Xianxing City

Chapter 8 Cracking the Seal

At this moment, if you want to open the seal, you have to break this ice.

After Mei Xinyan gently retreated, the fire bead became slightly bigger, and then tried her best to hit the ice clam Xuanbing. With a sound, a light smoke burned up. Looking at the clam Xuanbing, it was just a small pit. If you don't look carefully, you can't find it. It turned out that the ice clam Xuanbing was so thick and strong, like a stone door, locking He Xiaozhuo's Dantian.

Mei Xinyan was not discouraged. She lit up the real body of the flame again and hit the clam Xuanbing with all her strength. Another light smoke rose. The ice clam Xuanbing was still strong and undamaged, while Mei Xinyan was a little dizzy.

Mei Xinyan was very unwilling. For the third time, she saved all her strength, shouted violently, and desperately bumped into the clam Xuanbing. With a sigh, Mei Xinyan was quickly bounced back and fell to the ground. At the same time, He Xiaozhuo's body also suddenly twitched and was obviously severely damaged. Looking at the clam Xuanbing, in addition to a small pit on the surface, it was still sealed there with a cold light. Mei Xinyan had just hit one side of the body of the clam Xuanbing, which was obviously dimmed, and a cold air was hidden to invade her body. Mei Xinyan quickly adjusted her body and mind, and the flame was bright again, driving the layer of cold air to the periphery.

After this attempt, although Mei Xinyan was not seriously injured, she had to change her style of play. Such a brute collision was not only useless, but also may hurt He Xiaozhuo. After a while of thinking, Mei Xinyan gave up the impact, directly lit her body, slowly approached the black ice, and then stayed on the side of the black ice. She wanted to burn the black ice with the heat of her body to melt the black ice.

One is the coal flame elf, the other is the ice clam Xuanbing, one is extremely hot, and the other is extremely cold. The two come into contact and immediately forms a confrontation between the needle tip and Mai Mang, but at the same time, it is also a failure of both sides. This is tantamount to a way to die together. When the black ice melts, it is also the moment when the coal flame is exhausted. The final result is to see who can persist. . Mei Xinyan has considered the worst result, that is, she has paid a great price or even exhausted her power, but she did not hesitate to do it. After a try, she immediately knew that this method still did not work. Because once his flame exerts its power, the first thing he can't stand is He Xiaozhuo. This is in his body. How can the power of the flame of his coal core be borne by He Xiaozhuo's ordinary body? If you know that you used to restrain the temperature, you can safely hide it on He Xiaozhuo's body. Now once the power is released, not to mention He Xiaozhuo, even the snow ice and cold dare not face his own flame.

Looking at the clam Xuanbing in front of her, Mei Xinyan fell silent. If he can't unlock this seal as soon as possible, He Xiaozhuo will not only face the loss of his skills, but also become an abandoned person and even his life due to the cold poison of the clam Xuanbing. That consequences will be even more miserable. Seeing this teenager falling to such a level now, Mei Xinyan can't help but feel sad. She has been fighting side by side for days. She has become more and more fond of this child. She is smart, brave and bold, especially her attitude towards those workers who have never known each other. It shows how affectionate, righteous and responsible a child is. Is it really a hero who has been suffering since ancient times? But is he just a child? Can a weak body really survive such an ordeal? Thinking of this, Mei Xinyan suddenly wanted to curse loudly again, scolding Xue Binghan. You shameless toad, did such a vicious thing to such a big child. It was simply shameless and more shameless than a toad. After scolding enough, I thought of Yuanjunshan. Pooh, damn old man, broken old man, you are such a disciple. Brother's? Throw the apprentice into the water and don't care. You run to enjoy the happiness. Come out? Where are you? What kind of jade road? I think it's a group of indifferent people! If you don't care, then I don't care. Mei complained angrily.

But Mei Xinyan can't be ignored. He Xiaozhuo trebled fiercely. Mei Xinyan immediately stopped complaining and looked at He Xiaozhuo worriedly. He Xiaozhuo in a coma could only hear him muttering:


Mei Xinyan's expression darkened, and there was a sadness in her heart. If it hadn't been for the lack of tears in the flame, she would have shed tears at this moment.

"Xiaozhuo, hold on, you must hold on..." Mei Xinyan's heart is also extremely uncomfortable.

"Cold...cold..." He Xiaozhuo muttered softly, and finally shouted in pain and fainted again.

"Xiaozhuo! Xiaozhuo!" Mei Xinyan shouted several times, but He Xiaozhuo did not respond.

Mei Xinyan stopped calling in pain, silent, and was deeply silent for a long time. A painful decision was finally made.

She slowly floated, and her body shrank again to the size of rice. If she knew that the smaller the plum heart flame was, the more condensed the energy, the more condensed the energy was, and the more amazingly hot it was. Finally, the body changed from red to purple, and finally turned into a dazzling bright fiery. One head pricked towards the gloomy ice. With a sound, the green smoke rose, turned into white steam and rose. Mei Xinyan did not stop and continued to drill forward crazily. As the green smoke came out, a small stream of water also tricked down, and Mei Xinyan's body had drilled into the ice.

