Immortal anecdotes

015 Lotus Pool

I don't know why there are so few people watching it. Maybe my story is not wonderful, maybe my story is too sadistic, maybe it's because my writing is too bad. Many times I feel that I am too self-centered to take care of the reader's feelings at all, hey! This book will continue to be myself, which is a little comfort for myself. Please bear with me this last bit!

A disciple wearing the head's clothes wandered in the view all day long. The blind man could not see it. Mingdao did not say it, but it was quite a joking scene. It coincided with the day when the immortals went up the mountain to get incense, and the immortals who came and went thought that the Lingtaiguan had changed.

Yang Zifan felt that it didn't matter. He leaned on the tree and closed his eyes to sleep all day. It seemed that he hadn't closed his eyes for a long time. Mingdao still couldn't figure out his relationship with him. Master said that he was his brother, but he didn't feel it at all. Fortunately, the man would consciously hold the lamp as soon as it was dark, and he would go to close the lamp in the morning. Xiang and cleaning were wrapped up. Over time, he felt a little benefit of being a senior, and gradually got used to the fact that he never called himself a senior brother in front of a man. He was curious about the man, and finally couldn't help coming to the tree and asking, "Yang Zifan, why did you come to Lingtai Temple?"

Yang Zifan respectfully said, "Look for a convenience."

He said clearly, "You have said it many times that it is convenient. What is convenient?"

Yang Zifan said, "Convenience is a cheap thing, don't you understand?"

He said clearly, "I know what convenience means, but I don't understand what cheap things are."

Yang Zifan looked at him with a smile and said, "I'm here to find a seed."

Mingdao grabbed his head and said, "Seed? I grew up in Lingtaiguan, but I haven't seen any seeds there. What do you think it is like?

Yang Zifan said, "A seed of a lotus flower."

Mingdao shook his head and said, "Lingtaiguan is on the mountain. There are green trees, pine trees, peach trees and plum blossoms. If there is no lotus flower, I'm afraid you have come to the wrong place."

Yang Zifan asked, "Brother, can't there be a lotus on the mountain?" With that, he stretched out his hand and was a little in the courtyard. Mingdao saw the lotus blooming in the pool in front of him. He was scared to take a step back. The lotus flowers disappeared in the courtyard or there were no lotus flowers in the courtyard at all.

Ming Dao said in surprise, "How did you do it?"

Yang Zifan bent down and said, "The heart has a lotus, and the lotus opens itself."

Ming Dao was stunned for a moment and stared at him and said, "You are a master."

Yang Zifan shook his head and denied, "I'm not. It's dark outside for my brother's convenience. I have to light the lamp."

Ming Dao looked at the scene he had just seen in Yang Zifan's eyes and hurried into the view. The master had not come out since that day. He came to the master's room and opened the door. The master was taking care of his beloved orchid. He hesitated and asked, "Master, who is he? ?"

Master stretched Lan Ye and looked slightly as if his blind eyes could be seen. He thought for a moment and said, "A mortal."

Ming Dao didn't understand, and said, "Master, please make it clear."

Master picked up the orchid and put it by the window and clapped his hands, "What did he tell you?"

Mingdao said honestly, "He said he would come here to find a seed."

Master said, "What seed?"

Ming said, "A seed of a lotus flower. At that time, he waved his disciples and saw a lotus flower full of pools in the courtyard."

Master stopped his work, thought quietly for a while and said, "What color is the lotus flower?"

After thinking about it, he was surprised to find that he only remembered the lotus, but he had no memory of the color of the lotus. He thought he had forgotten it, so he said, "Master, disciple is stupid and forget it."

Master turned around and scattered a few drops of water for the orchid and said lightly, "Go and ask and say that the monks can't be confused."


Mingdao retreated from the room and hurried to the courtyard. Yang Zifan was lighting four of the seven glazed lamps in the view.

"Yang Zifan, is the lotus you just transformed into white?"

Yang Zifan stopped his work and said, "Brother, those lotus flowers have no color."

"There is no color, are you sure?" Mingdao had never heard of a colorless lotus. Seeing him nodded and hurried back to the master's room and said, "Master, he said there was no color."

