Immortal anecdotes

016 Public Trial 2

Naturally, there is no need to salute him as an immortal, so Long Xiaofeng stood up and replied neither humble nor arrogantly: "I accept this matter in private, but please make it clear to the king. Before I became an immortal, I have vowed who has the holy dragon order and can open the holy dragon to let me go down to fulfill one of his wishes. At that time, someone launched the Holy Dragon Order. I left in a hurry, so I couldn't report my guilt at the Fairy World Travel Office. Please make it clear.

Lord Wang said, "So you have a reason for the incident?" Long Xiaofeng nodded and said yes, and Lord Wang said, "Let go of this charge first. What do you do with the other two charges?"

Long Xiaofeng moved the corners of his mouth and laughed, "I won't admit it."

"Oh?" Lord Wang asked, "Then why did he falsely accuse you?"

Long Xiaofeng paused and said, "As we all know, what will be the effect of the immortals who will be killed? Do you think my apprentice lives well as if he has practiced the mortal book?"

The water fairy couldn't help sarcasm: "Lord Wang is lying. On April 28, the dragon roaring wind quietly returned to the fairyland and went to the fairyland library to read the mortal book?"

"Real?" Lord Wang asked.

The water fairy held his fist and said, "Lord Wang can check the records of the fairyland library. With that, he took out a copied scroll from his arms.

Lord Wang opened it, which was indeed a unique mark of the fairyland library. Then he waved to Zhang Xu and said, "Go and confirm it."

Zhang Xu nodded and said yes. He walked out of the hall and played a finger trick in his hand. The scroll in his hand turned into a golden light and disappeared into the sky. After about a minute, a golden light fell down, and the golden light of his claw in the air was caught by him and turned into a jade slip.

He presented Yu Jian to the court. Lord Wang nodded after reading it, and then handed Yu Jian to Judge Li Si and passed it on to the four people.

The four people nodded to him unanimously, and Lord Wang patted the wooden and said harshly, "Long Xiaofeng, you can plead guilty. The records on the jade slips of the fairyland library are exactly the same as those presented by the immortals."

Long Xiaofeng's face did not change and laughed and said, "Although my apprentice Yang Zifan is a little stupid, his other qualifications are not bad. Can't I go to the fairyland library to find books for cultivation and understanding?"

The water fairy sneered and said, "This is funny. I'm afraid you have never heard of any books that can cultivate understanding."

"No?" Long Xiaofeng smiled and said, "So what's the matter with the thousands of classic books in the east pavilion of the fairyland collection that have nothing to do with cultivation? What happened to the classics before the fairyland fairy learned the magic formula? The ancients said: If the book has been read hundreds of times, it will be difficult for him to understand if the thousands of books have been read and recited by my apprentice.

"Falth!" The water fairy brushed his sleeves and scolded, "If this can really be the case, why do we have to practice fairy magic and study classics every day?"

Long Xiaofeng said again, "What do you know about this illiterate sissy? In those years, which of the immortals' supreme immortals and Confucius saints did not practice like this?

"You!" Shuilingxian usually hates others for calling him sissy, and her face turned blue with anger. She said, "Those are just legends. How can I prove it?"

"Legend?" Long Xiaofeng laughed and said, "If the legend is not credible, it should not be credible that the mortal book is the first secret of the fairy world."

At one place, the whole audience was shocked, especially the unpredictable expression in the eyes of the three fairy messengers, but Li Si still looked at Long Xiaofeng with a smile on his face, as if he was very interested in this big man with a delicate face.

When Wang Qian saw that the three immortals looked wrong, he shouted in a broken voice: "If you two argue, you should pay attention to your personal words. Things are all caused by Yang Zifan. He has the most say. Can you two agree to let him say it?"

The water fairy was shocked and said quickly, "He is a fool, and I'm afraid what he said by Long Xiaofeng's apprentice is not true. Why don't you look at the child's Zifu and know that what Xiaoxian said is true?

As soon as he said this, he saw that all four people in the hall were closed their eyes, and Wang Qian looked surprised. Then he quickly looked at Yang Zifan's house and saw a mass of turbid air flowing slowly, and there was no trace of green lotus.

For a moment, I was at a loss.

Wang Qian in the hall was also shocked. Three days ago, there was indeed a green lotus in Yang Zifan's purple house. Now why is it gone? He carefully looked at the four people in the hall, all of whom had a so-called expression.

"Has someone secretly tampering, or..." He flashed his mind and thought of various possibilities for a moment. The most likely thing is that a fairyland sent someone to tampering secretly, or it was simply a trap set by Long Xiaofeng. He was secretly shocked and quickly questioned, "Water fairy, what you said Where is the purple green lotus?"

The water fairy looked back and found that Yang Zifan's body had changed. She was awakened by Wang Qian's shouting. Her legs softened and she knelt on the ground and shouted, "Your Excellency, you have to make the decision for me. You saw it when I brought Yang Zifan to the hall that day. There were indeed green lotus in this boy's purple mansion. Only three days, this is definitely him..." The narcissus remembered something and pointed to Long Xiaofeng: "He must have tampered with it."

Long Xiaofeng looked at him funnyly and said, "I have been trapped by your water spirit these days. How can I come here to do things? The immortal general of the trial department can prove this.

"No, no, someone must have done something." The water fairy shouted. At this time, his mind was already in a mess. He thought that there was no flaw in this plan, but even the changes were unexpected. He stood up and pointed to Yang Zifan and said, "Someone must have tampered with this fool..."

Lord Wang patted the stunned wood and said, "Don't shout in the court. If someone moves his hands and feet, I will investigate it clearly. Zhang Xu, you are responsible for guarding Yang Zifan these three days. What's wrong with you?

Zhang Xu replied, "In the past three days, Yang Zifan has been in the east wing, and there has been no problem."

Lord Wang asked Yang Zifan again, "Yang Zifan, someone has contacted you in these three days."

Yang Zifan held an apple and pointed to Zhang Xu Nuonuo beside him and said, "No, only the fairy brother is with me these days."

The blank water fairy in his mind has been awakened by the sound of the shock. At this time, his face was like ashes, and the development of the matter was completely beyond his expectation. He shivered unconsciously. He was also smart and naturally knew that he absolutely needed to calm down in such an unfavorable situation. Suddenly, he came up with a way. If someone really does something, it can only create the illusion of the spiritual virtual period at most. The green lotus in Yang Zifan's body is absolutely still there, so he knelt on the ground and said, "What Xiaoxian said is true. Now such a change has taken place. Xiaoxian implore all the immortals to personally test Yang Zifan's work. "