
Chapter 91 Waiter Vladimir

(PS: I saw the group email sent by the editor yesterday, and a large number of homepages were blocked!!! Unfortunately, it's not a coincidence... Please collect and comfort the girl!)

"You...!" Sidoma, the bard, doesn't believe Mora's words very much, but his years of travel has allowed him to exercise a pair of eyes enough to protect himself and his daughter - the wooden stick that appeared in an instant seems ordinary, but it appears in an extremely strange way.

For ordinary people, even warriors in some small places, the mage is a very strange existence. They themselves seem to be weak, as if they can be smashed into meat slag with one fist; but these weak mages often do things that only gods can do! Especially in space technology and the application of natural elements (natural elements - earth, fire, wind, water, electricity, light, etc., are like horrible natural phenomena after being launched, so they are called natural element series).

After looking at the wooden stick that should have appeared out of thin air, Sidoma was extremely regretful. This magical method is definitely only available to mages or more mysterious warlocks. What if you fall in with such a person?

Sidoma was even more frightened when she heard that Mora actually told his tragic life. In this way, he never told anyone about his past, and even his daughter did not know the young nobleman in front of him (?) It seems that it has nothing to do with his hometown, so there is only one explanation. This is a magical mage. Moreover, it is still very legendary.

I heard that mages all have horrible strength and strange habits. In case this person is a century-old monster and the kind of horrible character who especially likes to collect little girls, his daughter Coco...

For good, Mora's words gave him a little comfort. Although he didn't believe Mora's explanation, looking at Mora's attitude, it was not like taking advantage of this matter to seize his daughter. Sidoma hurriedly apologized to Mora with a little war and trembling, and then immediately picked up himself up. The daughter went back to her room.

Mora didn't care about his gaffe. When the little girl was taken away by her father, she seemed to see her father's tension and worry, but she didn't know where the worry came from. She just felt that her father was very worried, so she honestly let Sidoma take herself back to the room without any noise at all, but Sidoma hugged her in her. When she turned to Mora, the little girl blinked an eye at Mora's sweet little girl.

Mora continued to sit here, waiting for the boss to serve the dishes he couldn't eat at all.

The people nearby gradually talked louder. Since they knew that this was a mage who was not too bad-tempered, there was nothing special even if it was mysterious, so except for a few people of forces, most people turned their minds back to their original dialogue.

Recently, the biggest topic is the matter of the Saito Sea gang, one of the Three Sea Gangs, going to sea and trade. Although according to the rules, this year is the Saidong Hai Gang, the development of the Saidong Hai Gang has been really great in the past two years, and the other two Hai Gangs have not earned the expected wealth in their overseas trade for various reasons.

If the Saidong Gang successfully carried out long-distance trade this time, even if it is not too profitable, but just ordinary long-distance trade income, it will make the strength of the Saidong Sea Gang far exceed that of the other two sea gangs! This kind of thing that will greatly change the pattern of Haizhen for hundreds of years has naturally caused countless dark tides.

Every traveler who knows something about Haizhen or has been living in Haizhen is constantly talking about these things and guessing the final result.

Mora's mind also moved slightly. After the precipitation and recovery of thinking in the afternoon, he has completely suffered the effects of time reversal. However, for several years, he can't use this power, otherwise, many uncontrollable things will happen.

Because the power of time is a force other than the "god". For most gods, time is simply a concept, not a power or law. It is an immutable concept that does not exist in reality. Whether it is the high-level innate god of the Kingdom of God or the demon lord of the evil kingdom, there is no one who can shake time at all!

However, when Mora once communicated with a certain idea of God the Father, he knew a secret that all gods did not know. Time can be changed, but the permission of the existence that needed to create the law of heaven and earth. Because changing time means that the law of existence that created heaven and earth has to be restarted, and many changes have to start from scratch.

From the beginning, it is necessary to be consistent and different. Time does not have the same leaves. Every snowflake is unique. At the slightest change in time, there will be countless different futures. Therefore, even the supreme god will not easily change the time.

Mora's success this time is because the Supreme God had set up all this long before countless heavens and earth. At this moment, Mora achieved time change. Otherwise, such a thing could not have happened at all.

It is not clear how much impact and significance this matter is, even Mora himself, the successor of the future supreme god. He compressed most of his memories about Zhen Ni, not only to forget, but also to make himself not touch this supreme secret, so as not to shock the heavens and the world collapse.

Time reversal will change a lot of things, and in order to change this kind of thing, it is necessary to change some extremely ** and powerful beings. This time, Mora has vaguely known a little about it. Although the Supreme God has already foreshadowed this matter countless years ago, in order to erase some memories of the existence of those powerful gods and evil spirits, the power of the Supreme God has consumed greatly again, the world barrier has become much weaker, and the invasion from outside the world has intensified. In the future, it will be full of changes. Number.

