
Chapter 24 Divine Punishment

Looking at the white and stiff woman sitting there, Mora was also a little at a loss, but looking at the light of the sky, there was already a sound of activity outside the car. As a divine envoy, Mora was no longer suitable to stay in the car at this time.

Although I don't know how to explain it clearly, Mora still explains her behavior to this woman. "Anyway, I think you know that even if we meet and love each other in this place, it is impossible for me to stay. Even if you are willing to insist and wait until I come back, how many years later will it be?

"I can wait." The woman said.

Mora stroked his head with a headache, "Even if you are willing to wait, there is a premise that you should not forget - it is based on our feelings. But the fact is that you women suddenly suffered a great disaster and happened to meet God's dispatch of me. As a result, you were afraid that I would suddenly leave, so you chose you and another woman to come and want to leave me here. You probably regard this as your own and your only goal, and then regard it as a real thing in your heart.

After talking for a long time, Mora didn't care whether the woman understood or not. She stuffed the remaining earrings into her hand, and then said, "Think about it. In fact, we don't have anything. As for the earrings, it's just to let the people who are still outside settle the heart of that little letter. Wash your face before you go out. No With sadness, God will always be with you.

After saying that, Mora went out, and the children had already woken up and been led back by their mother. As soon as Mora came out, he saw the women yesterday around her car at this time, which scared Mora.

These women are in good spirits, but the deep eyes show that they don't have a good night. Mora looked at these women, and today they look at him a little differently. Mora looked at the slightly reserved woman holding the earrings in her hand and other women whispering something, and couldn't help but praise them in her heart, and then stood in the car and opened her mouth to bless them in the complex mind of these women's expectations or thanks or other words:

"You women who remain in the ashes should be strong and courageous, because death did not take your life. You are the remaining fire, and you will light a new flame for yourself and your family. Today, I bless you. May God check in the sky and bless the living and dead for your strength.

These women praised loudly: "God the Father should be praised!"

Mora got out of the car and asked the approaching Ophira, "How far is the nearest village from here?"

Ofila replied, "The nearest departure here needs to pass through two mountains, and you will arrive after passing a river. My father's home is also there." As she said this, she couldn't help showing a worried look on her face.

The remaining gangsters once said that they were just a large group, and many people went to nearby villages. Although there were also some young people in those villages who were warriors, not to mention the small number, how could they be compared with the mercenaries who had lived on the edge of the knife? Besides, these mercenaries are still a group of murderous and greedy hungry wolves from foreign countries.

Mora sighed, unless something special happened, I'm afraid that the villages around here would be more or less lucky. Thinking of this, Mora's disgust with those businessmen deepened.

He changed his own path and actually started a robber business after being let go by the robbers. There were also extremely cruel killings and looting, which made Mora feel unforgivable. So after breakfast, Mora immediately went on her way with these equally anxious women.

A teenager with a group of seemingly weak women, riding in a carriage with a knife, as if he were fighting, but looking at the movements of those women and the young man in the front vehicle still has a tender face, more people will think it's something else.

However, what worries Mora and these people is sad is that they have not met anyone on the way. The people in this village have been almost extinct, but in other areas, they can't even see the common shepherds or people in the field, and everyone's hearts sinks.

Although such a thing has already been guessed in my heart, I really found that they have become a fact. Some of these women's parents have begun to cry in this place.

Mora didn't have time to comfort them at this time. At this time, he stood on the roof of his special car, holding the "thousand-mile eye" sent by Yin Geli in his hand. The careful observer Ophera pointed out that there should be a village. Although it was far away and he didn't see it clearly, but there was still a faint rise when looking at the place. Mora knew that the place had suffered misfortune.

The motorcade accelerated, and Mora picked up the staff in his hand to guard against the ambush villains. Finally, the motorcade gradually approached the village, and the women also saw the smoke and residual flames, and suddenly cried.

Women in this place generally don't marry too far away, so many people are from villages nearby. Yesterday, my husband's family suffered a lot of hardship. Many of these women secretly fantasized that their father's family was still safe and could shelter themselves, and now their last hope has been dashed.

Mora was full of divine power. He opened his eyes and looked carefully and saw that there were basically no women and children's bodies in this village except for the elderly. He immediately said to Opira, "Is there any closer place around here? I think many women and children have been kidnapped. Now you can stop mourning. We need to have A big battle is going to be fought."

