinyan finally couldn't help peeking at He Xiaozhuo. Seeing that he still looked solemn and tried his best to resist the pain, she couldn't help but be secretly anxious. She had exerted her skills to the limit. It should be said that she underestimated the poison barrier in front of her, so she let He Xiaozhuo rest assured to enter. , and let He Xiaozhuo take the opportunity to absorb the energy of the gallbladder, but he never expected that the poison barrier would have this stormy wave of attack, which made him have to resist all his body, and at the same time, he also suffered a lot. What's more terrible is that the attack of the poison barrier has not stopped, and it seems that it is still constantly replenishing support, so there must be a bigger killer behind this poison barrier. Thinking of this, Mei Xinyan can't help but feel cold.

As she expected, the poisonous barrier was not only fierce and stormy, but began to be mixed with boulders and dark sand. The huge force wrapped these things and hit the flame mask in the middle crazily. The flame mask began to tremble violently, and the flames began to shake suddenly. Come on. Seeing this scene, the poison barrier immediately accelerated the frequency of attack. Larger stones and mud and sand rushed together, and the flame mask could not be avoided, so they had to resist. In an instant, half of the space had been compressed in, and the gray and white slurry outside was wrapped in sand and stone rushed again...

He Xiaozhuo still clenched his teeth and stuck to his body and mind. At this moment, the struggle between the two forces has also reached the point of life and death. He Xiaozhuo's whole body has been fixed there. Under the struggle of these two forces, he can no longer exert any skills. In this horrible nightmare, he can do it now There is only persistence, only waiting...

The two forces are still fighting desperately. Although they are not as open as before, they are already on the front line of life and death. Time seems to have stopped, and everything has been fixed in the horrible suffocation.

For a long time, a bead the size of a pale blue coin suddenly slipped, and the two gases of life and death suddenly disappeared and turned into nothingness, leaving only the pale blue pearl, emitting a pale blue light and shining. At this time, the true qi in the body immediately heard the wind and quickly sent the pearl to Dantian. Unexpectedly, as soon as the pearl entered the Dantian, it immediately turned into a pale blue light and radiated the whole body in a blink of an eye. The whole body moved, and every pore of sweat opened for it and happily accepted the light blue light. In a moment, the light blue light had flowed all over. The meridians of the whole body are also opened in an instant, which is indescably comfortable and refreshing. He Xiaozhuo shouted loudly, put his hands together, and put them together on the flame shield that protected him.

At this time, Mei Xinyan's resistance had also reached the last moment. Seeing a boulder the size of the bottom of the pot fall out of thin air, she could only sigh and sigh that there was nothing she could do. Fortunately, I also tried my best, Xiaozhuo, see you in the next life.

When she was desperate, she suddenly felt that two infinite forces were surging under her body, extremely strong and domineering, and quickly filled her whole body. The purple flame suddenly exploded. In an instant, her body was full of magical power. She couldn't help but drink. Together with He Xiaozhuo's explosion, she put all the inside When the force was released, I only heard a earth-shaking explosion, which was deafening. When I looked up and looked up, the fog barrier had disappeared and there was no trace.

And on the ground in front of him, a man fell and sat down, spitting blood and gasping. On the ground next to him, there was still a toad the size of a basin, bleeding from his mouth and eyes, and died.

"Xiaozhuo, congratulations, you have successfully resolved the energy of the gallbladder, and have also accidentally harvested the elixir formed by the cold air of the dragonfly and the poisonous gas of the toad, and the cultivation has been added to another layer." Mei Xinyan said excitedly.

"What did you say?" He Xiaozhuo could not fully understand Mei Xinyan's words. He turned his head and looked at Mei Xinyan, but saw a flash of fire, and it faded in an instant. He Xiaozhuo couldn't help but be shocked:

"Xiao Mei, what's wrong with you?"