Xianxing City

Chapter 15 Deep in the Black Sea

"But can you absorb enough oxygen with umbilical breathing? If you can breathe oxygen with your navel, why can't you do it with your mouth and nose? Why do you have to use the navel when you are all breathing? He Xiaozhuo's doubts did not weaken at all, but more.

"The boundless black sea is like a mother's womb, where there is inexhaustible energy. You can breathe with your mouth and nose, but that's just your acquired ability. Practice is to return to your innate. More importantly, your mouth and nose breathe only air, but with your navel, you breathe not only air, that's energy. Mokan said lightly. He answered He Xiaozhuo's question so simply every time, and he didn't have any emotion.

Although he still can't fully understand Mokan's words, He Xiaozhuo is speechless for the time being.

"Do you have any questions?" Mokan asked coldly.

He Xiaozhuo shook his head silently.

"Then continue." Mokan ordered in an inviolable tone.

He Xiaozhuo walked to the edge of the transparent mask. The transparent mask suddenly opened a corner at that moment. The huge black sea water immediately rushed in and hit He Xiaozhuo's body and splashed away. He Xiaozhuo was shocked all over. Fortunately, he was used to this slap. While holding up, he had already sat down and sank into this nothing. In the Black Sea.

The boundless Black Sea is a familiar and strange environment. What is familiar is that she seems to have known each other, but she doesn't know where to know each other. Is it true that it comes from the mother's body as Master Six said? What is strange is that this is indeed a brand-new environment. He Xiaozhuo meditated in the water to resist the feeling of suffocation. He wanted to open his navel to breathe as Master Six said, but now the first thing to do is to try his best to prolong his stay in the Black Sea.

And this time is three months of practice.

He Xiaozhuo can finally stay in the water for a long time and close his mouth and nose. He can feel a white current in the Black Sea hovering and flowing along the source of his navel. It is a feeling of energy that has never been seen before: clear, full, pure and tough. After entering the body, he immediately rushed to his whole body, and his whole body became cold. When he came into contact with the outside sea water, he immediately felt like a fish in water, which was very refreshing. He Xiaozhuo could feel that his whole skin was smooth, no longer like the cold feeling when he first came into contact with the Black Sea.

Master Mokan is not far away, sitting around like himself. Compared with other masters, Master Liu rarely talks and spends more time sitting in the Black Sea. He sits for a few days and is motionless. He Xiaozhuo knows that if it weren't for the occasional rest, he believes that Master Six would have been like this. Sit down, no one will know when you will get up. The boundless Black Sea is a huge source of energy. He Xiaozhuo has felt this more and more. He imagines sitting down like Master Six all the time, and the absorption of energy has become his unconscious desire.

A huge shadow appeared, and it was a swimming shadow, just like swimming in the direction of himself and Master Six. Although his eyes were slightly closed, He Xiaozhuo still clearly felt the approach of the dark shadow. Now his cultivation is no longer only able to see what is happening with his eyes. His body is in a high degree of silence, and everything that happens outside is like the palm of his hand.

The shadow finally approached, and a head the size of a house clearly appeared. After practicing in the Black Sea for so long, today, this thing finally gave him a real answer to his long-term confusion: In the boundless Black Sea, not only the two masters and apprentices, but also the one in front of him Uninvited guests have always existed in this Black Sea.

That's a shark.

The black body and snow-white belly swim smoothly in the Black Sea. The most terrible thing is the big mouth of the blood basin, between the opening and closing of the teeth, squeezing out the bitten seawater, forming broken water pieces, disturbing the surrounding seawater, swimming all the way, throwing down a mottled and muddy track.

I hope it is just a passer-by. He Xiaozhuo doesn't think so, but rather prays like this. At this moment, he and Master Six are in a deep skill. Now it is very annoying to be disturbed, and for He Xiaozhuo, this shark brings not only a disturbance, but also a threat.

What should I do? Naturally, he turned his eyes to Master Six. The eight-pole characters of Yuzhen will not have found the arrival of the shark, but Mokan, who is not black in ink, really seems to have found the arrival of the shark at this moment. He Xiaozhuo saw a human figure not far away. The seaweed had begun to climb around him. On his head and shoulders, a small coral reef was quietly forming, but the man was still indifferent.

The sneaking giant shark also seemed to have found this strange phenomenon. After a short pause, it tilted its neck and swam directly to the strange human figure.