"Oh!" The master answered, waved his hand and said, "Go out!"

Mingdao didn't understand what Master and Yang Zifan were doing. He could only leave the room and come to the view and look at the green trees in a daze. Mingdao felt that Yang Zifan had changed when he came to the Lingtai View.

Yang Zifan lit the lamp and sat cross-legged on the ground. There were only two futons in the view, one master's and one clear. Mingdao looked at him and couldn't help asking, "Who the hell are you?"

Yang Zifan looked up at him and said, "Who do you think I am?"

Ming said, "I always feel like a big shot."

Yang Zifan smiled and said, "Is the big man good?"

Ming said, "Of course, look at the adults of the Central Judge's Mansion in Donglu Shenzhou, and the adults in the Dongdi Mansion. Not to mention that they are the village heads of Lingtai Village at the foot of Lingtai Mountain, they have to nod their heads and bow every time they come."

Yang Zifan looked at him seriously and said, "Brother, do you want to be free or someone else nod your head and bow?"

He said clearly, "I don't want to nod and bow. I just want to be free, go up to the fairy palace for nine days."

Yang Zifan asked again, "How are you?"

Ming said, "Of course, the immortals in the sky are all in it. Look at the moral scriptures, Taiyi real scrolls and Dongxuan scriptures that I usually read are all written by them. It's amazing. It's good to be an immortal." He looked up at the roof and admired it. It seemed that it was a nine-day fairyland.

Yang Zifan asked, "That's natural, but what can be done after freedom?"

Mingdao was surprised.

Yang Zifan asked again, "Do you know what is above the nine heavens?"

Mingdao shook his head.

Yang Zifan continued to ask, "Do you know where the senior brother came from?"

Ming Dao still shook his head.

Yang Zifan said again, "Then what is brother?"

Ming Dao smiled and said, "I'm me. What else can I do?"

Yang Zifan shook his head and said, "Then how did you come and go in your life?"

Mingdao couldn't answer many questions in a row, and said angrily, "You know it, and you definitely can't answer it."

Yang Zifan looked outside, and the night was getting darker. The eternal disaster on the sky slowly turned west, and the three beautiful light bands slowly surrounded it.

"I heard that there were three emperors who went to the top. Did you hear it?"

Ming Dao looked outside and nodded and said, "The three emperors of heaven went up and turned into three lights. Unfortunately, they must not go there."

"If you can't go, you must not go?" Yang Zifan looked at him and said seriously.

Mingdao also looked at him and felt more and more mysterious about the man in front of him and said, "You must be a big man."

Yang Zifan sighed, lay on the ground and looked at the night outside and said lightly, "I'm just a mortal."

Mingdao said seriously, "Although Master also said the same, I believe it."

Yang Zifan smiled and said, "Why be serious?"

Mingdao stood up and said, "You come with me."

The wind outside shook so loudly that the fir trees rustled. Yang Zifan followed Mingdao to a hidden place outside the view. Mingdao looked at a pile of tombs not far away and said, "I buried you here after you were burned by the fire plums that day. Why won't you die?"

Yang Zifan went to the tomb, picked up the tombstone that fell aside, touched the words on it and smiled, "Brother, this character is well written."

Ming Dao said again, "Why didn't you die?" He is very serious, and this problem has been causing him to sleep poorly for many days.

Yang Zifan looked at him and said seriously, "Is there a difference between death and immortality?"

Mingdao said angrily, "Don't always ask questions."

Yang Zifan looked at him and sighed, "Okay, I'll tell you a story."

A long time ago, there was a lizard on the ground, who could escape in front of an enemy with a broken tail every time, so he practiced the broken tail and hoped that he could have more life-saving tricks. One day, he met the phoenix. Seeing that the phoenix had many tails, he thought of a way to grow three tails, so Even if he met three enemies, he could escape. He practiced in the dark corner of the valley every day. His efforts paid off. One day, he finally practiced and grew three tails. He was able to escape in front of the three enemies. He was very pleased to return to the clan to tell them his achievements. As a result, the rest of the clan When the lizard saw him, he said that he was a monster, not a lizard. The lizard was sad that he tried his best to explain, but no one could hear him say that because he had three tails, the lizard could not have three tails, so the lizard could only leave the group and travel alone in the world.