For Mora, the biggest variable is that his identity is becoming more and more complicated.

In the afternoon, he kept checking, thinking and researching in the room, and finally found that the communication of his divine kingdom seemed to be getting easier and easier, and sometimes even his thoughts could be as if he were in the divine kingdom. However, unlike in the past, Mora could hardly feel the divine thoughts of the divine kingdom, which were originally with himself and Intimate ideas seem to fall into a deep sleep, leaving only some basic ideas that are almost knowledge base-like, which can answer Mora's doubts, but they have no ability to think. ( It's like checking data, checking Baidu, the difference between smart computers and manual answers, uh,...,)

These changes have a great impact. For Mora, many times, some methods of doing things have to be greatly changed. However, you don't need to think too much about those things for the time being.

The most important thing now is that the sea storm is gone, what will happen in Haizhen, and how will your journey change?


As for the Sedon Gang, Mora does not intend to have any intersection with them. In addition to his disgust with those people, Mora also knows that if he still follows the original after changing the course of time, although it may be better to cover up the modified history for human beings, it is a wedge that triggers unpredictable things for the gods and spirits.

And, the key is Zhen Ni. Since time goes back to the past, although there is her shadow in my memory, her love has not happened. For me, she is just a real and illusory dream, and I don't have to be entangled by it.

For her, she is an unreal existence and a fantasy that has never appeared. Time has changed, and everything will start from scratch, more thorough than formatting, because it never existed.

Prophet is not suitable for the germination of love.

Mora got up and was ready to go back to his room. At this time, the waiter Vladimir came over with the dishes Mora had ordered.

"Guest, do you need me to bring the food into your room?" Vladimir saw that Mora was going back to the room, so he asked.

Mora looked at the food on the plate, which was very clean and had no "addition". However, thinking that these things were the craftsmanship of the bad boss, Mora still refused.

"No, give it to the hungry man." Mora pointed to a disabled person sitting at the door waiting for the guests to give alms, and then turned around to go back to his room. Suddenly, he remembered something.

"I'm going to the country on the other side of the sea. Where should I buy a boat ticket?"

As he spoke, a silver coin fell into the tray that Vlaki was holding. Flagy's eyes suddenly lit up, and his fingers quickly circled. Just before the silver coin was about to fall into a wooden tray with several cracks, he hit the front of his skirt and slid down the neckline into his inner pocket.

"If you don't want to be too troublesome, I can come for you." The tray was casually thrown by Vladimir, and the food inside immediately flew up, but it did not spread out. The whole tray was piled together, and then flew towards the beggar sitting at the door. The action is very natural, and the control of power is very clever, even in terms of exquisiteness, it is stronger than all elite warriors.

However, what is even more unexpected is that the beggar leaned against the doorrail and half lying at the doorway at the door of the store suddenly saw the food suddenly flying towards him. He actually quickly supported it on the ground with his hand. He was half his height, put his hands together and put all the dishes in his arms, and even the boss added a special amount of conch. There is no one spilled.

Mora looked at the man. After seeing Mora's generosity, Vladimir suddenly became extremely enthusiastic. As soon as Mora seemed interested, he immediately explained, "That man used to be a famous warrior. He acted too unmanner, but he was given... Hey hey!" With that, he sneered vaguely.

Mora was not in the mood for these people. A gold coin suddenly jumped out of the ring on his finger, and Vladimir's eyes lit up again.

"This is your reward." Mora said, and then a bag of gold coins fell on Vlaki's tray. "Buy tickets for the Zakuihai Gang and some sea supplies, and the rest is for you."

Vlaki's face has changed slightly, but no one cares. In fact, more people are interested in what Mora said - although the Zakuihai Gang has also gone to sea this time, there are only a few medium-sized ships. Compared with the Saidon Gang, which goes to sea and trade, choosing Zakui does not seem to be a good idea.

However, recently, the Sea Band is facing a lot of dark tides at this time, and it is said that their gang is not very stable. Therefore, if you take a sea boat in Seton, although the conditions are good, in case you are involved in the secret conspiracy of your opponents, it is a very bad thing, especially in the sea.

But how did a mysterious young man who had just arrived in Haizhen know about these things? Is he really a magical and powerful mage that can make warriors tremble, or a warlock with infinite secret powers?

What surprised the people who eavesdropped on Mora was that Mora not only knew about the Seton Sea Gang, but also knew that it was the second sea gang, not the third Zakui Sea Gang. This news is also a secret among many people living in Haizhen. How did this person know about it?

Flaki watched Mora walk back to his room with a humble and respectful smile, and then looked at the money in his hand, "This money is not easy to earn..."