
Chapter 101 Negra's hotel gives you the general feeling of your family

Mora glanced at him: "You'd better think about how to live in Nigra in the future. The bard here is much higher than yours."

Sedoma didn't hear the words behind Mora at all, and finally confirmed that her daughter's illness was cured. She was excited and didn't know what her feelings were. She knelt on the ground and cried loudly: "Sally, my daughter's illness is cured..."

A big man knelt and cried at the top of the stairs. The scene was very inconsistent. One day when the cruise ship entered the port and brought countless tourists from far away, the hotels were full of tourists. However, before Sidoma was surrounded, Mora's voice came: "If you want to cry, go back and cry, don't scare Coco here anymore."

Coco looked worriedly at where Siddoma was crying and laughing. She wanted to comfort her and hide in Mora's arms and dared not go out. Sidoma finally picked up her mood and smiled decently and waved to Coco for a long time to show that it was okay. Then Coco happily went out with Mora.

Mora took Coco out to go shopping, and Sidoma also packed up her mood and was ready to go back to the house to think about the future of herself and her daughter. However, something happened that no one expected.

Sidoma followed Mora at the beginning. Because of depression and excitement, he grabbed the bag hard, but inadvertently grabbed a gap and exposed the luggage inside. Originally, there was nothing about those.

However, the childhood sweetheart of Sidoma was married back by the nobles because of that, thus occupying her heirloom. Later, it was also because of that thing that it brought a disaster to the noble family. What Sidoma doesn't know is that Coco's disease is also stimulated by the contact of such things by the power in his blood, but lacks the power of guidance, so he has been sick for so many years.

Originally, the level of the mage was not enough to see these in the place where Sidoma was located, but here, Nigra, a place with the "mage capital", was only a little exposed and had been targeted. After looking at the place where Sidoma lived, the treacherous and tricky people immediately acted.


Nigra's prosperity is beyond the imagination of tourists. Even people who have lived in this city for decades dare not say how much they know about this "pearl of the earth".

Every urban area, every street, every store. Every statue, even an inconspicuous scratch on the wall, or an inexplicable word, may contain countless stories of joys and sorrows.

Mora walked on the street where the hotel was located with Coco in his arms. It had been a long time, but he still didn't go out. It's not that there are so many people, but there are countless things to watch and enjoy on this street:

A century-old small shop selling exquisite toys, souvenirs and accessories; the unique snack skills of several lifetime craftsmen in the corner of the roadside; the small means of juggling artists that have remained unchanged for a hundred years but have never been cracked; the "old man" who has guided the history of this street for tourists for decades, a little In the slightly wide-mouthed venue, a group of children are imitating war or arena scenes. Their parents and grandfathers have played here. When they grow up, their descendants will also continue their games here...

This is just a street in Nigra. Nigra has more than a dozen large areas, each with dozens of districts and dozens of streets in each area. In addition, there are many special administrative districts such as the Royal Special Zone, the Mage Domain, the Commercial Union District, the Mercenary Federation and so on.

Every place is so unique, and every street is an endless story. This is, Nigra.


Although he has been walking around, Mora and Coco have not gone too far since he left the door. There is still a long way from the end of this street, and Mora and Coco have been walking for about a half sand (an hour and a half). The prosperity and grandeur of Nigra is a corner that has just been shown.

Mora is about to walk into a watch store that is said to have a history of more than 200 years. The storefront of this watch store is an old clock. It is said that it was placed here on the day the store was built. Until now, it is still turning steadily, and the error is not very big.

However, just as Mora and Coco were about to enter, Mora suddenly stopped.

Although the street has been noisy and lively, the sound came into his ears extremely clearly, as if other sounds had disappeared. Mora looked in the direction of the sound, which was the other side of the street. A team of Nigra's city management was walking aggressively to the hotel where Mora lived, led by two people dressed as mage apprentices. Well, you're right, that's the urban management. The city guards won't care about this kind of thing. As for why it is called urban management, well, this is easy for you to understand.)

Mora's mind moved slightly, and some vague pictures appeared in his mind.