What kind of play is this? The way to sacrifice your life. Water and fire restrain each other and complement each other. The fire was extinguished, and the fire dried up. Although the flame of Mei Xinyan's coal core can melt ice water, ice water will also extinguish her fire. At this moment, she desperately drilled into the black ice and undoubtedly put herself in infinite danger. Imagine that if the fire is greater than the water potential, the fire will evaporate the water. If it is like a way to boil water, put the fire on the periphery and boil the water. And if the fire is in the water, it will not be extinguished as soon as it is poured. Is there any other possibility? At this moment, Mei Xinyan is putting herself in a dangerous ice water. Xuanbing met the fire, half steamed and evaporated, and half turned into water gurgling down, and the cold air immediately surrounded the fire beads and attacked the fire beads. At the beginning, Mei Xinyan could also rely on her own fire to quickly evaporate a circle of ice water, keeping her body and ice water in a thin gap. But over time, my consumption has become more and more, and the continuous deepening has surrounded the surrounding ice water more and more heavily, and the pressure has become greater and greater. So now it depends on whether you have the strength to penetrate Xuanbing, otherwise you will only be frozen in Xuanbing. What's more terrible is that with the deepening, the small hole you drilled into will become deeper and deeper, so that the road flowing out will become longer and longer. The ice water that has just melted by yourself is still hot, but as the heat is absorbed by the black ice all the way, it will soon cool down, freeze again and seal the small hole. In that way, you will fall into Not to mention that everything will be wasted. Therefore, you should not only have the strength to penetrate the black ice, but also have the speed, that is, to penetrate the black ice before the ice water freezes again.

The black ice is not so easy to penetrate. The thick ice is as hard as iron, which coldly hinders the process of Mei Xinyan. The cold air is as cold as a knife, and it consumes the flame of the coal core. After a fierce attack, Mei Xinyan's movements began to slow down. If he knew that this was the ice of clams carefully refined by snow and ice, how could it be as easy to dissolve as the ice blocks of ordinary rivers? As soon as the speed of the coal core slowed down, the ice water waiting for work immediately swarmed. Mei Xinyan did not dare to neglect it. The red fire beads suddenly lit up and ran forward desperately again. If you have to do it, or you will die of ice. Mei Xinyan has no choice.

Another smog, another splash of ice water, Meixin flame is like a running wild horse, just running forward crazily, but the cold and thick black ice is more like an endless barrier. It can't detect its end, but its coal flame energy is consumed little by little. Falling down, Mei Xinyan couldn't help but feel even more anxious.

Looking back at the hole that came in, water vapor is coming out from there. If you rush out to breathe at this time, you may be able to save more energy, but then the ice water will quickly freeze the holes that have been drilled out again, which will be a discarded. If you still insist on drilling, then if you can't drill through the ice as soon as possible, you will also face the danger of no retreat. Now your energy is decreasing, and the ice in front of you has not weakened at all. Maybe it's still an opportunity to look back, but just after a change of mind, Mei Xinyan immediately gave up. This idea is to survive when you go out, can you still face He Xiaozhuo? Now I have to risk my life. In order to save He Xiaozhuo, even if I die today, I will die here.

After thinking about it, Mei Xinyan cheered up again, mobilized her whole body, and rushed forward desperately. The ice quickly melted, and the ice water formed a water line from the small cave, mixed with water vapor, and rushed out.

But just as Mei Xinyan crazily urged the firepower to move forward, suddenly a dark shadow in front of him blocked Mei Xinyan's way. At the beginning, Mei Xinyan thought it was going to the end. It was the light and shadow from the opposite side. She couldn't help but be happy, but as the body moved forward again, she couldn't help but be shocked. It was not the end of Xuanbing. Instead, a black intestine, or a fallopian tube of a clam, is hidden deep in the black ice. Seal is essentially using materials such as the black ice in front of you to suppress the person or thing to be sealed, which is like locking people up with a box. The last procedure is to lock the box, and the lock becomes the eye of the seal. Just as the Buddha pressed the Monkey King under the Five-Finger Mountain, and finally the spiritual charm became the lock of the seal eye. Once it was removed, the Five-Finger Mountain would collapse in an instant. The sealed eye of the snow ice is the fallopian tube of the clam in front of you, which is the black tube. If you can break through this black tube, the clam Xuanbing will disintegrate by itself. Unexpectedly, Xue Binghan would hide the lock of this seal in Xuanbing. The method is really sinister. If he hadn't drilled in by himself, he really didn't know how to break the seal.

Mei Xinyan was excited and finally saw the dawn. As long as she removed this black tube, she would succeed. After thinking about it, her whole body was shocked and drilled into the black tube at a faster speed. It quickly removed the black ice in front of the black tube and exposed the black tube. Next, as long as the black tube was also burned to ashes with fire, everything would be fine. But just as she was just happy, a black smoke suddenly came out of her black tube and rushed towards Mei Xinyan, it was too late for Mei Xinyan to hide again, and was immediately surrounded by black smoke.