Xianxing City

Chapter 17 Bloody Battle in the Black Sea

Oh! Oh!

The Xuanbing sword was inserted into the heads of two blood sharks, and the three-foot-long Xuanbing sword went straight to the hilt of the sword.

Two heartbreaking screams came, and the furious blood shark shook its head together. He Xiaozhuo felt a huge force sweeping. Before he could react, it had been thrown far into the sky. The Xuanbing sword was then pulled out, and a fierce column of blood like a column of water spewed out by a whale, shot into the air...

Mokan had been on guard for a long time. With the power of the blood shark, he jumped up in the air. Seeing He Xiaozhuo being thrown out, he couldn't help shouting:

"Xiaozhuo, you can't let them go!"

After saying that, he jumped into the water.

Seeing this, He Xiaozhuo did not neglect it. He immediately turned around, held the Xuanbing sword in his hand, and rushed to the water.

At this time, the water was already bloody red.

The injured blood shark was already full of anger, roaring, hitting the mountain with its gravel-like teeth, swallowing the blood-red sea, twisting its huge body, and launching a shocking attack on the two people who jumped down.

The two figures rushed into the water as fast as lightning, attacking the blood shark that had just chased them. But when He Xiaozhuo arrived in the water, he found that the huge thing like a hill was extremely flexible in the water. Even at the moment when he was injured and his back to the surface of the water, he still felt the murderous atmosphere behind him. He turned over, set off a round of rolling waves more than ten meters high, and hit the chasing He Xiaozhuo. , He Xiaozhuo only felt the overwhelming waves and suddenly involved himself in it, and a roll had been rolled out 30 meters away. When I went to look for the sixth master again, there was no trace. But I only felt a cold air behind me. Looking back, a fast-moving hill was rushing towards me silently. What a sinister blood shark, this time it no longer roared, but secretly attacked when it was unstable.

Close at hand, He Xiaozhuo can already see the two round nostrils of the blood shark, but this is not the time to see each other. The more clearly it is, the closer the danger is. He Xiaozhuo tried his best to jump out to the left. At this time, the blood shark also opened its mouth and aimed at He Xiaozhuo, who jumped up quickly. His body tightened and his huge tail stood up. The blood shark, which was approaching quickly and gloomyly just now, suddenly jumped forward and put He Xiaozhuo in his mouth. He Xiaozhuo never thought that the blood shark would have such a move. In a hurry, he tightened all over his body. "Shi broken the sky shocked" A sword quickly hit, with a bang, and a ball of light first hit the blood shark's gravel-like teeth. The huge anti-shock force immediately bounced He Xiaozhuo out. With a click, the blood shark's teeth were also closed at this time. He Xiaozhuo felt a deafening noise, and his body was just locked in the teeth of the blood shark. Outside the teeth.

It's so dangerous!

Without time to think about it, he waved the Xuanbing sword and cut off the head of the blood shark. There was a bad sound of brokenness. The Xuanbing sword cut heavily on the long mouth of the blood shark and jumped up countless broken scales. Only then did He Xiaozhuo notice that the scales of the blood shark were like the bark of a thousand-year-old pine, thick and wide. Although this sword did its best, it only tore off some bloody scales of the blood shark. The blood shark only suffered a little skin injury.

The angry blood shark was angered again by his sword. With a roar, he suddenly waved his head and hit He Xiaozhuo's body. He Xiaozhuo was swept out of the water by it. After a burst of dizziness, He Xiaozhuo suppressed the pain. At this time, he woke up and floated in the air. Seeing the huge thing floating on the surface of the water, he roared, and from time to time, he kept roaring at He Xiaozhuo in the air. Looking at the monster that rose four or five floors high and lay down the size of a football field, He Xiaozhuo looked at the three-foot-long Xuanbing sword in his hand again and couldn't help smiling bitterly. After thinking for a while, he finally had a way.

Sitting on the clouds, pinched the formula with both hands, and the two fireballs suddenly appeared in their hands, and then rushed to the air together. After igniting a huge wooden word together, a larger fireball crackled. The blood shark on the surface of the water also felt bad to see this scene. At first, it did not take this person at all. In his eyes, he felt that this human had no ability except for sneak attack. Now when it sees this fireball, no matter how stupid it is, it will understand that this human is specially used to deal with it. With a muffled hum, it wants to shrink into the water. How could He Xiaozhuo allow it to leave casually? A huge lightning in the clear sky lit up half of the sea, and the deafening lightning exploded. A burning white light flashed, and the space suddenly trembled. Thunder! He Xiaozhuo tried his best for the first time to use the killing trick taught by the fourth master Lu Zhen.

Everything calmed down and was surprisingly quiet. Except for the slightly disappearing fish scales and ripples, there was only terrible silence. He Xiaozhuo looked around in surprise and found that the broken things in the air began to fall and fell on the water one after another, and a burning smell began to spread.

After a while, many black sheets floated on the surface of the sea. With the smell of blood, the sea emanated dark red. At this time, He Xiaozhuo saw that the black flesh-and-blooded sheet turned out to be the scales of the blood shark. After this blow, the blood shark was obviously severely damaged.

But where is the blood shark? The sea was full of scales, but the body of the blood shark was not seen. Is it dead and sank to the bottom of the sea?

