
Chapter 99 Nigra, the Capital of Business

(ps: I'm ashamed to ask for votes again. The exam month is coming. The only thing I'm trying to do is to write at least 3,000 words a day. I dare not say anything else. Everyone abandons me...)

The magnificent city of Negra finally appeared in front of everyone. Whether it is a first-time visitor or a person who has lived in this city for many years, looking at Nigra from afar from the sea again can't help but be fascinated by her magnificence.

This is a sign that human civilization has reached the peak of a certain stage, which deserves the respect of all people who come here - respect the magnificent city of the world; respect the "small" human beings who built this magnificent city.

The silent silence soon passed, and as the speed of the ship increased, the scene of Nigra appeared more and more clearly in front of everyone. People with outstanding vision can already see thousands of people rushing for all kinds of business at the port of Nigra.

The busy scene spread to the ship through the "thousand-mile eyes" of the nobles. In the air with a strong smell of sea, it seems that you can hear the noise and boiling on the faraway shore.

Suddenly, someone pointed to the sea and shouted, "Look, someone jumped into the sea--!"

This shocked many people who were still enthusiastically discussing the prosperity of Nigra. Everyone ran to the side of the boat and found that there were many people looming in the sea at this time.

"Why is there no one to save them?" Some people are puzzled.

A hospitable local businessman in Nigra explained with a smile: "My friend came to Nigra for the first time. This is a traditional activity of our Nigra. Whenever merchant ships come from afar, there are many disputes and even bloodshed every year in order to determine the order and dock location of each Nigra.

"However, this is really not conducive to the image of Nigra. Later, the royal family sent a rule that each merchant sent ten good tourists to see how many of them could swim back to the places where the cargo ship was first discovered, or compare the length of the distance they insisted on, so as to determine the location of the merchant's dock.

"And these swimmers, as long as they don't swim too short, whether they succeed or not, will be awarded the title of 'Son of the Sea' by the head of the Royal Sea Trade on the shore!"

Hearing this anecdote, all the people who came to Negra for the first time on the ship stood by the boat with great interest to cheer for these swimming warriors. Although Nigra can be seen at the current distance, it is because Nigra is too big.

This distance, even walking on land, is enough to make many lazy noble teenagers cry. From time to time, someone throws the juice in a sealed bottle to the swimming warriors in the sea to replenish their strength and water.

Although this place is already an inland sea, the waves are not small at all. There is often a wave that people can't find. With encouragement, these warriors who fought for honor, money or other things in the sea suddenly performed better. Several people even dived fiercely, and then hit the water with the strong buoyancy of the sea, like dolphins.

This fancy action attracted countless applause. Many people even threw gold coins into the sea. Unexpectedly, a swimming guy caught one, held it high and showed off, and then threw it away towards the coast. There is no place for these bare bodies to hold gold coins. If they are in their mouths, hehe, it's looking for death.

The businessman who introduced this looked at these active warriors and the excited people on the ship and shook his head with a smile. Someone next to him was curious: "Is there anything wrong?"

The merchant smiled and said, "Look in front of those people." The person who was reminded took a closer look. Sure enough, there were several people swimming silently in front of these more active guys, without any fancy movements, and they ignored the people on the ship at all, as if there was nothing else in the world to pay their attention except swimming.

"Those talents are the main competing talents of various commercial alliances. They are tough-willed and strong-minded. Although they don't seem to have any surprises, they often have excellent performance."

The businessman explained with a smile:

"Even if these playful young men have enough physical strength and energy to swim to the shore, but you see, now that some people swim in front of them, these young people will stop the game to catch up and continue to play, so that in a few times, their physical strength will be exhausted. Ha ha, what a bunch of little guys."

The businessman explained this with a smile. However, a guy who was not thoughtful immediately saw a lot from this simple thing. He continued to laugh and play, but he was obviously a little absent-minded.

"Nigra, I'm afraid the origin of the name of the Sky City is not only her magic power, is it?" A young and experienced tourist asked with a smile. The businessman applauded and smiled: "Guests are really good-sighted and thoughtful, and they are bound to make great achievements in the future." The guest repeatedly made modest concessions, and finally, the merchant said to the guest and others, "The name of Negra's Sky City is naturally not only pointing at her magic power, but also can make the city fly. Let me explain more things. How can it be more interesting than what you find by yourself?"


