Immortal anecdotes

014 pi xiu mythical beast

Si Nan looked at this scene in horror and whispered, "What are you doing?" Yang Zifan shook his head innocently. It's really not his fault.

Almost in the dark behind them, a rough roar came, followed by the sound of rocks splashing around. Presumably, the monster found their traces and chased them over.

The two looked at each other and said, "Ah! It's coming." With a scream, they burst into the bombed rock wall. At this time, the two used all their cultivation. No one knew what was behind them. The ants on the plain were so difficult to deal with, not to mention things deep in the cave.

This way to escape, although there are many stone stalactites on the top of the head and many rubble around, Yang Zifan, who occasionally exposed from the gravel, can judge that behind the gap is not a cave, but an artificial road, and the ground is paved with stone strips. The red dots in the distance are gradually getting bigger.

With the cultivation of the golden elixir period and the help of the imperial formula, the two escaped from a hundred miles in about a quarter of an hour, but the hissing and running of the beasts behind them were getting closer and closer. They could already see the underground lava emerging from the cracks in the ground, and ran more and more they ran in. The feeling of dryness made them feel a bursting. Irritable.

Suddenly, Yang Zifan pulled his body, stopped, and Si Nanxiao, who followed him, almost bumped into him. He was about to ask questions, only to find that something was wrong

At this time, the two stood on a cliff, and the tunnel extended here and was interrupted. The other section was opposite a hundred feet away. Looking down from the edge of the tunnel, a river of underground lava flowed from west to east, and the hot magma made the world red.

Baizhang is not difficult for the two, but at this time, there is a problem. There are more than a dozen strange bubbles of different sizes floating between the authentic cliffs. There are many strange scenes in each bubble, the closest one to the two, with snow all over the sky.

The two were not sure what these bubbles were, so they did not dare to rush around for a moment. Si Nanxiao looked at the bubbles floating around because of the heat flow of underground lava and said, "I'm afraid we have come to the range of Ziyuan Wonderland."

At this time, a storm blew from behind the two, lifting a piece of gravel, flying around, and falling to Zhenyuan, which was spontaneously gushing out of Yang Zifan and Si Nanxiao. The two looked at each other solemnly.

"Bang." With a loud noise, the monster finally caught up, the smoke and gravel dispersed, and the two were able to really see what was coming.

I can only see the thing against the lava. It has a dragon head, horse body and feet. It is shaped like a lion. The hair color is gray and six feet in size. The huge nostrils spewed out bursts of heat from time to time, and the fierce breath is suffocating.

No one knows this thing.

Yang Zifan looked at it in horror and moved his throat knot with a bang. This thing was clearly the legendary fierce mythical beast, a variant of Kirin, also known as ward off evil spirits. Neither of them could have imagined that such mythical beasts would appear in the cave.

Si Nan whispered nervously, "Yang Zifan, go and hold on, hold on."

After hearing this, Yang Zifan was angry and cursed in a low voice, "Go and try to the top."

Si Nan said, "Don't you see it looking at you all the time? Do you have what it wants? If you have it, give it to him quickly. If not, he will get angry..." As soon as he became nervous, Si Nan's little nagging problem was offended again.

A pair of big snake-like eyes stared at Yang Zifan's left hand. A large hot airflow spewed out of the dragon's nose, forming a cloud-like smoke in front of him. It took a step back, roared, and rushed to Yang Zifan with four hooves.

Only then did Yang Zifan notice that because of tension on his left hand, the fire of green lotus spontaneously ignited, and the lotus rushed towards him, opening his huge mouth, revealing two rows of fangs. Yang Zifan pushed away Si Nanxiao, who was still nagging around him, and rolled sideways. He could pass by. At the same time, two fires in his hand hit him.

Unexpectedly, a dry red flashed on Pi Xiu's body. Yang Zifan's powerful green lotus fire fell on it and only turned into a wisp of black smoke. Pi Xiu sprayed his nose and slowly turned sideways.

Yang Zifan encountered such a situation for the first time. He was stunned for a moment. He didn't even know that the white hair on his tail had wiped his body. Since practicing the Deathly Book, the power of the fire of Qinglian has always been what he relied on. Unexpectedly, Qinglianzhi, who condensed ten layers of skills today Fire can't hurt anything in front of you.

Ping looked at him obliquely, as if he was laughing at him. He raised his head gently and took a deep breath. In this way, it was clear that he was about to breathe fire. Si Nan's little face on the side changed greatly. Just after he was pushed away by Yang Zifan, he did not stop his hand and quickly completed his summoning ceremony and shouted, "Fighters, all obey my orders, shadow." This is his most powerful organ beast at present.

