
Chapter 52 Underwater World

It seemed that the sea of blood came from the deepest part of hell, and suddenly it seemed to meet the shadow of the sun and disappeared quickly. After a blink of an eye, the sea returned to its original calm.

The sun is still bright, and the deep blue and black sea is like the most ** precious jade, silently telling stories that no one has understood for tens of millions of years. The sun shines on the sea, as if it is coated with a layer of gold powder, sparkling with the most charming atmosphere, dazzling the eyes of businessmen. This is their favorite scene and the most eager ideal - a sea covered with gold.

However, looking at the empty and lonely sea, like an old dress that has been washed countless times, all the merchants are dripping blood in their hearts.

Three huge Poito ships are not even as small as ants in the vast sea. The smoke and waves are vast, and the creatures are as fragile as lanterns and grass in the world.

A feeling called despair and confusion spread quietly on the boat. Although their lives were saved, everyone felt that they were dead. No one would have thought that the feeling of living could be a different kind of bitterness.

The waves gently tapped on the board of the ship and made a rattling sound. This was originally beautiful music in the sea, but now it sounds like the ruthless ridicule of the sea god.

Occasionally, a few pieces of wood float on the sea - that is the wreckage of dozens of cargo ships, which are full of merchants' hopes. However, now these hopes have been buried in the sea, and the confidence of many businessmen has also been buried in the tomb of Neptune. More than ten years of hard work once turned into the inconspicuous remains in the sea, which is no better for these merchants who regard property as life than killing them, so there is still no life on the ship at this time.

There are still a lot of goods in the three Nephen ships, but if you want to do something in the country on the other side of the sea, it is just a joke.

In addition to these sad merchants, those mages are also very pale. Their pride and dignity have been constantly trampled on since they got on the ship. Although they have repeatedly made wrong predictions, incompetent actions and arrogant performances and demands, although they have shown any contemptuous and contemptuous expressions on them, the extremely keen spiritual mages clearly feel everyone's heart. Their distrust and contempt.

The wrong prediction makes a thing that could have been solved out of control. Let's not mention the things on the sea, it's the chaos of Nahai Town. These mages can almost be said to be the culprits!

Although the ultimate cause of the chaos is the greed and evil side of human nature, everyone is willing to attribute the blame to the original *.

The incompetence in the face of the sea storm made everyone feel distrustful of the mage. After watching Mora's redemption, these people actually felt that these mages were not even as good as a child.

And the mages had nothing to say. Although the Tefira stood up and described Mora as an unforgiving demon, no matter how true he said, what he said did not come true in the end. On the contrary, Mora's words sounded incredible, but in the end they were all realized one by one. Well, these people naturally know who is right and who is wrong.

In addition to the grief of the merchant and the shame and anger of the mage, the people of the Hai Gang are the greatest sadness or fear.

At this time, return has become the only option.

However, at this time, the people at sea were still stunned by the sudden incident, and no one said anything. All the cargo ships have been abandoned at the beginning of the sea storm and have long been smashed by the waves.

As for the people on the ship, there were no other deaths except that dozens of people on the cargo ship were abandoned together with the cargo ship. Except, Zhen Ni.

The people of the Haibang stared at the calm sea with slight waves, and no one said anything. Although Zhen Ni was a woman, and the steweners of the Haibang did not regard her as the highest leader in their hearts, she was nominally the highest leader who went to sea this time.

Now the rest of the Haigang are still safe, only the master's daughter is missing, so when he returns to Haizhen, what will Saidong will deal with them?

And it is now completely certain that this disaster is a seastorm rather than a tsunami. Then, the prediction of those mages has completely become a joke, and Haizhen will not suffer any disaster. If there is loss, it will be a man-made disaster.

"I just don't know if the people in Haizhen thought it was a tsunami at this time?"

Many businessmen suddenly thought of this problem. In an instant, after grasping the information that others have not yet grasped, the "businessman's heart" beat violently. These businessmen who had just been immersed in pain and grief immediately gushed out countless ideas that could earn property or even richer.

This is a businessman who always fights for wealth full of fighting spirit. Every moment is calculating the opportunity to make profits. Even if they will suffer all kinds of disasters and losses, once they encounter the opportunity to make a fortune, they will immediately become the most ambitious warriors in the world. The explosive enthusiasm is enough to shame the comfortable warriors. Shame.

The quiet sea finally made a movement, and the sea boat slowly started. Except for the merchants who were full of fighting spirit and whispered how to make profits and cooperate, there was no other sound on the ship.

Finally, the ship returned.


What the world at the bottom of the sea is like, Mora doesn't know, and Zhen Ni doesn't know.

However, both of them know one thing, that is, the legendary underwater world really exists, but it is not certain whether they can meet it or not.

There were many people who wanted to open the channel between the sea and the ground, and this wave lasted for almost hundreds of years.

However, before sinking to the bottom of the sea,

Some people were eaten by fish in the sea; some people drowned without sinking to the bottom; of course, some people starved to death in the water that fell in the middle of the sea that could no longer sink or rise.