There was laughter on the cruise ship. The so-called flower sedan chair carried people, and the guests were happy. When he was about to reach the shore, the merchant stretched out his hand, and a maid came up with a tray. The merchant uncovered the cloth covering the tray, which contained a pile of neat square pieces of paper.

The merchant held one in his hands and said to the people on the ship, "I'm Marhat, the steward of the Sanza Chamber of Commerce. Our Chamber of Commerce has hotels, restaurants, tour guides, mercenary escorts, and letters in Negra.

"I, Mahalt, still have a slight influence in this city of Nigra. If you have any needs in Negra, you can take my business card and ask for help from our Shanza Chamber of Commerce. We will definitely do our best to satisfy your guests in Nigra!"

After saying that, the maid held the tray in her hands and walked past each guest on the boat, allowing them to take the business card in the tray. Even Coco in Mora's arms was given one.

The businessman also smiled at the little girl Coco, "Cute little girl, Nigra is very big. Don't run around and follow your father!" Mora smiled and thanked him. Sidoma looked pale. At this time, his true father looked like a somewhat bad servant following Mora and Coco.

Merchant also took two steps forward, saluted Mora and said, "Dear guest, please describe my rudeness. There are really a lot of Nigra City. I said, if there is anything missing by a real little girl, oh, please forgive me, I have no disrespect, just a kind reminder, if there is trouble The little girl can take my business card and find any merchant in this city to come to our Shanza Chamber of Commerce for help. We will definitely treat and serve the guests.

Mora smiled and nodded: "Don't be polite, you are also kind. Thank you for your care. I wish the Shanza Chamber of Commerce become an example for the people of the world because of your kindness and wisdom.

Marhat saluted and thanked again, but there was a missing in his eyes that others could not see.

This young man is definitely not the kind of rude people who are ignorant and unbred, but when he talks to himself, he does not accept his courtesy without any psychological obstacles, and even talks to himself. Although he is not the tone of the superior, he feels more right than the superior, as if... ...As if he were a god?! He speaks to himself without any lowness at all, or even out of etiquette between his peers, and he can't see what Mora has done. The way Mora and he talks to him are like - a... what? The businessman was also puzzled.

The businessman was extremely surprised, but he did not look motionless and did not specifically invite Mora. Instead, he normally went elsewhere to continue to communicate with other tourists.

However, the businessman's eyes always glance in the direction of Mora from time to time, and the strange feeling is more and more obvious. This must not be an ordinary person! The businessman said silently in his heart.

On the other side, Sidoma looked at the no one next to Mora, came forward and said seriously to Mora, "I'm Coco's father!" Mora ignored him, and Coco was still curiously looking at the printed watermark business card, watching it flash different handwriting in the sunlight from different angles.

"Hey," Sidoma began to get angry: "I'm Coco's father!"

Mora looked at him: "I know." Then, nothing, Mora continued to look at the seascape and the approaching Nigra, and the huge cheers at the harbor could be heard.

Mora looked at the approaching Negra tourist port and said to Sidoma, "Go and pack your luggage. Don't lose it when you go ashore."

After saying that, he took Coco in the other direction to see the warriors who swam to the end of the sea and were already tired to die, struggling between giving up and not giving up.

Countless people appeared in these places in small boats, and swimmers had special sea channels and were isolated by fishing nets. Where countless boats and sampan appear, cheering for their warriors or * warriors, trying to arouse their fighting spirit with all kinds of excitement to win the last big profit for themselves.

Of course, there were also countless small boats near the cruise ship. The people on the boat shouted, threw leaflets, introduced their business alliances and services, or invited something to introduce their goods. Most of them are professional tour guides. They write big numbers on themselves, which is their daily employment price.

These people shouted all kinds of words, and the scene was very chaotic.

But Mora can see one thing clearly, that is, these people are basically hospitable and enthusiastic. Although they have a strong love for gold coins, they can't see any glory of being money slaves in their eyes.

This is a group of Negra citizens with pursuit, ideals and quality.

This is also Mora's first impression of Negra - a commercial capital without the smell of copper.