
Chapter 45 Embarrassing God

ps: So who, it's getting cold, wear more clothes. Also, you must have breakfast, otherwise you will know how sad I feel at this moment.

With a sigh, Mora put down the code in his hand, pushed open the hatch and went out. At this time, Haizhen, whether it is the most prosperous port or the secluded alley in the quiet town, is crowded with traffic, as if a group of live fish that had just been caught were suddenly thrown into a pot boiling water.

Mora walked to the deck and looked at all this silently without saying anything. The merchant sailors and the workers who passed by him quietly avoided him, and almost no one dared to get too close to Mora.

Although Mora's prediction has not been confirmed, it is also because of his warning that the people of the sea gang gathered all the mages to predict that although the tsunami is not as horrible as the strange sea storm, it is also an existence that the vast majority of fishermen and seafarers cannot feel.

Moreover, if Mora had predicted a huge storm in the sea, I'm afraid that these people who have lived by the sea all year round will only give Mora a blind eye with their rich experience.

To take a step back, even if that is valued by them, they will not gather mages from the whole town to speculate together. Naturally, it is impossible to find the tsunami, an equally strange and terrible sea disaster.

None of these people who often do business and those who are warriors are unwise. These people guessed such a result after a little thought in their hearts. Although it was not confirmed by Mora (no one dared to ask him), these people believed in their own judgment.

So, the result of the hard measurement of the power of wisdom gathered together by so many mages was easily discovered by this seemingly weak teenager. What kind of existence should this teenager himself be? Many people who saw Mora secretly thought about it.

Moreover, even those mages who had boarded the ship quietly gathered around and watched the teenagers standing on the deck silently watching the busy or panicked scene in the sea town, bowing their heads and communicating with something. Mages have no good impression of believers in magic and gods. Their faith is their own wisdom and power. But that's also limited. When a god who far surpasses them appears in front of them, these people clearly know what their attitude should be like. What's more, Mora's prophecy saved everyone's lives.

Although it is not a direct rescue, these people will not be so faint that they take all the credit to themselves, especially the arrogant mages, who do not allow such despicable behavior to do with themselves. Their nobility is obtained by their own wisdom and strength.

What's special is that if Mora's prediction had not attracted the collective speculation of the mages, they would not have found the tsunami that was still brewing so early. If the tsunami broke out, even these arrogant mages would have found the danger, I'm afraid they would have been inseparable.

In a word, these people who have nothing important to do at this time have begun to think about the beginning and end of this big event, and the protagonist who saved everyone has become the center of their thinking. Mora stood quietly on the deck, and the sea breeze blew his hair and brushed his white clothes. At this time, the sun was still bright, and the vibrant sunshine sprinkled on the teenager, as if he were an angel who accidentally fell into the world, missing the beauty of heaven.

The slightly lonely figure looks lonely between the vast sea and sky. Maybe he is homesick? Many people watching teenagers elsewhere can't help thinking about it. The sadness on the teenager's face inexplicably touched many people's hearts. Even the seaside mercenaries who were fierce like bandits than warriors, they had the guts to go up to comfort the teenager and ask him what he could do.

There are many people with this idea, but no one walks over. It seems that what they see is only a landscape painting. Although the people in the painting moved them, they will not walk up and talk to the people in the painting.

Of course, this is only an appearance, and the deeper reason is what Mora said when he gave the prophecy and the clothes he was wearing at that time. Since these people know and are convinced that he is an extremely great believer and prophet of the people, and may even be the kind of "powerful" who can directly communicate with the gods and the gods, no one will no longer regard the teenager as an ordinary person.

The believers of the gods, whether in the light camp or the dark camp, are not contacted by ordinary people if they want. Not to mention their strange or mysterious rules, laws, rules, or everything else, the gods themselves are often a big trouble - every god, no matter how they integrate into the world, the blind can see their differences. Warriors or mages are often particularly stubborn or stubborn in some aspects, but a divine disciple may be harsh in all aspects. The highest-level national sacrifice wine of the eastern country of etiquette known as the head of the world's rites also jumps and the corners of his mouth.

