
Chapter 4 The Gone Glory

By the time Irina felt the temple, all the disputes had already ended, and only many people could agree to praise the gods and censor their sins.

Irina was surprised that such a scene only appears at the annual conference. Is it because the divine light just now seems to have exploded again after he left home? What the hell happened?

"May God be with us!" Elgarner said to a priest he knew standing outside the temple, "My friend, what happened? Why do people compete so devoutly praying to praise the gods?

The priest was also looking up and praying to heaven. Hearing the words of Elihana, he said to him excitedly, "You, the righteous man blessed by God, will be the head of Ephraim's father. Today, God has done a great thing among us through your son Mora. God has chosen Mora as his prophet!" Praise, Ghana! Your sons are the envy of Ephraim's fathers and the comfort of Ephraim's mothers. God is with us through them today!"

Igana was surprised, but remembered that Mora had made a wish from God, so it was expected that such a thing would happen. So aligana said, "The God we believe in should be blessed, my friend, please speak carefully for me."

After listening to the priest's story, Ligana opened his long skirt and looked up to praise the gods. Then he went into the temple to look for his sons, because the priest said that the old prophet Eli came out later, and he was also moved by the gods, so he temporarily became strong, came out to bless Moraphrihani, and then called them to the temple.

When Elgana entered the temple, he saw two people in priest's clothes but leaving with a resentful expression - Massa and Ulig. There were no scars on their bodies. The sacrifice who entered the temple with Elygana told Ghana that after Mora's atonement for the people, he was called into the temple by the old prophet Eri who came out. However, when he passed Massa and Uliga, he integrated the light of the golden lampstand in his hand into a beam on Massa and Ulg. Cure them.

At that time, Mora said, "This is the temple of the gods. Since they are priests of God, they should not mourn in the temple of God." Then Mora looked at the two ill-faced brothers and said, "The rain and dew in the sky moistens the fruit trees and nourishes the thorns. The gods make the sun find good people and evil people. Since we can have gods together, let's learn from his tolerance." So his brothers didn't say anything and let Mora cure Massa and Uligu, but Massa and Uligu didn't appreciate it. They got up and left with resentment.

Hearing the priest tell about Mora's behavior, Elgana sighed, "Now that all my children have really grown up, I can really enjoy my days happily. Glory to our God."

Going forward, passing the corridor of the scriptures and classics in the temple, Irina saw the pair of golden lamps being placed on the shelf of the altar. After the corridor, there is the residence of the priests and prophets. Eganah and the old prophet Ely are friends, and they have also been warriors fighting against the demons of the evil country. At the door of Eri, I heard a voice saying, "Is it my dear brother Elyganah?" Come in quickly. Today, the gods and you are with your sons.

When Elygana entered the room, he saw his former friend, the old prophet, looking at the direction of the door. There was a faint smell of incense in the room, but he could still smell a smell of gray that only patients had, which appeared in a In a prophet, that only shows one thing - he is no longer happy for the god, and the god is not looking at him in a blink of an eye!

Eli Gana's sons were standing in front of Eli's window at this time. Eli Garner looked at them, smiled at them, and then went forward to look at Eli, "My old friend, how are you doing?"

Ellie looked at Garner and smiled bitterly and said, "I have been a fool in my son's matter. I actually let them be the priests of the temple by selfishness. Now the retribution has been added to me. I don't have much time, and I will be gone when I meet him."

Irina listened to his words and was very sad, but he didn't know how to comfort him. He often heard about the evils of Massa and Ulig, but unexpectedly, all these sins were borne by Yili.

Seeing the sadness of his old friend, Ely forced himself to do it. Mora hurried forward to help him and put a pillow behind him. Eli looked at Mora happily and said to Elygana, "Don't be sad for me, my friend. This is my sin. I deserve it. And you don't know that when Mora communicated with the redemption of the gods today, I was finally able to communicate with the gods again.

Igana asked nervously, "What is the metaphor of the gods?" Ely replied, "My sins must be accepted. Although I can't go directly to the kingdom of God to rest after death, I can return to the tomb of my ancestors and wait for the day when God is born."

Irina listened and said in silence for a moment, "That's good."

Ellie smiled bitterly: "It's completely like that. My sons are very guilty, but now they still refuse to repent, so the god said..." Speaking of this, Ellie was so excited that he couldn't speak. Elygana hurried forward and asked him, "What the hell?" After a long time, Ellie could calm down and then said, "From now on, there will be no elderly people in my family, and all my descendants will die in middle age!"

