Fairy Feather

Chapter 3 Magic Root

"Spiritual root activation, the first spiritual root, fire spiritual root?"

As soon as Wang Mo woke up, he saw his tired parents sitting by the bed and wanted to talk to them, but when he heard his father say the news that shocked him, he was completely stunned and muttered what Wang Nan said.

However, after seeing Wang Nan's serious expression, Wang Mo felt that his father did not lie to him, and his spiritual root was really activated.

However, Wang Mo was not happy about this, but wondered how his spiritual root was activated? Also, aren't you going to die? Why are you still alive?

The hidden spiritual root requires a lot of mana to activate. In front of him, the only one who can activate his spiritual root is his father, Wang Nan!

However, my father has been injured all year round and can't consume too much mana, otherwise he will worry about his life. Thinking of this, Wang Mo suddenly raised his head: "Dad, you won't treat my wounds, but..."

Wang Nan interrupted him and said, "Moer, I didn't do anything for my father!"

"What didn't you do?" Wang Mo was stunned.

Fang Xue saw her son's disbelief look, smiled, got up and sat by Wang Mo's bed, took his hand, patted him twice and said softly, "Your father really didn't lie to you. He didn't do anything."

However, Fang Xue's words made Wang Mo even more puzzled. Since he didn't do anything, why didn't he die and how the spiritual root was activated?

Is it... that strange feather?

Wang Mo thought of this possibility, and at this time, a hot current like a trickle surged out of his heart again, making his whole body comfortable.

The original white face was also slightly ruddy.

"Moer, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

Seeing Wang Mo's face changing, Fang Xue thought that something had happened to him and asked nervously.

Wang Nan beside him also frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

"Dad, mother, I'm fine." Wang Mo shook his head.

Wang Mo's strange actions made Fang Xue a little uneasy. He turned his head to Wang Nan standing behind him and whispered, "Brother Nan, what's wrong with Moer?"

For Fang Xue's question, Wang Nan smiled bitterly, a little helplessly and looked forward to it, "This is Moer's opportunity. You and I don't need to be too entangled."

Wang Nan has seen the world. For the abnormal movements on Wang Mo, from the moment Yuning rescued him, there was some speculation that Yu Ning would not stay in the room, nor did she let her invite a doctor, let alone any person from the Fang family, come close to this place.

For countless years of cultivation of immortality and Taoism, Wang Nan is deeply aware that if Wang Mo really has any treasure that can change his life, in case he is known by others, it will cause a bloody disaster.

Therefore, when Fang Xue asked, Wang Nan did not say his guess, but let everything take its course.

However, looking at Wang Mo's slightly red face, Fang Xue was also relieved. The child should be fine. Then after telling Wang Mo a few words, she left his room with Wang Nan so that he could have a good rest.

Looking at his parents leaving the room, Wang Mo breathed a sigh of gas. He fell on ** again, opened his limbs and stretched his numb arms, wrists and thighs. Being in bed for a long time made him quite uncomfortable, but at this moment, his hands and feet were numb and it was not easy to get out of bed.

He is now a little excited and feels that it is mostly the spiritual power contained in Fang Hui's palm, which stimulates the effect of mysterious feathers, which activates his spiritual root. Of course, this is just speculation.

In return, the active Wang Mo did not waste a good time lying on **. He first opened the clothes on his chest and found that the feather had disappeared, which made him a little disappointed and thought that the feather had left his body.

The next moment, Wang Mo found that his heart seemed to be stuck to something. This feeling was not uncomfortable, but a little comfortable, because he found that his heart seemed to be more energetic than before. Immediately, an idea appeared in his mind: Is this feather really integrated into the body?

Gently touching his chest, Wang Mo couldn't find the shadow of feathers.

"Bah, fool, can you still find it if it's really integrated?" Wang Mo laughed and scolded, stretched out, walked to the table, picked up a breath refining formula, and looked at it carefully.

"Refining qi is the first step in monism. This realm attracts qi into the body, condenses the aura of heaven and earth, cut hair and washes marrow, and condenses into a spiritual element in Dantian. It has seven layers, one or two for the beginning, the middle of the third and fourth period, the late fifth and sixth, and the seventh level is the realm of great perfection. Only after the gas refining period can it be on the right track of monry.

Wang Mo held the formula for refining gas and walked back and forth in the room: "And after refining gas, it is to build a foundation and compress the gas spiritual element into a liquid spiritual element. In this realm, due to the sufficient spiritual power in the body, it can already sacrifice its own magic weapon.

Beyond, there is the elixir, Yuanying... The road of cultivation is really long, but in order to cure my father's stubborn disease, I must become stronger!"

Wang Mo's eyes were bright and firm.

Suddenly, there was an anxious voice outside the room, but it was Yuning!

"Sir, madam, the owner of the Fang family sent someone to ask you to go to the ancestral hall of the Fang family."

Yu Ning just came back from outside breathlessly, opened the door and shouted in the room. Wang Mo, Wang Nan and Fang Xue hurried out of the bedroom.

