
Chapter 49 Seastorm is coming!

Seeing that things were going in an unpredictable direction, Zhen Ni and several other steweners quickly came out to appease the crowd.

First, the sailor was imprisoned at the bottom of the cabin to calm the mage's anger.

Although these mages were going to kill the sailor at first, in fact, those anger came more from the shame that the mages did not want to admit.

As a noble and powerful mage, he will be invaded by the spirit of chaos like those vulgar and corrupt mercenaries, which makes the mages feel that their dignity is very hurt.

In addition, a mage was killed by a sailor who was not even a warrior, which made those mages even more angry. They said that they wanted to kill the sailor. In fact, it was more to hide their inner anger.

When Zhen Ni ordered someone to take the sailor down, she quietly promised the sailor that she would give him three times the wages when she got to the coast, and immediately convinced the sailor to be taken down without resistance.

In fact, the sailor himself knew that Zhen Ni would not say anything even if she killed herself to calm the mage's anger. Mage, those are all people who have enough power to fear other kings and princes, and many people secretly call them "human gods". So the sailor obeyed Zhen Ni's order.

The mages were appeased, but the merchants who lost their goods were still staring with red eyes, as if they had to choose someone to eat at any time. However, although they were almost angry and rational, their brains were still awake. Now they are on the ship, not in their shops. If they are really crazy, then they are just poor people who are swallowed up by the storm in the sea when others laugh.

Zhen Ni also looked at these dozen businessmen with a headache, and finally confirmed that some of them still had some goods, but some of them had completely become bachelors. Zhen Ni promised those merchants who still had goods that they would be free of shipping this time; for those who had no goods, she promised to charge only one-fifth of their shipping money the next time she went to sea.

Such a promise seems to be rich, but in terms of time, it is almost equivalent to the words of an empty glove white wolf - I don't know what will happen to Haizhen in the future. Even if it is intact, the three sea gangs will take turns to go to sea. When the time of the promise comes, I'm afraid it will be four or five years later! Moreover, at that time, I didn't know who was in charge.

However, no matter how dissatisfied those businessmen are, what can they do now on other people's ships? This chaotic moment and people, although they almost want to pull the whole ship to die immediately, their businessmen's eyes over the years can clearly see the meaning of other people's faces - if they are still dissatisfied, then these people will not mind a few more fish in the sea. Food.


Finally, she finished these things, and then Zhen Ni took the other steweners to other places on the ship to check. Although Zhen Ni is out of the sea for the first time, she is not unfamiliar with things in the sea, and even seems to be as easy and natural as dealing with a woman's own affairs. This also made several haunted stewards involuntarily act carefully for fear of being seen by Zhen Ni.

The coast is far away from sight and can no longer be seen. For people who are not familiar with the sea, heaven and earth are the same color.

If you stand on the side of the deck and only look at the sky and the sea, there will even be nothing between heaven and earth. There is only a blue and white world, and you will feel lonely in this world.

For many people, even if the sun is still shining there at this time, they still can't distinguish the direction.

And some mercenaries who have never been out of the sea and are not strong are not strong. At this time, they not only can't even distinguish the direction from the southeast and northwest, but even confused up and down, actually turning the blue sky and the sea upside down. Then no matter how others correct them, they couldn't come over in their feelings. They rolled around in the boathouse, and several of them were serious and even vomited.

In addition, although many people can distinguish between the top and the bottom, they have lost their way, but they also feel that their heads are spinning, and the food in their stomach seems to be restless there and must come out. Several of the businessmen who were weak and stayed up for several nights actually fell ill with vomiting and vomiting.

Such things come one after another, although these things will be encountered almost every time you go to sea, but this time they are not well prepared and chaotic, so things are much more than usual. Until three days have passed since I went to sea, things kept coming out.

For good, on the fourth day, things finally gradually decreased. In addition to the two sick businessmen who were still breathing there, others could finally calm down a little and enjoy the clear scenery of the sea and sky.

However, it seems that going to sea is really not a good choice.

On the morning of the fifth day when he had just calmed down, when the merchants, mercenaries, hired workers and some young mages were watching the sunrise on the deck and enjoying the boiling spectacular scene of the sea, suddenly everyone felt as if someone was blowing at themselves in front of them. These people couldn't help it. I narrowed my eyes.