Is this a prophet's prophecy? Mora said silently in his heart. He is very clear about the function of the prophet. However, he doesn't know the specific process, because when the prophet's prophecy is recorded in the classics, there are often only two situations: one is the instructions of the gods - this situation is widespread, not only the profession of prophets, but also the priests are occasionally instructed to guide; the other is the prophet's exclusive way of prophecy is - "moving .

Most of the original words of the classics are: "The prophet was moved and opened his mouth to prophesy: '...'" or: "The prophet was touched to speak: '..." Mora thought silently. The picture in my heart is not very clear. Of course, this is because Mora did not use divine power to support him.

It seems to have something to do with Sidoma. Mora did not use his magic power, but pulled Coco back.

"Uncle Mora, what's wrong?" Coco asked unfinishedly. Mora smiled and said, "There may be some trouble. Don't talk. I'll solve it."

Trouble? Coco's eyes widened with fear and looked around to see where there was trouble. However, it seems to have been very lively, and there are no thieves or robbers. At most, more than a dozen guests and bosses are blushing about the price of goods. Coco wanted to ask Mora, but she remembered that Mora said not to talk, so she had to be curious about what Mora was going to do.

The boss of Mora is talking to the city management at the door. It seems that he is very dissatisfied with these people's coming to disturb his business. A store with a history of decades and generations in Nigra, even if it is an ordinary family at first, after so many years, it has a lot of connections and * and strength.

The store owner was angry with the rude demands of the city management and searched his guests? That will not only affect your current business, but even you will not be able to raise your head in the future.

For hotel owners in Nigra, their store is not only a place to make money from business, but also a small station for the families of wandering guests. They try to make every guest feel like they are living here, as if they were at home.

In hotels in Nigra, it never happens that guests are kicked out because they don't have rent. Most bosses will agree to the guests on credit, and if the guests are really difficult to pay back, the boss does not do anything to drive them away, but still keeps the guests to help them work in the store to offset their room expenses.

If there are no more jobs in the store, the bosses will be very enthusiastic about looking for jobs in Nigra for these embarrassed guests. As for the sick guests in the hotel in Negra, you can rest assured that the boss will never throw you out because of your illness. Each boss tries to build his own hotel, so they will seize the opportunity to take care of their guests like family.

It is said that the hotel owners in Nigra have been blessed by many gods of the righteous camp because of their good behavior and tradition. As for the gods of the evil camp, they will naturally not bless, but they have never heard of the gods of the evil camp having an accident in the Nigra Hotel. This seems to be a forbidden area.

Of course, the tradition of this hotel also has an extremely beautiful and grand story that can be made into a movie. It is a story hundreds of years ago. The protagonist of the story is the ancestor of the largest hotel owner in Negra today. Every guest who has lived there will regard the hotel as his home in Negra.

In those hundreds of years, this hotel has faced various troubles and dangers many times, but its successor has always adhered to the practice of making guests feel the warmth of home. Hundreds of years have passed, many small and medium-sized countries have disappeared, but this hotel still stands in Negra, smiling and receiving guests. Everyone who comes.

Everyone who has lived in this hotel says that they are the boss's family. Whenever the hotel encounters trouble or difficulties, countless people who know the news will come out to help it. Hundreds of years have passed, and now no one knows how many family members it has.

It's just one thing that people know - many royals, great nobles, great nobles, great warriors and other extremely noble people come here every year to commemorate the history and story of the hotel with the hotel owner.

No one promoted this story, and no one took the initiative to do anything. However, in recent hundreds of years, every owner who has opened a hotel in Nigra will regard that hotel as his role model and strive to make his hotel a "home" for every guest.

So, when he heard that these city managements were coming to check their guests, the boss immediately confronted the captain of the team of urban management. If a boss lets guests who stay in his hotel be randomly disturbed and checked, he will definitely be abandoned by his peers.

Ps: Originally, I wrote about a conflict, but when I wrote it, I suddenly found that it was written as a hotel biography?! Ha ha, let's go to the next chapter of the conflict. As for this chapter, hey, just take it as a memorial to the Nigra Hotel that will never appear in the world, sad...

I almost forgot that I need to collect tickets!