"Alas! My God!" When Erina heard this, she tore her clothes and wept together with Eri. Fliny, Hanifei and Mora went out silently. After listening toeli's words, the resentment in Fliny and Hanifei, who were still angry with Massa and Ulig, completely dissipated, leaving only unknown feelings.

The three brothers stood silently outside, and no one had anything to say.

After a long time, there was a voice from Garner in the room, "Fellini, come in!" Fellini was surprised for a moment and then went in. After half a day, he came out, and Hanifei asked, "What's the matter?" Before Fliny answered, Elygana's voice came from the room, "Hanifei, come in!" Hanifei went in with a little depression. Mora asked Fellini, "Brother, what did your father call you to do?" Fellini looked at him with a smile, "You will know in a moment." Mora said "Oh" and stopped asking. She was not disappointed or excited at all. Seeing him like this, Fellini couldn't help sighing, "This is the voter chosen by God himself!" There is an essential difference from us warriors who strive to communicate with the ordinary spirits of the Kingdom of God.

After a while, Hanifei also came out, and no one spoke. There was no sound of Erikana's voice in the room to let Mora in. Fliny and Hanifei looked at each other and saw the doubts in each other's eyes, but Mora looked as usual and did not take all this in mind. Just came forward and asked, "Father, how is the prophet now?"

Lidgana patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said, "The prophet is tired. Don't disturb him anymore. Let's go." Mora had no distractions in his heart and went out with Elegana, but Fliny and Hanifei had doubts in their hearts, but they did not ask anything in front of Mora.

When the people outside saw Elikana and his son, they greeted him, blessing and praising him, thinking that his three sons had communicated with the kingdom of the gods, and Mora was also chosen as a prophet by the gods themselves. Erikana responded to them with a smile, and then offered praise to God. When no people came forward, Erikana said to Mora, "My son, you serve God in the temple. Remember to abide by the code and don't offend them. Don't become a person abom in the eyes of God like Massa and Urig." Mora said, "Yes, father, I will keep God's laws and regulations." Elygana blessed him and then went back with his brothers.

Mora turned back and went back to the temple. Along the way, he kept asking him various questions. Mora answered them according to the code. If there was anything he didn't understand, Mora said that he didn't know, and he was arrogant at all because he was favored by the gods. However, everyone valued it more. He doesn't despise him because he doesn't understand.

On the other side, after walking for a while, Fellini asked Ligana, "Father, why didn't the prophet bless Mora?" Hanifei also looked at him with doubt. He was also blessed by the prophet in the house. At this time, they had seen that the candlelight of the prophet was obviously coming to an end. Generally speaking, the prophet's blessing at this time will basically be the last and highest "life blessing" in his life!

In the blessing law of the Canaan, there is a mysterious law that when a person is about to die, his blessing will be the last glorious blessing of life. As long as it is not special, basically this blessing will be conveyed to the kingdom of God and be recognized by the gods. Therefore, in the Canaan clan, every son will attach great importance to his father's last blessing, because this blessing is not only limited to the eldest son, but also can happen to other children. Once blessed, even the blessed person himself cannot change and does not have the ability to bless again. In the future, the name will be left on the genealogy of this vein, regardless of whether he is the eldest son or not.

This time, the prophet blessed the sons of Eligana with the glory of his last prophet at the last moment of his life, that is to say, the power of these blessings will accompany them forever, unless they have committed great unforgiving sins.

In the house, the prophet blessed Flini, "Flini, you are not a warrior of Ephraim. You are a mighty warrior of the Canaan. Your hands will tear the generals of the enemy kingdom, and your sword will lie full of evil spirits. The name of your warrior will be recited among all nations, and you will be called the first warrior in the world. The ancient Ning record is known as the head of the hero)

The prophet blessed Hanifei, "Hani, your wisdom is praised by the gods. You should be the head of the wise man of Canaan. There is no difficult word in the world that can overcome you. But you should be cautious and not arrogant, but know that many wise people die under their own wisdom.

However, when he came to Mora later, the prophet was silent for a long time and said to Eligana, "My brother Ghana, no one in the world can bless Mora except God. No one can curse him except himself. Don't worry, you, Penguin. Mora will be called the son of God."

After listening to his father's explanation, Fliny and Hanifei no longer have doubts, but they are even more surprised. What is Mora's future?