
Chapter 135 "Let there be light!"

When the sun projected the first ray of brightness into the room, Coco opened her eyes.

Looking at the spider on the ceiling, Coco suddenly remembered what Gan Liuha's slightly bad old mage said: "A person's life will eat about 15 spiders and more than 20 other reptiles in their sleep."

Coco's face turned pale, covered her mouth in horror, and said with an evil smile, "So, now you know how troublesome it will be if a person's mouth is not important."

After saying that, Gan Liuha took back his own items that were turned out by Coco and he was not ashamed of the evidence.

Bad old man! But he muttered in his heart, and then quietly turned his head to look at Mora, who was still sleeping. What's the scenery like with your eyes closed?

Calm, peaceful and soft, this is him. Coco slowly poked out half of her body, approached Mora's face, and then kissed her, the one she had wanted for a long time.

"I don't know how many kisses a person will receive in his sleep in his life?" Coco suddenly thought of it.

It's fierce, powerful and desperate until it's about to suffocate.

The eyes are opposite each other and speechless, but there is a strange feeling flowing.

There is water light and morning light, and the voices outside the window are gradually getting louder.

"How do you know I'm leaving?" Mora pressed the girl's head on her chest and let her listen to her heartbeat.

My heart beats a little faster than before, and he has me in his heart. Coco replied in a muffled voice, "You are my feeling."


"Dud!--" The sound of knocking on the door suddenly sounded, "Coco! Coco! Are you there?"

It's Sidoma outside the door.

Coco did not move, and Mora did not move, as if it was just an unrelated passer-by. After knocking for a long time, he found that no one in the room paid attention to him. Sidoma guessed that Coco would probably go to Ganliuha to learn mage knowledge after getting up in the morning. Then he walked away with a complicated feeling.

"Will you come back again?" The little hand grasped his arm tightly, as if to rub it into his arms.

Looking at those tearful eyes, the morning light also looks dim.

"Use eternal time to find it."

Mo stretched his hand on the eleven beads on Coco's neck, and the supreme power of his whole body poured in like a flood. The eleven beads emitted a deep and mysterious light and turned into eleven horrible whirlpools. Mora pulled back another hand held in Coco's arms and opened a mask with five fingers, and all the power fluctuations and pressure were blocked.

Eleven whirlpools condensed into a ball under the compression of the supreme power. Mora roared in a low voice and grasped his fingers hard. Eleven whirlpools seemed to be howling, but in front of the supreme power, the huge rank gap and the natural instinctive gap made them turn into a mass of the birth of the universe in a moment without choice. Fog-like substance.

"Open the clothes." Mora's words made the little girl stunned for a long time, and then blushed and opened the straps on her skirt.

There is not much difference between girls and boys at the age of *, but their skin is whiter and tenderer. However, the precocious cocoa took some attractive crimson because of shyness at this time. However, it is still an absolute tablet.

Mora put his hands together, and the "cloud" suddenly turned into a silk-thin dress and gradually fell into Coco's body. The huge ability did not cause any damage to the girl's body under the control of Mora, but the body instinctively sensed the terrible power enough to destroy several countries, it couldn't help trembling.

Finally, this "clothing" was put on.

"Imagine what a dress looks like with your heart." Mora hinted.

Coco felt that the terrible power in her body turned into an indestructible armor to protect herself. After listening to Mora's transformation, her eyes quietly turned, and then a female fighter's armor appeared in front of Mora.

There are also a large number of female warriors in this world, but obviously the one Coco saw is a slave female fighter, because this dress looks like a female fighter, but the protrusion and concave of the key parts is definitely the maximum ** art of all sentient beings. The little girl's repair immediately showed her point of belonging to the woman perfectly, although there was actually nothing underneath.

The immature body is equipped with a ** figure, and there is an affectionate gaze in the innocent and pure face, which is enough to break the hardest part of any hard-hearted person.

Unfortunately, since the moment he embarked on the divine road, he can no longer fully consider it with human thinking.

"I have prepared so much for you. This is your opportunity to prove it with eternal time."

Coco's tears flowed down, but the corners of his mouth tried to bring out a smile:

"I'm the sunshine of the day, illuminating every piece of land you walk... You miss me."


Coco left, leaving sad tears, shattered into jade crumbs in the morning light.

Mora looked at the girl's figure turning into a distant light and shadow in the bright morning, but there was a smiling expression on her face: "Separation, just to meet more happily, you will smile beautifully in the future."