Mingdao was fascinated by Yang Zifan's words and he hurriedly asked, "Then what?"

Yang Zifan sighed and said, "Later, he went to look for lizards like himself, but he didn't know any of them. During the vast journey, he forgot a lot of past and even where he came from. In the end, he even forgot who he was. He only knew that he had three tails and could deal with three enemies."

Ming Dao also sighed, "He is so pitiful."

Yang Zifan laughed instead and said, "But he can escape three times so that he won't die."

Ming Dao shook his head and said, "What's the use of that? I don't know what's the use of living."

Yang Zifan looked up at the sky, and the three auras were unusually beautiful and not talking.

Mingdao is recalling the story and understands what Yang Zifan has been saying.

"So you came here to find yourself?"

Yang Zifan shook his head and said, "No, I know who I am."

Mingdao asked, "Then why are you still looking for something?"

Yang Zifan said, "I'm looking for where I should go."

Ming Dao laughed and said, "Where are you going?" Didn't you come to Lingtaiguan?"

Yang Zifan said, "No, this is just a journey, a journey to find where to go."

Ming Dao thought for a moment and said, "Can the lotus seed help you find where to go?"

Yang Zifan smiled and said, "Maybe!"

Mingdao grabbed his head and couldn't figure out why he began to write vague words again. Yang Zifan firmly inserted the tombstone in his hand on the grave, clapped his hands and walked to the view.

Ming Dao shouted in the back, "Hey, Yang Zifan, you haven't told me why you died."

Yang Zifan didn't look back and said, "Think about the lizard."

Mingdao was stunned.

A day later, the room of the blind Taoist priest said clearly, "Master, who is Yang Zifan?"

Master asked, "What did he say to you again?"

Mingdao talked about what happened last night one by one. The blind Taoist priest's wrinkled face showed a smile and waved his hand and said, "Go and ask him what if he has become an alien and forgot where he came from?"

Unbe puzzled, he left the house and came to the courtyard with doubts. At this time, Yang Zifan was painting on the ground with a red stone picked up outside the Taoist temple, but he didn't seem to be good at painting, and he didn't know what he was drawing.

"Yang Zifan, what should I do if I say that I have become an alien and forgot where I came from?"

Yang Zifan raised his head to look at the ground. Then he drew a cloud on the ground and turned a knife outside the clouds. Under the knife, he turned into a three-tailed lizard, and in the cloud with one hand holding the hilt of the sword, and then drew a lizard without three tails.

After reading it, Mingdao hurried to the master's room and told him one by one.

After hearing this, the blind Taoist priest suddenly laughed and drove Mingdao away and closed the door. Mingdao has never seen Master rushing to the courtyard and shouting, "Yang Zifan, what does your painting mean? Master is crazy."

Yang Zifan looked up and smiled, "Don't worry, your master is not crazy."

Mingdao pulled Yang Zifan outside and said, "Listen, you are still laughing now. Who is laughing for such a long time? It must be crazy. Tell me who you are?"

Yang Zifan listened to the crazy laughter in the room and stretched out his hand to block the enlightened hand and said, "Don't be afraid, I will be fine after I go in." After saying that, he opened the door and walked in. Mingdao wanted to follow up, but there was a loud bang in the door. Yang Zifan flew out of the house and smashed into the yard, and the laughter in the room stopped.

Ming Dao was shocked and said, "Master, Master."

"Master is fine." The voice of the master came from the room.

Yang Zifan slowly got up from the yard and patted the gray on his body and said to Mingdao, "I said he was fine."

The door closes automatically with a bang.

Yang Zifan turned around and walked out, and Ming Dao shouted in the back, "Where are you going?"

Yang Zifan said, "It's time. I have to finish the painting outside."

He said clearly, "You are not a painting. You are uglier than me."

Yang Zifan returned to the courtyard and said to the Ming Road behind him, "Why do you care about his beauty and ugliness? With that, he squatted down and painted on the ground alone. From day to night, from night to day, the whole courtyard was painted with dense strange lines. In this way, the painting took two months, and the master did not go out for two months.

