
Chapter 47 The Love of God

Tepila is churning these evil thoughts in her heart, and she can't wait to press Zhen Ni under her body immediately. It's better to tie the little white face together in front of these two people...

Thinking of this, Tephira found that she was actually hard! However, he didn't feel ashamed at all. Instead, he was even more angry and wanted to do it immediately.

But after all, he is not a hairy boy. While walking behind silently and greedily staring at Zhen Ni's delicate body, he turned his mind crazily in his heart and considered all kinds of conspiracy and tricks.

Zhen Ni and her party quickly walked back to the ship, and the people on the ship had already seen what was happening in the town on the deck, as if it were the chaotic scene before the end of the world.

Many merchants' families are still in the town, and now they can't sit on the boat and wait for the business. However, in today's situation, there is no way for them to go back and see. The property of these businessmen is a guarantee of identity and majesty when it is safe, but at this apocalyptic moment, it will only be the envy or coveted object of crazy people.

It's not that these businessmen have not thought about taking their servants down, but the increasingly chaotic town can no longer be used by this manpower.

Moreover, seeing many warrior-level mercenaries who are in chaos in the town, these businessmen know very well that if the mercenaries behind them are asked to escort themselves back, they are likely to be gone.

Thinking of this, these businessmen look at the mercenaries' faces getting worse and worse. These people who can do anything for money will never be trusted.

There are many warrior guards among the servants and families of several large merchants, so they can safely save their families. However, although the guards of these large merchants are their own servants, they are not in a hurry to go back, because their families also have such guards, so they don't have to be careful. The family will suffer a big loss in this chaotic time.

This can also show the long-term vision and background of various businessmen, but there are also smart businessmen who immediately borrow some reliable warrior guards from businessmen who do not need to go back to settle their families - mercenaries are never the support in times of crisis.

Formately, although these businessmen are usually old and crafty, they are not exerting their greedy nature in this kind of matter that is related to the lives of their families. As long as they are familiar big businessmen, they are happy to lend their home guards to the merchants in need to let them go back to settle their families.

The merchants who couldn't borrow people didn't dare to go down, for fear that the last hope would be cut off. Finally, several well-ranking big businessmen united and gathered their family care guards in one place. At this time, they also called the mercenaries and formed a team to the place where the merchants in the town lived. Fang went to place the guards, and several mages who had made friends with the merchants also went down with several friends at the begging of the merchants.

When Zhen Ni returned to the ship, she saw such a chaotic and noisy scene, but the sea gang guards on the ship picked up their swords and stared fiercely at everyone who might make trouble. Therefore, although the ship was chaotic, there was nothing difficult to deal with.

Although Zhen Ni was focused on going to Mora's place at this time, after all, she was one of the main things in the Hai Gang at this time. She couldn't show the thoughts of those little daughters too clearly, so she took the escort of the Hai Gang to inspect the full ship and let people calm those who were very flustered at this time. Even the weeping businessman.

After being busy for a long time, she kept bothering her with other things. One after another, Zhen Ni even doubted whether the other masters were gone. However, when someone asked, she knew that the masters were also very busy, so Zhen Ni had to resist the impulse to shake her hand and continue to deal with the things on the ship one by one.

In a cabin that Zhen Ni didn't know, several "busy" masters were discussing something with a gloomy person there.

If Zhen Ni is there, she will definitely recognize this person, the Tefira who has been staring at herself with damn eyes and making herself very annoying!

"Tepila, is it really appropriate for you to do this?" A master said doubtfully.

"That's right. Although the man didn't show any meaning to the young lady, who knows what he is thinking, in case..." said another principal.

"But don't forget that he is a divine disciple! God! Do you know what a divine disciple is?!" Tefira said coldly, "There are few gods who can get married! Even if there is, it is also an insider of their belief system. How can it be Zhen Ni?! We are the people of Neptune!"

Several other masters stopped talking, but they still looked a little hesitant. Of course, the reason for this hesitation is still because of Mora's performance - the combined power of so many mages is barely comparable to him. Although that power does not belong to him, who knows the god's love for him? What is it like? In case you can use magic power at any time, then...

Seeing the hesitation of these people, Tefera had to make some harsh information, "Besides, the master is only a daughter of Zhen Ni. Whoever marries her in the future will be the next master of the gang, but will that person stay?"

