
Chapter 132 Embark on the Divine Road

A long breath, and a faint trace of blood slowly drifted away in the room. Outside the window is already sunset, and there are few afterglows. The unique hustle and bustle belonging to Nigra came in through the window, adding some popularity to the room, and was no longer such a horrible silence.

Mora's face is still a little pale, but this has nothing to do with the injury. He got up and walked to the window and looked at the "human civilization" belonging to Nigra. Mora's expression was extremely complicated.

Looking up at the gray sky, the last red shadow of the sunset has faded into almost invisible eyes and faces. Many clouds spread thousands of miles in the sky, flowing slowly with the laminar wind in the vast sky. In many myths and legends, it was the car of the messengers of God, walking in the sky, monitoring the justice of the world. With evil.

Mora thought about such a legend, but couldn't help sneering. I'm afraid there is only supervision, not good and evil.

At least, within a thousand years, when the name of God the Father no longer spreads on the ground, even if these messengers of the sky exist, they still carry the secret life of invisible light. The divine power* in his body is for this reason. For those extremely high-end gods, if someone misses something he cares about, then this missing will be reflected in the world of the gods after a few breaths, and then they will be known by the gods.

This is also a common means for most gods to respond to their believers and know things related to them. Otherwise, how can you fully know the thoughts and thoughts of no believers? Of course, these are limited in scope, and each god is an absolute controller within the scope of his own divine power.

Unless there is another god in this area, even if it is not a believer of this god, as long as you talk about things related to this god more than a certain number and time in your heart, you will also be known by this god.

Every god has its own territory, which is why many people always laugh and say, "This is not the place where your god works. You won't have more power bonuses other than yourself." Wait, that's why.

The only exception is the Father who created this heaven and earth. Because everything in this world is evolved from his divine power, only his divine power can cover the whole world and explore and control all affairs. Because every trace of divine power can arouse the resonance of heaven and earth and constantly increase and expand, while the power of other gods is weakened.

However, it seems that since the completion of the creation of heaven and earth, the supreme divine power has not appeared in this world, including the battle of gods in ancient times. It's just that I have been observing and thinking silently. No one knows the thoughts and thoughts of God the Father, and no god can determine the power and depth of God the Father.

So in the battle of the gods, the craziest gods did not test the father, because once it fails, it means that everything will be empty - the destruction of the creator is more complete than the natural destruction of heaven and earth, and even the memories of the gods will be silently modified, and no god is willing to destroy like that.

Because even if the battle with other gods will disappear from time and space, including memory, the memory of gods was not so easy to modify for human beings at that time. Therefore, the memory of this means that there is evidence of the existence of the fallen man. Because of this evidence, he may one day appear in the world again. Although such hope is slim, it is better than nothing.

He thought about the legends and stories of these gods, but Mora did not think about him, because thinking about these things will be detected by the gods who set these laws. If it's someone else, it's okay, but I'm afraid that many things that he is not happy with will happen to him as the successor of his supreme power. On the body.

Gently stroked the "Pearl of the World" on the ring finger of her right hand, and Mora took a last look at the dark clouds in the sky - "Well, when I rise to the throne, I will come to you..."

Mora took out a costume that looked more like a mage from the warehouse of the "Pearl of the World" and put on this long-hanging oblique waist pearl, embroidered with simple but mysterious color lines on his chest. This look is very similar to those mages, but it just lacks a mage badge.

However, Mora doesn't care much about that kind of thing, and other mages don't care too much. For those who are not familiar with the world of mages, a badge may have great significance and honor, but for mages, only everything is the most critical, so as it is reflected from He is the owner with high wisdom and rich experience, and every mage will regard that person as his best "friend".

Looking at the teenager in a mage robe in the mirror in the room, Mora curled the corners of his mouth. In fact, he wanted to be a warrior directly, because his body and strength, including blood, were all the most perfect among warriors.

However, considering the days of the warriors' close life and death, Mora still chose to become a mage after comparing the mage's research life. Moreover, it seems that the mage eventually became a god more than those warriors.