Mingdao still looks at the green tree every day. Yang Zifan paints and doesn't light the lights, and the work of lighting and closing the lights belongs to him, but he doesn't understand that the people in the view are immortals who can see as clearly at night as during the day, but they don't need to light up. When he asked about this when he was young, the master said, "I'm blind. Please comfort me."

In order to comfort me, I have to light up the lights and turn off the lights every day and start to be lazy. Every time I am punished by my master, it has become a habit this day.

"Hahaha..." One day two months later, Yang Zifan suddenly stood in the courtyard and threw the red stone in his hand into the air.

Mingdao, who closed the lights outside the view, thought something had happened and quickly ran into the view. Yang Zifan was crazy, and the whole courtyard was painted in a mess.

"Yang Zifan, what are you doing?" He was angry and showed his brother's demeanor.

Yang Zifan stopped and waved to him, "Look, it's painted."

Daoming couldn't see what he drew at all and scolded, "The ground has been stained for you. Master won't come out and scold me to death."

Yang Zifan shook his head and said, "It's very interesting to watch." With that, he picked a leaf from the tree next to him and swept it in the air. The leaves fell, if dust had been washed.

The whole courtyard has turned into a pool of lotus flowers. The white lotus may open or close, and there are pavilions and pavilions on the lotus, just like a palace.

Yang Zifan said, "Brother, go up and have a look!"

Mingdao was stunned and stood still. He rubbed his eyes and said, "You are blinding again."

Yang Zifan smiled and said nothing. He walked into the corridor and walked on the lotus pond. Mingdao looked so magical and tried to climb up and was surprised to find that the feeling under his feet was so real. He bent down and picked a lotus flower, which turned out to be real.

"It's true, how did you do it?"

Yang Zifan's old smile standing in the courtyard was submerged in silence. He looked at a pool of lotus and said to himself, "He has a pool, and I have it."

Unconsciously, the invisible murderous spirit broke out from the silent Yang Zifan and overturned a pool of lotus flowers. Mingdao ran out of the courtyard. The white lotus flowers shattered one by one, and the beautiful palace turned into ruins. Yang Zifan stood quietly in his body and seemed to be completely unaware of it. When the whole lotus pool turned into ruins After the ruins, he sighed and raised his hand. The ruins disappeared without a trace. The lines that had been melted all over the ground were falling or intermittently. He lowered his head and put his hand on the line with sadness, and the lines slowly faded away in the shadow of the tree.

Mingdao didn't know why he asked for a while, "What's the matter? Where is the lotus pool?"

Yang Zifan took a long breath, stood up and said helplessly, "It disappeared. I thought it was time, but I thought it was wrong."

The magic power just revealed is definitely not something that ordinary immortals can do. Mingdao can see it clearly and ask, "Who are you?"

Yang Zifan shook his head without answering, sitting under the tree and thinking quietly.

Mingdao quietly went to find the master, but the door was locked. He could only return to the courtyard and ask Yang Zifan a few words in a row. His eyes were closed and he said nothing.

Another day, Yang Zifan, who sat with his eyes closed, suddenly stood up and went out. Mingdao followed him and saw that he took out a red crystal from his arms. He had never seen what kind of mineral it was.

Yang Zifan found a large mountain rock outside the Taoist temple and smashed the red crystal hard on it. The crystal flew all over the sky. Strangely, none of the crystals fell to the ground, as if attracted by some force and fell in front of him. He nodded, put the smashed large crystal on a flat stone, and then began to smash them one by one. He knew that all the massive crystals had turned into powder before he stopped. It took almost a day.

After doing all this, he carefully put away the crystals and hurried back to the Taoist temple.

Mingdao followed him and even forgot to light the lamp at night. As soon as he entered the Taoist temple, he heard the long-lost master standing in the courtyard and shouting at him, "Mingdao, lamp."

Mingdao hurried to light the lamp, and the fire fold was on his body.

The blind Taoist priest didn't care about Yang Zifan when he heard the movement in the courtyard and returned to the backyard.