Xianxing City

Chapter 6 Evil

"Xiaozhuo, raise the fire!" Mei Xinyan roared.

He Xiaozhuo was right. He turned his palms and hit the silver wire of the blood vessels falling into the air. A flame was immediately lifted out and flew to the pipe network. It collided with it in the air. The pipe network emitted a series of smoke, and the ashes flew away in a blink of an eye. He Xiaozhuo was very angry. This villain would suddenly make a plot, which was really abominable, but when he turned back to look at the villain, the villain disappeared.

Strange? Did he escape by himself or did someone save him? It may be shocking to be able to retreat under the eyes of yourself and Mei Xinyan.

"Xiaomei, what's going on? Do you know where the villain is? He Xiaozhuo asked.

"I didn't notice either. It should be that we were taken the opportunity to enter when we joined hands to burn the pipe network just now.

"How did you do it?"

"I don't know. But I can feel it coming."

"Who?" He Xiaozhuo felt even more strange.

"Ice clam."

"Didn't we kill you?"

"It's just a female, but this time it's a male."

Dizzy, it turned out to be a pair of clams. He Xiaozhuo shook his head with a wry smile. It seemed that a fight was inevitable.

I don't know when, under the mouth of the mountain, a person's head gradually came up, and then the upper body, legs... It seemed that it was just an ordinary walk, but the blink of his eyes came in front of him.

He was tall and thin, with a dark face, wearing a broken straw hat, covering half of his face, only revealing a bright and hard mustache across his nose, with closed lips under his beard.

He stopped and looked coldly at He Xiaozhuo and the fool standing beside He Xiaozhuo.

"Are you He Xiaozhuo?" The voice is hoarse and low.

"Not bad." He Xiaoduo wondered why these people asked themselves so?

"Did you kill the clam?"

"Not bad"

"Did you hurt my brother?"

"I just injured a person who robbed and killed me. I don't know if it's your brother?"

"I'm here to avenge them. Are you coming with me or let me kill you?"

"I won't go with you or be killed by you." He Xiaozhuo also straightened his chest awe-inspiringly.

"Children, don't think you always have such good luck."

"Evil does not invade righteousness!" He Xiaozhuo is also full of momentum.

"Hahahaha," the man had a long smile and his voice was hoarse and creepy. "Then let me show you how I'm cold."

"Ghost Gate? Snow and cold?" He Xiaozhuo's mind rotated at a high speed and kept hearing that there was a ghost * Yin * door. Why did a ghost door come out today?

"Sure enough, it's him!" Mei Xinyan whispered to He Xiaozhuo, "In fact, the ghost gate should be the same school as the ghost * Yin * door. At the beginning, the founder and the founder of the ghost *yin * door were also a teacher. Later, because of something, he ran away alone and founded this ghost gate. Because his practice is strange and he rarely walks on the rivers and lakes, ordinary people don't know this sect, but in fact, his cultivation style has its own characteristics with the ghost * Yin * door. The ghost * Yin * door pays attention to the cultivation of 'negative', while the ghost gate pays attention to the cultivation of human and beasts.

"What is the common cultivation of man and beast?" He Xiaoqi asked puzzledly.

"That is, people who practice this skill have to subdue at least one practicing monster, and then practice with the monster to increase their abilities with the help of the monster."

"Do you think the clams are used for cultivation?"

"Not bad. Monsters themselves have strange abilities and practice with such monsters, so the ghost gate is actually not inferior to the ghost * Yin * gate in strength, but for many generations, the ghost gate has not been out of the world. I don't know how it appeared again today? And the person in front of you is the fourth of the top ten evil gods - ice clams and snow. Just now, I always suspected that the previous villain was icy, but his skills are not the same. Now it seems that this is the master.

"You mean his brother is not as good as him?"

"It's far away. Xue Binghan is one of the top ten evil spirits, and his brother is not bullshit. I haven't even heard of the name."

He Xiaozhuo nodded silently, so Xue Binghan had a big reason.

At this time, Xue Binghan stretched out his right hand. In the heart of his hand, there was a toad only the size of a finger joint, but the skin was like the color of a cow. The white background was lined with black patterns, which looked very strange. The little toad gradually became bigger in the cold palm of his hand, and soon became the size of a fist. His hind legs bounced, the dust fell lightly, and his body enlarged again. It was not until it was a circle bigger than the basin that he stopped growing. He Xiaozhuo saw that his white skin was almost transparent, and three rows of bulging bags were neatly arranged on his back, instead of being irregularly arranged like ordinary toads. Behind a pair of congested eyes, two obvious big bags are bulging, which is very different from ordinary toads. This toad must have come down. First, he looked at the body of the clam in the distance. When he turned his head, his eyes turned red and stared at He Xiaozhuo closely. His fat belly was hurriedly**. It seemed that as long as he waited for the order of Xue Binghan, he would immediately jump over and swallow He Xiaozhuo.

"King of Ice clams!" Mei Xinyan blurted out, "If the refined ice clam is still an ordinary spirit, this king of ice clams is definitely the best of the spirit. Its nature is cold to violent, its strength is dark to cold, and its poison is fierce. Xiaozhuo, we may be in big trouble this time.