He Xiaozhuo looked away, and the sea was calm without any abnormality. Even Master Six and the other blood shark disappeared. I can't help lowering the clouds, searching carefully on the sea, and expanding the scope of the blood shark just now.

But there is nothing but calm.

He Xiaozhuo stood on the surface of the water in confusion. Now he began to worry about Master Six. It has been a long time since the war just now, but Master Six still disappeared. Although he believed in the ability of Master Six, he also saw the horror of the blood shark. I really don't know how Master Six is doing now.

In this worry, He Xiaozhuo did not notice that a huge shadow behind him was silently emerging. Just now, it was still a dark shadow. Now, in addition to the huge head that is black, the hill-like back is a bloody white, which is the result of being blown up by thunder.

The blood shark floated up again and was just shocked by the thunder. If it hadn't been for the thick scales, it would have been crushed, and although the scales that had grown for 100 years had saved its life, it had also been hit hard that it had never been. But the bloodthirsty nature makes it not want to escape. Instead, it makes the flame of hatred more blazing. The blood shark will never shrink without tearing up the opponent and biting blood.

He Xiaozhuo looked at the long shadow falling on the sea, and was secretly sad about the whereabouts of the sixth master. Suddenly, under the shadow under his feet, a bigger shadow suddenly grew up, and his heart was shocked, and his body instinctively flew up.

At the same time, the huge sound of breaking water finally erupted, and the blood shark roared horribly, opened its huge mouth, and its gravel-like teeth glowed with a gloomy cold light, swallowing to He Xiaozhuo.

He Xiaozhuo rushed up, and the blood shark rushed up. For a moment, it didn't seem to be chasing, but the blood shark spit He Xiaozhuo out of his mouth.

The upward momentum of the blood shark was finally exhausted, with a bang, and fell back heavily. Like the collapse of a tall building, huge splashing water.

He Xiaozhuo took the opportunity to turn around, like a shadow, and flew again. The white light of the Xuanbing sword flashed and pierced into the head of the blood shark again.

The blood shark howled, and no longer shook its head in pain like the first time, throwing He Xiaozhuo out of the water, but endured the severe pain and plunged its head into the water.

He Xiaozhuo grabbed the hilt of the sword and was black in front of him, which had been brought into the deep sea by the blood shark.

The intention of the blood shark is obvious. It suffered several times because it rushed out of the water, so this time it wants to take its opponent to the bottom of the sea, where is its world.

He Xiaozhuo also sensed the intention of the blood shark and tried his best to pull out the Xuanbing sword, but the Xuanbing sword went deep into the hilt. Under the blood shark's rapid speed, he pulled it twice, but failed. In an instant, he was brought to the bottom of the sea by the blood shark.

At this time, the blood shark shook its head violently and wanted to throw He Xiaozhuo down and swallow it. But how could He Xiaozhuo not know such consequences, so he rode on the head of the blood shark and grabbed the hilt of the sword. In this way, the more He Xiaozhuo grasped the hilt of the sword, the more the blood shark shook its head and wanted to throw He Xiaozhuo down. The more He Xiaozhuo grasped the hilt of the sword, the more the hilt of the sword, the more severe pain was into the head of the blood shark, and the blood shark was even more violently and miserable howling and struggling. Just as they were indissoluble, He Xiaozhuo's random foot was also kicking the blood shark's eyes. The blood shark's miserable howling reminded He Xiaozhuo, and immediately kicked the weakest part of the blood shark one after another. The blood shark was painful, howling, shaking its head and tail crazily, and rampaging on the bottom of the sea. He Xiaozhuo finally kicked into the eyes of the blood shark when the blood shark turned its head. A black ball rolled out of the eye socket. The blood shark let out a hysterical scream, and the huge head was thrown forward fiercely. The Xuanbing sword finally loosened under the continuous swing. With a hiss, he was thrown away together with He Xiaozhuo. Go out.

The blood shark finally got rid of the entanglement, stared at only one congested eye, roared at the bottom of the sea, twisted his waist and raised his head, vented incomparable anger and pain. After gritting his teeth at He Xiaozhuo, who had just been thrown out by him, he opened his wolf's teeth, concentrated his hatred to the extreme, and rushed to He Xiaozhuo at full speed.

After several rolls, He Xiaozhuo stopped his posture. When he turned around, he saw a huge opening and a huge mouth just like flying. Suddenly, it flashed in his mind that when he was in the mine, the black rock Jiao also opened his huge mouth like this. He turned his mind, picked up the black ice sword, and rushed straight to the blood shark.

In an instant, the two met. He Xiaozhuo suddenly stopped, and the blood shark bit the flying object fiercely. With a click, the blood shark snorted, and quickly opened its mouth again, and two sharp "stones" jumped out. It turned out that He Xiaozhuo, who was about to hit its mouth, suddenly closed his body and sent the Xuanbing sword to the teeth fiercely bitten by the blood shark. With a click, the blood shark bit on the Xuanbing sword, and the two "stones" that jumped were two front teeth removed by the Xuanbing sword.

Just as the blood shark opened its mouth again, He Xiaozhuo has jumped into the mouth of the blood shark.