Silently precipitated this short but beautiful memory in his heart, Mora's divine power began to condense in his body, preparing for his final preparations before the trip.

The pearl of the world turned into a fog shadow, melting in the palm of Mora's hand, perhaps in the body, maybe outside the body, or in another world. No one can tell, even Mora himself can hardly be sure of this feeling - a world has been formed, that is his world, the world with him as the supreme.

But it is impossible to determine what kind of existence the world is, a chaos.

"Since I inherited you, then I am the same as you. However, although you are supreme, you are not completely mastered. I don't know if you will regret this kind of behavior? I said these thoughts to the existence that has lost contact in my heart.

There is no Unicom and no response, but vaguely, Mora always feels that he will know what he is thinking, which is a strange feeling, and Mora believes this feeling. However, there is still no response.

The mind is immersed in this world that completely belongs to himself, and Mora first went through all the existence of this world in his heart. Most of the main elements that formed the world were taken when the underwater world was almost destroyed. Other elements are also available, but some of them are inhaled little by little every day, which also means that they are rich in species and insufficient in quantity.

constitutes the most elements of water, the least land, and they all belong to the seabed land. As for the existence of creatures and before birth, there is only one mermaid bodyguard - Xiaomei. Mora's current ability can cure her, but he has not yet prepared for her to belong to the environment of the sea world, so Mora still did not unblock her and still placed her in "frozen time".

In addition to these, there are also a large number of supreme powers that have continuously evolved countless laws in this world. Some of these laws are the same as the laws of the main world, and some are spontaneous evolution. Those laws that have not been chosen by the supreme have evolved here, waiting for Mora to be selected and used.

After reading everything in her heart, Mora began the work she created. Everything is done as the supreme of the main world, but it has been simplified a lot.

The idea focuses on the supreme power of those scattered evolutionary laws, Mora said:

"Have light."

The sound echoed in the whole world and turned into bursts of torrents, and every divine power began to evolve laws and laws related to light.

Light is not only shining, but also countless representatives and meanings such as heat, sports, fire, change, progress, hope, enthusiasm, light, justice, etc. He leads to countless meanings, stories and related laws. Although Mora had come into contact with some experience of creating the world in the Kingdom of God a long time ago, he found that the work of creating the world was still much more difficult than he imagined.

The supreme power fills the whole world, constantly evolving the laws related to light and him, and then Mora chooses what he wants to use from these laws, puts them out, and places them in the world to form the main structure that constitutes the world.

The speed of light means a certain limit of power in the world. Beyond that limit, it will enter another realm, a realm close to the gods. Therefore, if Mora doesn't want to make it too easy for gods to appear in his world, it's better to turn up the speed of light.

On this point, Mora has already known that he may face all the gods in the whole main world in the future. Whether it is justice or evil, in the face of that situation, all thinking cannot be according to normal ideas. Maybe he is really weaker, but what he has to do is not Without the help of any gods, it doesn't help at all for that huge horror situation with almost a number of stars.

So Mora adjusted the speed of light, which is half faster than that in the main world. This also means that the structure of the world will be extremely stable, and it is difficult for some elements to be restless.

Even if there are some capable people in the future, it is difficult for them to compare their use of elemental power and law power with the main world, because in the world set by Mora, if you want toss a mage apprentice, you can toss out the fireball without mana, at least the mage's ability, which means that this means here In a world, every mage who can succeed naturally will be an incredible genius in the main world.

In addition to the speed of light affecting the structure of the world, the energy content of light is also an important element. High energy naturally means that the requirements for stimulating a certain opportunity are low. It also means the energy of the world.

In a world with sufficient energy, there will naturally be countless wisdom. High-class and high-energy creatures are easy to be born, and such creatures are also easier to contact those wonderful things. Mora's heart moved. Although his world does not need to appear as many gods as the main world, it appears Some capable and capable creatures have nothing but can help the stability of their own world. So Mora raised the energy content of light, and a beam of light will have the effect of two beams of light in the main world.

Ps: After returning home, there was no Internet. After writing, I ran to the Internet cafe and tragically found us·b (w! S·b is forbidden) The ports are all locked in the host and can't be used. Wipe them, and then run to relatives' houses. After tossing for a long time, they finally got it up. By the way, they also ate someone's midnight snack, roared... Will I talk everywhere? Give me some red tickets............