"Children, let me ask you for the last time, do you volunteer to go with me? Or do you want to feed my clams? Xue Binghan still remained silent and looked disdainful.

"Then I will tell you for the last time, that's impossible! If you want to do it, just do it.

As soon as He Xiaozhuo's voice fell, the ice clams on the ground had jumped up in the air, opened their mouths, and rushed straight to He Xiaozhuo.

He Xiaozhuo was also prepared for a long time. As soon as he raised his hand, the sword of the Three Emperors shot out vigorously. A beam of light pierced the ice clams. The ice clam did not dodge. His throat moved, and a gray slurry was spit out like thick sputum. The Three Emperor's sword was stabbing it, just like a piece of cotton, easily turning the sword gas into invisible. At the same time, the speed of the clam's body did not decrease, and the huge thing fell in the air, like a meteorite covering the sun and directly pressing on He Xiaozhuo. He Xiaozhuo hurriedly jumped away, only to hear a loud noise, and the originally flat asphalt road was pressed down a deep pit the size of a basin. When the ice clam saw that he was not hit and his body was still in the pit, his mouth was open, and his red tongue ejected like lightning and rolled back to He Xiaozhuo, who was unstable. He Xiaozhuo was shocked. He didn't expect that the bulky thing seen from the appearance was so fierce to attack. At that moment, he rolled on the ground and felt a gloomy chill. Passing by, he was hitting a wheel-sized stone behind He Xiaozhuo, with a loud noise, and the stone had been smashed by the clam's tongue.

He Xiaozhuo got up again, and sweated on his forehead. Only a few times, he already knew the power of this clam, and the attack was fierce and powerful. It was really difficult to deal with it by himself. At this time, the ice clam was also annoyed when he saw that a few blows were not hit. He lay on the ground, his eyes were red, and his white belly was more angry than before. He was full of breath and was ready to give He Xiaozhuo a fatal blow at any time.

"Xiaozhuo, I'm ready. When you see it wants to jump again, take action immediately, and we still need to burn it." Mei Xinyan has been watching the development of the war situation and looking for opportunities.

He Xiaozhuo nodded secretly and stared at the clam. The arrows were on the string. Both sides were searching for each other's flaws, and then launched a thunderbolt to put the opponent to death.

The clam fell down. He Xiaozhuo knew that this was the precursor of the clam's start. His hands were together, and the two fire dragons flew away and rushed directly to the clam. At this time, the clam just jumped up and its limbs were in the air. It was impossible to dodge. Seeing the two fire dragons burning towards him together, they were not panic. A mouth surged, and a mouthful of white pulp spewed out again. In an instant, they formed a huge ice cube in front of him. The two fire dragons hit the ice at the same time. With a bang, the ice was first smashed into pieces, and then the fragments turned into water vapor and disappeared in an instant, and the two fire dragons were also Under this impact, it turned into two strands of light smoke and scattered invisible.

Both sides were stunned at the same time, especially Xue Binghan, who had been watching the battle. When they saw the two fire dragons suddenly, they were also stunned. They couldn't help staring their eyes again and carefully paying attention to every detail of the fight. Just now, because of something to be late, his conceited brother Xue Bingshi launched a poison barrier against He Xiaozhuo without authorization. As a result, he was seriously injured. If it hadn't been for seeing the desperate bloody network sent by his brother from afar, he would have rushed to save his brother. I'm afraid that he would have told the ice clam. However, when examining his brother's wound, he found that he was hit by Yuzhen's magic power and the red flame fire at the same time. He always doubted where the red flame fire came from. As far as he knows, although Yuzhen's magic is positive, it must be at least a master above the fifth level to hit the real yang fire, and the real yang fire can't see the flame. It can be burned directly to the interior with the palm. Just like the Sword of the Three Emperors, there will be no large-scale burns, and as much as the sword enters, it will burn in. However, the younger brother's burn in front of him is large on the surface of the chest, and the interior is fine. That should not be burned by the fire of Yuzhen. Moreover, the He Xiaozhuo he knows is still in the first level of Yuzhengong, how can he fight the fire of Zhenyang? So where does the fire come from? Is there a jade master hidden here? This is also the reason why he has not taken direct action. The purpose is to see the person behind him who set fire. Now he suddenly sees He Xiaozhuo hitting the fire dragon, but he has not found the problem, and he is also very confused.

In the field, He Xiaozhuo fought more with the clams with the sword of the three emperors, releasing fire dragons from time to time, thus forming a deadlock. Xue Binghan couldn't help frowning. It seemed that he was the only one who forced his opponent. After thinking about it, he looked at the gap where the ice clam rushed to He Xiaozhuo. With one move of his right hand, he immediately exuded a cold air, and there was already a bean-sized ice ball between his fingers, which shot at He Xiaozhuo's right leg at the moment of He Xiaozhuo's sword resistance.

"Be careful!" Mei Xinyan shouted, but it was too late. The ice beads were hitting He Xiaozhuo's calf, and He Xiaozhuo staggered back.