"Let's start tonight!" Mora curled up her fist, highlighted the ring-shaped "Pearl of the World", tapped the palm of her left hand, and then walked out. Just walking to the top of the stairs, Mora met Sidoma, a guy who has been immersed in poetry creation recently.

Seeing Mora who had changed her clothes, Sidoma, who was overworked and had blurred eyes, had not recognized it for a while. It was not until she walked in that she could see that it was Mora. After a moment of hesitation, Sidoma still opened his mouth. Although he was reluctant, every time he faced this mysterious young man, he had an awkward impulse to go crazy, but his daughter was very pestering this person. Moreover, if it weren't for him, he and his daughter would not know what would happen now.

"Well, Mora, how is Coco recently?" Sidoma still opened his mouth, but he always felt that something was really wrong. He felt that he didn't know where to put it in his hands, just like a cup who looked at the other party but had to accept the other party's funding.

Mora looked at this wandering, yellow and thin downtrod bard, and an idea suddenly flashed in his heart: "Although such a person lives a hard life, he will never come into contact with those things that are difficult wisdom that are not enough to understand. Is it a kind of happiness or misfortune. ?"

There is thinking in her heart, but Mora's mouth is not affected: "Coco is very good. She has recently learned the knowledge of spells with Ganliuha, and she has made rapid progress, and it can be seen that she likes those things that look magical. I believe that she will be an excellent mage in the future.

Sedoma nod at the corners of his mouth, and finally bowed his head helplessly and awkwardly and said, "Thank you!"

Mora walked down the stairs, ready to eat something, and then began to prepare for his future path. Sidoma followed him, full of awkward feelings, but there was nothing he could do.

Everything is bad is your fault. Even if you want to get angry, you don't know who to go to. And he doesn't want to lose his temper like a madman, which is unreasonable. That's not the right you can have, and it's quite unreasonable that you need qualifications. Otherwise, even the clown will be more dignified than that man.

A father who remembers everything about his daughter is unwilling to be ashamed when his daughter mentions himself in the future. A person who cares the most is often the least likely to make mistakes.

"I hope it will succeed this time! No! I will succeed! As long as I can succeed this time, everything in life will no longer be difficult in the future, and I must succeed. At that time, both fame and fortune will not be an excuse for others to despise me!" Sidoma shouted in her heart, and then couldn't help fantasizing about her success.

Mora, who sat in her seat waiting for the waiter to deliver dinner, was surprised to see Sidoma standing at the corner of the stairs. Suddenly, she was ferocious and angry, and then showed incomparable joy and excitement. Mora was very surprised, and then saw Sidoma stretched out and rushed forward...

Mora withdrew his eyes and did not look at the suddenly crazy Sidoma. He began to clean up his dinner and listened carefully to the conversation of the nearby passengers to see if there was anything worth paying attention to.

I have to say that the romantic existence of poets, whether depressed or noble, is a fantasy genius. Sidoma looked at the charming beauty holding a tray of gemstones, gold and silver certificates in her hand and wanted to come by herself, and suddenly couldn't jump over excitedly...

When people were in mid-air, Sidoma suddenly woke up, and then saw the stairs under the stairs getting closer and closer to her face. "Oh, my God!————"

With a tragic howl, Sidoma fell down, "Uh--ah!--" After a long breath, Sidoma barely got up.

The people in the store looked at the middle-aged man who suddenly jumped in the air with a strange smile and then screamed and fell to the ground. For a moment, no one made a sound.

No one knows what happened, and no one even laughed out loud. Because suddenly a person jumped down the stairs strangely, and there was no one next to him.

This thing is really weird. Is there a mage pranking among them? The people who ate suddenly fell silent. Then he quietly looked around to see if there were any people dressed as mages, so these people saw Mora.

"Ah! Dad, what's wrong with you? A little girl suddenly appeared and ran over and picked up Sidoma, who fell to the ground.