In addition, there is also an extremely tragic sinking to the bottom of the sea, but that place is not the area of the undersea world. As a result, the bravery or mana is exhausted and is crushed to death or suffoed by water pressure.

Some people have entered the undersea world, but not all undersea countries welcome the arrival of human beings. Undersea countries with rich products and various long-standing cultures are not rare in the human world. So there was no more news about those people.

The underwater expedition that lasted for hundreds of years finally ended so gray.

However, in later times, every few years, there will always be people who encounter the underwater world because of various strange things, and then extremely lucky people will come out of there with the treasures they have obtained at the bottom of the sea.

These people have become rich because of those treasures, or have a great adventure at the bottom of the sea to become smart mages or great warriors!

All these things have attracted countless people to rush to the world at the bottom of the sea, but the drowned people are far more than those who have adventures.

Mora and Zhen Ni jumped off the sea. When the sea of blood devoured them, they formed a blood mouth. After devouring Mora and Zhen Ni, this blood mouth closed their heads and completely separated them from the sea world. They could no longer hear the sound of the sea or see the sunlight.

However, at the feet of the two people, a strange circle of water platform was formed, holding them down like a sea.

The sinking distance seems to be extremely far, or maybe this strange sea of blood has not moved?

The silent sea made people depressed and crazy. Zhen Ni, who had been lying in Mora's arms and did not dare to show up for a long time, did not feel the feeling of the sea hitting her body. Then she carefully opened her eyes to watch, and then she saw them as if they were covered by a blood-red dome and kept sinking.

There is no light in the sea, but the blood-red sea cover is blurred and red.

This brilliance seems strange, but somehow, Zhen Ni always feels very secure, as if there is no worry at all.

This feeling came inexplicably. Zhenni took a look at Mora. Mora was looking down carefully, as if the strong red cover could not stop his eyes at all.

Feering Zhen Ni looking at herself, Mora turned her eyes and smiled gently. However, before he could say anything, suddenly the blood mask suddenly shook and broke. Mora and Zhen Ni, who were caught off guard, suddenly fell out, as if they had fallen into a pool?! - Because they felt the splash of water covering their eyes.

Maybe it has fallen for too long and has too much inertia? As soon as Mora and Zhen Ni fell into the water, they obviously felt great buoyancy, but their bodies were still sinking. The huge impact, even Mora, also felt a little difficult and was caught off guard. If it hadn't been for the divine power in Mora's body to protect the two people, I'm afraid that Zhen Ni had been injured internally.

Finally, just as Mora and Zhenni were about to touch and collide at the hard bottom of this "pool", the downward momentum finally disappeared, and then the effect of buoyancy began to reflect - two seemed to be pushed up by a pair of invisible hands and float faster and faster.

Just when Mora began to feel the lack of breath in his chest, a dim light appeared above his head.


Two slightly embarrassed people soaked in water were pushed out of the water by the huge buoyancy of the water, setting off a large splash. Mora and Zhenni couldn't help breathing heavily by the lungs that had been suffoed by the water for a long time.

Something strange happened.

A feeling of water flowing down the two people's nostrils into their lungs, but it was obviously felt that there was ** into the body. The two air-based people living on the ground actually just felt a little unaccustomed to it, but there was no discomfort in their bodies and did not chop at all!

When breathing violently, you can feel the **-like "air" entering your body, and the life-supporting oxygen remains in the lungs, and then the remaining ** is breathed out as easily as breathing air.

Experience this wonderful feeling, Mora and Zhenni instantly understand why some people on the ground enter the world at the bottom of the sea but can still survive and even return to the ground alive.

This strange "** air?" It's enough to make them live like creatures in the sea.

But just as they emerged from the water and hadn't looked around carefully, waves of strange sounds with panic and ** sounded.


This strange voice sounded beside Mora and Zhenni. Then it seemed that the sound of gold and iron fighting appeared one after another.

At this time, Mora and Zhenni noticed their environment.

There is no fundamental difference between this environment and land, which makes people faint.

Above their heads is a strange "sky" like a water curtain, and there seems to be "black clouds"!

The appearance of those pieces is very similar to the clouds in the sky of the world on the ground, but they are black.

Mora looked hard and was surprised to find that those were not real clouds, but groups of fat or fish with obvious unique characteristics.

Every "fish herd" has "people" swimming nearby and managing those fish, just like people on the ground herding sheep.

Looking at such a magnificent and strange scene, Mora's curiosity was completely aroused, and he couldn't wait to immediately carefully check the specific difference between the world at the bottom of the sea and the ground. Although he is a divine disciple, he is still a young child who has not fully grown up in his heart.

However, before he took action, his own "divine power" surged, and then his ears seemed to have been opened a door.

Then, he heard the sounds made by ordinary creatures in the sea at first, which were actually unique languages belonging to the sea!

Those fish, shrimp, crab, seaweed and corals that he regarded as ordinary creatures in the sea are actually shouting to themselves and Zhen Ni!

Mora listened carefully and looked carefully to find that these chaotic voices were divided into two camps.