
Chapter 104 Cold water thoroughly

ps: It's so cold, asking for tickets for my poor frozen purple fingers..................

"You!!!" Solan Feng didn't expect that the captain would dare to disobey his intentions (at this time, he was already brainbroken and regarded himself as a famous figure. At the same time, he had a great attack of inferiority, and he regarded it as disrespectful to himself at all). "How dare you dare to talk to me like this? Wait for me!" City Guard, when those people come, once you see something, do you still have good fruit to eat?

Simply, they don't do anything. Anyway, their behavior has violated the Code of Mage. If they make a big deal, they will be expelled from the teacher. They will solve it simply. Maybe when they feel that they have done something wrong, they are already a mage!

Thinking of this, thinking of my inability and depression over the years, and looking at the eyes of people around me, Solan Feng broke out and roared at the captain, "Just wait for my teacher's anger!" Until this time, he was still a little rational, knowing that he could not control the scene alone, and immediately reported his teacher's name.

Other people were at a loss when they saw him like this. The mage has always been a gentle or gloomy thinker image, and even the mage who studies fire elements is just cheerful and does not look irritable and hot. A mage is a brain-working profession. A grumpy guy won't achieve anything about it.

But Solan Feng completely broke this common sense. If he hadn't applied a low-level spell and was wearing the robe of a mage apprentice at this time, others would almost think that he was a mercenary warrior who owed money to gambling.

Solan Feng yelled at the urban management captain, took a step forward to push away the hotel owner, and then reached out to catch Sidoma. Unexpectedly, he was going to rob him!

No one thought that he would do it directly. This is not the mage's way at all. Is it a warrior pretending? Just when the city manager and hotel owner didn't know whether to stop or not, a stick gently knocked on the ground.


A gentle knock, but it seems to knock in everyone's hearts,


My heart was shocked, as if I had been knocked on a lot of doors, saw a lot of scenery that I ignored, and seemed to break a lot of depressed feelings and worries, making myself suddenly clear and clear!

A very ordinary staff seems to be a shepherd from distant nomads, which seems to have traces of soil and the fragrance of grass. But the person who saw this stick felt that a king was looking at his subjects with a scepter! Everyone can't help but feel a feeling that they dare not look directly.

This feeling is coming and disappearing quickly. But at this moment, all the noise calmed down.

Everyone looked up at the staff, huh? What about the stick? There was only one young man in gray, holding a little girl standing there.

The teenager's inner robe is made of snow-white fine linen, which is plain and neat. The gray robe outside is two simple coats sewn with coarse linen. Although it is simple, it has a noble and simple temperament. The teenager's feet are a strange pair of knee-length boots. It seems to be grass products, but no one wants to believe that grass products boots will be the choice of tourists.

There is no decoration on the teenager, except for a black ring on his finger. The long hair is slightly arranged on the back, which is just as long as the shoulder. The face is beautiful, and the eyes are like lightning, just like a man. He is strong and has no exaggerated muscles, but there is no excess. His arms and legs are well-proportioned. Even if he is not a warrior, he is a quite energetic child.

What a beautiful teenager. Many onlookers sighed in their hearts, and then looked at the teenager's appearance and remembered the suddenly disappearing staff and the power brought by the staff. They couldn't help guessing in their hearts. Is this also a mage?

How young! So doable! So beautiful! The nymphomaniac girl and the dull aunt stared at Mora's heart.

"Who are you?" Sora Feng's face was extremely embarrassed. Compared with others, he knew better the power and explanation brought by the mysterious disappearance of the walking stick just now. My already confused mind suddenly shook, and I suddenly thought of more problems that I hadn't noticed. If you really grab the treasure, I'm afraid that the consequences will not be as easy as you think. It is more likely that you will not only have no more access to the world of mages, but also be imprisoned and punished.

Especially once what he has to do is exposed, it is not only *, fraud, but also an act that corrupts the good reputation of the Great City of Negra. The first few are already very bad. As for the latter one, I'm afraid that the lord of the city will personally come forward to try himself. Thinking of that consequence, Solan Feng couldn't help but be afraid for a while.

However, his desire for power in his heart has become greater. If he is already a mage, how can there be these troublesome things? As long as he shows his will, someone will happily send it to him. In fact, Solan Feng became more and more eager to get such a treasure to help him become a mage.