Seeing the intention of these masters, Tefera continued: "Take ten thousand steps back, even if that person stays, will you be willing to let him be our leader?"

The faces of these masters finally changed, and Tefera immediately added another fire, "So, Zhen Ni must marry the people in our gang, not only for our Hai Gang, but also for Zhen Ni's happiness. We did this for her good. Even if that man marries her, how can he be better than a husband who takes full care of her?

Finally, Tefira added: "Moreover, I am the most likely to marry Zhen Ni in the gang now. At that time, you will also be the elders of the gang! But it's much better than what the master is doing now!"

Hearing this, these people belonging to Tephira's group finally made up their mind to work with him. They often sent things from Tephira, and even went with him to do something that the master did not allow, so these people were a small secret gang in the gang.

The reason why it is a secret is that Tefira is always very careful and never lets herself do those things in person, and always has to be several people to do it. It is also because of Tephira's way of doing things that these people are willing to be with him. A pig-like teammate is much more terrible than a tiger-like opponent.

Zhen Ni is still busy until it's almost dark and still has a lot of things to deal with.

Finally, Zhen Ni began to doubt, but the manpower arranged by Tefira came out at this time to report that another master came, and Zhen Ni immediately put down everything and left to rest.

However, Zhen Ni was still the first to go to Mora's room. When Tefira heard the news, she once again left a deep fist mark and blood stain on the hard Nepharm wood.

Moura's room.

After Zhen Ni came, she greeted Mora and sat down quietly. Mora has been reading the code word by word there. Zhen Ni didn't say anything, and Mora didn't take the initiative to say anything.

The room is quiet, and only the slightly yellow candlelight adds a little warmth to the cabin. Occasionally, there was a "shudling" sound of pages turning in the quiet room, which seemed more quiet, but not deserted at all.

Finally, Mora felt that she had been sitting for a long time, so she put down the book and found that Zhen Ni, who had been sitting quietly on the other side of the bed since she came into the room to say hello, had fallen asleep at the end of the bed sweetly.

Mora walked over and gently pushed her, but Zhen Ni was really tired and fierce. She didn't respond at all and fell asleep. The girl's quiet eyebrows and eyelashes seemed to shake, but Mora didn't care about such details, so she didn't notice.

Reached through the girl's neck and knees, picked up the sleeping girl and put it in the correct position. Then Mora gently pulled the sheet to cover the girl and gently tangled the quilt for her - although it didn't care about the so-called amorous feelings, it didn't mean that Mora was a rude person. On the contrary, he He knows how to be considerate almost than those so-called romantic figures, because that's his nature. Because of this, it attracts those who are soft-hearted.

The girl stared at Mora with her eyes widened,

"Mora, I like you!"

Even if the candlelight was gray, Mora still clearly saw the girl's shy red smile as if she were a flower.

Mo stretched out his hand, gently covered the girl's face, then stroked down on her eyes, and immediately closed the girl's eyes.

"Go to bed!"

The sound is very flat and there is nothing else.

However, the shy girl feels that no refusal is the best answer. Mora watched herself wake up and did not drive herself away. Instead, she let herself stay here. The girl suddenly felt that she was real...

The girl who closed her eyes has put down her reservedness. Although her face burned like the most ** fire, she is bolder.

"Morah, do you like me?"

Mora looked at the girl who was not honest with her eyes closed with a headache, and wanted to slap her on her jade-like neck to calm her down.

The girl continued to be bold, opened her eyes, and suddenly stretched out her hand and grabbed Mora's hand. Before Mora did not move, she pulled the hand into the quilt and held it in her arms.

This feeling, oh, Mora is the first time, more intimate than in that village.

Soft, warm, very elastic, gentle seems to be written there, waiting for some unknown touch.

Mora was sitting by the bed at this time, so the non-thick sheet was not taken away.

On the contrary, you can see the girl's arm and the one held in the girl's arms outside...

Mora's hand twitched, and the girl didn't let go, but her face turned more red.

"When I was a child, the elders in the temple once told me the story of a daughter of the sea." Mora suddenly said.

Zhen Ni was shy but bold and insisted on staring closely at Mora's eyes and listening to Mora's words.