Fairy Feather

Chapter 165 Faith Altar

"Who the hell are you and why did you enter this castle?"

This bronze skeleton has just been promoted to the bronze realm, so its intelligence has not been fully opened, and its speech is a little silly, so it can't be said to Wang Mo in a roundabout way.

Wang Mo's face darkened, looked at the bronze skeleton, meditated slightly, and immediately drew it with his hand. He must let others know that he was just an extremely ordinary skeleton, otherwise he would be in danger of besieged if found.

He can't bet, and his brother will make a bet, so he has to pretend.

Seeing that Wang Mo was in danger, Xiaolong shook his tail and was better prepared to fight at any time, which moved Wang Mo a little. Xiaolong is such a buddy!

Immediately, the bronze skeleton saw Wang Mo's gesture, and his expression changed slightly, and he transmitted a soul fluctuating mind: "Are you a skeleton monk who has just entered here?"

Wang Mo nodded very hard.

"Don't you know that you have to go to the Central Castle Temple to receive God's baptism after entering?"

"The baptism of God?"

Wang Mo was stunned again. What is this? It's a mess. He really doesn't know what else is the baptism of God? But he knows it's definitely not a good thing.

Wang Mo shook his head and said very "zhen sincere" that he really didn't know.

The head of the store moved, frowned, and then said, "Since you don't know, come with me!"

After saying that, he pointed to several people around Wang Mo, pointed to himself, and walked out of the store.

Wang Mo and Xiaolong, the steel trio looked at each other and followed.

Wang Mo knew that even if he didn't want to stay here, now was not the time to leave, otherwise he would know that he would be besieged in the end of the rebellion.

There are so many skeleton monsters here, and each of them is at least steel level. How can you fight against so much? Even if the Sea King's bow can be opened, it may not be an opponent.

Wang Mo moved slightly and followed him. They looked carefully at everything around them all the way and found that there was nothing else but corridors and streets.

This is the simplest residential area!

What surprised him more was that he was able to feel a force of belief from these residential areas. He counted carefully and his look changed greatly!

Here, there are hundreds of thousands of faiths!

What kind of power is this?

The power of faith of hundreds of thousands of skeleton monsters is concentrated on one person. What a terrible power, especially the powerful bronze monsters...

So, how powerful will the silver skeleton of this castle be?

At this time, the head of the Bronze Skull Hotel had been walking in front of him. He was not worried that Wang Mo would escape, because this was in the skeleton city, and no one dared to provoke the dignity of the silver skeleton, so he walked easily. In this way, he gave Steel No. 1 a chance to take advantage of it.

Iron No. 1 gestured to Wang Mo while the other party did not notice him.

It turned out that he wanted to say that it was difficult and almost impossible for a silver skeleton to be promoted to a golden skeleton. The power of hundreds of thousands of beliefs is a drop in the bucket, so if the silver skeletons here want to be promoted to the golden skeleton, they have to annex other castles to achieve the number of people who strengthen their faith.

The more people believe in themselves, the stronger the power of faith. Only under the belief of hundreds and tens of millions of people can they have the opportunity to transform silver skeletons into golden skeletons.

Wang Mo smashed his tongue. The cultivation of this forging body is really difficult. A silver promotion to a golden skeleton requires the power of faith of hundreds of skeleton soldiers!

Ordinary people don't believe it!

But it's normal to think about it again. I was a steel skeleton three years ago, and there has been no breakthrough so far. I'm still wandering in this realm. When can I reach the bronze skeleton and perform soul spells?

Wang Mo knows that as long as he can reach the bronze skeleton and exert soul magic power, the sea king bow in his hand will certainly be able to open again. At that time, this kind of divine bow dedicated to hard things will play his special role. Don't talk about bullshit silver skeletons. Even if it is a golden skeleton, it may not be It can stop him!

But now, if you can't reach bronze, everything is useless!

The bronze skeleton store led the way, and several people walked for half a day. The road ahead became wider and wider. Wang Mo found that the density of bronze skeletons had gradually increased.

Obviously, it is the same as the outside world. The more you go to the center, the stronger you will be.

Wang Mo took his heart and was very vigilant.

"It's here!" Finally, the bronze skeleton stopped, stopped outside the castle caused by a huge steel bone, turned around and said lightly to Wang Mo. The fire of the soul in his eyes beat, waiting for Wang Mo's resistance at any time.

As long as Wang Mo resisted, the spell made by the fire of his soul immediately came out and killed him!