Seeing Yu Ning's appearance, Fang Xue's face changed slightly and said, "Yu Ning, why are you so anxious to go to the ancestral hall?"

Fang Xue's words are not angry, but Yu Ning, who has always been gentle and careful since Wang Mo's accident, has become a little absent-minded and always do something wrong. At this time, it is also out of good intentions to see her in such a hurry, for fear of any accidental bumps between her.

"This is the thing, ah! Master Wang, you are awake!" Yu Ning was about to explain the reason, but found that Wang Mo, who was standing behind Wang Nan and his wife, exclaimed. At the same time, her frowned eyebrows also unfolded at this moment, and her cheeks flew red.

Wang Mo tapped his head and said indifferently, "What happened to the ancestral hall?"

After seeing that Wang Mo was fine for the time being, Yu Ning also returned to her usual softness and told the whole story in detail.

It turned out that Fang Hong was furious because he learned that Wang Mo had been severely damaged by Fang Hui and directly ordered people to take Fang Hui to the ancestral hall, intending to reprimand them.

It is reasonable that the head of the family scolds his children, which is nothing, but Fang Hui is the eldest grandson of the elder Fang Hao, who is now quarreling with Fang Hong in the ancestral hall.

At the same time, Elder Cui actually intervened in the family's family affairs, which was quite uncomfortable.

After knowing the cause and effect, Wang Nan pondered for a while and said to Yu Ning, "Yu Ning, go and let me know first and stabilize the atmosphere first. We'll be there later."

Yu Ning has returned to normal. After a gentle head, she immediately rushed to the Fang family ancestral hall.

After Yuning left, Wang Nan turned around and said to Wang Mo, "Change your clothes and go together."

After hearing his father's words to go together, Wang Mo showed an incredible look. Thinking that he was a hidden spiritual root, he couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Dad, in case the hidden spiritual root is seen, am I not finished?"

Hearing this, Wang Nan looked at his son angrily and funnyly. After drinking the medicine and wine, he said, "Hidden Linggen, do you think this is cabbage all over the ground? In this area, except for you and my father and son, I'm afraid it's difficult to find a third person!"

Wang Mo is more and more puzzled by his father's sastic words. Isn't this hidden spiritual root very rare?

Wang Mo didn't know that the region mentioned by his father was not only the narrowness of Tianchu Kingdom.

Looking at his son's puzzled look, Wang Nan shook his head helplessly and ordered Wang Mo to change his clothes first and explain it to him a little along the way.

Of course, Wang Mo was very happy to understand some secrets. He immediately changed his clothes and walked quickly to the Fang family's ancestral hall.

On the way, although Wang Nan did not completely explain everything about the hidden spiritual root, he also said it rudely to let Wang Mo understand.

It turns out that this hidden root is not only rare and simple. Ordinary monks only know the strange root, and few people know the most secret hidden root, so if you don't say it, no one will think in that direction at all.

The hidden spiritual root is different from the visible spiritual root. Spiritual roots, permanent attributes and different attributes can be seen. Common attributes are the most common, divided into five types: gold, wood, water, fire and earth, while different attributes are relatively scarce, generally light, darkness, wind, thunder, etc.

In addition, spiritual roots are divided into single spiritual roots and compound spiritual roots. Single spiritual roots are spiritual roots with a kind of attributes, and compound spiritual roots are spiritual roots that combine multiple attributes. Compared with single spiritual roots, monks with compound spiritual roots can be said to be the proud sons of heaven.

Because the more spiritual roots contained in the body, the faster the speed and efficiency of the accumulated various attributes of aura will be, so these practitioners can improve the realm level much faster than ordinary monks in the same time.

As for the supernatural root, due to the particularity of the spiritual root, its efficacy is almost the same as that of the spiritual root. For these people, such cultivation is unimpeded and has an unlimited future

However, these spiritual roots cannot be compared with hidden spiritual roots.

Hidden root, although it is difficult to open in the early stage, once it is launched, there are two advantages that are enough to make anyone crazy.

First, the hidden spiritual roots are basically compound roots containing strange spiritual roots, and the number of spiritual roots in the body will gradually increase with the improvement of the realm of cultivation. Second, it is the most mysterious. You can use such spiritual roots to hide your cultivation and talent, so that people who are not much different from their own realm can't judge.

Because of this, once someone knows that Wang Mo's body contains an extremely rare hidden spiritual root, he will definitely be caught to refine the elixir of hidden cultivation.

This is also the reason why Wang Mo did not dare to say his spiritual root qualification when recruiting disciples in Fengyoumen.

Wang Mo was not worried about being exposed when he went to the Fang family ancestral hall this time. Before that, his father showed enough strength to hide the past for him.

The three gradually approached the Fang family's ancestral hall while talking all the way. At this time, Wang Nan also stopped the topic of hidden spiritual roots and walked towards the ancestral hall with his wife and children.