He Xiaozhuo's heart immediately raised his throat: Sixth Master, don't really be quiet at this moment! During practice, people are suddenly disturbed in a completely quiet state, which is the most deadly. This kind of disturbance is even the sound of an embroidered needle falling to the ground. Therefore, He Xiaozhuo did not dare to shout, so he could only silently carry the sword of the three emperors. "Shi Po Tian Jing", the most powerful force in the swordsmanship, He Xiaozhuo has been held in his hand. But as a last resort, He Xiaozhuo dares not easily launch this move. Unless he has to, he can't alarm the sixth master.

The shark also seemed to feel the tension in the atmosphere, waved its tail and paused, and then glanced around warily before continuing to move forward. One meter away from Master Six, the shark stopped and tentatively explored forward with its long mouth. After confirming that the strange target had no response, it stopped hesitantly, as if thinking deeply, and then tilted its head and swam aside. Just as He Xiaozhuo's jumping nerves were about to relax, the shark suddenly turned around and swam back. It turned out that it did not leave, but circled behind Master Six. Cunning guy, it's still testing.

Master Six is really like a rock at this moment. In the face of the repeated temptations of the shark, it is still indifferent, as if there is no shark at all. But the shark seemed to be entangled with the sixth master. After going around behind him and still nothing unusual, the shark turned back, and then turned around the sixth master like a demonstration. What a hateful and suspicious guy. He Xiaozhuo couldn't wait to launch it with one move and kill the guy directly.

At the same time, this guy finally began to move, swam gently, and touched Master Six's body with his long mouth again. A piece of coral was silently touched by it and rolled down from Master Six's shoulder. Master Six was still motionless. After touching it several times, the shark finally put down its courage, swam above Master Six's head, opened its blood basin full of serrated teeth, and contained Master Six's head full of coral reefs.

Now it is time and determination. The time is that He Xiaozhuo must play "stone-breaking shock" before the shark shuts up. The determination is that Master Six continues this state, and the shark failed after various tests. But what state is Master Six in now? He Xiaozhuo's heart was full of anxiety.

The worst result finally appeared. The shark suddenly bit down, and there was an explosion in the ear wheel. The sea around the sixth master was suddenly shaken around, forming a rolling wave at the bottom of the water, involved the surrounding rocks and other things into it. A huge vortex made a twitching roar and rotated. A bloody smell was mixed with seawater and rushed into his nostrils, and He Xiaozhuo looked for the shark again and disappeared.

He Xiaozhuo was shocked. His surroundings were soaked with red blood, and the huge shark was blown into meat sauce in an instant. This was by no means what he could do. Obviously, at the critical moment, Master Six took action, and it was really rare for Master Six to take action. He Xiaozhuo sighed greatly.

But he was no longer allowed to sigh. The sixth master grabbed his arm, and He Xiaozhuo felt as if he were shuttling through the clouds. Before He Xiaozhuo could fully understand, the two of them had quickly rushed out of the water. Just as He Xiaozhuo was puzzled why Master Six had done such a thing, He Xiaozhuo suddenly saw that the black image of the two ships rushed over like a storm boat. The black dorsal fins crossed the water like a mast, and then plunged into the water and splashed three stories high. At this time, the fishy red sea rolled out.

He Xiaozhuo spit out his tongue, so close! He finally understood why Master Six took him out of the sea quickly.

"This is not an ordinary shark, this is the Black Sea blood shark. He is suspicious, fierce and brutal. The animals in the Black Sea are its prey, and even bigger whales. It will find companions and attack them in groups. It is the hegemon of the Black Sea. Blood sharks are called blood sharks because they are bloodthirsty. As long as they find the smell of blood, they will flock to them in the shortest time. Blood sharks that have been living alone for more than 100 years will live alone, choose undersea caves, kill other animals and even similar animals, and store blood in caves to practice. After another hundred years, they can become magic sharks. But before entering the practice, the whole family usually acted. Just now, we killed a little shark, the children of the two great sharks behind them. They should also be nearby and smelled blood, so they rushed crazily. The sixth master said briefly.

"There are many Black Sea blood sharks here?" He Xiaozhuo asked.

Master Six shook his head without saying anything, and said for a long time:

"There were not so many blood sharks here, but now it seems that there are more and more blood sharks, and since then, blood sharks have begun to dominate here."

"Why are there more and more blood sharks now?" He Xiaozhuo asked curiously.

Master Six did not answer, but turned his eyes to the farther Black Sea. Where the sea and the sky meet, the sky and the earth are vast.

"Yin and Yang, they did it in advance." Six masters muttered to themselves.

"Who are they? What is yin and yang? He Xiaozhuo asked strangely.

Master Six did not answer He Xiaozhuo's words, but turned around and asked:

"Xiaozhuo, do you still dare to go to sea?"

"Dare!" He Xiaozhuo answered decisively.