
Chapter 117 Academy Mage

Ganliuha ran away with his new apprentice Coco, but the whole Negra Mage Academy went from inside to outside.

Many mage apprentices and magic teachers in the college have suffered a reckless disaster. Many mage apprentices were gathered together to study magic problems. As a result, they only felt a cold wind blowing. Before they could look up, they were overwhelmed by the cold snowflakes.

This is not ordinary ice and snow. In addition to the characteristics of extremely low temperature, it also carries the mage's anger - spells can affect people's emotions, and in turn, recognized emotions can also affect spells. Although the female mage Shesina is far from moving and changing the color of heaven and earth, she can still contain her feelings and will in her spells.

No one can imagine how much Susina's hatred for the gods, but the moment the snowflakes fell on her skin, it was cold to the bone, frozen like a needle, and pierced into the depths of her soul in an instant.

The sound of snowflakes stopped for a moment, and then the whole Negra Mage College was heard a crying sound of wolves. Fortunately, these students who entered the Negra Mage College are wearing standard mage suits. The protective ability of the mage robe is still excellent, but the arms and legs exposed outside are not so comfortable.

Senior students are fine. Both suit and reaction speed are the best choice. In the blink of an eye, they clear a safe area around their bodies. The junior students cried in a hurry and struggled in the snow, completely forgetting the fact that they were still a mage. There are also some guys who usually practice spells well, but their mental quality is not strong. At this time, they sprayed spells everywhere. The damage to these people is nothing more than frostbite, but several random spells have created several speechless bleeding incidents.

As for the teachers of the college, they are actually not much better than their students, and they are also embarrassed in the face of this sudden snowstorm. It's not that they are not very good at it, but that although these mages are powerful, knowledgeable and intelligent, they belong to the "academary mage", and the opposite of them are "lone mage"

These two factions are not just the moles between mages, but are determined by the way mages grow up. The so-called college mage refers to a person who studies with a master from an early age, and then enters the college to study or studies with a certain mage and concentrates on the mystery of magic. The mage who grows up in this way is characterized by rich wisdom, theoretical system, comprehensive magic knowledge and can handle most affairs. Their path as a mage may not be too fast, but it is a steady progress. The future is clear, and there will inevitably be great achievements.

However, the shortcomings are also very clear. This kind of mage, which is similar to greenhouse growth, lacks a kind of experience and talent in fighting with people, such as life and death, victory or defeat, and has a huge mana but cannot fully exert their due power. In the face of various unexpected events, if there is enough time, these mages can naturally analyze and study, and then take the most correct method to solve them, and that method is still the most perfect.

However, since it is a so-called emergency, it means that there is no time to think and prepare. Only by taking the fastest decision based on instinctive reactions is the key to life-saving, and this instinct is the most lacking of "acadet mage". They have strong wisdom and rich knowledge to solve most problems, but time is their shortcoming.

There is a joke saying: "Give a 'academ school mage' mage apprentice for a year, and he can defeat a big mage!" This is not a boast, but a year has passed, and before the apprentice can do it, the great mage has already destroyed him into the purest element.

Now the scene in the college is the true portrayal of these "academary mages". As long as each of them has enough time to prepare, destroying the city and destroying the country is not a problem at all. Moreover, regardless of their magic power, just talking about their wisdom and knowledge, many of them can become active " spell libraries"!

Everyone can be called a "master" in their own spell range. As long as the ice and snow female mage Shesina is given another few decades, she is the spell library of the ice and snow series. Any ice and snow spells and theories will be the simplest theory for her. Of course, if she can be promoted to the Dharma God, at that time, even some of the small laws of the ice and snow department can be changed at will! At that time, any theory will be determined by her, not studied.

However, that is all built on a lot of time. At this time, in the face of the sudden spell attack, many mages are immersed in their own spell research and have no awareness of the dangers of the outside world! Several mages sitting there thinking deeply about a spell problem were not even affected, and they didn't even react when they were buried by snowflakes.

