
Chapter 68 Basic Laws of the World

Moura couldn't help sighing from the arrogance, arrogance and do whatever he wanted brought about by the omnipotent feeling. Thinking about his psychological activities at that moment, Mora couldn't help twisting his face.

I was born by the oracle and grew up in the temple since I was a child, which is almost equivalent to a person who grew up in the kingdom of God. After touching this extremely powerful power, he will also have that kind of arrogance. So how will those ordinary people corrupt their original virtues and the bottom line of life after getting some powerful enough power to accomplish many things that they can't usually do? Maybe this is what the little man is talking about.

To take a step back, even if a person gets some very powerful power, but can complete some things that are usually difficult to do well a little more easily, what kind of choices and actions will he make in order to get greater power after seeing the benefits of power?

Thinking about these problems, Mora has a strange power, which spontaneously evolved many similar ordinary people in the world to get power adventures in Mora's heart, and tells Mora the results with their ending. Mora is used to this situation. The strangeness and power of the owner of divine power cannot be imagined by ordinary people.

All this happened in the Pearl of the world, where there is nothing else except the original law that has been controlled by Mora. There is no law of time, no law of space and any main world has a basic law. There is only the most basic law of the evolution of heaven and earth, which has been controlled by Mora. . Therefore, it seems that Mora has done a lot of things in the Pearl of the World and has stayed for a long time, but for Haiyana, Zhenni and Ke Qi, who are waiting outside, it is only a few blinks to see Mora open his eyes.

After Mora completely refined the pearl of the world and became its master, in the eyes of several people outside, the vortex that had been suspended in Mora's hand and made great attraction suddenly disappeared!

All the affected sea swayed, and then gradually calmed down. Hayana and others also relaxed a little and loosened the tough shrub branches on the bottom of the sea in their hands.

"What happened, Mora, why is the pearl of the world missing?" Keqi was the first to ask.

Among everyone, his relationship with Xiaomei is the shallowest, but his guilt for Xiaomei is the deepest, so he cares more about the safety of Xiaomei's life than others.

Mora looked at his empty hands and was stunned, but then his mind moved and suddenly felt the existence of the pearl of the world.

At this time, the Pearl of the World is in a very strange state of existence. Obviously, you can feel his existence, but Mora can't tell where he exists - neither in his body nor in any alien space, as if he were in this world at all.

But if you are not in this world, how can you be perceived by yourself? Mora was also a little confused.

However, looking at Xiaomei, who was still frowning and coma in her magic mask, Mora put this problem behind her mind. Now the most important thing is to treat Xiaomei. Let go of the rest first.

"I don't know about this, but now I can use the Pearl of the World, and it is almost ready. However, in order to make Xiaomei live better here, the Pearl of the World still needs some transformation. I also need to carry some sea mud and soil as the most basic elements. Be careful not to be attracted in. The living substances in the Pearl of the world can only enter and exit. Mora replied.

Hayana was shocked: "Can you only get in but not out?"

Then we will never see Xiaomei again?"

Mora nodded, but looking at Haiyana holding Xiaomei's hand tightly and feeling sad, she comforted her: "Princess, don't be too sad. Although Xiaomei can't come out, when I am familiar with the function of the pearl of the world, I can project Xiaomei's image. At that time, there was no difference between your communication except physical contact.

Hayana looked at Mora in surprise, but it didn't take long for her to darken her face: "But after all, you have to leave. The bottom of this sea is not suitable for you. At that time, you will never see Xiaomei again."

With that, Hayana couldn't help but shed a few tears.

The tears of the royal family are completely different from ordinary creatures. In the sea of countless treasures, the tears of the royal family are also extremely precious. However, no one paid attention to this at this time. Instead, Zhen Ni was curious about Hayana's unique tears, asked a few words, diverted Hayana's attention, and was no longer sad about Xiaomei's affairs.

While talking, several people also retreated a long distance except for Mora. Just now, the spontaneous power of beads is so powerful that I don't know what will happen now.