A diamond-shaped fireball spewed out of his mouth, which was purple and fell directly towards Yang Zifan. The burning feeling even the air burned along the way.

At this time, a shadow floated by like a ghost, taking Yang Zifan to avoid the fireball. The purple fireball fell to the ground and roared, and the whole cave shook. The purple fireball burned a large area of the ground. He raised his head disdainfully, as if he was provoking Yang Zifan beside Sinan Xiaoxiao not far away.

At this time, Si Nanxiao floated in the air and scolded Yang Zifan, "What are you doing? Are you looking for death? You can't hide from such a big fire.

He was scolded by Si Nan Xiaoxiao and woke up, and then he found that he was floating in the air with Si Nan Xiaoxiao. The four bubbles remained quiet and did not change because of the arrival of the two people. Just now, he didn't know how to dodge, but at the moment when the spewed fire, he couldn't disturb himself as if he had gone to another place. This feeling is extremely horrible in retrospect, so he said, "It's not that I don't run, it's that I was given my body by the spell."

After hearing this, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and his face turned whiter, as if he knew something in his heart, but he didn't say it. Then he looked at the bubbles behind him and said, "Yang Zifan, let's escape!" It can't be beaten. It's safer in the air. At least this thing can't fly.

Yang Zifan nodded. This is the only way to do this. After all, it is impossible for two monks in the Jindan period to deal with a legendary mythical beast.

Just as the two thought it was safe and discussed countermeasures, Xiu raised his head again and guessed that he was afraid that the mythical beast would launch a strange "stightening" again. Yang Zifan suddenly said in surprise, "Don't wait, run."

"Shadow, crack." Si Nan shouted loudly, and the black thing turned into a shadow of hundreds of people in an instant, and he split from different angles from the air with a knife in his hand.

The two quickly flew towards the tunnel on the ground. Si Nan was still holding Luo Shangshang in his little arms, which was not convenient to move. Yang Zifan could only be in the back to prevent an accident and let him fly in front. The distance of a hundred feet arrived in an instant. When the two fell to the opposite tunnel, the bubbles behind them began to glow a transparent luster. If Yang Zifan has time to look carefully, he can even find that the surface of the bubble is vibrating irregularly.

The shadow's attack was almost disintegrated by the lightning and lost its goal. It roared, and a pair of small cyan wings stretched out and flew up to chase the two people.

Si Nanxiao looked back and saw that the dragonfly could drive the clouds. He was so scared that he shouted, "Grandma's leg, this beast can fly." Yang Zifan also found the seriousness of the matter, but with their cultivation, he could not deal with this mythical beast at all, so he could only speed up and escape again along the invisible tunnel under his feet.

Along the way, the scenery on both sides was rewind, and the bubbles around him slowly began to gather, but Yang Zifan always had a strange feeling. He always felt that the rock walls on both sides were falling back more and more slowly. This seemed to be an illusion and a real feeling. Si Nan Xiaoxiao in front of him had already put Luo Shang The clothes are changed to carry on their backs, which is more conducive to escape.

Suddenly, a bubble fell in front of him because of the two popular streams. Yang Zifan almost hit him, bent his knees, bent down, and took the opportunity to avoid the strange bubbles of the ball. Another bubble rolled over from the side. He squatted down, kicked his legs back, jumped up, and fell to the ground in the air, but At this time, he found a more serious problem, and the air bubbles in front of him filled the whole channel.

Si Nanxiao also stopped, and the voice behind him approached again. Yang Zifan looked back and knew that he would be hit by bubbles if he escaped like this. He said to Si Nanxiao, "Would you like to break with me?"

Si Nan looked at him with surprise and didn't understand what he was talking about. Yang Zifan pointed to the bubble around him and said, "I'm afraid this bubble is the only way to start the ban. If you touch it, you may die."

Si Nan's little face condensed and understood what he was talking about. When he looked up at Luo Shangshang, who was still unconscious in his arms, his face had changed to a look of perseverance. He touched his bald head and shouted, "What are you afraid of? Horizontal and vertical is also dead."

Yang Zifan nodded and said his plan. Si Nanxiao took out the sheep from the storage bag and came by hand. Master Sun once used to tie their fairy ropes. One tightly carried Luo Shangshang on his body, and one was handed over to Yang Zifan. The two quickly drove all the bubbles around them to the ground with Zhenyuan. Inside the road, the tunnel was filled with bubbles for a while.

Yang Zifan's plan is very simple, causing them to touch the bubbles and trigger the Forbidden Garden Wonderland that they speculated. However, they don't know whether these bubbles are really forbidden. They are now completely fighting for their lives.