In an instant, these people were either surprised, surprised, careful or cautious, but when everyone opened their eyes again, their eyes widened, as if they had seen something extremely incredible.

Just now, the sea that was still burning like fire is still so bright, but everyone who is still awake and understands in their hearts clearly feels that the sun full of vitality seems to have been killed in an instant!

The still brilliant sunshine is not so much light as the strange blood light, as red as blood! Reflected on the sea, it is more like countless gods falling. Their blood dyed the world red, and the people full of boats looked at the vision in horror at this time.

Brave warriors, treacherous and cunning merchants, powerful and self-respecting mages, humble sailors and seamen hired workers and mercenaries who sacrificed their lives for money. At this time, they were all cold, as if they had fallen into a ten-thousand-year-old cold pool.

In the face of the power of nature, people have always been small.

"How come? How come?" A young mage muttered incredulously. In the morning, he had just made a joint prediction with other mages. Although there were not many people, it was only a short prediction time, and there was no problem with accuracy.

However, the prediction is obviously a slightly windy sunny weather. Although it does not seem to be separated from such a prediction now, looking at this strange newborn sunrise, no mage dares to be sure of his prediction. Especially the strangeness just now as if someone blew a breath.

These people, no matter what their identity is, their mood and thoughts are all the same at this time, that is, panic. In the face of this extremely uncertain unknown and possibly life-threatening unknown, everyone behaves the same in the face of life and death - fragile and vulnerable.

At this time, it is more natural for those humble servants and seamen. Although this is a horrible and strange sky, for these people, the worst result is nothing more than being buried in the belly of the sea. Compared with those noble and life-threatening mages, those warriors full of strength and businessmen who want to build their own business empire, they are humble and relaxed in the face of death with a little relief in their hearts.

These humble people can face death without fear or even with relief and a trace of attachment, but those mages, merchants, warriors and mercenaries with a little status and the bigwigs who belong to the management of the sea gang on the ship are not the one who is willing to throw away their lives at will.

The mages gathered spontaneously, but they had not yet begun to predict. The waves suddenly boiled from the place illuminated by the strange light. From a distance, it looked like a piece of blood boiled in a pot.

Moreover, as time goes by and the sun rises, the red area becomes bigger and bigger. It is also getting closer and closer to the ship. People with sharp eyes can already see the creatures in the red ocean rushing like drugs.

As the blood sea approaches, these people see more and more clearly that the sea water not only looks like blood water, but is blood water at all! The smell of blood immediately changed everyone's face.

When the chaos on the ship was about to begin, the old mage led by the mage shouted, "Don't panic! The mages immediately concentrated their efforts to speculate on the safest route, and the crew immediately drove the ship in the opposite direction!"

Some people make the decision, and they are suddenly confused and tired. When their lives are threatened, people may either degenerate or burst into unprecedented moral glory.

At this moment, all people's hearts rise to hope for life and burst out ten times more intelligent power than usual. The boatmen almost perfectly let the boat cross a neat and impeccable side sliding arc in the sea, but such a perfect movement was not appreciated by anyone. The magic power of the mages seemed to be much more powerful than usual, and everyone burst out to their highest level.

The warriors and those mercenaries lived in various parts of the ship. As soon as there was a need for work, they immediately went up to help, and they no longer distinguished themselves from those humble seaman hired workers.

The ship traveled quickly in the sea, away from the approaching sea of boiling blood.

The magic power of the mages shows a huge chart over all the ships. The side of the blue ocean in the picture is almost full of blood, and the position of the ship also appears in the picture.

After those who still had some spare energy glanced at the chart, stiffened their bodies and immediately burst out with more energy and effort again - the charts shown above their heads clearly let everyone see that the bloody sea was not horizontally and straight. Instead, a circle was formed with this fleet as the center to swallow up the fleet!

The mage's prediction almost stopped at this time, and then burst out the last remaining force more crazily,

"Gentlemen! Hurry up and work hard! It's a sea storm!"

"Sea storm————!"

"Sea storm————!"

"Sea storm————!"


The sound kept echoing at sea and then swallowed up by the boiling sea of blood.