
Chapter 36 Greed as the abys

No one thought about this, but none of these people were idiots. At first glance, Zhen Ni, the daughter of the master, came out of the room, and then contacted the strange expression of the naked woman who had just been "saved" from the room. These people suddenly understood what had happened.

The person far away immediately ran away, which made him very embo. And everyone close to them lowered their heads secretly, and several newcomers' faces even turned red. Although everyone has a disapproval in their hearts, they have been caught doing such a frame-up, which is really ugly.

However, people's face can always be beyond their own imagination. Looking at Zhen Ni's anger and almost trembling, he actually touched her head with a simple and silly look and said:

"Ha ha, Zhen Ni, you misunderstood. We actually want to play a joke with this little hero Mora. Ha ha, it's true. If you don't believe it, you can ask Tswar."

With that, the "cheap" helper asked the woman who was already dressed:

"Isn't it, Tswar?"

The woman looked at her man and other people's eyes. Although she knew that it might leave an extremely bad image on Zhen Ni, it was not at all ambiguous how to choose her.

"Yes, Miss Zhen Ni, in fact, we just want to joke with this little hero who saved you." Although the woman knew that she should stand there, she did not dare to look at Zhen Ni when she spoke.

"Good! OK! OK! You...! You are indeed the people of our Saidong Gang, which really opened my eyes, you...!!!" Zhen Ni put the knife in her hand back into the scabbard and left angrily.

Although she is the daughter of the owner of the sea gang, she has been familiar with it over the years that a completely good sea gang cannot survive in such a complex sea town.

But for a long time, she is not really clear about the true face of the Haibang. After all, neither the master's father nor her brother want her to touch these dark sides.

Now she has really seen it. If she is an ordinary person, she will not be so angry. The key is the girl's mind - the moment of love at first sight of the life and death on the cliff? Or are you simply attracted by this perfect angel teenager and don't want the worldly filth to stain him?

The girl left with anger and resentment, but the others were still gathered around, looking around and looking for it, but they couldn't find Mora.

"Where is that little scum?"

"I'll wipe it! It's all this disaster today. How much trouble has it brought us!!"

"Mad!! Sovaro still owes me ten yuan! I wipe it! Gerry, if you kill Sovaro, then the debt he owes will be counted on you!!"

"Daily! After Wali, you ate too much sea mud, didn't you? Damn it, do you believe me stuff you into the fur seal** with a fork!!!"


"All right! Is it him? Calm down, Mad, this is the little white face that caused trouble, let him pay for it!!!"

"His carriage seems to have been spelled, and such a magic car is at least this number!!" A sharp-eyed guy stretched out his hand and showed five fingers.

"I haven't seen it! Not to mention the carriage, it's the horse pulling the cart. Haven't you blind people seen it?! Once that horse is to be sold, don't you see the eyes of those people staring at this horse today?

"Ah?! I didn't notice, brother, what's wrong? What kind of special breed is this horse?! Did that really send it?

"Second-hand goods! What is a breed of horse? The key is that this horse is smart!!! The psychic horse, even if it is disabled, is a treasure for countless people to break their heads!!! With such a horse, hum, the combat effectiveness of an ordinary warrior can be at least fivefold!!!"

"What a horse??? So dragging?!?"


"Brother, if we sell this horse, won't we send it?"


These people are quiet, but the burning greed in their eyes makes their inner thoughts almost heard.

"Damn it, where's the horse?"

Suddenly, someone found that the carriage and horse could not be found.

"I'll wipe?! Who moved my horse?!" The love has taken this as something in the bag.


Mora looked through the curtain in the car and watched these people holding their carriages and horses planning various things next to their carriages, and couldn't help but be stunned.

Well, what are these people's heads made of? Their way of thinking, suddenly Mora pulled them in to study to see if these people are still the same species as themselves!!!

It's too shameless to describe them!!!

Mora opened the array that isolated the line of sight and the array that isolated the sound in the car. Suddenly, the sound outside stopped coming in.