Mora glanced at the distance and the land he intended to absorb, and then immersed his spirit into the pearl of the world again. As soon as his mind moved, the original power that belonged to the pearl of the world was pulled up. The pearl of the world that had turned into nothingness suddenly appeared again.

Several people who had stood in the distance saw Mora stroke their hands, and a huge vortex of dozens of meters suddenly appeared in front of him! This sudden vortex did not give people any time to prepare, and even Mora did not expect that after completely refining the pearl of the world, it would have such a terrible power and effect.

At this time, Mora understood how powerful the people who once appeared and had the pearl of the world were! Even if that person can't create and destroy things in the pearl of the world, if it is so simple to suck the enemy into the beads, and then empty all the food and water in the beads, it can be enough to starve that person to death. Even more powerful, just need to empty the air, then that person is The moment you enter, you will turn into a ghost.

This sudden huge devouring vortex was beyond Mora's imagination, and the huge seabed land in front of him almost disappeared in an instant - not annihilation, but appeared in the pearl of Mora's world.

However, at such a sudden moment, Mora seemed to have a mountain pressed down, and the whole person felt as if he had been sealed in a stone. This huge pressure even affected Mora's spirit. As a result, the magic power in his hand paused in an instant, and then Xiaomei, who had been protected by him, was swallowed up into the pearl of the world by the vortex.

Mora was shocked by this change. What happened to him has always been smooth, although this is the effect of his god, and his heart is not contained by it. However, the loss of control at this moment was definitely not what Mora thought of. It seems that something exploded in an instant.

Mora's spirit has increased countless times in an instant, and the speed of all kinds of thinking and thoughts has increased to an unimaginable level. At this time, Mora suddenly understood a truth.

Although the land at the bottom of the sea that suddenly disappeared has been transferred to the pearl of the world of Mora, for the whole main world, the pearl of the world does not belong to the existence of the main world. This is also the reason why after Mora refined the Pearl of the World, he clearly felt his existence, but could not determine his status and position. Because the pearl of the world is simply something outside the main world. For the main world, he is something that doesn't exist!

Therefore, Mora transferred these seabed lands to the pearls of the world. Although these sand still exist on the surface, for the main world, in fact, these sands are equivalent to extinction! This annihilation is not the kind of destruction that turns matter into unusable power in general. That kind of extinction itself is annihilation for human beings, but for the main world, it still exists and is fully in line with the "law of conservation" of the basic Big 1 law of the main world.

There are countless laws in a world, but in general, there are only a few of the most basic laws in the future - the law of gravity (also known as the law of material attraction), the law of light (also known as the law of strong motion of matter), and the law of conservation (those who have learned the Basic Tutorial of the World of Mage. If you don't understand, please go and ask your advice. Physics teacher.), relative laws (also known as relativity, also known as yin and yang theory)... In addition to these few laws that basically form the foundation of the world, there are countless medium-sized laws, which constitute the regional differences of the world. For example, the human customs of this place are like this, and that place is like that. Metals are popular here, and the industry is developed; plants are popular there, and the culture is brilliant... As for those little rules, that's why you have black eyes and blue eyes opposite!

It is the same size as the laws. If these laws are violated or changed, the person who changed her will bear the size of the laws he changed to bear the "adjustment" of the world! Mora has already understood this truth, but the only thing he missed is that the pearl of the world is not recognized by the pig world!

Then all this Mora has done violates the most basic law of the main world - the law of conservation. Violaving this basic law is simply the foundation of provoking the world! If it is a god born in the ordinary main world, it will be turned into dust dregs by the repair power of the main world at the first time! Even if it is the lowest-level god native to the Kingdom, if you encounter such a counterattack in the main world, it is also a little difficult to fight.

Fortunately, Mora is a believer who sits down by the Supreme Father, and also has the divine power belonging to the Father, which is equivalent to half the identity of the creator of the main world changing the principles of the world. Therefore, Mora only felt the obstacles of the world, but not the power of erasing and repairing.

Mora, who understood this truth in an instant, suddenly withdrew his devouring ability and terminated the transformation before the people behind him could react.