Ophera barely stopped crying, which was also because they had not yet entered the village and had no time to bury their dead. Mora left several women who could not ride in the car because they were weak, and then took her other women to the next village immediately.

The nearby village is not too far away, and you can even see other villages from a high place. Mora immediately rushed to the next village with these women, but it was still ashes.

He ran almost non-stop to three villages. Finally, when passing a mountain, Mora stopped the car and let the women behind him stop. At first, these women didn't understand why, but after the car stopped, the noisy sound from the other side of the mountain let them know that they were probably meeting those vicious gangsters.

Mora asked these women to hold the knives. He picked up his staff and went to the mountain to check the scene on the other side of the mountain. In the eyes of these women, Mora finished speaking and suddenly disappeared in an instant. Such a magical action reminded them that the seemingly ordinary teenager in front of them was actually a believer of a god and a powerful messenger.

These women calmed down and carefully looked at whether there was anyone on all sides with knives, but nothing.

Mora ran fast on the mountain, as if it was not a steep hillside, but a gentle ground. Moreover, his speed was extremely fast, and a hill more than 100 meters high was run to the top of the mountain in an instant.

Because the mountain is extremely steep, there are no other people on the mountain. Mora stood up and down the mountain and looked down. On the other side of the mountain is a large plain. At the end of the plain is a large village, but the village is completely covered by fire and smoke at this time, and there is even a faint howling sound inside. Mora looked hard. It was found that many old people and some middle-aged men were tied with their hands to pillars or houses. The fire was burning, and those trapped in it struggled painfully.

The gangsters who plundered everywhere had gathered in one place at this time. On the plain at the foot of this mountain, there were about 1,000 people. Mora looked carefully and found that it was indeed the leader of the caravan and their mercenaries! In addition, a large amount of gold and silver belongings and hundreds of young women who were completely stripped were surrounded like goods, and there were looting mercenaries from time to time - today's gangsters exchanged something for several women and then ate and drank happily there.

Mora checked again and found that there were still many people tied a pair of men and women, who seemed to be husband and wife or brothers and sisters, doing extremely evil things there. Mora was greatly excited by these tragic scenes. He clenched the staff given to him, looked up at the sky, communicated with the gods in his heart, and shouted:

"Father, please check it! Why are the people who have done these evil things still in the world? My heart saw them staining the beauty of human beings with your image and glory. My heart is very excited and unable to control myself, but I don't want to destroy your will. Now I beg you to teach me the facts of these things and what I should do?

A voice replied, "You are excited for righteousness but not impulsive. You always put me first. Today, I give you great and terrible power. You have my glory on earth, and you will fight for my glory until you see me. Go and remove these dirty things from my eyes. I will be with you until the ends of the earth. Be bold. I am your strength and shield.

As soon as the sound stopped, Mora saw a mysterious force or spirit falling on him from the sky, and he was full of power and various abilities.

When the Father answered Mora, the voice was also conveyed to the ears of the people at the foot of the mountain, but they did not hear anything else, just as thunder. But the sky was not necessarily dark, and these evildoers suddenly panicked.

Then, one of them suddenly shouted, "Look, what's on that mountain?"

His colleagues looked at it with his hand, but said, "It's just a cloud, or it's going to rain."

The person who shouted first said, "No, no, I just saw someone shining a light to the sky, and then a cloud suddenly appeared on the mountain."

As he spoke, the cloud suddenly became bigger, as if a strong wind had blown by. The cloud spread quickly, and someone shouted, "It's going to rain."

The bandits at the foot of the mountain began to set up tents and continue their feast.

It's just that at first, the speaker was regarded as dazzled by his companions. If he hadn't seen any changes on the mountain for a long time, he no longer paid attention to it. However, the next thing immediately let him know that he was afraid that there was really a divine man to deal with them.

The fast-flying cloud suddenly covered the sky, but it did not rain immediately. Instead, it was divided into two parts. One part suddenly continued to move. When it arrived at the place where it was burned by the fire, it immediately rained, as if it was a blink of an eye. All the fire in the village disappeared, not even the extinguished smoke. It appeared, as if it had never been burned by the fire. If it hadn't been for the fact that those who were burned by the fire were still struggling at this time, these bandits who were shocked by this miracle would probably think that they had hallucinations.