Because of the magic array on the French car, these people searched desperately around the yard and other places, but they couldn't find it.

Several people even took shovels to dig one pit after another on the ground, and almost all over the yard without digging three feet. If such a treasure hunt had been laughed to death, but now this group of people are all fascinated by money and desire. They are completely dizzy and lost their wisdom. They are actually looking for while paying attention to those people who dig the ground, for fear that they will really find something.

On the carriage, Mora casually added his own strength to the magic array that came with the carriage, and then ignored these people who had lost their hearts.

Originally, these arrays were not so exquisite, but with the support of Mora's near demigod power, they actually had an effect that even designer Yin Geli could not imagine.

Every time those people pass by or even pass the place where the carriage is, they can't find any abnormality, and even the ground has not sunk at all -- as if the car is no longer in this space, but has entered a different dimension.

However, these people don't have this insight. Even if they do, I'm afraid they won't think of it now, because Mora, who looks like a weak teenager, is just a little hot fat sheep for them.

And Mora had fallen asleep again, ignored these people, and let them look for it greedily for half a night, but they found nothing. All the grass in the yard was removed, and even several fences were finally torn down, and then a hand was made of mud. These people found nothing.

However, the more so, the greed in their hearts becomes more and more, and even almost burns their reason. If they hadn't kept the last bit of reason, I'm afraid even the courtyard wall would have been demolished.

Mora slept peacefully in the car, but these people were suddenly aroused by the deep greed caused by the value of the carriage and horse, and they didn't stop overnight.

The more you can't find it, the more you feel that it is a good thing and the more you look for it. Then patience, reason and energy are consumed here.

When the sky was about to dawn, someone suddenly had hallucinations. In a trance, he saw the carriage in front of him, and then he seemed to see that he had sold the carriage and horses and got countless money. There were many servants and maidservants surrounding him, and even the master's daughter Zhen Ni surrounded him.

All kinds of fantasies came to their faces, and there would be no such mental problems with the minds of these warriors. But they have always been deceitful people, with no goodness in their hearts and full of evil from time to time. The mind may be firm at ordinary times, but it is nothing more than a fierce spirit that belongs to people. Now that it has lost its courage, it will soon be paraded around the world to find all kinds of spiritual thoughts that can be "swallowed".

Last night, I was suddenly moved by the countless money, and then we found it together. If there were only two people, it would be fine. It was precisely because these people suddenly thought of the value of the carriage that no one wanted to sleep first. As a result, they lost their share of themselves and profits, and then none of these people actually said to give up for a night!!!

In fact, in the end, the instincts of these dark camp warriors have been launched, but when they see so many people find a night with themselves, they are not a fool? Moreover, almost everyone thinks to himself:

"Nima, if I suddenly walked back at this time, not only did the hard work of this night be in vain. If these grandchildren find the result again and don't have my share, won't they be laughed to death?! No, I have to keep looking!"

When the sky is about to dawn, the evil spirits hidden in the depths of the darkness of the earth have reached the last moment of activity - in a few minutes, they will return to their own land to enjoy the harvest of the night.

However, for most people, they will protect their souls with all kinds of methods at night, especially warriors, who almost instinctively protect their souls with wisdom and courage.

However, there are exceptions at this time. These people who have worked hard for a night because of greed are originally suitable for the growth of darkness, and after a night of unproductive actions, all kinds of dark thoughts, anger and murder in their hearts have almost reached the limit. For countless evil spirits of hunting in the dark, this is an extremely good opportunity.

Finally, at the last moment, when the sun was about to come out, countless dark shadows suddenly turned into sharp arrows into the depths of these people' hearts and immediately hid.

Although their hearts have almost fallen into darkness and depravity, the instinct of warriors for more than ten years still made these people wake up as soon as those dark shadows appeared, but the sun then rose, and these people's eyes suddenly thought they were busy overnight. Flowers, or the normal scene of darkness before dawn, are not put in the heart.

Mora and his carriage, which are still undiscovered, are still remembered by these people, making them have little way to sit down.