There are still several realms that are enough, but the mage who is still at a subtle peak was affected by this sudden spell and suffered a lot of damage! According to post-statistics, in this accident, the mages received far more injuries than the mage apprentices! Many mages were pulled out of the snow and didn't know what was going on! - They were immersed in their own world and did not find themselves buried by the snow at all! If it hadn't been for the mages in these colleges, each of them had their own apprentices, and these apprentices would have known that they would have found their own teachers. I'm afraid that the next day there would have been the news that a certain mage was buried alive.

And another growth model of mage - "lone mage", this kind of mage is often forced to embark on the road of mage because of lack of talent and no teacher's guidance; or a young man in a faraway area inadvertently gets a mage's note and explores the road of mage by himself; of course, except The mage's handbook may also become a mage by relying on some strange spell treasure or eating something strange.

The characteristics of this kind of mage are also very clear. They lack a mentor with enough knowledge of mage. The mage's growth path is completely based on their own exploration. Most people's lifelong achievements stop at the mage's realm. Many people do not even touch the threshold of the mage until they die. It is just a tragic mage apprentice (Kong Yi Ji Na Xiucai, but the combat effectiveness of these mage apprentices is very strong.

Even if they embark on the road of mage, these people who explore by themselves are not normal mage means when they enter the door of mage, so it is difficult to find another mage to communicate with them and promote together. Therefore, such mages are often extremely difficult to achieve.

However, despite this, these mages can still be tied with "academary mages" and are called "lone mages" because of their combat effectiveness, which really gives full play to the threat and power of the profession of mage!

In the "lone mage", even a mage apprentice can often defeat an ordinary "academary mage"! This is not to say how talented they are, but the only way for these mages to test their learning effect is to fight from exposure to mage knowledge! Such a mage, from the beginning of being able to issue spells, joined some mercenaries or armies and constantly hone their mage skills. Over time, releasing spells is as natural as eating and drinking water for them. As long as it is not the kind of spell that needs to be assisted by spell materials, some diligent people can even achieve the superb casting realm of "heartbeat, magic"!

In fact, the power of mages circulating among ordinary people are often the actions of "lone mages", because the academies rarely go out. Most of them are basically studying knowledge in the mage tower or college, except for the necessary tours. Only the "lone mages" are constantly wandering and need to find Advanced opportunities and means of training.

If this snowstorm occurs in the middle of the "lone mage", I'm afraid that the ice and snow female mage Shesina has not yet begun to take action, the cold breath that has appeared in the air is enough to make most "lone mage" vigilant.

However, "academic mages" often have to observe their environment first, and then analyze what spells are better currently used. Some rigid mages even consider how to deal with subsequent spells. At that time, if there are no warriors in front of them, I'm afraid...

But in the same way, if an "academary mage" has begun casting spells, it means that everything is basically over. The mage who released the spell is a god" - this sentence is used to describe the academic mage. Once they take action, the overall situation is basically determined, unless the opposite side is also academic.

The college is in a mess, and the outside is also very chaotic. However, due to the magic isolation effect attached to the school gate and wall of Negra Mage College, the horrible snowflakes turned into gentle winter snow when they fell outside! - The most incredible snow this summer!

Of course, no one will doubt whether there is any great grievance or something. In this era when people with various abilities are rampant and even gods often walk around the world, the summer snow is just a kind-hearted mage's good-hearted cooling measure.

"Why doesn't it snow at noon? It was really hot at that time!"

"Probably, the casting effect did not last long at that time. Although it is also hot now, the snowflakes can be retained for much longer, and you can sleep well at night!"

"Where, you don't understand this. In fact, it involves the extremely complex natural principle of cooling, rainfall and snowfall. Let me tell you, this snowfall, first..., then..., so... finally... in short, that's it. Do you understand?" Proud.

Shaking his head collectively, "I don't understand!"

"How come?! - This is a mage knowledge citizen popularization book!"

"That's because you memorized it wrong. You memorized the paragraph of page 75 and the paragraph of page 77..."



Ps: Today's finally written, haha, I really didn't stop the update... Is there a red ticket?