Wang Mo is not a fool. He can't make such a low-level mistake, so he obediently went in.

The castle he entered was tall and majestic. The castles made of steel skeleton-level skeletons stood in the middle, straight into the sky, giving people a look up.

After Wang Mo and the others entered the castle, a figure suddenly rushed out of a corner. He fixedly looked at Wang Mo's disappearing figure, and a sneer floated on the corners of his mouth: "Kid, how hard you thought you were, but weren't you oppressed by the power here? Enter this castle! Hey hey, hey, after entering the castle, you can't help it, hahaha..."

He smiled happily and was so excited to see his enemies unlucky.

Hey hey hey... The gloomy laughter keeps ringing from his Adam's apple...

Wang Mo entered this huge castle, looked at the palace walls made of a large number of steel skeletons, and sighed from the bottom of his heart. This building is really brilliant.

"Come with me!"

The bronze skeleton interrupted Wang Mo's watch and said faintly, and the fire of the soul in his eyes kept beating. It is full of threats.

Wang Mo and his party followed the bronze skeleton to the steel skeleton palace. The passage in front of them became bigger and deeper. Finally, Wang Mo saw the most mysterious place in the center.

Here is a huge altar with a little light on it. Wang Mo looked carefully and couldn't see why. He didn't know what was on it.

"This is..."

Wang Mo gestured curiously and asked about the bronze skeletons around him.

"This is the altar of this castle, the altar of the king! As the people of my sacred silver skeleton king Bai Yan, we must respect him forever, respect him, regard him as a god, and serve him all my life! Therefore, in order to express your respect for him and praise him, you must separate a part of your soul and put it on this altar to become one of the souls! Moreover, you should continue to believe in him, practice well, and make your own strength for the great Lord Bai Yan!"

After saying these oaths, the bronze skeleton looked at Wang Mo. The fire of the soul in his eyes beat, as if threatening and warning.

Wang Mo Ding looked at the huge altar in front of him, which exuded a palpitating breath, and his expression changed again and again. Fortunately, he did not show his expression with the fire of his soul, otherwise something big would happen.

After hearing the other's voice, the little dragon on his shoulder was also slightly stunned, and a pair of small claws clenched tightly, which could be seen that he was also uneasy about this matter.

"Wang Mo, no, I think there is an extremely mysterious power on this altar, which is not what we can compete with now. We can't separate part of our soul, otherwise we will be restrained by the hidden power."

Xiaolong kindly reminded that the steel trio also looked at Wang Mo with an uneasy look.

Wang Mo understands their feelings, but now is not the time to resist!

"Why, don't you want to be honest with my great Lord Bai Yan?"

The bronze skeleton's face showed a very unnatural look and said fiercely, and the soul fire in the eye socket jumped, full of deterrent power.

Wang Mo looked at him, his face changed slightly, and he didn't know what was thinking. At this time, Wang Mo's hands were tightly clenched, and there was a feeling that they were about to explode at any time.

If the other party really wants to attach his soul to it, then even if the jade is burned, he must resist!

If you are involved in the soul, you will lose freedom. Life without freedom, life and death are meaningless!

Seeing that Wang Mo had no reaction, the fire of the bronze skeleton soul jumped faster, and at the same time, an extremely terrible and powerful oppression poured down and inflicted on him.

Wang Mo suddenly felt that his actions were greatly bound, and his footsteps could not be moved. His consciousness was released, and the same was true of Xiaolong. All of them were oppressed by the breath of bronze skeletons.

Do you want us to give in? It is absolutely impossible!

Wang Mo's heart was filled with a spark of anger. The bronze skeleton seemed to feel the unwillingness in Wang Mo's heart, and a cold smile floated at the corners of his mouth, and then the oppressive force became more and more powerful.

click! Hearing the sound of broken bones, Wang Mo's bones actually appeared with fine cracks, and there was a feeling of collapse.

The bronze skeleton used a killing move against Wang Mo!

Bony fragmentation!

A pain of the cone heart hit in an instant. Wang Mo's body was trembling violently, and the red and sticky bone marrow in the bone oozed out with the cracking of the bone.

His life is in danger!

You can't give up! Never give up!

At this moment, Wang Mo's face showed anger and perseverance. As soon as his body moved, the power in the bone completely exploded, turning into fist strength and impacting.

Wang Mo's steel-like body emitted a green light, and there was a situation to reach a bronze skeleton!

This change, even himself, would not have expected it before!