
Chapter 55 During the wedding

Finally, the mermaid bodyguard stood up and looked at Mora and Zhen Ni carefully and curiously. They stared at each other for a long time. The mermaid scratched her head and scratched her hair, as if she was thinking about something. Suddenly, her eyes lit up (it really lit up, like a light bulb!) and stammed a little. Say:

"nai•••people•••••••people•• Lei?"- ("Are you human beings?")

Mora and Zhen Ni looked at each other in surprise. Although they said badly, the mermaid bodyguard said that it was indeed human language!

Have there ever been traces of human beings here? Or have these strange seabed creatures seen human beings and dated?

This shows that their relationship with human beings should not be too bad.

So, Mora stood a little forward and answered with a smile in undersea language.

"@¥%...&*&*&@@~**" ("We are human beings who have just come to the underwater world, and it's nice to see you.")

(The following is completely in franca, no longer explained)

Mora gently scratched Zhenni's ears and lips, and a burst of heat surged on Zhenni's face, and the girl's face turned slightly red. But then, she was surprised to find that a door seemed to be opened in her body, and she could understand the language of these undersea creatures!

The mermaid bodyguard did not expect that this human could know the language of the sea, but he was surprised for a long time. Then he swam excitedly and came forward, dancing around Mora quickly, stirring his arms, and drawing out a lot of water bubbles.

At the same time, the beautiful tail fin swings quickly. In the not very bright sea, the scales on the fins reflect the blurred brilliance of the bottom of the water, and this magnificent scene is fascinating.

The mermaid bodyguard stopped in front of Mora after happily and excitedly flipping a few spinning flowers in the "air"-like water. A string of bubbles wrapped in strange fragrance came out and touched Mora and Zhen Ni.

This strange bubble hits the body, feeling a little itchy, making people can't help laughing.

Just when Mora and Zhen Ni couldn't help laughing, the strange fragrance contained in the bubbles were sucked into their lungs, and the soft, warm and fragrant feeling made Mora and Zhen Ni feel extremely useful.

"Welcome to the country under the sea. On behalf of Her Royal Highness Princess Hayana of our Coral Island Kingdom, I would like to welcome you."

The long fins of the mermaid bodyguard were slightly raised, her arms crossed in front of her chest, slightly squeezed on her plump chest, pressing out a little **, but her expression seemed to be the most rigorous and solemn diplomatic etiquette officer.

Looking at the legendary creature of this bust, Zhen Ni secretly looked at her chest, then lowered her head in shame and kicked Mora by the way, warning him not to float around.

For creatures at the bottom of the sea, clothes and so on are just a kind of etiquette, and they are also etiquette used by the royal family. Even the half-royal doesn't care much about clothes and so on, so this mermaid doesn't have any discomfort at all because of her upper body - she doesn't have this concept in her heart.

Besides, the size of a large number of undersea intelligent creatures is very different from each other. It is the shells of the same species, which have countless appearances such as shrimp, crabs and snails, so it is really difficult to have a unified aesthetic. Therefore, clothes and so on are really unimportant to them.

After saying these welcome words, the mermaid bodyguard suddenly seemed to be a different person. Suddenly, he swam forward and grabbed Zhen Ni's hand and stared at her excitedly. She looked up and down and left and right. From time to time, she made strange sounds in her mouth, which scared Zhen Ni jump.

However, Zhen Ni did not dodge, because she and Mora saw that although these seabed creatures were a little strange, they seemed to be very simple-minded, just like this blue sea.

"Are you the human woman on the ground? You really look like the royal family!"

After sighing, the mermaid bodyguard rubbed his hands excitedly and shook the hair that seemed to be the smallest coral. A lot of problems were more than those bubbles just now, spitting out from her small pearl-like, purple-red mouth.

"Do people on the ground look like this?

Or are you also a royal family on the ground?

Where did you learn our language at the bottom of the sea?

Does our language often be used in your place?

How did you make this strange thing (clothes) on your body?

It doesn't look good, but it still seems to be fine. What is your relationship? •••••••?”

Mora and Zhenni,


The little prince, who was forgotten under the abyss of 90,000 miles, almost cried. He opened his mouth several times and didn't find a chance to speak.

"Cough" Mora couldn't help it, "Your Excellency Mermaid, you seem to have forgotten something."

Mermaid Bodyguard,

Ah? What's the matter?"

The mermaid bodyguard, who was excited to see human beings for the first time, had not reacted at this time.

Mo stretched his fingers and pointed to the team that followed the manfish and the little prince were at a loss to cry.


The mermaid bodyguard nodded stupidly, and then realized what he was doing.

"Ah-Oh! Her Royal Highness's wedding!"

The mermaid bodyguard finally remembered his job,

Where's the prince? What about the prince? Where is the prince who wants to marry our princess?

It turned out that just now, when these curious sea people from the Coral Island Kingdom gathered around to watch Mora and Zhenni, two human beings from the ground, they actually pushed the prince and his team outside.


With the natural stupid mermaid bodyguard, he finally found the little prince from the Seaweed Mountain Kingdom who was about to cry, so the wedding continued.

Originally, according to the etiquette, it was necessary to give a grand welcome, but at this time, time was running out, and everyone only thought about the two human beings, so they went hastily.

For good, the little prince's Seaweed Mountain Kingdom is a very remote kingdom, and he doesn't care much about the so-called etiquette. Yes, the prelude to a wedding is like a family.

However, compared with the professional family, the princess is obviously not very dedicated, and she always wants to swing at the same time.

On the way to the palace, the mermaid bodyguard couldn't help asking Mora and Zhen Ni about the things on the ground. But it's not good to leave the prince behind. So the mermaid bodyguard, who was simple but a little domineering, came up with an idea. He held the poor little prince with one hand and went to talk to Mora and Zhen Ni about the sea and the earth.

The poor pink-skinned little prince was pulled by a flower-like mermaid, and the little face suddenly turned red like a red coral near the sea * mountain - his aesthetic is close to human beings, and the upper body of the beautiful mermaid who does not care about privacy happens to be within his aesthetics.

Especially when the mermaid bodyguard hears some strange and interesting things on the ground, she can't help dancing - of course, it is inconvenient to pull the little prince again at this time, so the mermaid bodyguard with no male and female concept always pulls the little prince into his arms and holds the little prince who is almost bleeding. Flying happily in several circles in the sea.

The natural fragrance of fish brisket on the mermaid is almost one of the most famous aromas in the sea, and the upper body that is plump and soft enough to kill all human women is constantly in contact with the young prince when flying. So the little prince's face became more congested.


Looking at this hilarious team, it seems that the residents of the seabed world with simple but many strange and noble customs and specifications, Mora can't help but wonder.

Except for these royal and half-royal (mercans, etc.), these undersea creatures are basically fish, shrimp and crabs, which are no different from those salvaged by sea boats on the sea.

Although they have IQ, their wisdom is really similar to that of children. So, why are these sea people so strange and powerful in the legend?

And their civilization is said to be far above human beings, but at this time, it really doesn't look like it!