This is still something tolerable, and one of the reasons why the gods become far away from many people in the world is that once someone has a relatively close relationship with the gods and the gods - for example, they become friends, the gods will always try to keep this person' etiquette and even join his faith camp. The most miserable thing is that some people who accidentally handed over the gods of the dark camp will often be sadly ZYX after resolutely expressing their refusal!!!

This god in the world is not an inaccessible existence for many people, but because of this, many people know very well how the gods can't be touched. Once infected with the "line" of the god, then accept your fate. Unless the god is very weak, or just a small spirit, and that person is a power level or a person with a power level to bear the "line" for him, he will not be able to escape for the rest of his life.

As for those high gods, hehe, unless that person also embarks on the road of becoming a god, he can't get rid of it - but he has become a god, hehe.

This is exactly why, so, although Mora saved these people's lives, they showed a kind and grateful smile when they saw them in Mora's eyes at most, but it was impossible to expect them to come forward and talk to Mora.

However, there are always exceptions.

"Mora, the weather on the sea is changeable. I have prepared some thick clothes for you. Do you think it's appropriate?" The girl did not see Mora automatically dodge three feet away like others. Instead, she walked to Mora with a pack of clothes in her hand.

Seeing that the daughter of her master dared to walk over and talk to the prophet of God, these Sailors and workers of the Sea Gang working on the ship jumped their eyelids, but no one stopped them.

Not to mention whether it can be stopped now, that is, at the beginning, the pearl in the palm of his master had a great connection with Mora. Now, even if it is more, I'm afraid it will not reduce anything.

Mora took over the clothes and said, "Thank you. May God bless you, a pure-hearted woman."

However, Zhen Ni listened and couldn't help but be stunned. After a while, the girl asked with a little complicated feelings, "Mora, aren't we still friends? Why do you talk to me like this?"

Mora sensed the complex feelings in the girl's voice, which he had read in many books, but it was the first time that he felt the most secret unspoken feelings in people's hearts.

However, although such feelings are novel to Mora, they can't leave any traces in his heart at all. However, out of his concern for the woman, he still replied, "My heart is very sad. I hope God can see my sorrow."

After saying that, Mora took the clothes she gave him and went to the cabin.

Zhen Ni listened to his words and stood there in a frenze. This time, she heard something. It was not that Mora did not disoate her friends, but that he seemed to be completely brought into the prophetic role of the god for some reason.

Looking at the slightly thin figure disappearing under the ladder of the deck, Zhen Ni hesitated for a long time and pretended to look around. As a result, she found that many people who had just stared at Mora were looking at her at this time, and their eyes were very strange.

But the girl's mind at this moment is not these, but something else. Zhen Ni turned her face to the sea and didn't let those people see her slightly blushing cheeks, but it was just a cover. Because many sharp-eyed warriors and mages have seen the delicate skin behind her ears secretly reveal the crimson touching color.

Several dexterous people have thought of countless stories that must be told just by looking at this scene - several people looked at each other a few times, and then unexpectedly showed some bad and obscene smiles with expectation in this chaotic time.

Zhen Ni was blown by the sea breeze, but she felt that the temperature of her cheeks did not seem to drop much, but it was getting warmer and warmer.

Is your face red?

Will it be seen?

Has anyone seen it?

Will these people think of something they shouldn't think about in their hearts?

What should I do? What should I do?

No, it can't be like this anymore! Zhen Ni, you have to calm down, don't panic, take a deep breath, calm down, calm down, and lower your face.

Zhen Ni is trying to lower the blush on her face, which also seems to have some effect.

"Juni!" I kept patting my hand on Zhen Ni's hand.

"Ah-!!!" The girl's sudden scream scared the people behind her to take a step back.

"Ah?! Father... Father... Father?" Only then did Zhen Ni notice that behind her was her father and several people in the gang.