However, the person in front of him is the biggest difficulty. Solan Feng can't feel the depth of this person at all. This situation only shows two possibilities. One is that this person is a mage more powerful than his own teacher, but he is too young, right? Nigra's mage quality is not comparable to that of mages in other places. Even Solan Feng, an apprentice, can be sure that Mora is not the kind of strange old man who pretends to be young, but a real young man;

Second, this person is a warlock! Warlocks are one of the mages, but they are completely different from mages. In fact, even the warlocks themselves may not be able to tell what their existence is. Warlocks who can explain their positioning are all at the level of power. However, everyone's answer is different, just like every mage apprentice has a different way to become a mage.

But one thing can show that the warlock, in the eyes of the world, the strangeness and horror of the mage is actually caused most of the time by mistaking the warlock as a mage. From this, it can be seen that the warlock's?? Powerful? Weird? Magical?

Because the warlock is also a mutant of the mage after all, no one came out to clarify this fact, so in the eyes of the world, the mage is very powerful, very strange, magical, and can't be offended!

This is Solan Feng's speculation about Mora's identity. Unfortunately, neither of them is what he is willing to accept. The former is too strong to make himself overwhelmed, while the latter is too scary. He is worried that he will be treated by the other party for a wrong word, and he doesn't know it yet. Then don't be too sad.

"Who are you?" Although Solan Feng's mouth is still a little hard, he is ready to withdraw. After Mora knocked on the ground, the distracting thoughts in his heart were also cleared a lot. Although it did not fundamentally solve his bad problems, it also made his brain stop at this time.

He has figured out that after withdrawing by himself, he will never come to this street again. Anyway, Nigra is big enough that many people have never visited Nigra all their lives. Moreover, he may already be a mage when he comes back next time. Why should he be entangled for a while?

Solan Feng has begun to prepare to find a step away. It's just that things didn't go as smoothly as he thought.

Mora asked quietly, "Who are you and why did you disturb us?"

His words were very calm, but it was extremely stressful to fall in Solan's ears. First of all, Mora is a demigod. Even if he doesn't deliberately do that, he naturally speaks with authority and strength, which is the so-called way to speak. Second, Solan Feng knew more about Mora's strength and horror than anyone else, so when he saw that Mora seemed to have to study carefully, he suddenly began to expand his pores and was ready to sweat.

"I'm Solan Feng, a student of the mage Lord Ganliuha. I suspect that your companion may have found a magic achievement lost by my teacher." Solan Fengqiang calmed down.

"I didn't!" When Sidoma saw Mora coming back, she finally had some confidence and courage. "We just arrived in Nigra today, and we haven't had two hourglasss yet!" Everyone looked at him together, and several owners who also ran the hotel looked at the owner of the hotel. The slightly fat bald boss nodded and said, "This guest did just come to stay with me. When they came, they still smelled of seawater!"

"Hahaha..." Others laughed when they heard it. Only Solan Feng's face was gloomy and impatient, but he did not dare to attack at all. Who knew what this young man who couldn't see the depth would do?

"Maybe I made a mistake." Solan Feng looked at Mora's calm face, and the pressure in his heart was getting greater and he just wanted to leave immediately. However, when he said this, it exposed his inner weakness. Which of the bosses and the urban management team present was not human, and it was obvious at a glance that Solan Feng's words were untrue.

Of course, it can also be said that he is afraid of Mora, but this is in Nigra. No matter how enthusiastic Nigra is, he will not help outsiders bully his own people rationally. Therefore, Solan Feng's performance can only show that he has a ghost in his heart. Look at the clothes of the mage apprentice on his body, and then look at what is still shining on Sidoma. Even if these people don't know magic, they have vaguely guessed the truth.

However, Solan Feng was extremely entangled in his heart. At this time, he wanted to walk away, but when he saw the shining treasure, he almost couldn't wait to rush to take him away immediately. By this time, it will definitely move countless mages. Now he even suddenly came up with an idea, whether to find a mage to do it after leaving here and grab it. Even if you can't get it in the end, at least you have such a friendship that you can let the mage help you become a mage, or give yourself a lot of materials and money to study spells.

No one knows these thoughts, but Mora looked at the faint light in the mage's eyes and suddenly realized that this person was still deceitful. So he stretched out his hand to Sidoma and said, "B bring that thing."

Sidoma was stunned and understood for a long time that Mora wanted to take out the treasure by himself. After a moment, Sidoma had to pull a rope from her clothes and took a lot of effort to take it out.

Looking at him like this, others know that he is such a precious thing as himself. Everyone will have such a personal thing.

At this time, many people have believed that this is indeed not what Solan Feng said, but the research results of the mage Ganliuha. Because no thief will save his stolen goods like this, only the lover's gift and mother's miss will be treasured like this.